Thesaurus of medicine
Plain Language Thesaurus For Health Communications[edit | edit source]
This Plain Language Thesaurus has been put together by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Marketing with the aim of helping make health information clear and easy to understand.
Contents[edit | edit source]
This thesaurus offers plain language equivalents to medical terms, phrases, and references that we often use.
Purpose[edit | edit source]
The technical terms found in health information can be confusing. This thesaurus is a tool to help you find words that people may understand better.
Simplicity[edit | edit source]
- While the plain language choices given here may not have the specific nuances of meaning that technical terms have, they offer the possibility for better understanding by your audience.
- With plain language equivalents, it is more important to be understood than to be medically precise.
Benefits[edit | edit source]
- Precise medical terminology is vital when communicating to those with a technical background.
- But the public often stumbles over such terms and misunderstands their meaning.
- This is especially a concern for people who do not speak English as their first language and those without strong reading skills.
- Reaching your audience–on their terms–is the main goal of plain language.
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# - A[edit | edit source]
- abscess: sore, wound, infection
- abdomen: stomach, stomach area, belly, tummy, abdominal
- ability: skill, are able, can
- abolish: end, do away with, get rid of
- abrasion: cut, scratch, scrape
- absenteeism: missing work or school, how often you miss work or school
- absorption: take in, soak up
- accelerate: hurry, speed up, make worse, make more severe
- accessible: available, on hand, understandable, usable (handicapped)
- accommodate: house, let stay with, give shelter, adjust, adapt
- accompany: go with, take with (medicine)
- accomplish: do, finish
- accumulate: add up, gather, collect
- accurate: true, right, correct
- acellular vaccine: a vaccine that only contains part of the virus
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome-AIDS: a disease that makes it hard for your body to fight diseases
- active immunity: being able to fight off a specific disease once you have had that disease
- acute: sudden start, short term, quick
- additional: extra, added, more
- adequate: enough, the right amount
- adhere: stick, follow
- adjacent: beside, next to, near, touching
- adjuvant: something added to a vaccine to make it work better
- administer: give, manage, take care of
- adverse event: something bad that happens, bad reaction, unexpected or unwanted effects
- adverse health effect: bad side effect, bad reaction
- adverse: bad, dangerous, hurtful, harmful
- advise: tell, warn, say
- advocacy: support, fighting on behalf of, arguing for support
- advocate: fight for, support, support person
- aerobic exercise: exercise; slow and steady exercise like walking, running, biking, swimming, etc.; exercise that helps your heart stay healthy and work better; exercise that gets your heart pumping; exercise that makes you breath faster
- aerobic: needs oxygen
- aerosol: spray, mist
- agency: others, other groups, partner
- aggravate: make worse, harm, anger, hurt
- aggregate: taken together, looked at all together, total, sum, combined
- aggressive: pushy, dangerous, gets worse fast, fast growing
- airways: windpipe, breathing, tubes that take air in from the nose and mouth to the lungs, pathway from nose and mouth to lungs, air tubes
- alienate: push away, put by itself, turn away from, set apart
- allergen: something like pollen that causes the body to react by sneezing or forming a rash; something that causes an allergic reaction
- allergic: the body’s reaction to something, like pollen, resulting in sneezing, sniffling, a rash, etc.
- allergic reaction: bad reaction, possibly deadly reaction, allergy, problem
- allergist: allergy doctor
- allergy: reaction, itch, rash, hives, breathing problem
- alleviate: lessen, ease, soften, improve, make better
- alopecia: hair loss, balding, loss of hair
- alteration: change, shift, adjustment
- alternate: take turns, one and then the other, rotate
- alternative: option, another choice, other, different way, another option, different, another way
- alveoli: tiny air sacs in the lungs
- amalgam or amalgam fillings: silver-colored fillings, mixture of mercury, silver, tin, copper and sometimes other metals used to fill cavities in teeth
- amalgamate: put together, join, combine, unite
- ambulate: walk, move around
- ambulatory: can walk, mobile, able to move about, walking, able to walk
- ameliorate: make better, improve, lessen, ease
- amend: change, change later on, adjust, fix
- amnesia: forgetfulness, memory loss, not being able to remember
- amniocentesis: test for a baby’s health before it’s born
- amniotic fluid: water, fluid surrounding unborn baby in womb
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Lou Gehrig's Disease, motor neuron disease
- anaerobic exercise: exercise, fast-burst exercise, muscle-building exercise like weight lifting
- anaerobic: needs lack of oxygen, without oxygen
- analgesic: pain reliever, aspirin, Advil, or Tylenol
- anaphylaxis: shock, a sudden and severe allergic reaction, stop breathing, poisoning, life threatening allergic reaction
- anemia: tired, low iron, a low blood count
- anesthesia: numbing drug, drug that puts you to sleep or puts you under
- angina: chest pain
- annual: yearly, every year, once every year, once a year, each year
- annually: yearly, every year, once every year, once a year, each year
- anomaly: defect, change, difference, unusual, exception
- anorexia: eating disorder, too thin, not hungry
- anterior teeth: front teeth
- antibiotic: drug, medicine, drug that fights bacteria, infection-fighting medicine, medicine that fights infection
- antibody: your body’s way to fight off infections, infection-fighting cells, cells that fight infection
- antifungal agent: drug to treat fungus infections
- antigen: germ, bacteria, virus, poison, something in your body that your body tries to fight off, something that helps your body fight disease
- anti-inflammatory: a drug to reduce swelling, something that reduces swelling and pain, aspirin, cortisone, a drug that brings down the swelling; drug that prevents swelling
- antiphospholipid: antibody test a test to see if you’re at risk for blood clots
- antiviral: medicine, drug that fights viruses
- anti-virus medicine: medicine, drug that fight viruses like the flu
- anxiety: fear, worry
- appellant: name, name of the person, you, person making an appeal
- aphasic: not able to talk or understand words
- applicant: your name, name of the person, person who is applying
- apply: use, put on, rub onto, sign up for
- appreciate: thank, be grateful
- appropriate: take, take over, a good fit, proper, right
- approximate: about, guess, around, near, close, estimate, bring together
- aptitude: ability, skill, gift, talent
- aqueous: watery
- arguably: maybe, perhaps, possibly, could be
- arrhythmia: irregular heartbeat, skipped heartbeat, heart problem
- arthralgia: pain, pain in your joints
- arthritis: pain in joints; disease of the joints that causes swelling, pain, heat, and a sense of stiffness
- ascertain: find, find out, learn, make certain
- asphyxiate: choke, smother, suffocate
- aspiration: choke, breathe in a fluid, take out fluid or tissue to test
- assess: review, sum up, evaluate, to determine value, find
- assist: help, aid
- association: group, relation, organization
- asthma: disease, breathing disease; long term disease of swelling of the airways of the lungs; lung disease where you have trouble breathing; disease of lungs or respiratory system
- asymptomatic infection: when you’re sick, but you don’t feel bad, no symptoms
- asymptomatic: someone who is sick but does not feel or look sick
- at the present time: now, right now
- ataxic: not able to coordinate movement
- atherosclerosis: hardening of the arteries, clogged blood vessels
- attack: violent start, suddenly overcome by a disease, begin to harm
- attempt: try, effort
- attenuated vaccine: vaccine, vaccine that has a weakened form of the virus in it
- attire: clothes, clothing, to dress, wear
- authentic: original, real, true, actual
- authority: trusted source, trusted person, official, power
- authorize: allow, approve, give the power to, let
- autism: brain disorder, illness that makes it hard for someone to talk to other people
- autoimmune disease: disease that makes your body attack itself
- autoimmunity: body fighting itself, rejecting problem with your immune system
- autonomous: free, by itself, independent
- avail: help, aid
- available: on hand, at hand, ready, nearby, handy, ready
- avian flu: bird flu
- avoid: do not, shun
- axilla: armpit
B[edit | edit source]
- bacteria: germ
- become more familiar: learn more about...
- benign: harmless
- bereavement: grief after death, loss, sadness, mourning
- beverage: drink, fluids, liquids
- biannual: twice a year, two times every year
- biennial: lasting two years, happening every other year, every two years
- bilateral: with both sides considered, two-sided, when both sides get a say, even, balanced; on both sides
- biological agent: disease, poison, germs, bacteria, viruses, fungi
- biofilms (plaque): sticky film with germs on teeth
- biopsy: take tissue (usually for testing)
- bioterrorism: spreading virus or disease to cause fear or hurt
- biota: plants and animals
- BMI: body mass index, a measure of body fat based on height and weight, a measure of body fat
- bona fide: real, true
- bone density test: bone strength test, a test of how solid and how strong your bones are; test for osteoporosis, xray test for brittle bones
- bone marrow: area (or the space) inside your bones where blood cells are made
- booster shot: shot you get months or years after your vaccine shot, shot to keep you safe from disease
- brachial neuritis: swelling of the nerves in your arms
- bradycardia: slow heartbeat
- breakthrough infection: getting a disease even though you’ve been protected against it
- breastfeeding: nursing/feeding a baby with milk from the breast
- breech birth: baby born feet or rear-end first
- bronchial tubes: the tubes letting air in and out of the lungs
- bronchodilator: medicine, drug that helps you breathe easier
- bruxism: clinching and/or grinding teeth
- buccal: side of mouth, inside cheek
- bursitis: swollen, painful joints, disease that causes joint pain
- by means of: by, using, with
- by which time: by then; when
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C[edit | edit source]
- calculus: hard crusty deposit on teeth
- capacity: size, amount something holds, ability, space, number open
- carcinogen: cancer-causing
- carcinoma: cancer starting in the skin or organ lining
- cardiologist: heart doctor
- cardiology: medical department that treats heart problems
- cardiovascular: having to do with the heart and blood vessels
- caries (dental): cavities, tooth decay, holes in teeth
- carrier: someone who is sick and can get other people sick; animal that is sick and can make other animals sick
- cartilage: the smooth covering on the end of bones
- case fatality ratio: how many people die from a disease
- CAT scan (CT scan): test that shows inside body parts, scan, special x-ray, test
- cataracts: a clouding of the eye that makes it hard for people to see, cloudy eyesight, cloudy vision, eye disease
- catheter: tube
- catastrophe: disaster, tragedy
- causal association: causes, leads to, can cause causes your body to react
- cauterize: burn the skin, burn tissue (to stop bleeding)
- cease: end, stop, quit
- censure: blame, punish, limit
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: CDC
- central nervous system: brain and spinal cord
- cerebral hemorrhage: stroke, bleeding in the brain
- cerebrovascular disease: stroke
- cerumen: earwax
- cervix: lower part of the womb
- Cesarean delivery: C-section, baby born through surgery, cut abdomen area to get baby out
- cessation: stopping, quitting, ending
- characteristic: mark, trait, feature
- characterize: tell about, describe, define
- chemotherapy: cancer drug, cancer medicine, cancer treatment
- chronic: constant, never ending, does not go away, long term, lasting a long time, long-lasting
- chronic disease: long-lasting disease, disease that lasts for years
- chronic health condition: constant health problem, something that effects your health for a long period of time
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: lung disease, such as asthma or emphysema
- circulation: blood flow, flow of blood through the body
- circumstance: event, situation, facts
- clade: group of animals that can all get the same disease
- clavicle: collar bone
- cleft lip and/or palate: harelip, birth defect(s) that affect the upper lip and roof of the mouth
- client: you, name of person, customer
- clinical: work, studies, a medical setting that involves patients
- clinical: medical, work or studies in a medical setting that involve patients
- clinical trial: clinical research study, medical research study
- clinically ill: sick, diseased
- close proximity: near, near by, close, close to
- coagulate: clot, set, clump together
- coerce: force, make, press
- cognizant: aware, know about, think of, have learned
- colic: stomach pain, sick, fussy or upset baby
- collaborate: work together, team up, help each other
- colonoscopy: check your colon, check your intestines, look inside your intestine, check for colon cancer
- comatose: in a coma
- combination: mix, mixture
- combination vaccine: a vaccine that helps stop more than one type of disease
- commence: start, begin
- communicable: catching, can be spread, can be passed to other people, can make other people sick
- communicate: tell, say, call, write, talk to
- community immunity: group protection from a disease
- comparable: like, similar, almost the same as, equal to
- compensate: make up, pay, reward
- competent: skillful, able, well trained
- complete: finish, fill out, end
- completion: end, finish, no more
- complimentary: free
- comply: do, follow, give in, obey, go along with
- component: part, section
- composite or composite filling: tooth-colored filling
- comprehensive: complete, covers everything important, thorough, all
- compress: squeeze, press down on
- comprise: be made up of, include,
- compromised: weakened
- compulsion: want, urge, desire, drive
- conceive: imagine, think up, become pregnant, create
- concentration: strength, focus
- concerning: about, for, on
- conclude: end, finish, judge, deem,
- conclusive: definite, final, last,
- concur: agree, feel the same way
- condition: a medical problem, a disease, an illness
- conditioning: physical training, training your body, fitness
- conduct: do, carry on, run, lead
- congenital: born with, inborn, there at birth
- conjugate vaccine: a specific type of vaccine
- conjunctivitis: eye infection, pink eye, swelling and redness around your eyes
- conscientious: careful, thoughtful, alert,
- consequently: so, which means that, as a result
- consistent: stays the same
- conspicuous: plain to see, obvious, easy to see
- constitute: made of, form, make up
- construct: make, build
- consult: talk with, ask, talk to, see, meet, opinion, discuss
- consume: eat, drink, use up
- contact: talk to, call, write, talk with, get in touch with, touch
- contagious disease: illness that spreads to others, disease that you can give to other people, disease that can make other people sick
- contagious: catching, spreading, able to make others sick, spreadable, a disease that can be spread from one person to another; someone who is sick and might make you sick too, sick
- contain: have, keep together, hold
- contaminant: pollutant, poison, harmful ingredient, harmful chemical
- contaminate: spoil, infect, dirty, poison, pollute, taint, get dirty
- contemplate: think about, consider, ponder
- continue to: keep on, still, remain
- contraceptive: birth control
- contract: arrange, agree, make smaller and shorter
- contraindication: dangerous to give, not good for, when a drug or procedure may be harmful, wrong, opposite
- contribute: help, give, volunteer
- control: manage, have power over, take care of
- contusion: bruise
- convenient: easy to use, on hand, handy, useful
- convulsion: seizure, spasm, shaking
- co-operate: help, work together, assist
- COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, emphysema, a lung disease that makes breathing hard
- coronary heart disease: heart disease
- coronary thrombosis: heart attack, blood clot in a blood vessel in the heart
- correspond: agree with, match, write, email, go with
- corroborate: confirm, agree with,
- corticosteroids: asthma drug, asthma medicine
- cot death: SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome
- cough etiquette: how to cough or sneeze
- countermeasures: drugs to help fight sickness; flu shots; vaccines
- crib death: SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome
- criterion: sign, standard
- Crohn’s Disease: digestion disease, problem with bowels
- crossbite: upper teeth are biting inside the lower teeth
- crown (gold, porcelain or stainless steel): cap that covers tooth (stainless steel most often used on "baby teeth")
- cure: heal, fix, make better; make completely better
- currently: now, at this moment, right now
- cushingoid: signs of high doses of medicine, drug
- cutaneous: skin related, about the skin, on the surface, skin
- cyst: pus under your skin, boil, cancer cells, lump
- cystitis: bladder infection, pain when you pee
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D[edit | edit source]
- dander: flakes of skin, cradle cap
- deceased: dead, passed away, died
- deciduous tooth: baby tooth
- decompose: decay, rot, break down
- decontaminate: clean, kill germs, disinfect, purify, sterilize
- decrease: take less, cut back, drop, lower, fall, lessen, make less
- deficiency: lack, not enough
- deficient: lacking, not enough, poor
- deformity: a change from the normal shape, not normal, not a normal shape, oddly shaped
- degenerative: weaken, worsen, decline, decay, droop
- dehydrate: need water, water loss, remove water, remove water
- deltoid: arm muscle, muscle in upper arm
- dementia: memory loss that gets worse over time, Alzheimer’s
- demonstrate: prove, show
- demyelinating disorder: nerve disease
- dental caries: cavities, tooth decay, holes in teeth
- dental implant: fake tooth drilled into jaw bone
- dental sealant (pit and fissure sealant): thin layer of plastic painted onto teeth to prevent decay
- dentin: main bone-like part of a tooth
- deoxygenated: no oxygen, without oxygen
- deplete: empty, take all of, reduce, sap, lessen
- dermal: related to the skin, skin related
- dermatologist: skin doctor
- dermatology: skin doctor’s office, study of the skin
- designate: call, label, name
- detect: find, discover
- deteriorate: get worse, fall apart, become unusable,
- determine: figure out, decide, find out, test
- detrimental: bad, harmful, dangerous
- develop: create, change, grow
- developmental disability: physical or mental disability, challenged, learning problem
- deviate: stray, change, take a different path
- diabetes: diabetes, disease with too much sugar in the blood, problem with making food into energy
- diabetic: person with diabetes
- diagnose: test, find out, figure out, learn cause, name
- diagnosis: finding out the cause of an illness, condition, disease, medical answer
- diarrhea diseases: diarrhea
- difficulties: problems, trouble
- dilate: become wider, become larger, become bigger, open
- dilator: something used to make something become larger, wider, or bigger
- dilute: weaken, make weaker, add liquid,make less strong
- dimension: size, width, height or length
- diminish: make smaller, become less, take less, ebb
- diminutive: small, tiny, very little, petite
- diplopia: double vision
- directed to: told
- discharge: going home, leaving
- disclose: show, tell, uncover
- discoid: shaped like a disk, round and flat
- discoloration: change in color, not the color it normally is, odd color
- discontinue: stop, end, quit
- discuss: talk about, talk with, talk over
- disease: illness, sickness
- disguise: hide
- disorder: condition, illness, medical problem
- display: show
- dissemination (disseminate): spread, distribute, send out, make available
- distal: back of
- distinguish: tell apart, set apart
- distribute: hand out, give, spread, mail
- DNA: genes
- domicile: home, house
- donate: to give
- donation: gift, present
- don't be alarmed: don't worry
- dose: amount of medicine, chemical, or radiation; amount, size
- drowsy: sleepy
- due to the fact that...: because, due to
- dust: fine, dry earth, powdery dirt
- dwelling: home, house
- dysarthria: slurred speech
- dyspepsia: indigestion, heartburn
- dysphagia: swallowing disorder, swallowing problem
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E[edit | edit source]
- early childhood caries (ECC): baby bottle tooth decay, tooth decay in infants
- economical: cheap, low cost, low priced
- edema: swelling
- edentulous: no teeth
- effect: result, cause
- effective: works well, good, strong
- efficacy rate: how well something works
- EHR (Electronic Health Record): synonymous with EMR (Electronic Medical Record) which is a digitally formatted medical record
- EKG: heart test, test of your heart
- electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG): heart test, EKG
- electrolytes: blood salts, a type of necessary salt found in blood
- elevate: raise, lift, make higher
- eliminate: stop, end, drop, get rid of
- emaciated: very thin, starving
- embolism: blood clot
- embryo: unborn baby (up to 12 weeks)
- emergency: emergency, urgent, threat, disaster, crisis
- emphasize: stress, point out, highlight
- emphysema: a lung disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- EMR (Electronic Medical Record): chart, medical records, computer medical record; medical record in a digital format
- enamel: hard covering on outside of tooth
- encephalitis: swollen brain, brain swelling, swelling of the brain
- encephalopathy: brain dysfunction
- encourage: urge
- endeavor: try, attempt
- endocrine: hormone system
- endodontic: treatment of root canal for diseased nerve in tooth
- enhance: add to, improve
- environment: all the things around you in your daily life, at home and at work, world around you, your home
- environmental control: removing harmful things from your home and work; doing something to improve the space you live in and the air you breathe
- epidemic: disease that most people get, widespread sickness
- epidemiology: disease study
- epidermis: skin
- episode: event, set amount of time, attack, brief time
- epizootic: widespread disease in animals
- equilibrium: balance
- equivalent of: equal to
- erosions: small pits, small holes in teeth or bones
- erythematosus: red rash on the face
- escalate: worsen, make worse, get worse, increase, grow, rise
- ESR: a blood test
- estrogen: female hormone, woman’s hormone
- etiology: the cause of
- evident: plain to see, visible, seen
- exacerbate: worsen, make worse
- excess rate: how many people become seriously sick during a pandemic
- excessive: too much, more than needed
- excise: cut out, cut off
- exert: work hard, push, struggle, exercise
- exertion: effort, work
- exhale: breathe out
- exhibit: show, display
- expectorate: spit, cough, spit out
- experience: feel, have, go through
- expertise: knowledge, skill, know-how, training
- exposure: around, been around, contact, come in contact with
- expressive language: speaking, saying words or sentences
- extend: make longer
- extremely: very
F[edit | edit source]
- facilitate: make easier, help
- factor: cause, reason
- failed to: did not
- family history: health information about your close relatives
- fallacy: error, myth, not true
- fast: go without any food or drink, not eat or drink anything
- fatigue: tired, weak feeling of the whole body, feeling tired all over
- feasible: possible, doable, workable, can be done, can do
- febrile: caused by a fever, feverish
- fertility: ability to have a baby
- fetus: unborn baby (12 weeks to birth)
- finalize: complete, end, finish, settle
- flare: a period of time when symptoms of a disease are worse, when your disease hurts more than normal
- flexible: moving easily, stretch easily, bend and stretch without hurting; bendable, able to bend
- fluctuate: change, rise and fall, go back and forth from high to low, not steady
- following: after
- fracture: break
- frequently: often, commonly, normally, regularly, many times
- fundamental: basic, real
G[edit | edit source]
- gamete: sex cell, egg or sperm
- general anesthesia: put to "sleep"
- generation time: time needed for disease to spread from one person to another
- genetics: family traits, science or study of family traits, study of blood relatives
- genital area: genital area, privates, [name specific reproductive body parts]
- Genital Herpes Simplex: Herpes (sores) in the genital area
- gestation: pregnancy
- gingiva: gums
- gingivectomy: gum surgery, remove or reshape gums to remove space between teeth and gums
- gingivitis: inflammation of the gums
- glaucoma: eye disease, increased eye pressure; an eye disease that can lead to blindness
- glucose: sugar, energy, blood sugar
- gradually: slowly, over time
- gravid: pregnant
- Guillain-Barre Syndrome: GBS; a disease that makes it hard to move
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H[edit | edit source]
- H5N1: bird flu virus
- Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib): a lung disease
- hallucinate: see things that are not there
- hand hygiene: hand washing
- hazard: hazard, harmful, danger
- hazardous: harmful, bad, dangerous, risky
- hazardous waste: harmful trash like used needles, bloody tissues, etc.
- hematocrit (hct): amount of red blood cells in the blood
- hematocrit test: blood test, a test that counts your red blood cells
- hematological: related to blood, related to the blood and blood forming organs
- hematuria: blood in the urine
- hemodialysis: use of a machine to clean your blood
- hemoglobin A1C: a test to show your blood sugar levels over the last 3 months
- hepatic: related to the liver
- hepatitis A: disease that you get from drinking bad water or eating bad food, impaired liver
- hepatitis B: disease that you get from someone else’s blood or from unsafe sex, impaired liver
- hepatitis C: liver disease that you get from someone else’s blood or unsafe sex, impaired liver
- hepatitis D: virus that can only be found in your blood if you also have hepatitis B, impaired liver
- hepatitis E: disease that you get from drinking bad water or from eating bad food, a disease not found in the United States, impaired liver
- herd immunity: group protection from disease, community immunity
- herpes simplex: cold sores, virus
- herpes zoster: shingles, a disease that causes painful sores on your skin
- high risk: dangerous, good chance something will happen
- highly: very probably, most likely, will probably happen
- hives: rash; red, itchy swellings on your skin
- Hodgkin’s disease: lymph node cancer
- homologous: similar, like, alike
- hormone: chemical, natural or manmade chemical that effects your growth, chemicals that help different parts of your body know how they should work
- host: person; animal
- HPAI: a dangerous bird flu
- HPV: a virus that may cause cervical and/or oral cancer
- humidify: to moisten air
- hyperglycemia: high blood sugar
- hyperlipidemia: high cholesterol
- hypertensive heart disease: high blood pressure
- hypersensitivity: strong reaction
- hypertension: high blood pressure
- hypoglycemia: low blood sugar
- hyposensitivity: weak reaction
- hypotension: low blood pressure
- hysterectomy: surgery to remove the womb
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I[edit | edit source]
- identical: same, exactly the same, similar, alike
- illness rate or clinical attack rate: number of sick people; (Use a ratio like “3 in every 10 New Yorkers are sick” or a percentage like “30 percent of all Floridians are sick.”)
- illustrate: show, draw, picture
- immediately: at once, right away, now
- immerse: put completely in, completely cover
- immune globulin: something in your blood that helps fight disease
- immune: protected from, resistant to
- immunity: protection from disease, ability to fight off an illness
- immunization: getting a vaccine (shot); vaccine, vaccination
- immunize: to protect again disease, usually by a shot
- immunological: related to the immune system
- immunosuppression: when your body can’t fight disease
- immunotherapy: medical treatment that helps your body fight off diseases
- impaction: teeth pressing together, teeth not visible above sum line
- impaired: not normal/something is wrong
- impede: get in the way, slow
- imperative: important, pressing, urgent
- imperceptible: hard to see, hidden; can't be seen
- implement: start, begin, put into action; carry out;
- inability: not able to
- in excess of: more than
- inevitable: likely, will happen
- insert: put, put into
- institute: start
- instructed: told, taught
- in the absence of: without
- in the course of: during, in
- in the event of: if
- in utero: in the womb, in the uterus
- in vitro: out of the body, outside the body, laboratory grown, in a test tube
- in vivo: within the body, inside the body grown inside animal
- inaccuracy: error, mistake, chance that there is a mistake
- inactive vaccine: a vaccine that uses germs that have been killed
- inadvertently: without meaning to
- inadvisable: risky, not smart, may be dangerous
- inapparent infection: when you are sick but you don’t feel bad
- incidence: how many people get sick, number of sick people
- incident of national significance: national emergency
- incipient: beginning, starting
- incise: cut
- incision: cut
- incisors: front teeth, front “biting” teeth, fangs
- inclement: harsh, extreme, dangerous
- incorrect: wrong, not true, false
- increase: add to, raise
- incubation period: the length of time a disease is in someone’s body before they feel or look sick
- indicate: suggest, point to, show
- indication: sign, signal, symptom
- indigenous: local to, comes from, native
- individual: person, you, man, woman, one
- inexpensive: cheap, low cost, low priced
- infant: baby
- infect: disease spread by germ or virus, to get sick, to make someone sick, to spread a disease
- infection: disease, illness, sickness, virus, bug, illness caused by germs, a sickness you get from germs, control how to stop sickness
- infectious agent: virus, germs, something that makes you sick, disease, flu, parasite
- infectious: something that can spread disease
- infertile: sterile, unable to have a baby, unable to become pregnant
- inflame: make hot, red, or swollen; swollen
- inflammation: swelling, injury, sore
- inflammatory bowel disease: digestive system disease, intestinal problems
- influenza: flu, a virus
- inform: tell
- information: information, to learn more
- infusion: put fluids or drugs directly into your blood
- ingestion: eating, drinking, swallowing
- inhalation: breathing, breathing in
- inhale: breathe in, take a breath
- inhaler: breathing medicine/drug, asthma medicine, device that helps give medicine into the breathing tubes
- inherent: natural, built in, native
- inherit: acquire, get, obtain, be left
- inheritance: from parents, passing from parent to child
- inhibit: check, bar, forbid, stop, slow
- initial: first, earliest, basic
- inject/injection: shot
- injection: shot, to give medicine by needle, booster, dose
- innocuous: safe
- inquire: ask
- instrument: tool, device
- insufficient: not enough, too little, failing, poor
- insulin: blood sugar
- integrate: combine with, make part of, mix
- intention: goal, aim, desire, end, plan, purpose
- internal organs: inside parts of your body (heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys, etc.)
- interrupt: stop, break
- intervention: care
- intrauterine device: IUD, birth control
- intravenous (IV): into your vein; into your blood stream, putting drugs or fluids directly into your blood
- investigational vaccine: vaccine still being tested
- irrefutable: certain, final, obvious, proven
- irritable: sensitive, complaining, grouchy, testy
- irritant: bother; pain, pest, problem
- isolate: a specific type of virus; a specific type of flu
- isolation of ill people: staying away from people who are sick; keeping sick people at home
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J[edit | edit source]
K[edit | edit source]
- kidney: organ that filters blood
L[edit | edit source]
- lacerate: ragged cut, tear
- laceration: ragged cut, tear
- lesion: cut, injury, wound, sore
- ligament: bone connector, joint tissue
- lingual: on the tongue
- live vaccine: a vaccine that has a weakened form of the virus in it
- local anesthesia: drug that causes numbing only in the area of the body where the drug is put by spreading it or with a shot
- localized: in a small area, only in one place
- locate: find, place, settle, turn up
- location: place, spot
- long-term: for a long time, over a long period of time
- lower respiratory infection: pneumonia
- lung function: measure of how strong your lungs are
- lungs: breathing organs
- lymphatic: related to the lymph system
- lymphocytes: white blood cells, lymph cells
- lymphoma: cancer of lymphatic system
M[edit | edit source]
- macrophage: disease-fighting cell
- macular: a spot on your cornea; eye disease, blindness
- magnitude: extent, size, how serious
- maintain: take care of, keep, keep up
- mammogram: breast health test, breast check
- malignant: cancer
- malignant tumor: cancer, tumor, mass
- malocclusion: crowded teeth, misaligned teeth, crossbite, overbite, underbite, open bite
- manage: control, direct, be in charge of, take care of, watch
- mandible: lower jaw
- manifest: clear, plain, evident, show
- mask: hide
- mastectomy: breast cancer surgery; surgery to remove your breast
- maxilla: upper jaw
- maximum: the largest possible, the most
- medication: drug, pill, medicine
- medicine: drug, medication
- melanoma: skin cancer
- memory cell: a cell that helps your body quickly fight diseases that you’ve gotten before
- menopause: women’s “change of life”, the change, time in a woman's life when her periods stops, no longer have periods
- menstruation: period
- mental health condition: mental disorder, mental illness
- mentality: frame of mind, mind, outlook, feeling
- mesial: front of
- metabolism: process of getting energy from food, converting food into energy
- mg: milligram
- microbes: very tiny fungi, sometimes viruses, that are too small too see; bacteria, protozoa
- might qualify: might get
- migrate: move, travel
- migration: moving, transfer, traveling
- mild: gentle, not severe, slight, small
- mildew: fungus that grow in damp warm areas
- minimal: least, small, smallest
- minimize: make smaller, make less, lessen, reduce
- miniscule: very small, tiny
- miscarriage: lose the baby, miscarry
- mites: very tiny, spider-like, animals that cause allergies and skin rashes
- mitigate: make less harmful, soften, lessen, reduce
- mobility: ability to move
- moderate: medium, mild, controllable
- modify: change
- molars: back teeth, back “grinding” teeth
- mold: growth on food and damp surfaces
- monitor: watch, check on, watch for changes, device that measures changes
- morbidity: diseased, sick, ill
- mortality: death
- mortality rate: number of deaths
- motor vehicle accident: car crash
- MRSA: bacteria that resists antibiotics
- mucosal (mucus) membranes: soft, moist areas just inside the openings to your body
- mucus: phlegm, nose fluid, mouth fluid, throat coating
- multiple sclerosis: central nervous system disease, MS
- muscle contraction: muscle twitch, movement
- mutagen: cause
- mutation: change over time, change, difference, different
- myocardial infarction: heart attack
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N[edit | edit source]
- narcotic: addictive pain medicine, drug
- nebulizer: asthma medicine mister
- necessary: needed
- negligent: careless, lax, not careful
- neonatal death: infant death, death in the first month of life
- neonatal: newborn, baby for first month of life
- neonatologist: baby doctor, baby doctor for preemies
- nephrology: study of kidney problems
- neuraminidase: enzyme on the surface of the virus
- neuritis: swelling of a nerve
- neurologic: relating to the nervous system, brain or spinal cord
- neurological: related to the brain and nervous system
- neurology: study of the nervous system
- neuropathy: disease of the nervous system
- neutralize: cancel, stop, offset
- nominal: small, not important, token, cheap, not costly
- nonpharmaceutical intervention: ways to stop the spread of illness without drugs, such as hand washing, covering sneezes, closing schools, etc.
- nosocomial: an infection you catch in the hospital
- notification: notice
- noxious: dangerous, poisonous
- nutrition: food, meal, diet, healthy food
- nutritious: wholesome, food that is good for you, healthy eating, healthy food
O[edit | edit source]
- obesity: dangerously overweight, too heavy
- objective: goal, end
- obscure: hidden, unclear, blur, confuse
- observation: close look, remark, watching, sighting
- observe: look closely, watch, see, detect, find, notice, see
- obstetrician: pregnancy doctor
- obstruct: block, stop
- obstruction: barrier, block, hurdle
- obtain: get
- obvious: clear, plain, easy to see
- occasionally: sometimes, not often, once in a while
- occlusal: chewing or grinding surface of back teeth
- occupation: job, work
- occupational therapist: someone who helps people who are sick or injured learn or relearn activities of daily life
- occupational therapy: therapy that helps you relearn everyday activities
- occur: happen, take place, result
- occurrence: event
- on an empty stomach: do not eat or drink
- open bite: upper and lower front teeth do not touch even when mouth is closed and/or back teeth are touching
- opportunistic infection: infection you get because you’re already weak
- optic neuritis: eye disease, disease of the eyes
- optimal/optimum: best, best way
- option: choice, way
- oral: mouth and jaw
- oral consent: you say it is OK for the doctor to do a test or procedure
- oral medication: medication you swallow
- oral surgery: mouth operation, mouth surgery, teeth operation
- orchitis: side effect of mumps
- originate: start, begin, create
- orthodontic: braces, teeth straightening
- orthopedic surgeon: bone and joint doctor
- orthopedic's: bone and joint doctor’s office
- orthotic: support or brace
- ossification: bone formation, hard, stiff
- osteonecrosis: bone death
- osteoporosis: brittle bones
- otitis media: middle ear infection
- outbreak: beginning, start, onset
- outermost: farthest, top
- ova/ovum: egg/eggs, a woman’s egg/eggs
- overabundance: too much, excess
- overbite: front upper teeth overlap lower teeth, "bucktoothed"
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P[edit | edit source]
- palatable: pleasing, tasty, good
- palate: roof of mouth
- pandemic flu: deadly flu, fast and wide-spread flu
- pandemic vaccine: pandemic flu vaccine
- panzootic: a flu pandemic in animals, a deadly flu pandemic in animals, fast and wide-spread flu in animals
- papule: small red dot on your skin, skin rash
- paralysis: can’t move
- parameter: limit, factor, value
- paramount: most important
- parasite: animal or plant living off another animal or plant
- participate: take part, join, share
- passive immunity: temporary disease protection from mother, disease protection from vaccine
- pathogen: germ, virus, disease-causing agent
- pathogenic: disease causing
- peak flow meter: small tool used to measure how fast you can blow out air
- peak flow: the fastest you can blow out air
- pediatrician: baby doctor; children’s doctor
- pedodontic (pediatric dentistry): children's dentistry
- pending: coming, until, waiting on something or someone
- perforation: hole
- perform: do, carry out, act
- pericarditis: heart inflammation, swelling of the tissue covering the heart
- perinatal: near the time of birth
- perinatal death: death around birth, stillborn
- perinatologist: high-risk pregnancy doctor, doctor for pregnancy at risk
- periodontal disease (periodontitis): gum disease
- periodontic: treatment of gum disease and related bone loss
- periphery: edge, boundary, outside
- peritoneum: lining of your stomach, belly, tummy
- permanent: lasting, long term, forever
- permit: allow, let
- permutation: change
- persevere: hold on, keep at, last, keep trying, not give up
- persistent: there all the time, constant, doesn’t go away, not giving up
- personal protective equipment (PPE): gowns, face shields, gloves, face masks, and respirators, hearing protection, protective clothing
- personnel: people, staff
- perspire: sweat
- persuade: convince, talk into, win over, urge
- pertinent: fitting, important
- petechiae: tiny red or purple spot on your skin,
- pharmacist: druggist, drug dispenser
- photosensitive: sun-sensitive, sensitive to the sun
- physical/physically: body, bodily, real
- physical activity: of the body, exercise, movement
- physical examination: check-up, doctor’s appointment
- physical therapist: someone who treats pain and weakness by exercise
- physical therapy: treatment of pain and weakness through exercise
- physician: doctor
- pica: craving, dirt or clay eating, unusual appetite; eating materials that are not food
- pictographs: symbols (examples below)
- PID: Pelvic inflammatory disease
- pigmentation: color
- pit and fissure sealant (dental sealant): thin layer of plastic painted onto teeth to prevent decay
- placebo: sugar pill, drug with no active ingredient and will cause no effect
- placed: put
- placenta: organ that attaches umbilical cord to the inside of the womb
- plaque: sticky film with germs on teeth
- platelet: blood clotting cell
- pleurisy: lung inflammation
- pneumonia: lung infection
- PO: taken by mouth, eat or drink
- podiatry: treating feet problems, medical care for feet, foot doctor
- poliomyelitis: polio; a disease that can make you unable to move
- pollute: dirty, poison, taint, spoil
- polysaccharide vaccines: sugar vaccines
- polyurethane: plastic
- portion: piece, amount, part, serving
- position: job, rank, class, grade
- possess: have, own
- possibility: chance
- posterior teeth: back teeth
- post-exposure prophylaxis: drug given to someone who has been near someone sick, prevention drug, drugs to prevent the spread of disease
- post-partum depression: baby blues, overwhelmed, depressed, unexplained sadness after having baby
- postpone: put off, wait, delay
- potency: strength, force, power, level, dose
- precaution: safeguard, caution, guard, care
- predicament: problem, bad situation, plight, difficulty
- pregnancy: pregnant, expecting a baby
- preliminary: early, not final, initial
- pre-pandemic vaccine: pandemic flu or deadly flu vaccine; shot
- preparedness: readiness, alertness, to be ready, to prepare, be prepared, planned
- prepuce: foreskin
- prerogative: right, choice
- prescriber: doctor, nurse, any medical person who is licensed to write prescriptions
- prescription: doctors orders, medicine, drug order,
- present: give, send, now, show, here
- prevalence: number of sick people, spread, disease spread, number, figure
- prevent: stop, keep from happening, forbid, bar, keep
- preventive: (i.e.; preventive services) practices that help keep you well
- prevention: stop, bar, not permitted, not allowed, to avoid ill effects
- primary teeth: baby teeth, first teeth
- principal: main, first, head, chief, most important
- prior to: before
- probability: chance, likelihood
- proximal: near to, close, area closer to the center of the body
- procedure: steps, method, course of action, how-to, way, test
- proceed: go, move forward
- prodromal: signs of disease or attack
- proficient: skilled, experienced, able, apt
- progression: move forward, go on, get worse, advance
- prohibit: ban, forbid, prevent
- projectile: flying object, fast object, thrown object
- proliferate: grow, spread, reproduce
- prophylactic: pregnancy prevention drug, sickness prevention drug, birth control, condom
- prophylaxis: prevention, protection
- prophylaxis (dental, oral): basic teeth cleaning
- prostate: gland in male body that makes semen
- prostatitis: infection of the prostate
- prosthodontic: treatment using crowns, bridges, partials and/or dentures
- protocol: way of doing things, method, standard, step-by-step process, rules, code
- provide: give, offer, send, supply
- provider: professional, insurer
- provoke: make worse, cause, anger, annoy
- proximal: near to, close, area closer to the center of the body
- psoriasis: a dry, scaly, skin rash
- psoriatic arthritis: joint swelling disease with skin rash
- psychiatrist: mental health doctor, shrink
- psychiatry: study of mental health
- PSA: prostate test, prostate check
- PTSD: problem with fear after seeing or having a fearful event, flashbacks of negative experience
- public health: everyone’s health, our health, health of the community as a whole
- puff: a short, gentle burst; a small breath
- pulmonary: related to the lungs
- pulmonary cancer: cancer of lung, trachea, bronchus
- pulmonary care unit: lung disease treatment area of hospital
- pulmonary fibrosis: lung disease, scarring of lung tissue, shortness of breath
- pulmonologist: lung doctor
- pulmonology: study of lung disease
- pulp: tooth nerve
- pulpectomy: remove nerve from tooth
- pulpitis: infection of nerve inside tooth
- pulpotomy: take out the nerve from a tooth
- purchase: buy
- purulent: pus
- pyrexia: fever
Q[edit | edit source]
- qualified: suited, capable; has the education to perform, license to perform
- quarantine: isolate, staying away from other people, staying home by yourself
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R[edit | edit source]
- RA: rheumatoid arthritis, disease of joints
- radiation: energy, rays, waves, heat
- radioisotope: medicine, special medicine, drug or radioactive tracer
- radiologist: a doctor who studies x-rays and other images, x-ray specialist, x-ray doctor
- radiology: x-ray department
- radionuclide: medicine, special medicine or drug
- rampant: unchecked, raging, uncontrolled
- rapid diagnostic test: fast result test, quickly check if someone is sick
- rationale: reason, thinking, intent, purpose
- Raynaud’s syndrome: circulatory disease
- reaction: a response
- reassortment: change, new type of virus
- receive: get, admit, welcome
- receptive language: understanding
- recipient: person who gets something
- recognize: accept, know, see, find
- recombinant: new gene combination
- recommend: advise, suggest, urge, says
- recover: get better, feel better, heal
- recrudescence: relapse, to get sick again
- recuperate: get better, feel better, get well, recover
- recur: come back, get again, happen again
- reduce: lower, cut, trim, dilute
- redundant: extra, not needed, excess, surplus, spare
- refills: number of times one can get more medicine from the drugstore without going back to the doctor
- reflux: spit up, backward flow of body fluid
- regarding: about
- regimen: diet, plan, program
- register: sign up, sign in
- regular: usual, normal, everyday, common
- regulate: control, restrict, watch over, govern
- regulation: rule, law
- rehabilitate: get better, restore
- reimburse: pay back, refund
- reinforce: make stronger, brace, support
- reiterate: repeat, say again
- relief: feel better, ease, not as bad, less painful, more comfortable
- relieve: ease, make better, soothe, rest
- remission: when a disease is not active
- renal: related to the kidney
- request: ask for, beg
- require: need, ask for
- requirements: needs, regulations
- rescind: cancel, take away
- resemble: look like, take after, match
- reside: be in, live in
- residence: home, apartment, house
- Residual Seizure Disorder: seizures, sudden attack, brain problem
- respiration: breathing, taking in oxygen
- respiratory therapist: breathing therapist
- respite: rest, relief, quiet time
- respond: answer, react to
- restoration: filling, fix a tooth, tooth replacement
- restrain: hold back, stop
- restrict: limit,stop
- restrictions: limitations, changes
- retain: keep
- retrieve: get, bring back, get back
- return: go back
- reveal: show, tell
- review: go over, check;
- Reye’s Syndrome: brain disease in children
- rheumatoid arthritis: disease of joints, joint swelling
- rheumatologist: joint, bone, and immune system doctor
- rheumatology: study of the immune system, joints, and bones
- rigorous: hard
- risk reduction: lowering the chances, making less likely
- risk: chance
- root canal: remove the nerve from inside the root of a permanent tooth
- root planing and scaling: deep tooth cleaning
- Rotavirus: germ causing stomach flu
- Rubella: German measles
- Rubeola: measles
- rupture: break, burst, break open
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S[edit | edit source]
- sanitary: clean, germ free, healthful
- sanitize: clean, wash, clean up, make germ-free, disinfect
- SC: subcutaneously, shot into fat, injection into fat
- scaling and root planing: removal of hard and soft deposits from teeth above and below gums
- Scarlatina: scarlet fever
- schedule: plan, planning a time to do something
- sealant (pit and fissure, dental): thin layer of plastic painted onto teeth to prevent decay
- seasonal influenza: common flu; winter flu
- second- and third-order effects: things that happen as a result of your actions
- sector: group, community, neighborhood
- sedentary: inactive, sitting a lot, couch potato
- segment: part, piece
- seizure: fit of uncontrolled movements
- sensation: feeling
- sensitive: easily hurt, easy to damage, sore
- seroconversion: becoming immune, reacting against disease, fighting disease
- serology: study of blood strength
- serosurvey: test to see how likely you are to get a disease
- several: many
- severe: strong, serious, harmful, dangerous, very bad
- severity: how bad
- shift: change
- shortness of breath: difficulty catching breath, difficult breathing
- side effect: reaction, reaction to a medicine
- significant: big, serious, important
- similar: like
- situated: placed, located
- Sjogren’s syndrome: dry eyes and mouth
- skull: head bones, bones that protect the brain
- social distancing: stay at home; keep away from people
- socialize: make friends, talk with people, meet people
- solicit: ask for
- soreness: hurt, pain, ache
- spasm: sudden, strong muscle tightening, jerk, painful twist
- species: group of plants or animals, same type, alike
- spirometer: breathing test, breath strength machine, breath strength indicator
- spontaneous: unplanned, sudden
- sprain: muscle injury, muscle tear
- stable: okay, no change, constant, even, unchanging
- stamina: strength, endurance
- state of readiness: ready, now ready, prepared
- state: say, tell, condition
- status: state, condition
- sterile: unable to have children, clean
- steroid: medicine, drug to lessen swelling, illegal sports drugs
- stigma: mark, spot, blemish, embarrassment
- stimulate: excite, stir up, activate
- strain: type of germ, type of animal, type of plant
- stress: physical strain, mental strain, pressure, worry
- stringent: strict, tight, controlled
- subclinical infection: minor illness
- submit: give, hand in, send
- subsequent: following, next, later
- subsequently: after that, later, afterward
- substance: chemical, material, matter, stuff
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): crib death; sudden, unexplained death of a baby
- suffice: be enough
- sufficient: enough, plenty, ample
- suffocate: choke, smother, not able to breathe
- summon: call for, request
- sun protection factor: sunscreen, sun block
- superficial: not important, not harmful, slight
- supersede: replace, take the place of
- supplement: add to, in addition to, additive, vitamins
- supply: give, budget, fund, pool, source, kitty
- suppress: hold back, stop, slow down
- surge capacity: being able to offer more services in an emergency, ability to expand
- surgery: operation
- surgical mask: face mask, mask
- surveillance: keep a close eye on, watch closely, monitor
- susceptible: more open to, in danger of getting, likely to get
- sutures: stitches
- symptom: sign (of disease or sickness), indicator, warning
- syndrome: illness, sickness, condition
- synthesis: summary, make, take up
- synthesize: combine, form, summarize
- systematic: planned out, orderly, regular
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: immune system disease
- systemic: throughout your body, in all parts of your body
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T[edit | edit source]
- tallus: heel
- taper: reduce, slow, lower, shrink, decrease
- tartar: crust on teeth, plaque
- telework: work from home
- temperature: heat, fever
- temporal association: when two things happen at the same time but aren’t actually related to each other
- temporary: short, brief
- teratogenic: something that can hurt your baby before he is born
- terminal: deadly, fatal
- terminate: stop, end
- testosterone: male hormone
- tetanus: disease affecting muscles
- therapeutic: healing, improving, getting better
- therapy: treatment
- therefore: so
- thimerosal: drug or vaccine preservative
- third molars: wisdom teeth, last teeth to come into mouth
- thrombus: clot
- time period: time
- titer: blood test
- titrate: to change the dose/level of a medicine
- topical: on the surface, on the skin, on the body
- toxicology: study of harmful materials
- toxin: poison, pollution
- transform: change, alter
- transparent: clear, see-through
- transpire: happen, take place
- transverse myelitis: of the spine, back disease
- traumatic: shocking, upsetting
- treat: give care, take care of, cure, heal
- treatment: action, medicine, therapy
- tremor: shaking, trembling
- trigger: cause, start, bring on, lead to
- trimester: three months, three month’s time
- tuberculosis: TB, lung disease
- tumor: growth, lump
U[edit | edit source]
- ulcer: open sore, canker
- ulterior: secondary, hidden, alternate, further
- ultimate: final, last
- umbilicus: belly button, navel
- underbite: lower teeth extend past upper front teeth
- understand: know, to get
- unfavorable: bad, harmful, damaging, unwanted
- unnecessary: not needed, needless
- upper respiratory system: nose, throat, and windpipe
- urinate: pee
- urticaria: hives, itch, rash on your skin
- until such time: until
- use caution: be careful
- uterus: womb
- utilize: use, make use of
- UVA: UV light, sunlight
- UVB: UV light, sunlight
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V[edit | edit source]
- vaccinate: to protect against disease, usually by a shot
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System: VAERS, a way for doctors to make sure that vaccines aren’t hurting anyone
- Vaccine Safety Datalink Project: VSD, a way for doctors to learn more about vaccines
- vaccine: shot, flu shot, medicine, immunization
- vague: unclear, not for sure, not certain
- validate: prove, test
- validity: truth, proof
- variant: version, slightly different
- Varicella: chicken pox, herpes zoster
- variola: smallpox
- vary: change, shift
- vehicle: car, truck, bus, automobile
- verbatim: exact, word for word
- verify: check, find out
- vesicular: blisters, small bumps on your skin
- viable: able to live, usable, can be used
- vicinity: area, location
- viral shedding: coughing and sneezing
- viremia: viruses in the blood
- virulence: strength; harm; how harmful; how dangerous the disease is
- virulent: strong, dangerous
- virus: germ
- vital: important, imperative, crucial
- voluminous: large, bulky
- voluntary: your choice; on your own; without being forced
- vomit: throw up, upchuck, emesis
W[edit | edit source]
- waning immunity: not immune any more; more likel to get sick; lost your disease resistance
- warning sign: sign of trouble; problem; alert
- waterfowl: water birds; birds that live on water; ducks, geese, and swans
- wheeze: breathing problem, difficulty breathing; gasp; gag; pant
- whereas: while, but
- white spot lesion: white spot on tooth, beginning decay
- whooping cough: disease of the lungs that is very easily spread to others
- withhold: deny, keep from, hold back, refuse
- withstand: take, bear, resist
- witness: see, note, observe
X[edit | edit source]
- x-ray: picture of your bones; picture of your insides
Y[edit | edit source]
Z[edit | edit source]
- zoonoses: diseases that people can get from animals; diseases that are passed between animals and people
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Contributors: Dr.T