FDA acronyms

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Here is a list of acronyms used by the US FDA.

FDA acronym Expanded name
WPADP ISBT Working Party on Automation and Data Processing
(b)(4) Freedom of Information Act Exemption 4, which protects from disclosure “trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person (that is) privileged or confidential.” (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)).
(NA)TAG (North American) Technical Advisory Group
§ section – shorthand symbol used to designate a section in a legal document; as in §201(m) of the FD&C Act.
§§ sections – shorthand symbol used to designate sections in a legal document; as in §§201(m), 301(k) of the FD&C Act.
1932 FDA form for veterinary adverse drug reaction, lack of effectiveness, product defect report - mandatory
1932a FDA form for veterinary adverse drug reaction, lack of effectiveness, product defect report - voluntary
2301 FDA form for transmittal of periodic reports and promotional material for new animal drugs
348 FDA form for sponsored travel
3500 FDA form for voluntary reporting of adverse events
3500A FDA form for mandatory reporting of adverse events
356V FDA form for new animal drug application
3Rs recruitment and relocation bonuses and retention allowances
406B Section of the FDA Modernization Act dealing with getting feedback from our stakeholders
482 FDA form for notice of inspection
483 FDA form used as a written notice of deficiencies found in inspections]]
505(b)(2) a new drug application that contains full reports of investigations of safety and effectiveness but where at least some of the information required for approval comes from studies not conducted by or for the applicant and for which the applicant has not obtained a right of reference.
510(k) section of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that deals with premarket notification
A-V arteriovenous
A-VO2 arteriovenous oxygen
A/L annual leave
A2LA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation
AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm
AAALAC Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International
AAAP American Association of Avian Pathologists
AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science
AABB American Association of Blood Banks
AABP American Association of Bovine Practitioners
AACR American Association for Cancer Research
AADA abbreviated antibiotic drug application
AAEP American Association of Equine Practitioners
AAFCO Association of American Feed Control Officials
AAFP American Academy of Family Physicians
AAHA American Animal Hospital Association
AAI American Association of Immunologists
AALAS American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
AAMI American Association for Medical Instrumentation
AANN American Association of Neurosciences Nurses
AANS American Association of Neurological Surgeons
AAO American Academy of Ophthalmology
AAP American Academy of Pediatrics
AAP American Academy of Peridontology
AAPHP American Association of Public Health Physicians
AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine
AAPS American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
AAR after action review
AARP American Association of Retired Persons
AAS acute abdominal series
AASP American Association of Swine Practitioners
AASRP American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners
AATB American Association of Tissue Banks
AAVLD American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians
AAVMC Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
AAVPT American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
AB (CDRH) Analysis Branch (CDRH)
ABC America’s Blood Centers
ABC American Blood Commission
ABE adverse biologic experience
ABG arterial blood gas
ABI Automated Broker Interface (U.S. Customs)
Abifarma Brazilian Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry
ABM application briefing meeting
ABPI Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
ABRA American Blood Resource Association
AC Advisory Committee
ACB (CDRH) Accreditation and Certification Branch (CDRH)
ACBSA Advisory Committee on Blood Safety and Availability (HHS)
ACC RCHSA (Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act) accession number (ORA AofC code)
ACCME Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
ACCP American College of Clinical Pharmacology
ACE adverse clinical event
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme
ACE Association of Clinical Embryologists
ACE Automated Commercial Environment (Customs and Border Protection)
ACED Advisory Committee for Employees with Disabilities
ACEP American College of Emergency Physicians
ACF Administration for Children and Families (DHHS)
ACG American College of Gastroenterology
ACGME Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
ACIL American Council of Independent Laboratories
ACIP Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (CDC)
ACLA American Clinical Laboratory Association
ACLAD American Committee on Laboratory Animal Diseases
ACLAM American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine
ACMP American College of Medical Physics
ACOL acceptable carry-over limit
ACP American College of Physicians
ACPE Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
ACPM American College of Preventive Medicine
ACR American College of Radiology
ACRA (ORA) Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs (ORA)
ACRPI Association of Clinical Research for the Pharmaceutical Industry
ACS American Chemical Society
ACS Automated Commercial System (U.S. Customs)
ACS (CBER) Analytical Chemistry Staff (CBER)
ACS (CDER) Advisors and Consultants Staff (CDER)
ACSM American College of Sports Medicine
ACT AIDS clinical trials
ACT applied clinical trials
ACTB (NCTR) Analytical Chemical Techniques Branch (NCTR)
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone
ACTIS Aids Clinical Trials Information Service
ACUS Administrative Conference of the United States
ACWA Administrative Careers with America (OPM)
AD action due
ad lib as much as needed
ADA American Dental Association
ADA American Diabetes Association
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
ADAA Animal Drug Availability Act of 1996
ADaM analysis dataset model (CDISC)
ADAMHA Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration (now SAMHSA)
ADCOM advisory committee
ADE adverse drug event
ADE adverse drug experience
ADE/ADER Adverse Drug Experience/Adverse Drug Experience Report
ADEC Australian Drug Evaluation Committee
AdEERS Adverse Event Expidited Reporting System (NCI)
ADH antidiuretic hormone
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADI acceptable daily intake
ADIMS Automated Drug Information Management System
ADME absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion
ADMIA (CBER) Associate Director for Medical and International Affairs (CBER)
ADP automated data processing
ADP (CBER) Associate Director for Policy (CBER)
ADR adverse drug reaction
ADR adverse drug report
ADR (CBER) Associate Director for Research (CBER)
ADRA Administrative Dispute Resolution Act
ADRA Associate Director of Regulatory Affairs
ADRAC Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee (TGA)
ADRM (CBER) Associate Director for Review Management (CBER)
ADRP Association of Donor Recruitment Professionals
ADRS Adverse Drug Reporting System
ADSA American Dairy Science Association
ADUFA Animal Drug User Fee Act of 2003
AdvaMed Advanced Medical Technology Association
AE adverse event
AE approvable
AEA actual expense allowance
AED Automated External Defibrillators
AER adverse event report
AERS Adverse Event Reporting System
AF administrative file
AF atrial fibrillation
AFAB absorbable fibrin adhesive bandage
AFDO Association of Food and Drug Officials
AFGE American Federation of Government Employees
AFIA American Feed Industry Association
AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (DoD)
AFP alpha-fetoprotein
AFSS Animal Feed Safety System
AGD action goal date
AGDUFA Animal Generic Drug User Fee Act
AGRICOLA Agricultural Online Access (USDA)
AHA American Hospital Association
AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (now AHRQ)
AHF antihemophilic factor
AHFS American Hospital Formulary Service
AHI Animal Health Institute
AHIC American Health Information Community
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research (formerly AHCPR) (DHHS)
AHU air handling unit
AICRC Association of Independent Clinical Research Contractors (UK)
AID Agency for International Development
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AIM active ingredient manufacturer
AIM Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility
AIMBE American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
AIMDD active implantable medical device directive
AIMS Agency Information Management System
AIN food additive identification number (ORA AofC code)
AIP abbreviated inspection system
AIP application integrity policy
AIRIO Agency Intramural Research Integrity Officer (NIH)
AIS automated information system
aka also known as
AL annual leave
ALARA as low as reasonably achievable
ALFB (CBER) Acess Litigation and FOI Branch (CBER)
ALFOI (CBER) Access Litigation and Freedom of Information Branch (CBER)
ALJ administrative law judge
ALJ (OC) Office of the Administrative Law Judge (OC)
ALL acute lymphocytic leukemia
alt alanine aminotransferase
AMA Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (USDA)
AMA American Medical Association
AMA-DE American Medical Association's Drug Evaluations
AMB (CDRH) Administrative Management Branch (CDRH)
AMDUCA Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act
AME absorption, metabolism, excretion
AMF administrative management of files
AmFAR American Foundation for AIDS Research
AMG Arzeneimittelgesetz (West Germany drug law).
AMHPS Association of Minority Health Professionals Schools
AMI acute myocardial infarction
AMI American Meat Institute
AML acute myelogenous leukemia
AMP average manufacturer price
AMPI Associated Milk Producers, Inc.
AMR Antimicrobial Resistance
AMS Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA)
AMS aseptic meningitis syndrome
AMT (OC) Asset Management Team (OC)
ANA abbreviated new animal drug number (ORA AofC code)
ANA antinuclear antibody
ANADA abbreviated new animal drug application
ANCOVA analysis of covariance
ANCOVA analysis of covariance
AND abbreviated new drug application number (ORA AofC code)
ANDA abbreviated new drug application
ANOVA analysis of variance
ANPR advance notice of proposed rulemaking
ANPRM advanced notice of proposed rule making
ANRC American National Red Cross
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ANZFA Australia New Zealand Food Authority
AO administrative officer
AoA Administration on Aging (DHHS)
AOAC Association of Official Analytical Chemists
AOB (OC) Accounting Operations Branch (OC)
AODM adult onset diabetes mellitus
AofC affirmation of compliance (codes) (ORA)
AOPC Agency/Organization Program Coordinator
APA Administrative Procedures Act
APAC Allergenic Products Advisory Committee (CBER)
apap N-acetyl-para-amino-phenol
APBI Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
APhA American Pharmaceutical Association
APHA American Public Health Association
APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA)
APHL Association of Public Health Laboratories
API active pharmaceutical ingredient
APIC Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Committee of CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council)
APIFARMA Association of the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Industries
APLB (CBER) Advertising and Promotional Labeling Branch (CBER)
APR annual product review
APSB (OC) Accounting Policy and Systems Branch (OC)
APTF Application Policy Task Force
APUA Alliance for Prudent Use of Antibiotics
AQL acceptable quality level
AR approvable letter
ARAB (OC) Accounting Reports and Analysis Branch (OC)
ARB angiotensin receptor blocker
ARC American Red Cross
ARCH Administrative Resources Core Hub (CFSAN)
ARCRT American Registry of Clinical Radiography Technologists
ARDB (CDRH) Anesthesiology and Respiratory Devices Branch (CDRH)
ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
ARENA Applied Research Ethics National Association
ARF acute renal failure
ARIES Administrative Resources Information Exchange System
ARL (ORA) Arkansas Regional Laboratory (ORA)
ARNet Acquisition Reform Network
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency (DoD)
ARRT American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
ARS Acute Radiation Syndrome
ARS Advancing Regulatory Science
ARS Agricultural Research Service (USDA)
ART Architecture Review Team
ART assisted reproductive technology
ART assisted reproductive therapy
ARTCA Antimicrobial Regulations Technical Correction Act of 1998
AS aortic stenosis
AS (CVM) Administrative Staff (CVM)
ASA Acoustical Society of America
ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists
ASA American Statistical Association
ASA Americans for Safe Access
ASA aminosalicylic acid
ASAP Administrative Systems Automation Project
ASAP as soon as possible
ASAS American Society of Animal Science
ASB (OC) Accounting Services Branch (OC)
ASB (OC) Administrative Services Branch (OC)
ASBPO Armed Services Blood Program Office
ASC Advertising Standards Council (Canada)
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange (computer files)
ASCO American Society for Clinical Oncology
ASCP American Society for Clinical Pathology
ASCPT American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
ASCVD atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
ASD atrial septal defect
ASD (HD) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense
ASGE American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
ASHD atherosclerotic heart disease
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Engineers
ASIA American Sheep Industry Association
ASICS Application Specific Integrated Circuit(s)
ASLAP American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners
ASM American Society for Microbiology
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASPR Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (HHS)
ASQ American Society for Quality
ASQC American Society for Quality Control
ASR analyte specific reagent
ASRM American Society for Reproductive Medicine
AST aspartate aminotransferase
ASTHO Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AT (OC) Acquisitions Team (OC)
ATC Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (Drug Classification System) (WHO)
ATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (U.S. Department of Justice)
ATM automatic teller machine
ATPA American Technology Pre-Eminence Act of 1991
ATPM Association of Teachers and Preventive Medicine
ATS (CDER) Applied Technologies Staff (CDER)
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC)
AUC area under the curve
AUSA Assistant United States Attorney
AV atrioventricular
AVA American Veal Association
AVDA American Veterinary Distributors Association
AVEG AIDS Vaccine Evaluation Group
AVMA American Veterinary Medical Association
AWC adequate and well-controlled
AWOL absent without official leave
AWP average wholesale price
AWS alternate work schedule
B&F (CVM) Budget and Finance Team (CVM)
BA/BE bioavailability/bioequivalence
BAC billing agency code
BaCON Bacterial Contamination study
BACPAC [[bulk activities postapproval changes.
BAER Brief Adverse Event Report Review (CDRH)
BAH Booz-Allen & Hamilton
BAM Bacteriological Analytical Manual
BARC Beltsville Area Agricultural Research Service (USDA)
BARDA Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority
BARQA British Association of Research Quality Assurance
BARS (CDER) Business Analysis and Reporting Staff (CDER)
BASIS Blood Availability and Safety Inventory System (HHS)
BATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (U.S. Department of Justice)
BB IND biological investigational new drug
BBB bundle branch block
BBR Bureau of Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals (Canada)
BBS bulletin board system
BC/BS Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Health Insurance
BCA Blood Center of America
BCAA branched-chain amino acids
BCB (CFSAN) Bioanalytical Chemistry Branch (CFSAN)
BCE beneficial clinical event
BCP Bureau of Consumer Protection (FTC)
BCPT Breast Cancer Prevention Trial
BDB Biologic Devices Branch (CBER)
BDB (CDRH) Bacteriology Devices Branch (CDRH)
BDLS Blood Donor Locator Service
BDPA Bureau of Drug Policy and Administration (China)
BDR budget data request
BDS Bureau of Drug Surveillance (Canada)
BDSS Biologics Decision Support System
BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis (U.S. Department of Commerce)
BECON Bioengineering Consortium (NIH)
BECS blood establishment computer software
BENS Business Executives for National Security
BEq bioequivalence
BER Blood Establishment Registration and Product Listing (CBER)
BEST Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends Program (U.S. Geological Survey)
BFAC Biologics Field Advisory Committee (CBER)
BFAD Bureau of Food & Drug Administration (Philippines)
BfArM Bundesinstitut fur Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (German Ministry of Health)
BFL Biologic establishment license number (ORA AofC code)
BGA Bundesgesundheitsamt (German Federal Health Office)
BGH bovine growth hormone
BGMA British Generic Manufacturer's Association
BHPr Bureau of Health Professions (HRSA)
BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs (U.S. Department of the Interior)
BID two times per day
BIG Blacks in Government
BIMO bioresearch monitoring
BIMS Biologic IND Management System
BIND biological investigational new drug
BIO Biotechnology Industry Association
BIOB (CFSAN) Biostatistics Branch (CFSAN)
BIRA The British Institute of Regulatory Affairs
BIRAMS Biologics Investigational and Related Applications Management System
BIRS Business Intelligence Reporting Solution
BISTI Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative (NIH)
BISTIC Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative Consortium (NIH)
BIVAS Body Image Visual Analog Scale
BLA biologics license application (CBER)
BLM Bureau of Land Management (U.S. Department of the Interior)
BLS biologics license supplement
BLST (CFSAN) Building and Laboratory Services Team (CFSAN)
BLT Blood Logging and Tracking System (CBER)
BMB (CFSAN) Bioanalytical Methods Branch (CFSAN)
BMBL Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (CDC)
BMI body mass index
BMIS Bioresearch Monitoring Information System (CDER)
BMR basal metabolic rate
BMS (OC) Broadcast Media Staff (OC)
BNA Bureau of National Affairs
BNF biotechnology notification file
BOCB (CFSAN) Biological and Organic Chemistry Branch (CFSAN)
BOCF baseline observation carried forward
BOP Boards of Pharmacy
BOS (CBER) Building Operations Staff (CBER)
BOS-DO (ORA) Boston (Massachusetts) District Office (ORA)
BP base pair
BP blood pressure
BP British Pharmacopoeia
BPA blanket purchase agreement
BPA Bureau of Pharmaceutical Assessment (Canada)
BPAC Blood Products Advisory Committee (CBER)
BPB (CBER) Blood and Plasma Branch (CBER)
BPC bulk pharmaceutical chemical
BPC Bureau of Policy and Coordination (Canada)
BPCA Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act
BPCI Act Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009
BPD biological product deviation
BPD broncho-pulmonary dysplasia
BPE bulk pharmaceutical excipient
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia
BPHC Bureau of Primary Health Care (HRSA)
BPL biologic product license number (ORA AofC code)
BPM beats per minute
BPR business process re-engineering
BPSRG Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Group (UK)
BPWG Business Process Working Group
BrAPP British Association of Pharmaceutical Physicians
BRCC Biologics Research Coordinating Committee (CBER)
BRFSS Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (CDC)
BRMAC Biological Response Modifiers Advisory Committee (CBER)
BRMD Bureau of Radiation and Medical Devices (Canada)
BrMIS Bioresearch Monitoring Information System
BRMS Biologics Regulatory Management System
BSA body surface area
BSB (CFSAN) Biotechnology Studies Branch (Chicago, Illinois) (CFSAN)
BSC biological safety cabinet
BSC Blood Safety Committee
BSC Business Service Centers
BSD Blood Service Directive
BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease)
BSI British Standards Institute
BSL Biosafety level
BST bovine somatotropin
BSTS Bundled Supplement Tracking System
BsUFA Biosimilar User Fee Act
Bt Bacillus thuringiensis
BT bioterrorism
BT Act Bioterrorism Act (Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002)
BTA The Bioterroism Act of 2002
BTCB (CBER) Blood and Tissue Compliance Branch (CBER)
BTD Breakthrough Therapy Designation
BTR Blood and Tissue Registration System
BUF-DO (ORA) Buffalo (New York) District Office (ORA)
BUN blood urea nitrogen
BUS BIMS User Support Group
BVB (CBER) Bacterial Vaccine and Allergenic Products Branch (CBER)
BVC British Veterinary Codex
BW Body Weight
BWM basic workload measurement
BWM Biologics Workload Management
BX biopsy
c with
C & R corrections and removals
C & S culture and sensitivity
C of A certificate of analysis
C-TPAT Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
C/CC career or career conditional
C3I communications, command, control, and intelligence
CA Chemical Abstracts
CA committee assignment
CA competent authority (U.K.)
CAAT Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (Johns Hopkins)
CAB conformity assessment body
CAB (OC) Computer Applications Branch (OC)
CABE corrective action(s) being effected
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
caBIG Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (NIH)
CABP community-acquired bacterial pneumonia
CABs conformity assessment bodies
CAC Carcinogenicity Assessment Committee (CDER)
CACBERS Committee for the Advancement of CBER Science
CACTIS Center ADP/TC Computer Tracking and Inventory System (CFSAN)
CAD control of automated processes
CAD coronary artery disease
caDSR Cancer Data Standards Repository (NCI)
CAERS CFSAN Adverse Event Reporting System
CAERST (CFSAN) CFSAN Adverse Event Reporting System Team
CAFDAS Committee for the Advancement of FDA Science
cal calorie
CALA computer-assisted license application
CAN common accounting number
CANDA computer assisted new drug application
CAO change of appointing office
CAP College of American Pathologists
CAP color additive petition
CAP corrective action plan
CAPA corrective and preventive action
CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
CAPLA computer assisted product license application
CAPLAR Computer-Assisted Product License Application Review
CAPRA Canadian Association of Professional Regulatory Affairs
CARS CDRH Ad hoc Reporting System
CARS Compliance Achievement Reporting System
CARTS CFSAN Automated Research Tracking System
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service
CAs competent authorities
CASE computer aided software engineering
CASPER Center Automated System Process Exchange and Reporting (CFSAN)
CAST Calf Antibiotic and Sulfonamide Test
CAST Council for Agricultural Science
CAT computerized axial tomography
CATCH Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (NIH)
CBC complete blood count
CBCTN Community-based Clinical Trials Network (AmFAR)
CBE changes being effected
CBER Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (FDA)
CBG capillary blood gas
CBIAC Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center (DoD)
CBO Congressional Budget Office (U.S.)
CBP Customs and Border Protection (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)
CBRA California Biomedical Research Association
CBRG Cancer Biomarkers Research Group (NCI)
CBRN Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear
CBSC cord blood stem cells
CBT computer-based training
CC chief complaint
CC Clinical Center (NIH)
CC Commissioned Corps
CC conference call
CC Coordinating Committee
CC/RVDF Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods
CCA Clinger-Cohen Act (formerly the Information Technology Management Reform Act)
CCB Change Control Board
CCB (CFSAN) Color Certification Branch (CFSAN)
CCBC Council of Community Blood Centers
CCC Chinese ceramicware factory code (ORA AofC code)
CCC Commodity Credit Corporation (FSA)
CCC Compliance Coordinating Committee (CDER)
CCEHRP Committee to Coordinate Environmental Health and Related Programs (PHS)
CCFAC Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants
CCFICS Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Certification and Inspection Systems
CCFL Codex Committee on Food Labeling
CCHIT Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology
CCI corrected count increment
CCOHTA Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment
CCOP Community Clinical Oncology Program (NCI)
CCP critical control point
CCPR Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
CCR CDER request for collaborative review
CCR Center for Cancer Research (NCI)
CCRA Clinical Contract Research Association (UK)
CCRC certified clinical research coordinator
CCST (CFSAN) Clinical Chemistry Support Team (CFSAN)
CCU cardiac care unit
CCU clean catch urine
CCVDF Codex Committee on Veterinary Drugs in Foods
CD-ROM compact disc read-only memory
CDA clinical document architecture
CDASH Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (DHHS)
CDDI Collaboration for Drug Development Improvement
CDDTB (CBER) Career Development and Directed Training Branch (CBER)
CDER Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (FDA)
CDIS Component Distribution Information System
CDISC Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium
CDM clinical data management
CDP Candidate Development Program (SES)
CDP career development plan
CDR central document room
CDR clinical drug request
CDRH Center for Devices and Radiological Health (FDA)
CDRS (CFSAN) Case Development and Recall Staff (CFSAN)
CDSA Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada)
CDTL Cross Discipline Team Leader
CDUS Clinical Data Update System (NCI)
CE continuing education
CE Mark CE (Conformite Europeene or European Conformity) marking
CE-FO (ORA) Central Regional Field Office
CEA Council of Economic Advisers
CEARS CBER Error and Accident Reporting System
CEB (CDER) Clinical Evaluation Branch (CBER)
CEB (CFSAN) Compliance and Enforcement Branch (CFSAN)
CEDR Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (U.S. Department of Energy)
CEF chick embryo fibroblast
CEFIC European Chemical Industry Council
CEMB (CDRH) Cardiac Electrophysiology and Monitoring Devices Branch (CDRH)
CEN Comite Europeen de Normalisation (European Committee for Standardization)
CENELEC Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization)
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CEPPO Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (EPA)
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality
CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (EPA)
CERG CBER Emergency Relocation Group
CERSI Centers of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation
CERT Community Emergency Response Team
CERTS Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics (DHHS)
CES (CFSAN) Consumer Education Staff (CFSAN)
CET (CFSAN) Clinical Evaluation Team (CFSAN)
CEU continuing education units
CF cystic fibrosis
cfa Catfish Farmers of America
CFAST Coalition For Accelerating Standards and Therapies
CFC chlorofluorohydrocarbons
CFC Combined Federal Campaign
CFD computational fluid dynamic
CFDA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
CFG Center for Functional Genomics (NCTR)
CFG Certificate for Foreign Government
CFIA Canadian Food Inspection Agency
CFN central file number (ORA)
CFO chief financial officer
CFO (OC) Chief Financial Officer (OC)
CFOC Chief Financial Officers Council
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CFR Code of Federal Regulations section (ORA AofC code)
CFSAN Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (FDA)
CFU colony forming unit
CGCS computer-generated cover sheet
CGI common gateway interface
CGL chronic granulocytic leukemia
cGMP current good manufacturing practice
CGMPR Current Good Manufacturing Practices Regulations
CGS (ORA) Contract and Grants Staff (ORA)
CGTP current good tissue practice
CH clinical hold
CHAMPVA Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs
CHAT (CFSAN) Chemical Hazards Assessment Team (CFSAN)
CHCB (CFSAN) Chemical Contaminants Branch (CFSAN)
CHD coronary heart disease
CHDC Contractor Hosted Data Center
CHF congestive heart failure
CHI Consolidated Health Informatics Initiative
CHID Combined Health Information Database (NIH)
CHISSA Center for High Integrity Software System Assurance
ChLIA chemi-luminescent immunoassay
CHMP Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use
CHO carbohydrate
CHPA Consumer Healthcare Products Association
CHSB (CFSAN) Chemical Hazards Science Branch (CFSAN)
CI clinical investigator
CI confidence interval
CI confidential informant
CI criminal investigator
CI/KR Critical infrastructure and key resources
CIA Central Intelligence Agency (U.S.)
CIA corporate integrity agreement
CIAC Computer Incident Advisory Capability (U.S. Department of Energy)
CIAO Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office
CIB clinical investigator's brochure
CIB (CFSAN) Compliance Information Branch (CFSAN)
CIN Color Index number (ORA AofC code)
CINAHL Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
CIO chief information officer
CIOMS Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (WHO)
CIP clean in place
CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection
CIPP Critical Infrastructure Protection Program
CIR cosmetic ingredient review
CIRMS Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards
CIRS Center Information Retrieval System (CDRH)
CIS Cancer Information Service (NCI)
CIS catastrophic incident supplement (FEMA)
CISET Committee on International Science, Engineering and Technology
CIT Center for Information Technology (NIH)
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
CJD Creutzfeldt Jakob disease
CLA conference lodging allowance
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988
CLIIL Clinical Investigator Inspection List
CLSI Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
CLT central limit theorem
CM case management
CM chemistry and manufacturing (Canada)
CM committee meeting
CM configuration management
CMA Chemical Manufacturers Association
Cmax maximum plasma concentration
CMC chemistry, manufacturing, and control
CMCCC Chemistry and Manufacturing Controls Coordinating Committee (CDER)
CME continuing medical education
CMGB (CDER) Cae Management and Guidance Branch (CDER)
CMHS Center for Mental Health Services (SAMHSA)
CMI Consumer Medical Information
CMO contract management organization
CMP civil money penalty
CMP/ HMO comprehensive medical plan/health maintenance organization
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (DHHS) (formerly HCFA)
CMV cytomegalovirus
CN cranial nerves
CND (CDRH) Cardiovascular/Neurological Devices Branch (CDRH)
CNPP Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (USDA)
CNS central nervous system
CNS Congress of Neurological Surgeons
CO commissioned officer
CO compliance officer
CO contract officer
COA certificate of analysis
COA Commissioned Officers Association (PHS)
COB close of business
COB (OC) Contract Operations Branch (OC)
COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
COBTA Council on Biologics and Therapeutic Agents (of AVMA)
COCB (CFSAN) Communication and Coordination Branch (CFSAN)
CODB (CDRH) Cardiovascular and Ophthalmic Devices Branch (CDRH)
CODEX Codex Alimentarius
CoE Center of Excellence
COE certificate of exportability
COFEPRIS Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks) (Mexico)
COI conflict of interest
COLA cost of living allowance
COLD chronic obstructive lung disease
COMAH Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999
COMIS Center-wide Oracle Management Information System
COMSTAT Compliance Status Information System
CONOPS concept of operations
CONSER Cooperative Online Serials
CONUS continental United States
COOL country-of-origin labeling
COOP continuity of operations plan
COP clean out of place
COP Coastal Ocean Program (NOAA)
COP continuation of pay
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COPR Council of Public Representatives (NIH OD)
COPTRG Community Oncology and Prevention Trials Research Group (NCI)
COR Contracting Officer’s Representative
CORE Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation
CORE EASE central repository module
CoS certificate of suitability
COS cosmetic registration number (ORA AofC code)
COS (CFSAN) Cosmetics Staff (CFSAN)
COSTART Coding Symbols for Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction Terms
COTA Career Opportunities Training Agreement (HHS)
COTB (CBER) Communication Technology Branch (CBER)
COTS commercial off-the-shelf software
COTT Committee of Ten Thousand
CP cerebral palsy
CP chest pain
CP citizen petition
CP compliance program
CPAC Central Pharmaceutical Affairs Council (Japan)
CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
CPB (CFSAN) Compliance Programs Branch (CFSAN)
CPC Compliance Policy Council
CPCSEA Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision on Experiments on Animals (India)
CPD Center for Professional Development
CPDA citrate phosphate dextrose adenine
CPDF Central Personnel Data File (OPM)
CPE continuing professional education
CPFP Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program (NCI)
CPG Compliance Policy Guide
CPGM Compliance Program Guidance Manual
CPI consumer price index
CPIC Capital Planning and Investment Control
CPID Certified Product Information Document (Canada)
CPK creatinine phosphokinase
CPMP Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (EMEA)
CPMS Chief, Project Management Staff (CDER)
CPP certificate of pharmaceutical product
CPP critical process parameter
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPS Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (Canada)
CPSA Consumer Product Safety Act
CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPT Current Procedural Terminology (AMA)
CQA Critical Quality Attribute
CR collection report
CR complete response (letter)
CRA clinical research associate
CRADA cooperative research and development agreement
CRB Change Review Board
CRB (CBER) Clinical Review Branch (CBER)
CRC Civil Rights Center (U.S. Department of Labor)
CRC clinical research coordinator
CRCL creatinine clearance
CRCPD Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors
CRF case report form
CRF chronic renal failure
CRIS Clinical Research Information System (NIH)
CRISP Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects (database) (NIH)
CRIX Clinical Research Information Exchange (FDA and NCI)
CRM corporate records management
CRMT (OC) Cosmetics Toxicology Branch (CFSAN)
CRMTS CBER Regulatory Meetings Management Tracking System
CRO clinical research organization
CRO contract research organization
CRP C-reactive protein
CRR consult review request
CRS Congressional Research Service
CRS Contamination Response System
CRT case report tabulations
CRTP Clinical Research Training Program
CRU Center Recall Unit
CRWG Hurricane Katrina Comprehensive Review Working Group
CS civil service
CS clinically significant
CS (CVM) Communications Staff (CVM)
CS (OC) Communications Staff (OC)
CSA clinical study agreement
CSA Controlled Substances Act
CSAP Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (SAMHSA)
CSAT Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (SAMHSA)
CSB Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
CSB (OC) Customer Support Branch (OC)
CSB (ORA) Customer Support Branch (ORA)
CSC Computational Science Center
CSDD Center for the Study of Drug Development (Tufts University)
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CSG Counterterrorism Security Group
CSI consumer safety inspector
CSM Committee on Safety of Medicines (UK)
CSO consumer safety officer
CSPDB (CDRH) Circulatory Support and Prosthetic Devices Branch (CDRH)
CSPI Center for Science in the Public Interest
CSR Center for Scientific Review (NIH)
CSR clinical study report
CSR customer service records
CSR customer service representative (EASE)
CSREES Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Services (USDA)
CSS (CDER) Controlled Substance Staff (CDER)
CST consumer safety technician
CST (CFSAN) Consumer Studies Team (CFSAN)
CSTE Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
CSV comma separated value (file format)
CSV computer system validation
CT clinical trial
CT computed tomography
CTA clinical trial agreement
CTA clinical trial application
CTAP Career Transition Assistance Plan
CTB (CBER) Cell Therapies Branch (CBER)
CTC chlortetracycline
CTC clinical trial certificate
CTC common toxicity criteria
CTD common technical document
CTDB 1 (CDRH) Chemistry and Toxicology Devices Branch 1 (CDRH)
CTDB 2 (CDRH) Chemistry and Toxicology Devices Branch 2 (CDRH)
CTEB (CFSAN) Cosmetics Technology Branch (CFSAN)
CTEP Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program
CTFA Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association
CTIA Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association
CTM clinical trials materials
CTO clinical trial outline
CTOB (CFSAN) Cosmetics Toxicology Branch (CFSAN)
CTP Center for Tobacco Products
CTRS CDRH Time Reporting System
CTS Center Tracking System
CTS Correspondence Tracking System
CTS counseling and testing site
CTTB (CBER) Cellular and Tissue Therapy Branch (CBER)
CTTI Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative
CTX clinical trials exemption (UK)
CU Consumers Union
CUE confidential unit exclusion
CUF Commissione Unica del Farmaco (Italy)
CUVP Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products (EMEA)
CV cardiovascular
CV curriculum vitae
CVA cerebrovascular accident
CVA costovertebral angle
CVD cardiovascular disease
CVM Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA)
CVMP Committee on Veterinary Medical Products (EMEA)
CVP central venous pressure
CWD Chronic Wasting Disease
CXR chest x-ray
CY calendar year
D & C dilation and curettage
D0AF (CDRH) Division of Planning, Analysis and Finance (CDRH)
DA (OC) Division of Accounting (OC)
DAA designated approving authority
DAAP (CDER) Division of Anesthesia and Analgesia Products (CDER)
DAARP (CDER) Division of Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Rheumatology Products (CDER)
DAC (CFSAN) Division of of Analytical Chemistry (CFSAN)
DADS Developers and Distributors System
DADS (CDER) Division of Applications Development and Services (CDER)
DAE (OC) Division of Applied Engineering (OC)
DAEA II Division of Adverse Event Analysis 2 (CDER)
DAF (CVM) Division of Animal Feeds (CVM)
DAFM (CVM) Division of Animal and Food Microbiology (CVM)
DAGID (CDRH) Division of Anesthesiology, General Hospital, Infection Control, and Dental Devices (CDRH)
DAIDS Division of AIDS (NIAID)
DailyMed NLM-based database of information on marketed drugs including FDA-approved labels.
DAIOP (CDER) Division of Anti-infective and Ophthalmology Products (CDER)
DAIP (CDER) Division of Anti-Viral Products (CDER)
DAL defect action level
DAPR (CDER) Division of Applied Pharmacology Research (CDER)
DAR (CVM) Division of Animal Research (CVM)
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DoD)
DARRTS Document Archiving, Reporting and Regulatory Tracking System
DART Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology
DAS (CFSAN) Division of Administrative Services Management (CFSAN)
DAS (NCTR) Division of Administrative Services (NCTR)
DAT diet as tolerated
DATS Document Accountability and Tracking System (CBER)
DAVP (CDER) Division of Anti-viral Products (CDER)
DAVR (CVM) Division of Applied Veterinary Research (CVM)
DAWN drug abuse warning network
DB double-blind
DB (CBER) Division of Biostatistics (CBER)
DB (CDRH) Division of Biology (CDRH)
DB I (CDER) Division of Biometrics I (CDER)
DB II (CDER) Division of Biometrics II (CDER)
DB III (CDER) Division of Biometrics III (CDER)
DB IV (CDER) Division of Biometrics IV (CDER)
DB V (CDER) Division of Biometrics V (CDER)
DB VI (CDER) Division of Biometrics VI (CDER)
dba doing business as
DBA (CBER) Division of Blood Applications (CBER)
DBC (CFSAN) Division of Bioanalytical Chemistry (CFSAN)
DBCP (CBER) Division of Blood Collection and Processing (CBER)
DBE (CDER) Division of Bioequivalence (CDER)
DBEC (OC) Division of Budget Execution and Control (OC)
DBEPA (CBER) Division of Blood Establishment and Product Applications (CBER)
DBGLPC (CDER) Division of Bioequivalence and Good Laboratory Practices Compliance (CDER)
DBGNR (CFSAN) Division of Biotechnology and GRAS Notice Review (CFSAN)
DBGNR (CFSAN) Division of Biotechnology and GRAS Notice Review (CFSAN)
DBM (CDRH) Division of Bioresearch Monitoring (CDRH)
DBMS database management system
DBMSS (CDER) Division of Business Management Services and Solutions (CDER)
DBOP (CDER) Division of Biologic Oncology Products (CDER)
DBPAP (CBER) Division of Bacterial, Parasitic and Allergenic Products (CBER)
DBRA (NCTR) Division of Biometry and Risk Assessment (NCTR)
DBS (CDRH) Division of Biostatistics (CDRH)
DBT (NCTR) Division of Biochemical Toxicology (NCTR)
DC discharge
DC discontinue
DC (CVM) Division of Compliance (CVM)
DC (NCTR) Division of Chemistry (NCTR)
DC I (CDER) Division of Chemistry I (CDER)
DC II (CDER) Division of Chemistry II (CDER)
DC III (CDER) Division of Chemistry III (CDER)
DCB (CFSAN) Domestic Compliance Branch (CFSAN)
DCC Document Control Center
DCC (CBER) Document Control Center (CBER)
DCC (CFSAN) Division of Cosmetics and Compliance (CFSAN)
DCC (OC) Division of Customer Care (OC)
DCCA (CBER) Division of Communication and Consumer Affairs (CBER)
DCCT (CFSAN) Division of Color Certification and Technology (CFSAN)
DCD (CDRH) Division of Cardiovascular Devices (CDRH)
DCEPT (CBER) Division of Clinical Evaluation and Pharmacology/Toxicology (CBER)
DCF data clarification request form
DCGM (OC) Division of Contracts and Grants Management (OC)
DCGT (CBER) Division of Cell and Gene Therapies (CBER)
DCIA Debt Collection Act of 1996
DCIQA (ORA) Division of Compliance Information and Quality Assurance (ORA)
DCIS Design Control Inspection Strategy
DCLD (CDRH) Division of Clinical Laboratory Devices (CDRH)
DCM (CBER) Division of Case Management (CBER)
DCM (CDRH) Division of Communications Media (CDRH)
DCMO (ORA) Division of Compliance Management and Operations (ORA)
DCMS (CDRH) Division of Chemistry and Material Science (CDRH)
DCP (CFSAN) Division of Cooperative Programs (CFSAN)
DCP (NCTR) Division of Contracts and Procurement (NCTR)
DCP (ORA) Division of Compliance Policy (ORA)
DCP 1 (CDER) Division of Clinical Pharmacology 1 (CDER)
DCP 2 (CDER) Division of Clinical Pharmacology 2 (CDER)
DCP 3 (CDER) Division of Clinical Pharmacology 3 (CDER)
DCP 4 (CDER) Division of Clinical Pharmacology 4 (CDER)
DCP 5 (CDER) Division of Clinical Pharmacology 5 (CDER)
DCPA (CBER) Division of Congressional and Public Affairs (CBER)
DCPS Defense Civilian Pay System
DCRER (CFSAN) Division of Chemistry Research and Environmental Review (CFSAN)
DCRMS (CDER) Division of Compliance Risk Management and Surveillance (CDER)
DCRP (CDER) Division of Cardiovascular and Renal Products (CDER)
DCSC (OC) Division of Construction and Service Contracts (OC)
DCT (CDER) Division of Counter-terrorism (CDER)
DCTD (CDRH) Division of Chemistry and Toxicology Devices (CDRH)
DCU document control unit
DD Department of Drugs (Swedish Regulatory Agency)
DD division director
DD (CVM) district director
DDA Division of Drug Analysis (CDER)
DDB (CDRH) Dental Devices Branch (CDRH)
DDB (CDRH) Diagnostic Devices Branch (CDRH)
DDDP (CDER) Division of Dermatology and Dental Products (CDER)
DDDQ (CDER) Division of Domestic Drug Quality (CDER)
DDE drug data entry
DDE dynamic data exchange
DDES (CFSAN) Division of Dairy and Egg Safety (CFSAN)
DDI (CDER) Division of Drug Information (CDER)
DDM (NCTR) Deputy Director for Management (NCTR)
DDM (OC) Division of Dockets Management (OC)
DDMAC (CDER) Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communication (CDER)
DDMS (CDER) Division of Database Management and Services (CDER)
DDMSS (CDER) Division of Data Management Services and Solutions (CDER)
DDOM (CBER) Division of Disclosure and Oversight Management (CBER)
DDOP (CDER) Division of Drug Oncology Products (CDER)
DDQCSS (CDER) Division of Drug Quality and Compliance Services and Solution (CDER)
DDR Division Document Room
DDR Donor Deferral Registry
DDRE (CDER) Division of Drug Risk Evaluation (CDER)
DDS Deputy Director for Safety (CDER)
DDSPC (CFSAN) Division of Dietary Supplement Programs and Compliance (CFSAN)
DDT Drug Development Tools
DE (CBER) Division of Epidemiology (CBER)
DE (CFSAN) Division of Enforcement (CFSAN)
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration (U.S. Department of Justice)
DEB (CFAN) Dairy and Egg Branch (CFSAN)
DEC (CFSAN) Division of Education and Communication (CFSAN)
DEEM dietary exposure evaluation model
DEHP Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
DEIO (ORA) Division of Emergency and Investigational Operations (ORA)
DEMO (CDRH) Division of Ethics and Management Operations (CDRH)
DEN drug experience network
DEOD (CDRH) Dental, Ear, Nose, Throat and Ophthalmic Devices Branch (CDRH)
DEP Data Evaluation Project
DEPI (CBER) Division of Ethics and Program Integrity (CBER)
DEPI (CDER) Division of Epidemiology (CDER)
DER drug experience report
DES diethylstilbestrol
DES Drug eluting stent
DES (CVM) Division of Epidemiology and Surveillance (CVM)
DES (OC) Division of Engineering Services (OC)
DESE (CDRH) Division of Electrical and Software Engineering (CDRH)
DESI Drug Efficacy Study Implementation
DETTD (CBER) Division of Emerging and Transfusion Transmitted Diseases (CBER)
DEV device registration number (ORA AofC code)
DFARS Drug Firm Annual Registration Status
DFCN (CFSAN) Division of Food Contact Notifications (CFSAN)
DFEM (NCTR) Division of Facilities Engineering and Maintenance (NCTR)
DFFI Division of Foreign Field Investigations (ORA)
DFLSC (CFSAN) Division of Food Labeling, Standards, and Compliance (CFSAN)
DFM (NCTR) Division of Financial Management (NCTR)
DFO designated federal official
DFO (OC) Division of Field Operations (OC)
DFOI (OC) Division of Freedom of Information (OC)
DFPG (CFSAN) Division of Field Programs and Guidance (CFSAN)
DFPP (CFSAN) Division of Food Processing and Packaging (Chicago, Illinois) (CFSAN)
DFPST (CFSAN) Division of Food Processing Science and Technology (CFSAN)
DFRM Drug Facility Registration Module (FURLS)
DFS Division File System
DFS (ORA) Division of Field Science (ORA)
DFSR Division of Federal-State Relations (Office of Regulatory Affairs)
DGCPC (CDER) Division of Good Clinical Practice Compliance (CDER)
DGFPS Direccion General de Farmacia y Productos Sanitarios (Directorate General of Pharmacy and Sanitary Products) (Spain)
DGIEP (CDER) Division of Gastroenterology and Inborn Errors Products (CDER)
DGMPA (CDER) Division of Good Manufacturing Practice Assessment (CDER)
DGP (CDER) Division of Gastroenterology Products (CDER)
DGRND (CDRH) Division of General, Restorative and Neurological Devices (CDRH)
DGRT (NCTR) Division of Genetic and Reproductive Toxicology (NCTR)
DGSS (CFSAN) Division of General Scientific Support (CFSAN)
DH (CBER) Division of Hematology (CBER)
DHC dioxin health certificate (ORA AofC code)
DHCP Dear Healthcare Professional (type of letter)
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHF design history file
DHFS (CVM) Division of Human Food Safety (CVM)
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services (U.S.)
DHR device history record
DHRD (ORA) Division of Human Resources Development (ORA)
DHS Department of Homeland Security (U.S.)
DHSS Department of Health and Social Security (U.K.)
DHT (CBER) Division of Human Tissues (CBER)
DI deionized water
DI diabetes insipidus
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency (U.S.)
DIA Drug Information Association
DIAM (CDRH) Division of Imaging and Applied Mathematics (CDRH)
DIB Directory, Investigations Branch
DIBD Development International Birth Date
DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation
DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
DID (CBER) Division of Information Development (CBER)
DIDP (CBER) Division of Information Disclosure Policy (CDER)
DIDQ (CDER) Division of International Drug Quality (CDER)
DIHD (CDRH) Division of Immunology and Hematology Devices (CDRH)
DILI drug-induced liver injury
DIMS (CFSAN) Data Information Management Staff (CFSAN)
DIMS (OC) Division of Infrastructure Management and Services (OC)
DIN drug identification number (Canada)
DIO (CBER) Division of Information Operations (CBER)
DIO (OC) Division of Infrastructure Operations (OC)
DIOP (ORA) Division of Import Operations and Policy (ORA)
DIOR (CDER) Division of Import Operations and Recalls (CDER)
DIRM (CFSAN) Division of Information Resources Management (CFSAN)
DIS (CBER) Division of Inspections and Surveillance (CBER)
DIS (CDER) Division of Information Services (CDER)
DIT (CDRH) Division of Information Technology (CDER)
DIT (NCTR) Division of Information Technology (NCTR)
DIVBT (CFSAN) Division of In Vitro and Biochemical Toxicology (CFSAN)
DJD degenerative joint disease
DKA diabetic ketoacidosis
dL deciliter
DLI donor lymphocyte infusion
DLPS (CDER) Division of Labeling and Program Support (CDER)
DLR drug listing rule
DLS Document Logging System (CBER)
DLS drug listing number (ORA AofC code)
DM diabetes mellitus
DM (CFSAN) Division of Mathematics (CFSAN)
DM (CFSAN) Division of Microbiology (CFSAN)
DM (NCTR) Division of Microbiology (NCTR)
DMA Danish Medicines Agency
DMA (CDER) Division of Monoclonal Antibodies (CDER)
DMARDS disease-modifying antirheumatic drug
DMAT Disaster Medical Assistance Team
DMAT (CBER) Division of Manufacturers Assistance and Training (CBER)
DMB Dockets Management Branch
DMB (CDER) Division of Management and Budget (CDER)
DMB (CFSAN) Division of Molecular Biology (CFSAN)
DMC Data Monitoring Committee
DMD (CDRH) Division of Microbiology Devices (CDRH)
DME durable medical equipment
DME (NCTR) Division of Molecular Epidemiology (NCTR)
DMEP (CDER) Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products (CDER)
DMEPA (CDER) Division of Medical Error Prevention and Analysis
DMETS (CDER) Division of Medical Errors and Technical Support (CDER)
DMF drug master file
DMIHP (CDER) Division of Medical Imaging and Hematology Products (CDER)
DMIP Division of Medical Imaging Products (CDER)
DMIRDP (CDER) Division of Medical Imaging and Radiopharmaceutical Drug Products (CDER)
DMO (CFSAN) Division of Management Operations (CFSAN)
DMO (ORA) Division of Management Operations (ORA)
DMORT Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team
DMPQ (CBER) Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality (CBER)
DMPQ (CDER) Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality (CDER)
DMQRP (CDRH) Division of Mammography Quality and Radiation Programs (CDRH)
DMR device master record
DMS (CDER) Division of Management Services (CDER)
DMS (CFSAN) Division of Microbiological Studies (CFSAN)
DMS (OC) Division of Management Systems (OC)
DMSO dimethylsulfoxide
DMST (CFSAN) Division of Market Studies (CFSAN)
DMT DARRTS Management Team
DMT (CVM) Division of Manufacturing Technologies (CVM)
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DNCE (CDER) Division of Nonprescripton Clinical Evaluation (CDER)
DNDLC (CDER) Division of New Drugs and Labeling Compliance (CDER)
DNP (CDER) Division of Neurology Products (CDER)
DNP (CFSAN) Division of Natural Products (CFSAN)
DNPDHF (CDER) Division of Nonprescription Drugs and Health Fraud (CDER) (formerly OTC Drugs and Health Fraud Branch - OTCDHFB)
DNPL (CFSAN) Division of Nutrition Programs and Labeling (CFSAN)
DNR do not resuscitate
DNRD (CDER) Division of Nonprescription Regulation Development (CDER)
DNS domain name server
DNT (NCTR) Division of Neurotoxicology (NCTR)
DO disbursing officer
DO District Office (FDA)
DOA dead on arrival
DOA drugs of abuse
DOC Department of Commerce (U.S.)
DOC documentary sample
DoD Department of Defense (U.S.)
DODP (CDER) Division of Oncologic Drug Products (CDER)
DOE Department of Energy (U.S.)
DOE design of experiment
DOE dyspnea on exertion
DOE A (CDRH) Division of Enforcement A (CDRH)
DOE B (CDRH) Division of Enforcement B (CDRH)
DOEd Department of Education (U.S.)
DOED (CDRH) Division of Ophthalmic, Ear, Nose and Throat Devices (CDRH)
DOI Department of the Interior (U.S.)
DOJ Department of Justice (U.S.)
DOL Department of Labor (U.S.)
DONED Division of Ophthalmic, Neurological, and Ear, Nose and Throat Devices (CDRH)
DOS Department of State (U.S.)
DOT Department of Transportation (U.S.)
DOT (CFSAN) Division of Toxicology (CFSAN)
DP drug product
DP (CDRH) Division of Physics (CDRH)
DP (NCTR) Division of Planning (NCTR)
DPA (CDER) Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis (CDER)
DPA (CDER) Division of Public Affairs (CDER)
DPA I (CDER) Division of Pre-marketing Assessment I (CDER)
DPA II (CDER) Division of Pre-marketing Assessment II (CDER)
DPAMS (CDER) Division of Pre-marketing Assessment III and Manufacturing Science (CDER)
DPAP (CDER) Division of Pulmonary and Allergy Products (CDER)
DPARP (CDER) Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Rheumatology Products (CDER)
DPC-PTR Act Drug Price Competition and Patent Trade Restoration Act of 1984
DPCDO (CDER) Division of Policy, Collaboration, and Data Operations (CDER)
DPD (CDER) Division of Prescription Drugs (CDER) (formerly Prescription Drugs Branch - PDB)
DPD (CVM) Division of Production Drugs (CVM)
DPD (OC) Division of Portfolio Development (OC)
DPDD (CDER) Division of Pediatric Drug Development (CDER)
DPDFS (CFSAN) Division of Plant and Dairy Food Safety (CFSAN)
DPE (CDER) Division of Post-marketing Development (CDER)
DPEB (CBER) Division of Planning, Evaluation and Budget (CBER)
DPEM (ORA) Division of Planning, Evaluation and Management (ORA)
DPEPOPD (CFSAN) Division of Programs and Enforcement Policy (OPDFB) (CFSAN)
DPEPOS (CFSAN) Division of Programs and Enforcement Policy (OS) (CFSAN)
DPFRM (CFSAN) Division of Planning and Financial Resources Management (CFSAN)
DPHB (CFSAN) Division of Public Health and Biostatistics (CFSAN)
DPI dry powder inhaler
DPIC (CFSAN) Division of Pesticides and Industrial Chemicals (CFSAN)
DPL Drug Product Licensing (Canada)
DPMU Disaster Portable Morgue Unit (PHS)
DPP (CDER) Division of Psychiatry Products (CDER)
DPPS (CFSAN) Division of Plant Product Safety (CFSAN)
DPQ (CBER) Division of Product Quality (CBER)
DPQR (CDER) Division of Product Quality Research (CDER)
DPR (CFSAN) Division of Petition Review (CFSAN)
DPRF Drug Product Reference File
DPS (CBER) Division of Program Services (CBER)
DPS (CDRH) Division of Post-marketing Surveillance (CDRH)
DPS (CFSAN) Division of Program Services (CFSAN)
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus
DPV I (CDER) Division of Pharmacovigilance I (CDER)
DPV II (CDER) Division of Pharmacovigilance II (CDER)
DQ design quality
DQRS Drug Quality Reporting System (CDER)
DR delayed release (medication)
DR discipline review (letter)
DRA (CFSAN) Division of Risk Assessment (CFSAN)
DRARD (CDRH) Division of Reproductive, Abdominal and Radiological Devices (CDRH)
DRAT (CFSAN) Division of Research and Applied Technology (CFSAN)
DRB (CBER) Devices Review Branch (CBER)
DRC Disaster Recovery Center
DRC (CVM) Division of Residue Chemistry (CVM)
DRF dose range findings (study)
DRFDD (ORA) Deputy Regional Food and Drug Director (ORA)
DRG diagnosis related group
DRG Disaster Response Group
DRGUD Division of Reproductive, Gastrorenal and Urology Devices (CDRH)
DRI daily reference intake
DRISK (CDER) Divison of Risk Management (CDER)
DRLM Device Registration and Listing Module (FURLS)
DRLS Drug Registration and Listing System
DRM (CDER) Division of Records Management (CDER)
DRM (OC) Division of Resource Management (OC)
DRMO (CDRH) Division of Risk Management Operations (CDRH)
DRMP (CDER) Division of Review Management and Policy (CDER)
DRP (CBER) Division of Regulations and Policy (CBER)
DRP I (CDER) Division of Regulatory Policy I (CDER)
DRP II (CDER) Division of Regulatory Policy II (CDER)
DRPM dispute resolution project manager
DRR (NCTR) Deputy Director for Research (NCTR)
DRRDSSS (CDER) Division of Regulatory Review and Drug Safety Services and Solutions (CDER)
DRUP (CDER) Division of Reproductive and Urologic Products (CDER)
DRV daily reference value
DS drug substance
DS (CVM) Division of Surveillance (CVM)
DSAC (CBER) Division of Scientific Advisors and Consultants (CBER)
DSATOS (CFSAN) Division of Science and Applied Technology (OS) (CFSAN)
DSB Drug Safety Oversight Board
DSC Data Standards Council (FDA)
DSC Drug Safety Communication
DSC (CDER) Division of Safety Compliance (CDER)
DSCI (CDER) Division of Supply Chain Integrity (CDER)
DSCI (OC) Division of Systems, Compliance and IMPAC (OC)
DSDB (CDRH) Diagnostic and Surgical Devices Branch (CDRH)
DSFM (CDRH) Division of Solid and Fluid Mechanics (CDRH)
DSHEA Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994
DSI (CDER) Division of Scientific Investigation (CDER)
DSM Data Standards Manual (CDER)
DSMB Data Safety Monitoring Board
DSMICA (CDRH) Division of Small Manufacturers, International and Consumer Assistance (CDRH)
DSORD Division of Surgical, Orthopedic, And Restorative Devices (CDRH)
DSP Desktop Standardization Project
DSP (OC) Division of Strategic Projects (OC)
DSPTP (CDER) Division of Special Pathogen and Transplant Products (CDER)
DSRCS (CDER) Division of Surveillance, Research and Communication Support (CDER)
DSRIT (CFSAN) Dietary Supplement Regulations Implementation Team (CFSAN)
DSS Decision Support System
DSS (CDRH) Division of Surveillance Systems (CDRH)
DSS (CFSAN) Division of Seafood Safety (CFSAN)
DSS (CFSAN) Division of Social Sciences (CFSAN)
DSST (CFSAN) Division of Seafood Science and Technology (CFSAN)
DSUR Development Safety Update Report
DTaP diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (vaccine)
DTBIMP (CDER) Division of Therapeutic Biological Internal Medicine Products (CDER)
DTBOP (CDER) Division of Therapeutic Biological Oncology Products (CDER)
DTC direct-to-consumer
DTD Device Tracking Database
DTD document type definition (for electronic interchange)
DTD (CDER) Division of Training and Development (CDER)
DTDFA (CVM) Division of Therapeutic Drugs for Food Animals (CVM)
DTDNFA (CVM) Division of Therapeutic Drugs for Non-food Animals (CVM)
DTNPS (CFSAN) Division of Toxicology and Nutrition Product Studies (CFSAN)
DTOP (CDER) Division of Transplant and Ophthalmology Products (CDER)
DTP direct-to-patient
DTP (CDER) Division of Therapeutic Proteins (CDER)
DTR deep tendon reflexes
DTR detention request
DTS Distribution Tracking System (CBER)
DUNS Data Universal Numbering System
DUPSA (CDRH) Division of Device User Programs and System Analysis (CDRH)
DUR drug utilization review
DUSM Deputy United States Marshal (U.S. Department of Justice)
DV daily value
DVA (CFSAN) Division of Virulence Assessment (CFSAN)
DVD digital video disc
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
DVP (CBER) Division of Viral Products (CBER)
DVPS (CVM) Division of Veterinary Product Safety
DVRPA (CBER) Division of Vaccines and Related Product Applications (CBER)
DVS (CBER) Division of Veterinary Services (CBER)
DVS (NCTR) Division of Veterinary Services (NCTR)
DVT deep venous thrombosis
DW data warehouse
DWPE Detention Without Physical Examination
DX diagnosis
DXA dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry test
e-CRF electronic case report form
E2B Efficacy Topics' Data Elements for Transmission of Adverse Drug Reactions Reports (ICH)
EA environmental assistance
EAA essential amino acids
EAB Ethics Advisory Board
EAB (CFSAN) Exposure Assessment Branch (CFSAN)
EAC Expert Advisory Committee (Canada)
EAFUS Everything Added to Food in the United States
EAR Export Administration Regulations (U.S. Department of Commerce)
EAS Emergency Alert System
EAS (CDER) Enterprise Architecture Staff (CDER)
EASE Enterprise Administrative Support Environment
EB (CDRH) Epidemiology Branch (CDRH)
EB (NCTR) Engineering Branch (NCTR)
EBAA Eye Bank Association of America
eBPDR electronic biological product deviation reporting
EBS Emergency Broadcast System
EC European Community
ECBS Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (WHO)
eCDT Electronic Common Technical Document (ICH M2 (Multi-disciplinary Group 2) EWG (Expert Working Group))
ECE Economic Commission for Europe
ECG electrocardiogram
ECL electrochemiluminescence
ECMO extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation
ECQ Executive Code Qualifications
eCRF electronic case report form
ECRI Emergency Care Research Institute (no longer uses name initials only)
ECRS (CFSAN) Emergency Coordination and Response Staff (CFSAN)
ECS (OC) Economics Staff (OC)
ECT electroconvulsive therapy
ECT (CFSAN) Economics Team (CFSAN)
eCTD electronic common technical document
ECU European currency unit
ED effective dose
EDI electronic data exchange
EDIFACT Electronic Data interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transportation
EDIPI electronic data interchange personal identifier
EDKB Endocrine Disrupter Knowledge Base
EDMF European drug master file
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
EDQM European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines
EDR electronic document room
EDR enhanced design review
EDRG Early Detection Research Group
eDRLS Electronic Drug Registration and Listing Systems
EEA European Economic Area
EEC European Economic Community
EEG electroencephalogram
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EEO (CFSAN) Equal Employment Opportunity Office (CFSAN)
EEO (NCTR) Equal Employment Opportunity Staff (NCTR)
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EEP External Expertise and Partnerships
EEPS Electronic Entry Processing System
EER establishment evaluation request
EES establishment evaluation system
EFD engineering flow diagram
EFGCP European Forum on Good Clinical Practice
EFOIA Electronic Freedom of Information Act
EFPIA European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
EFT electronic funds transfer
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EGA European Generics Medicines Association
EH & S environmental health and safety
EHPAS (NCTR) Environmental Health and Program Assurance Staff (NCTR)
EHPC Environmental Health Policy Committee (formerly CCEHRP) (currently inactive)
EHR electronic health record
EHRP Enterprise Human Resources and Payroll System
EI establishent inspection
EI Establishment Inventory (ORA)
EIA environmental impact assessment
EIA enzyme immunoassay
EID electronic identification device
EIF Expected Investment Fund
EIM Enterprise Information Management
eIND electronic investigational new drug application
EINECS European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
EIP Emerging Infections Program (CDC)
EIR Entrepreneurs in Residence Program (CDRH)
EIR establishment inspection report
EIS environmental impact statement
EIS Epidemic Intelligence Service
EIS (OC) Ethics and Integrity Staff (OC)
EKG electrocardiogram
ELA establishment license application
ELDU extra-label drug use
eLEXNET Electronic Laboratory Exchange Network
ELINS European List of Notified Chemical Substances
ELIPS Electronic Labeling Information Processing System (FDA)
ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
eLIST electronic listing system
ELMS Enterprise System Life Cycle Management Support
ELPS establishment licensing and product surveillance
ELS Establishment License Supplement
EMAC Emergency Management Assistance Compact
EMBS Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE)
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
EMEA European Medicines Agency (formerly European Medicines Evaluation Agency)
EMI electromagnetic interference
EML Environmental Measurement Laboratory
EMOPS (OC) Office of Emergency Operations (OC)
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EMV eye-motor-verbal (Glasgow coma scale)
ENG (OC) Engineering Team (OC)
ENL erythema nodosum leprosum
ENT ear, nose and throat
ENTB (CDRH) Ear, Nose, and Throat Devices Branch (CDRH)
EO executive order
EOC Emergency Operations Center (FDA)
EOD enter on duty
eOFP electronic Official Personnel File
EOM extraocular muscles
EOP Emergency Operations Plan
EOP1 end-of phase 1
EOP2 end-of-phase 2
EORTC European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer
EOS end of study
EOS (CDER) Executive Operations Staff (CDER)
EOS (ORA) Executive Operations Staff (ORA)
EP European Pharmacopoeia
EPA Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.)
EPAR European Public Assessment Reports (EMEA)
EPC Evidence-based Practice Center
EPD (CDRH) Electronic Product Devices Branch (CDRH)
EPFA European Plasma Fractionation Association
EPI essential prescribing information
EPIA Egg Products Inspection Act
EPIA Egg Products Inspection Act
EPL effective patent life
EPLC Enterprise Performance Life Cycle
EPMS Employee Performance Management System
EPO European Patent Office
EPRG European Pharmacovigilance Research Group
EPRS Establishment Product Registration System
EPT (CFSAN) Epidemiology Team (CFSAN)
ER extended release (medication)
ER/ES electronic records/electronic signatures
ERB Ethics Review Board
ERB (CFSAN) Elemental Research Branch (CFSAN)
ERC Engineering Research Center (NSF)
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography
EREA Export Reform and Enhancement Act of 1996
ERIC Employee Resource Information Center
ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
ERP Emergency Response Plan
ERP enterprise resource planning
ERR entry review recommended (ORA AofC code)
ERS Economic Research Service (USDA)
ERS electronic regulatory submission
ERS Emergency Relocation Site
ERSB (CFSAN) Emergency Response and Surveillance Branch (CFSAN)
ERSR Electronic Regulatory Submissions and Review
ERT Emergency Response Team
ES effect size
eSAF Electronic State Access to FACTS
ESB (ORA) Enterprise Systems Branch (ORA)
ESC electronic submission coodinator
ESD electrostatic discharge
ESF Emergency Support Function
ESG Electronic Submissions Gateway
ESIG electronic signature
ESM Electronic Secure Messaging
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
ESRA European Society of Regulatory Affairs
ESS (CBER) Executive Secretariat Team (CBER)
ESS (NCTR) Executive Secretariat Staff (NCTR)
ESTRI Electronic Standards for the Transfer of Regulatory Information
esub electronic submission
ET endotracheal
ET excepted trust
ET (CFSAN) Education Team (CFSAN)
ETA EASE time and attendance module
ETASU Elements to Assure Safe Use
EtOH ethanol
ETS environmental tobacco smoke
eTS eTravel services vendors
ETT endotracheal tube
ETT exercise tolerance test
EU endotoxin unit
EU European Union
EUA emergency use authorization
EUA examination under anesthesia
EUCOMED European Confederation of Medical Devices Associations
EUP experimental use permit
EV-D68 Enterovirus D68
EVA entry validation application
EVS (OC) Evaluation Staff (OC)
EWG expert working group
FA filing action
FAA Federal Aviation Administration (U.S. Department of Transportation)
FAAN Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network
FACA Federal Advisory Committee Act 1972
FACS (CFSAN) Food Advisory Committee Staff (CFSAN)
FACT Food Animal Concerns Trust
FACT Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy
FACTS Field Accomplishments and Compliance Tracking System
FACTS Frequency of Agents Communicable by Transfusion Study
FACTS@FDA system for electronically communicating approved drug labeling and for disseminating prescribing information
FAEMS Foods Adverse Event Monitoring System
FAERS FDA Adverse Event Reporting System
FAHCT Foundation for Accreditation of Hematopoietic Cell Therapy
FAI further action indicated
FAIR Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998
FALCPA Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act
FAM foreign affairs manual
FAME Formula for Achieving Managerial Excellence
FAN Food Allergy Network
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAP food additive petition
FAP food additive petition approval number (ORA AofC code)
FAPMC Food Animal Production Medicine Consortium
FAQ frequently asked questions
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations
FAR Field Alert Report
FARAD Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank
FARM Food Additives Regulatory Management System (CFSAN)
Farmindu stria Association of Italian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
FASA Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994
FASAB Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
FASEB Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
FASS Federation of Animal Science Societies
FASTAR FDA Advanced Submission Tracking and Review
FAT factory acceptance test
FATA federal agency travel administrator
FATA Federal Anti-Tampering Act
FAX facsimile
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation (U.S. Department of Justice)
FBS fasting blood sugar
FCC Federal Communications Commission (U.S.)
FCC Forensic Chemistry Center
FCC French cheese facility certification number (ORA AofC code)
FCCSET Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology
FCE food canning establishment number (ORA aofC code)
FCIC Federal Consumer Information Center
FCLAA Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act
FCN food contact substance notification
FCO Federal Coordinating Officer
FCRDC Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center
FCS Food Contact Substance
FD&C ACT Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938
FD-1932 FDA form for veterinary adverse drug reaction, lack of effectiveness, product defect report - mandatory
FD-1932a FDA form for veterinary adverse drug reaction, lack of effectiveness, product defect report - voluntary
FD-2301 FDA form for transmittal of periodic reports and promotional material for new animal drugs
FD-356V FDA form for new animal drug appication
FD-483 FDA form used as a written notice of deficiencies found in inspections
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FDA GLOBE Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Employees of the Federal Government within FDA
FDA-ARGOS FDA dAtabase for Regulatory Grade micrObial Sequences
FDA-SRS Spontaneous Reporting System of the Food and Drug Administration
FDAAA Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act
FDAMA Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997
FDARA FDA Revitalization Act
FDAS Defense Finance and Accounting Services
FDASIA Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act
FDASS (OC) FDA Safety Staff (OC)
FDC Food, Drug, & Cosmetic
FDCA Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938
FDERA Food and Drug Export Reform and Enhancement Act of 1996
FDF Finished Dosage Form
FDLI Food and Drug Law Institute
FDOT (CFSAN) Food Defense Oversight Team (CFSAN)
FEB Federal Executive Board
FECA Federal Employees' Compensation Act
FedGLOBE Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Employees of the Federal Government
FEDRIP Federal Research in Progress Database
FedRooms Federal Premier Lodging Program
FEEA Federal Employee Assistance and Education Fund
FEGLI Federal Employees Group Life Insurance
FEHB Federal Employees Health Benefits (Program)
FEHBP Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
FEI FDA Establishment Identifier (ORA)
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FERN Food Emergency Response Network
FERS Federal Employees Retirement System
FES (OC) Financial Enterprise Solutions (OC)
FF Fogarty Fellow
FFD & C Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938
FFDCA Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938
FFLA Family Friendly Leave Act
FFP fresh frozen plasma
FFRM Food Facility Registration Module (FURLS)
FFS fee for service
FGF fibroblast growth factor
FGIS Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks) (Mexico)
FHA Federal Health Architecture
FHSA Federal Hazardous Substances Act (Consumer Product Safety Commission)
FIC John E. Fogarty International Center (NIH)
FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act
FIFO first in first out
FIFR first-in-first reviewed
FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
FIH first-in-human (clinical trials)
FIREBIRD Federal Investigator Registry for Bioinformatics Research Data
FIRSt FDA Information Retrieval System
FIS Field Information System
FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act
FIT FDA Internet Improvement Team
FIT FSMA Implementation Team (FSMA - Food Safety Modernization Act)
FLC Federal Laboratory Consortium
FLETC Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
FLQ fluoroquinolone
FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act
FLSS (CFSAN) Food Labeling and Standards Staff (CFSAN)
FLTCIP Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program
FM filing meeting
FM final monograph
FMB (CDRH) Financial Management Branch (CDRH)
FMCS Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
FMD field management directives
FMD foot and mouth disease
FMEA failure modes and effect analysis
FMECA failure modes effects and criticality analysis
FMFIA Federal Management Financial Integrity Act of 1982
FMI Food Marketing Institute
FMIA Federal Meat Inspection Act
FML Firms Master List (ORA)
FMLA Family Medical Leave Act of 1993
FMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging
FMS Financial Management Service (U.S. Department of the Treasury)
FNCS Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
FNH febrile non-hemolytic reaction
FNS Food and Nutrition Service
FOB federal office building
FOI freedom of information
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FOIB (CDRH) Freedom of Information Branch (CDRH)
FONSI finding of no significant impact
FOP financial operating plan
FORCG Foodborne Outbreak Response Coordinating Group
FOT FSMA Operations Team (FSMA - Food Safety Modernization Act
FOUO for official use only
FPA Food Products Association
FPB (CDRH) Field Programs Branch (CDREH)
FPB (CFSAN) Field Programs Branch (CFSAN)
FPB (CFSAN) Food Processing Branch (Chicago, Illinois) (CFSAN)
FPBR (CFSAN) Food Packaging Branch (Chicago, Illinois) (CFSAN)
FPEC Food Program Executive Committee
FPET (CFSAN) Food Processing Evaluation Team (CFSAN)
FPIF Finnish Pharmaceutical Industry Association
FPL final printed label
FPLA Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (1967)
FPLP Federal Premier Lodging Program
FPS Federal Protective Service (Department of Homeland Security)
FPVST (OC) Facilities Planning and Voice Services Team (OC)
FQ fluoroquinolone
FQPA Food Quality Protection Act of 1996
FR Federal Register
Fr.P. Pharmacopee Francaise (French Pharmacopoeia)
FRAC FDA Research Animal Council
FRC Federal Records Center (Suitland)
FRC functional residual capacity
FRDTS Federal Register Document Tracking System
FRP Federal Response Plan (FEMA)
FS feasibility study
FS federal standard (U.S.)
FSA Farm Service Agency (USDA)
FSANZ Food Standards Australia New Zealand
FSH follicle-stimulating hormone
FSI Food Safety Initiative (CFSAN)
FSIS Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA)
FSMA Food Safety Modernization Act
FSPS (ORA) Federal-State Program Staff (ORA)
FSTA federal supervisory travel approver
FT (OC) Financial Team (OC)
FTA fault tree analysis
FTB (CFSAN) Food Technology Branch (CFSAN)
FTC Federal Trade Commission (U.S.)
FTCA Federal Trade Commission Act
FTE full-time equivalent
FTIM first time in man
FTP file transfer protocol
FTR Federal Travel Regulations
FTS Federal Telecommunications System
FTT failure to thrive
FU Farmacopea Ufficiale (Italian Pharmacopoeia)
FUO fever of unknown origin
FURLS FDA Uniform Registration & Listing System
FVC forced vital capacity
FWAP Flexible Workplace Arrangements Program
FWFPS Field Work Force Planning System
FWP Federal Women's Program
Fx fracture
FY fiscal year
FYI for your information
G-MED (LNE) Medical Device Assessment Group (Laboratoire National de Metrologie et d'Essias)
GAAP Greater Access to Affordable Pharmaceuticals Act of 2003
GADIS Global Alliance of Drug Information Specialists
GADPTRA Generlc Animal Drug and Patent Term Restoration Act
GAMP good automated manufacturing practice
GAO General Accounting Office
GAO Government Accountability Office (U.S.)
GAPS good agricultural practices
GARR Grants Application Review Request
GAT genome amplification testing
GATT General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade
GBCA gadolinium-based contrast agent
GBL government bill of lading
GC gas chromatography
GC general counsel (FDA)
GC gonorrhea
GCBS Global Collaboration for Blood Safety (WHO)
GCC Government Coordinating Council (of the Food and Agriculture Sector)
GCLP good clinical laboratory practice
GCP good clinical practice
GCPB I (CDER) Good Clinical Practice Branch I (CDER)
GCPB II (CDER) Good Clinical Practice Branch II (CDER)
GCPP (OC) Good Clinical Practice Program (OC)
GCRC General Clinical Research Centers
GCSL (CFSAN) Gulf Coast Seafood Laboratory (Dauphin Island, Alabama) (CFSAN)
GDEA Generic Drug Enforcement Act of 1992
GDS global distribution system
GDUF Generic Drug User Fees
GDUFA Generic Drug User Fee Amendments
GEBAT government excess baggage authorization ticket
GeMCRIS Genetic Modification Clinical Research Information System (NIH)
GEO genetically engineered organism
GEP good engineering practice
GFSP Global Food Safety Partnership
GG goal group
GGP good guidance practice
GHC Group Health Cooperative
GHDB (CDRH) General Hospital Devices Branch (CDRH)
GHS Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN)
GHTF Global Harmonization Task Force
GI gastrointestinal
GI-ARS Gastrointestinal Acute Radiation Syndrome
GIF graphics interchange format
GILS Government Information Locator Service
GIPSA Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration (USDA)
GIS geographical information system
GLP good laboratory practice
GLPBB (CDER) Good Laboratory Practices and Bioequivalence Investigations Branch (CDER)
GM genetically modified
GMA Grocery Manufacturers Association
GMDN Global Medical Device Nomenclature
GME Graduate Medical Education
GMID Global Market Information Database
GMO genetically modified organism
GMO Grants Management Officer
GMP good manufacturing practice
GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone
GOCO government-owned contractor-operated
GOCRG Gastrointestinal and Other Cancer Research Group
GOTS government off-the-shelf
GOVCC government travel charge card
GOVTRIP government travel website operated by Northrop Grumman
GPEA Government Paperwork Elimination Act
GPhA Generic Pharmaceutical Association
GPO Government Printing Office (U.S.)
GPO group purchasing organization
GPP good programming practices
GPRA Government Performance Results Act of 1993
GPRD General Practice Research Database
GRAS generally recognized as safe
GRAS/E generally recognized as safe and effective
GRASE generally recognized as safe and effective
GRC Gerontology Research Center
GRDB (CDRH) Gastroenterology and Renal Devices Branch (CDRH)
GRMP Good Review Management Principles and Practices
GRNs Generally Recognized as Safe Notifications
GRP good review practice
GRS general records schedule
GRUVSS Global Regulatory Utilization of Vaccine Safety Surveillance
GS General Schedule
GSA General Services Administration (U.S.)
GSDB (CDRH) General Surgery Devices Branch (CDRH)
GSFA general standard for food additives
GSP Good Statistics Practice
gt drops
GTB (CBER) Gene Therapies Branch (CBER)
GTIB (CBER) Gene Transfer and Immunogenicity Branch (CBER)
GTIN Global Trade Item Number
GTIS Gene Therapy Information System
GTL (NCTR) Genetic Toxicology Laboratory (NCTR)
gtt drops
GTT glucose tolerance test
GU genitourinary
GUI graphical user interface
GWQAP Government Wide Quality Assurance Program
GxP good "x" practices
GXT graded exercise tolerance (Stress test)
H/H hemoglobin/hematocrit
H/H Henderson-Hasselbach equation
HA headache
HAA hepatitis-associated antigen
HAACP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
HAART Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy – the name commonly given to combinations of anti-HIV drugs
HAB (CFSAN) Hazard Assessment Branch (CFSAN)
HAC Health Administration Center (VA)
HACCP hazard analysis critical control point
HAD Hospital Anxiety and Depression (scale)
HAI Health Action International
HAM/TSP HTLV-I-associated myelopathy / tropical spastic paraparesis
HARTS Hoechst Adverse Reaction Terminology System
HAV hepatitis A virus
HAZMAT hazardous material
HAZOP hazard and operability
HBOC hemoblogin-based oxygen carrier
HBOT Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
HBP high blood pressure
HBV hepatitis B virus
HCDB (CDRH) Hematology and Cytology Devices Branch (CDRH)
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration (now CMS)
HCG human chorionic gonadotropin
HCI human-computer interaction
HCO health care organization
HCP healthcare provider
HCT hematocrit
HCT/P human cellular and tissue-based products
HCTERS Human Cell and Tissue Establishment Registration System
HCTRS Human Cell and Tissue Establishment Registration System
HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide
HCV hepatitis C virus
HDC High dose chemotherapy
HDE humanitarian use exemptions (CDRH)
HDL high density lipoprotein
HDMA Healthcare Distribution Management Association
HDP hydroxymethylene diphosphonate
HDPE high density polyethylene
HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
HEO Hispanic Employee Organization
HEPA high efficiency particulate air (filter)
hERG human ether-a-go-go gene
HF high frequency
HF mail code for FDA Office of the Commissioner
HFA Hemophilia Federation of America
HFA hydrofluoroalkane
HFD mail code for CDER
HFEB (CDRH) Human Factors Engineering Branch (CDRH)
HFES Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
HFM mail code for CBER
HFS mail code for CFSAN
HFT mail code for NCTR
HFV mail code for CVM
HFZ mail code for CDRH
Hgb hemoglobin
HGH human growth hormone
HHE health hazard evaluation
HHI Herth Hope Index
HHMI Howard Hughes Medical Institute
HHS Health and Human Services (U.S. Department of)
HHS ASPA Health and Human Services (U.S. Department of), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
HHS SERT Health and Human Services Secretary's Emergency Response Team
HIBCC Health Industry Business Communication Council
HIM Health Information Management
HIMA Health Industry Manufacturers Association
HIMSS Healthcare Information Management Systems Society
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
HIRS Health Information Resources Service
HISB Health Informatics Standards Board
HISPC Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration
HIT Health Information Technology
HITSP Health Information Technology Standards Panel
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HL7 Health Level 7
HLA Human Leukocyte Antigen
HLBT heat labile bacterial toxins
HLGT high level group term
HLT high level term
HLT Hurricane Liaison Team (FEMA)
HMO health maintenance organization
HNK cells human neonatal kidney cells
HPB Health Protection Board (Canada)
HPB Hematological Products Branch (CBER) (defunct)
HPC hematopoietic progenitor cells
HPC human progenitor cells
HPFB Health Products and Food Branch (Canada's FDA)
HPHC harmful and potentially harmful constituents
HPK human pharmacokinetic
HPLC high performance liquid chromatography
HPO high performance organization
HPUS Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States
HPV human papillomavirus
HR heart rate
HR human resources
HRG health research group
HRRC Human Research Review Committee
HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration (DHHS)
HS at bedtime
HS handling statement
HS high structure
HSA Health Services Administration
HSBT heat stable bacterial toxins
HSC Homeland Security Council
HSIN Homeland Security Information Network
HSOC Homeland Security Operations Center
HSPD Homeland Security Presidential Directive
HSS Hemophilia Surveillance System (CDC)
HSUS Humane Society of the United States
HSV herpes simplex virus
HTLV human T-lymphotropic virus
HTLV-III human lymphotropic virus, type III (AIDS agent, HIV)
HTM health technical memorandum
HTML hypertext markup language
HTN hypertension
HTRB (CBER) Human Tissue and Reproduction Branch (CBER)
HTTP hypertext transfer protocol
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development (U.S.)
HUD humanitarian use device (CDER)
HVAC heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
Hx history
I & D incision and drainage
I & O intake and output
IA Import Administration (U.S. Department of Commerce)
IAB (CDRH) Information and Analysis Branch (CDRH)
IAB (ORA) Infrastructure Applications Branch (ORA)
IACUC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
IAG Interagency Agreement
IAL informal action levels
IAMFES International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO)
IAS (CFSAN) Industry Activities Staff (CFSAN)
IAS (CFSAN) International Affairs Staff (CFSAN)
IAS (OC) International Agreements Staff (OC)
IAST (CFSAN) International Activities Staff (CFSAN)
IATA International Air Transport Association
IAVG Interagency Vaccine Group
IAW in accordance with
IB Investigator's Brochure
IB (CFSAN) Immunobiology Branch (CFSAN)
IB (ORA) International Branch (ORA)
IBB (CFSAN) Instrumentation and Biophysics Branch (CFSAN)
IBD International Birth Date
IBE individual bioequivalence
IBP Indian black pepper certificate (ORA AofC code)
IBR (CFSAN) Import Branch (CFSAN)
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
IC informed consent
ICA intelligent console architecture
ICA inter-Center agreement
ICAM International Cooperative Agreements Manual
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICB (CDRH) Inspection and Compliance Branch (CDRH)
ICB (CFSAN) Implementation and Compliance Branch (CFSAN)
ICCBBA International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation, Inc.
ICCVAM Interagency Coordinating Committee on Validation of Alternative Methods
ICD informed consent document
ICD-9-CM International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification
ICDB (CDRH) Infection Control Devices Branch (CDRH)
ICDB (CDRH) Interventional Cardiology Devices Branch (CDRH)
ICDRA International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Department of Homeland Security)
ICF Informed Consent Form
ICH International Conference on Harmonisation (of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use)
ICIB (CDRH) Intraocular and Corneal Implants Branch (CDRH)
ICL idiopathic CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia
ICLAS International Council for Laboratory Animal Science
ICMJE International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
ICPEMC International Commission for Protection Against Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens
ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection
ICRU International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements
ICS Incident Command System
ICSR Individual Case Safety Reports
ICTAP Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan
ICU intensive care unit
ID Identification
IDC Information and Data Committee
IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IDE investigational device exemption (CDRH)
IDE investigational device exemption number (ORA AofC code)
IDE (CDRH) Investigational Device Exemptions Sections (CDRH)
IDF Immune Deficiency Foundation
IDF International Dairy Federation
IDIQ indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (contracts)
IDL international date line
IDM Informational Disclosure Manual
IDP individual development plan
IDR idiosyncratic drug reaction
IEC Independent Ethics Committee (DHHS)
IEE intervention effect estimate
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFA indirect fluorescent antibody
IFA investigational food additive (file)
IFAD International Food Additives Database (CFSAN)
IFE import for export (ORA AofC code)
IFIC International Food Information Council
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
IFMFS (CFSAN) Infant Formula and Medical Foods Staff (CFSAN)
IFPMA International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations
IFSAC Interagency Food Safety Analytics Collaboration
IFT Institute of Food Technologists
IFU instructions for use
IFWG Interagency Food Working Group
IG immunoglobulin
IG inspector general
IgA immunoglobin A
IgD immunoglobin D
IgE immunoglobin E
IGF insulin-like growth factor
IgG immunoglobin G
IGIV immune globulin intravenous
IgM immunoglobin M
IHS Indian Health Service (DHHS)
IIC inspector-in-charge
iiFAR incurably ill for Animal Research
IIG Inactive Ingredient Guide
IIMB (CDRH) IT Infrastructure Management Branch (CDRH)
IIMG Interagency Incident Management Group
IIS internet information officer
ILAR Institute for Laboratory Animal Research
IM Intramuscular
IMB Irish Medicines Board
IMB (CDER) Interface Management Branch (CDER)
IMB (CDRH) Information Management Branch (CDRH)
IMC Information Management Consultants, Inc.
IMCC Information Management Coordinating Committee (CBER)
IMDA Irish Medical Device Association
IMDB (CDRH) Immunology and Molecular Diagnostics Devices Branch (CDRH)
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMDRF International Medical Device Regulators Forum
IMLS Institute of Museum and Library Services
IMO International Maritime Organisation
IMP investigational medicinal product
IMPAC Information for Management, Planning, Analysis and Coordination
IMPAC International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card
IMPD Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier (EU)
IMS Information Management System
IMS Interstate Milk Shippers
IMS (CDRH) Issues Management Staff (CDRH)
IMT Incident Management Team
IMT International Medical Terminology
IMTS Industry Meeting Tracking System
INA investigational new animal drug number (ORA AofC code)
INAD investigational new animal drug
INADA investigational new animal drug application
IND investigational new drug
IND investigational new drug application
IND investigational new drug number (ORA AofC code)
INDA investigational new drug application
INDC Investigational New Drug Committee
INFARME D Instituto Nactional da Farmaciae e do Medicamento (Portugal)
INN International Approved Names for Pharmacopoeial Substances
INN international nonproprietary name
INNS International Neural Network Society
INS incident of national significance
INV sample investigational sample
IO Immediate Office
IOB International Operations Branch (ORA)
IOM Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
IOM Investigation Operations Manual
IOTF Interagency Oncology Task Force (FDA and NCI)
IP information panel
IP internet protocol
IPC in process control
IPC incidental patient contact
IPCB (CDER) Investigations and Preapproval Compliance Branch (CDER)
IPCS International Programme on Chemical Safety (WHO)
IPEC International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council
IPM Import Program Manager
IPO initial public offering
IPOAB (CDRH) Information Processing and Office Automation Branch (CDRH)
IPPIA International Plasma Products Industry Association
IPRMS (OC) International Planning and Resource Management Staff (OC)
IPRO Independent Pharmaceutical Research Organization
IPS (OC) IMPAC Program Staff (OC)
IPS (OC) International Policy Staff (OC)
IPT Integrated Project Team
IPU Irish Pharmaceutical Union
IPV inactivated poliovirus vaccine
IQ installation qualification
IQA Institute of Quality Assurance (UK)
IQMP Integrated Quality Management Plan
IR immediate release
IR information request
IRA immediate response authority
IRA Investigational and Related Application
IRB Institutional Review Board
IRB Investigational Review Board
IRC impact resistance lens certification (ORA AofC code)
IRC internet relay chat
IRDM insulin resistant diabetes mellitus
IREAS (CDRH) International Relations and External Affairs Staff (CDRH)
IRIS International Regulatory Issues Staff (ORA)
IRM information resources management
IRMC Information Resources Management College
IRS identical, related, or similar
IRS Incident Reporting System
IRS Internal Revenue Service (U.S. Department of the Treasury)
IRS (OC) International Relations Staff (OC)
IRTA Intramural Research Training Award (NIH)
IS ingredients statement
IS interstate commerce
ISA information systems architecture
ISAC Information Sharing and Analysis Center
ISASS (OC) International Scientific Activities and Standards Staff (OC)
ISB (CDRH) Inspection Support Branch (CDRH)
ISBT International Society of Blood Transfusion
ISBT 128 International Society of Blood Transfusion standard for blood, tissue, and organ identification
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISE integrated summary of efficiency
ISIS Import Support and Information System
ISMP Institute for Safe Medication Practices
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISP internet service provider
ISPE International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering
ISPE International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology
ISR Individual Safety Report
ISS Integrated Summary of Safety
ISS/ISE integrated summary of safety and effectiveness
ISSO information systems security officer
IT information technology
ITA International Trade Administration
ITACS Import Trade Auxiliary Communication System
ITAS Integrated Time and Attendance System
ITATMT (OC) IT Asset Tracking and Management Team (OC)
ITB (CFSAN) Immunotoxicology Branch (CFSAN)
ITC International Trade Commission (U.S.)
ITCB (OC) Information Technology Contracts Branch (OC)
ITCC Information Technology Coordinating Committee (CDER)
ITDS International Trade Data System
ITF Inspection Task Force (CBER)
ITGS (OC) IT Governance Staff (OC)
ITIC Information Technology Implementation Committee (CBER)
ITIM Information Technology Investment Management
ITIPS Information Technology Investment Portfolio System
ITIRB Information Technology Investment Review Board
ITMRA Information Technology Management Reform Act (now the Clinger-Cohen Act)
ITS (CBER) Information Technology Staff (CBER)
ITT intent to treat
ITTT (OC) IT Training Team (OC)
IUO investigation use only
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
IV intravenous
IV & V independent verification and validation
IVC inferior vena cava
IVC intravenous cholangiogram
IVD in vitro diagnostics
IVF in vitro fertilization
IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin
IVMD in vitro medical device
IVP intravenous pyelogram
IVTB (CFSAN) In Vitro Toxicology Branch (CFSAN)
J-ART Japanese Adverse Reaction Terminology
J/D judgment for the defendant
JAD joint application development
JAN Japanese Adopted Names
JBIG Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group
JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations
JECFA Joint (FAO/WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives
JFHQ Joint Force Headquarters
JFO Joint Field Office
JFTR Joint Federal Travel Regulations
JIC Joint Information Center
JIFSAN Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
JINAD Generic Investigational New Animal Drug File
JLCS (OC) Jefferson Laboratory Complex Staff (OC)
JMO Japanese Maintenance Organization
JMPR Joint FAO/WHO Meeting of Pesticide Residues
JP Japanese Pharmacopoeia
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPMA Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
JRIES Joint Regional Information Exchange System
JTF Joint Task Force
JTR Joint Travel Regulations
KAW Keep Antibiotics Working
kcal kilocalories
Kg kilogram
KMT (OC) Knowledge Management Staff (OC)
KOS knowledge organization system
KPS Karnofsky Performance Status Scale
KS Kaposi's Sarcoma
L & D labor and delivery
LABA long-acting beta agonist
LACF low-acid canned foods
LAF laminar air flow
LAN local area network
LanguaL Langua Alimentaria (Language of Foods)
LAR licensing action recommendation
LARD licensing action recommendation document
LARM Licensing Action Recommendation Memorandum
LASA Linear Analog Self-Assessment Measure
LASER light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LASIK laser assisted in situ keratomileusis
LATS License Application Tracking System
LBL Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LBP (CBER) Laboratory of Bacterial Polysaccharides (CBER)
LBPUA (CBER) Laboratory of Bacterial, Parasitic and Unconventional Agents (CBER)
LBVB (CBER) Laboratory of Biochemistry and Vascular Biology (CBER)
LCDC Laboratory Centre for Disease Control (Canada)
LCH (CBER) Laboratory of Cellular Hematology (CBER)
LCI Livestock Conservation Institute
LCP (CDER) Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology (CDER)
LCT (CFSAN) Labeling Compliance Team (CFSAN)
LD lethal dose
LD50 lethal dose where 50% of the animal population die
LDD Lot Distribution Database
LDPE low-density polyethylene
LDV (CBER) Laboratory of DNA Viruses (CBER)
LEAA Law Enforcement Alliance of America
LECC Law Enforcement Coordination Committee
LERN Library Electronic Reference Network
LES leave and earnings statement
LESTD (CBER) Laboratory of Enteric and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (CBER)
LF low frequency
LF1 low-value food/food-related products less than or equal to $200 (ORA AofC code)
LF2 low-value food/food-related products greater than $200 and less than or equal to $500 (ORA AofC codes)
LF3 low-value food/food-related products greater than $500 and less than or equal to $1000 (ORA AofC code)
LH (CBER) Laboratory of Hemostasis (CBER)
LHREA (CBER) Laboratory of Hepatitis and Related Emerging Agents (CBER)
LHV (CBER) Laboratory of Hepatitis Viruses (CBER)
LI learned intermediary
LIB (CBER) Laboratory of Immunobiochemistry (CBER)
LIMS Laboratory Information Management System
LIR (CBER) Laboratory of Immunoregulation (CBER)
Lm Listeria monocytogenes
LMD (CBER) Laboratory of Method Development (CBER)
LMDCI (CBER) Laboratory of Mycobacterial Diseases and Cellular Immunology (CBER)
LMDQC (CBER) Laboratory of Methods Development and Quality Control (CBER)
LMO living modified organism
LMS Laboratory Management System
LMV (CBER) Laboratory of Molecular Virology (CBER)
LNC Labeling and Nomenclature Committee (CDER)
LNE Laboratoire National de Metrologie et d'Essias (National Laboratory of Metrology and Essays)
LOA letter of agreement
LOAEL Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
LOB (ORA) Laboratory Operations Branch (ORA)
LOC level of concern
LOCF last observation carried forward
LOD limit of detection
LOEL Lowest Observed Effect Level
LOI Letter of Intent
LOINC Logical Observation Identifier Name Codes (Regenstrief Institute)
LOQ limit of quantification
LOV list of values (EASE)
LPB (OC) Leasing and Policy Branch (OC)
LPD (CBER) Laboratory of Plasma Derivatives (CBER)
LPET (CFSAN) Laboratory Proficiency and Evaluation Team (CFSAN)
LPRVD (CBER) Laboratory of Pediatric and Respiratory Viral Diseases (CBER)
LPT (CFSAN) Liaison and Policy Team (CFSAN)
LR (CBER) Laboratory of Retroviruses (CBER)
LR1 low-value non-Rx radiation-emitting products less than or equal to $200 (ORA AofC code)
LR2 low-value non-Rx radiation-emitting products greater than $200 and less than or equal to $1000 (ORA AofC code)
LRA local registration authority
LRB (CDER) Labeling Review Branch (CDER)
LRC Lipid Research Clinic
LRI lower respiratory infection
LRIS Lot Release Imaging System
LRIT (CFSAN) Labeling Regulations Implementation Team (CFSAN)
LRN Laboratory Response Network (CDC)
LRP low regulatory priority
LRPDB (CDRH) Labeling Research and Policy Development Branch (CDRH)
LRS Lot Release System
LRSP (CBER) Laboratory of Respiratory and Special Pathogens (CBER)
LS Labelling Standard (Canada)
LS (CDRH) Library Staff (CDRH)
LS/LS life supporting/life sustaining
LSD Lysergic acid diethylamide
LSHLC lipid soluble heat labile chemicals
LSHSC lipid soluable heat stable chemical
LST device listing number (ORA AofC code)
LTE less than effective
LUACRG Lung and Upper Aerodigestive Cancer Research Group
LVBD (CBER) Laboratory of Vector-Borne Diseases (CBER)
LVCH local voucher
LVP Large-Volume Parenteral – an injection product having a solution volume which exceeds 100 mL
LWC electrode lead wire or patient cable (ORA AofC code)
LWOP leave without pay
M&IE miscellaneous and incidental expenses
M2 ICH M2 Expert Working Group (EWG) (electronic standards for transmission of regulatory information)
M204 Model 204 Database Management System (Computer Corporation of America)
M4 ICH M4 Expert Working Group (EWG) (focusing on Common Technical Documents for sections of the NDA)
MA Marketing Authorisation
MAA Marketing Authorisation Application
mAb monoclonal antibody
MAB (CDER) Management Analysis Branch (CDER)
MAB (CFSAN) Methods Application Branch (CFSAN)
MAC Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale
MACE major adverse cardiac event(s)
MACMIS Marketing, Advertising and Communication Management Information System
MACS (CBER) Manufacturers Assistance and Communications Staff (CBER)
MAD multiple ascending dose
MAH Marketing Authorisation Holder (EC)
MAPCB (CDER) Manufacturing Assessment & Pre-Approval Compliance Branch (CDER)
MAPP Manual of Policy and Procedures
MARCS Mission Accomplishment and Regulatory Compliance Services System (ORA)
MARS Mobile Automated Regulatory Services (ORA)
MAS cell manipulated autologous structural cell
MAT modular antigen transporter
MATS Management Assignment Tracking System
MATTB (CBER) Manufacturers Assistance and Technical Training Branch (CBER)
MAUDE Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience Database (CDRH)
MAV maximum allowable variation
MB (CFSAN) Microanalytical Evaluations Branch (CFSAN)
MBC minimum bactericidal concentration
MCA Medicines Control Agency (part of MHRA)
mCAFT Modified Canadian Aerobic Fitness Test
MCM medical countermeasure
MCMi Medical Countermeasures initiative
MCO managed care organization
MDA Medical Device Amendments of 1976
MDA Medical Devices Agency (UK)
MDB Medical Devices Bureau (Canada)
MDB (CFSAN) Methods Development Branch (CFSAN)
MDD maximum daily dose
MDD Medical Devices Directives (EU)
MDDRP Medical Device Dispute Resolution Panel
MDI metered dose inhaler
MDII Medical Device Innovation Initiative
MDL model number (ORA AofC code)
MDMA Medical Device Manufacturers Association
MDP Medical Devices Program (Canada)
MDR medical device reporting
MDR TB multi-drug resistant tuberculosis
MDSAP Medical Device Single Audit Program
MDUFA Medical Device User Fee Amendments of 2007
MDUFMA Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act of 2002
MDUFSA Medical Device User Fee Stabilization Act of 2005
MDV medical device vigilance
MedDRA Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities
MEDEC Medical Devices Canada
MEDLARS Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (NLM)
MedPAC Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
MEDSA The Medicine Equity and Drug Safety Act of 2000
MedSuN Medical Product Safety Network (CDRH)
MEDWATCH FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program
MEFA Association of the Danish Pharmaceutical Industry
MEG magnetoencephalography
MEMO Medicines Evaluation and Monitoring Organization
MEO most efficient organization
MERCOSUR Southern Common Market (South America)
MERP Medication Error Reporting and Prevention
MERS-CoV Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus
MERS-TM Medical Event Reporting System - Transfusion Medicine
MeSH Medical Subject Headings
MF master file
MFA medicated feed application number (ORA AofC code)
MFC Model Food Code
mfr manufacturer
MFRPS Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards
MGB (CFSAN) Molecular Genetics Branch (CFSAN)
MGSS multi-generation support system
MHPF Minority Health Professionals Foundation
MHRA Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (UK)
MHSB (CFSAN) Microbial Hazards Science Branch (CFSAN)
MHW Ministry of Health and Welfare (Japan's equivalent to the FDA)
MI myocardial infarction
MIC minimum inhibitory concentration
MID manufacturer identifier (CBP)
MIP Management Improvement Plan
MIRA Medicare Innovation Responsiveness Act of 2003
MIS Management Information System
MIS (OC) Management Initiatives Staff (OC)
MIWG Mentoring Implementation Working Group
MJ major amendment
ML manufacturer's license (UK pharmaceuticals)
MLD minimum lethal dose
MMA Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003
MMAB (CFSAN) Microbiological Methods Application Branch (CFSAN)
MMDB (CFSAN) Microbial Methods Development Branch (CFSAN)
MMR measles, mumps and rubella
MMRB (CFSAN) Microbiological Methods Research Branch (CFSAN)
MMSB (CFSAN) Molecular Methods and Subtyping Branch (CFSAN)
MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - published by the CDC.
MNVP medically necessary veterinary product
MOA memorandum of agreement
MOA mode of action
MOC Management and Operations Council (FDA)
MOC Memorandum of Conference
MOD miscellaneous obligation document
MOD 1 Module One (laboratory facility - CFSAN)
MOD 2 Module Two (laboratory facility - CVM)
MON memorandum of need
MOU memorandum of understanding
MPA Medical Products Agency (Sweden)
MPA multiple projects (human subjects) assurance
MPAB (OC) Management Programs and Analysis Branch (OC)
MPC Medical Policy Council
MPCC Medical Policy Coordinating Committee
MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group
MPN Metro Park North
MPQA medical products quality assurance
MPR moisture protein ratio
MPRIS Mammography Program Reporting and Information Systems
MQC mammography quality control
MQSA Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992
MRA magnetic resonance angiography
MRA medical research associate
MRA mutual recognition agreement
MRB Material Review Board (American National Red Cross)
MRB (CFSAN) Methods Research Branch (CFSAN)
MRC Managed Review Committee
MRC Medical Reserve Corps (U.S. Public Health Service)
MRD multiple rising dose
MRE meal, ready-to-eat
MRFG Mutual Recognition Facilitating Group
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MRL maximum residue limit
MRP manufacturing resource planning
MRRA (CFSAN) Microbial Research and Risk Assessment Staff (CFSAN)
MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy
MRTD Maximum Recommended Therapeutic Dose
MRTP Modified Risk Tobacco Products
MS mass spectroscopy
MS milestone
MSAB (CFSAN) Manufacturing and Storage Adulteration Branch (CFSAN)
MSB (NCTR) Mass Spectrometry Branch (NCTR)
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets
MSI magnetic source imaging
MSQA Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992
MSS (CVM) Management Support Staff (CDRH)
MSSO Maintenance and Support Services Organization
MT (CFSAN) Medical Team (CFSAN)
MTA mail transport agent
MTA material transfer agreement
MTBF mean time between failures
MTCT Mother-to-child transmission
MTD maximum tolerated dose
MTOS (CFSAN) Muirkirk Technical Operations Staff (CFSAN)
MUMS minor use minor species
MUMS (CVM) Office of Minor Use and Minor Species (CVM)
MUMS Act Minor Use and Minor Species Animal Health Act of 2004
MVB (CFSAN) Molecular Virology Branch (CFSAN)
MVT (CFSAN) Molecular Virology Team (CFSAN)
MW+ MedWatch Plus
MWG Milk Working Group
n.b. nota bene (note well)
N/A not applicable
NA not approvable
NAA National Aquaculture Association
NABR National Association for Biomedical Research
NACCHO National Association of County and City Health Officials
NACDS National Association of Chain Drug Stores
NACHO National Association of County Health Officials
NACMCF National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods
NAD ned animal drug number (ORA AofC code)
NADA new animal drug application
NADE New Animal Drug Evaluation
NAET (CFSAN) Nutrition Assessment and Evaluation Team (CFSAN)
NAF notice of adverse findings
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NAGC National Association of Government Communicators
NAHC National Advisory Health Council
NAHMS National Animal Health Monitoring System
NAI no action indicated
NAION non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
NAL National Agricultural Library
NALBOH National Association of Local Boards of Health
NAM National Agency for Medicines (Finland)
NARA National Archives and Records Administration (U.S.)
NARB National Advertising Review Board (FTC)
NARMS National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (CDC)
NAS National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
NAS new active substance
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (U.S.)
NASAR National Association of Search and Rescue
NASDA National Association of State Departments of Agriculture
NASS National Agricultural Statistics Survey
NAT nucleic acid-based tests
NBAC National Bioethics Advisory Commission
NBCS National Biomedical Computer System (American National Red Cross)
NBDRC National Blood Data Resource Center
NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure
NBS National Bureau of Standards (now NIST)
NC non-clinical (phase, studies)
NCAB National Cancer Advisory Board
NCBA National Cattlemen's Beef Association
NCBDDD National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (CDC)
NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCI)
NCC National Chicken Council
NCC National Coordinating Committee
NCC MERP National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention
NCCAM National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH)
NCCDPHP National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDC)
NCCLS National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (now CLIS)
NCDCP National Council on Prescription Drug Programs
NCE new chemical entity
NCEH National Center for Environmental Health (CDC)
NCFST National Center for Food Safety and Technology
NCHGR National Center for Human Genome Research (NIH)
NCHM National Center for Health Marketing (CDC)
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics (CDC)
NCHSTP National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention (CDC)
NCI National Cancer Institute (NIH)
NCID National Center for Infectious Diseases (CDC)
NCIE National Center for Import and Export (USDA)
NCIE Notice of Claimed Investigational Exemption (CVM)
NCIMS National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments
NCIPC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (CDC)
NCL National Consumers League
NCMHD National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIH)
NCNR National Center for Nursing Research (NIH)
NCP nonconforming product
NCPDP National Council for Prescription Drug Programs
NCPHI National Center for Public Health Informatics (CDC)
NCPIE National Council on Patient Information and Education
NCR Non-Conformance Report
NCRP National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
NCRR National Center for Research Resources (NIH)
NCS National Communications System
NCS not clinically significant
NCT National Clinical Trial
NCTR National Center for Toxicological Research (FDA)
NCVHS National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (DHHS)
NCVIA National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
NCWM National Conference on Weights and Measures
NDA new drug application
NDA new drug application number (ORA AofC code)
NDAB National Drugs Advisory Board (Ireland)
NDAC Nonprescription Drug Advisory Committee
NDC National Drug Code (FDA)
NDE new drug evaluation
NDE/MIS New Drug Evaluation Management Information System
NDF-RT National Drug File Reference Terminology (VA)
NDIRS (CFSAN) New Dietary Ingredients Review Staff (CFSAN)
NDMA Nonprescription Drug Manufacturers Association (now CHPA)
NDMS National Disaster Medical System
NDMS (CDER) New Drug Microbiology Staff (CDER)
NDRMMP National Drug Residue Milk Monitoring Program
NDS new drug study
NDS New Drug Submission (Canada)
NDTI National Disease and Therapeutic Index
NE-FO (ORA) Regional Field Office, Northeast Region
NEC not elsewhere classified
NEDSS National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (CDC)
NEEP National Exercise and Evaluation Program
NEFARMA Dutch Association of the Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry
NEFLE National Exchange for Food Labeling Education
NEHA National Environmental Health Association
NEI National Eye Institute (NIH)
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEMA National Emergency Management Association
NEP National Exercise Program (Department of Homeland Security)
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NetBEUI NetBIOS extended user interface
NEXT Nationwide Evaluation of X-ray Trends (CDRH)
NF National Formulary
NFPA National Food Processor Association
NFSS National Food Safety System
NFT notification of foreign travel
NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NGB National Guard Bureal
NGFA National Grain and Feed Association
NGO non-governmental organization
NGS Next-generation Sequencing
NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NCHS)
NHC National Hurricane Center
NHF National Hemophilia Foundation
NHGRI National Human Genome Research Institute (NIH)
NHIC National Health Information Center (DHHS)
NHIN Nationwide Health Information Network
NHIS National Institute of Hygienic Sciences (Japan)
NHLBI National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH)
NHP Non-human Primate
NHRIC national health related items code (CDRH)
NHW National Health and Welfare Department (Canada's equivalent of DHHS)
NIA National Institute on Aging (NIH)
NIAAA National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIH)
NIAID National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIH)
NIAMS National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIH)
NIBIB National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIH)
NICCL National Incident Communications Conference Line
NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (UK)
NICHD National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH)
NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH)
NIDCD National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIH)
NIDCR National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIH)
NIDDK National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIH)
NIDPOE Notice of Initiation of Disqualification Proceeding and Opportunity to Explain
NIDR National Institute of Dental Research (see NIDCR)
NIDRR National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (U.S. Department of Education)
NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIH)
NIFC National Interagency Fire Center
NIGMS National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH)
NIH National Institutes of Health (DHHS)
NIM no inspection made
NIMH National Institute of Mental Health (NIH)
NIMS National Incident Management System (FEMA)
NINDS National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH)
NINR National Institute of Nursing Research (NIH)
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (CDC)
NIP National Immunization Program (CDC)
NIPP National Infrastructure Protection Plan
NIS National Inpatient Sample
NISAC National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (Department of Homeland Security)
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S. Department of Commerce)
NKCA natural killer cell cytotoxic activity
NLEA Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990
NLM National Library of Medicine (NIH)
NLN Nordic Council on Medicines
NLRC Nicholson Lane Research Center
NLT not less than
NMA National Medical Association
NMDP National Marrow Donor Program
NME new molecular entity
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service
NMI non-medicinal ingredient
NMPF National Milk Producers Federation
NMQAAC National Mammography Quality Assurance Advisory Committee
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
NMT not more than
NNC National Notification Center
NNMC National Naval Medical Center
NNRTI non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
NOA Notice of Availability
NOAA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (U.S.)
NOAEL no observable adverse effect level
NOC National Operations Center
NOC Notice of Compliance (Canada)
NOD Notice of Deficiency (Canada)
NOEL no observed effect level
NOH notice of hearing
NOMI Federation of Norwegian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
NON notice of non-compliance (Canada)
NONS Notification of New Substance Regulations 193 (EC)
NOOH notice offering an opportunity for a hearing
NOP National Organic Program
NOS network operating system
NOSB National Organic Standards Board
NOV notice of violation letter
NPA National Pharmaceutical Association (UK)
NPA National Prescription Audit
NPCC National Poison Control Center
NPCR National Program of Cancer Registries
NPG National Preparedness Goal
NPI national provided identifier (CMS)
NPPC National Pork Producers Council
NPR National Performance Review
NPRM notice of proposed rulemaking
NPS National Park Service (Department of the Interior)
NPS National Pharmaceutical Stockpile(CDC)
NPS (CFSAN) Nutrition Programs Staff (CFSAN)
NPSB (CFSAN) Nutritional Product Studies Branch (CFSAN)
NR non-compliance record
NR response to not approvable letter
NRB Noninstitutional Review Board
NRC National Research Council
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.)
NRCC National Response Coordination Center
NREVSS National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System
NRP National Response Plan (Department of Homeland Security)
NRP-CIS National Response Plan Catastrophic Incident Supplement
NRSP National Research Support Project
NRTE not ready-to-eat
NS Not significant
NS/EP National Security and Emergency Preparedness
NSA National Security Agency (U.S.)
NSAID Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
NSAPB National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project
NSAPE North American Society for Pacing and Electrophysiology
NSC National Security Council
NSE not substantially equivalent
NSF National Science Foundation (U.S.)
NSIP National Seafood Inspection Program
NSN national stock number
NSR nonsignificant risk
NSRT (CFSAN) Nutrition Science Review Team (CFSAN)
NSV-DO (ORA) Nashville (Tennessee) District Office (ORA)
NSWL Naval Surface Weapons Laboratory (now FDA White Oak campus)
NTA notice to applicants (EC)
NTB (CFSAN) Neurotoxicology Branch (CFSAN)
NTEU National Treasury Employees Union
NTF National Turkey Federation
NTG nitroglycerin
NTI narrow therapeutic index
NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration (U.S.)
NTIS National Technical Information Service
NTL National Testing Laboratory (American National Red Cross)
NTP National Toxicology Program (U.S.)
NUCC National Uniform Claim Committee (AMA and HCFA)
NVC National Vaccine Commission
nvCJD new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
NVICP National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NIST)
NVOAD National Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster
NVP National Vaccine Program
NVPO National Vaccine Program Office (DHHS)
NVSS National Vital Statistics System
NVTB (CFSAN) Neurotoxicological and In Vitro Toxicology Branch (CFSAN)
NWK-DO (ORA) Newark District Office (ORA)
NWR NOAA Weather Radio
NWS National Weather Service
OA Office of Administration (Office of the Commissioner)
OA osteoarthritis
OAGS (OC) Officeof Acquisitions and Grants Services (OC)
OAI official action indicated
OAP (CDER) Office of Antimicrobial Products (CDER)
OARSA (CFSAN) Office of Applied Research and Safety Assessment (CFSAN)
OASDI Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
OASH Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (DHHS)
OASIS Operational and Administrative System for Import Support (CFSAN)
OB (CDER) Office of Biostatistics (CDER)
OB-GYN obstetrics-gynecology
OBA Office of Biotechnology Activities (NIH)
OBE online booking engine
OBE (CBER) Office of Biostatistics and Epidemiology (CBER)
OBES (OC) Office of Business Enterprise Solutions (OC)
OBFP (OC) Office of Budget Formulation and Presentation (OC)
OBI (CDER) Office of Business Informatics (CDER)
OBP (CDER) Office of Biotechnology Products (CDER)
OBPS (CDER) Office of Business Process Support (CDER)
OBRR (CBER) Office of Blood Research and Review (CBER)
OC Immediate Office of the Commissioner (OC)
OC Office of Compliance
OC Office of the Commissioner (FDA)
OC (CDER) Office of Compliance (CDER)
OC (CDRH) Office of Compliance (CDRH)
OC (CFSAN) Office of Compliance (CFSAN)
OCAC (CFSAN) Office of Cosmetics and Colors (CFSAN)
OCBQ (CBER) Office of Compliance and Biologics Quality (CBER)
OCC object class code
OCC (OC) Office of the Chief Counsel (OC)
OCD (CDRH) Office of the Center Director (CDRH)
OCD (CFSAN) Office of the Center Director (CFSAN)
OCD (CVM) Office of the Center Director (CVM)
OCER (CDRH) Office of Communication, Education and Radiological Programs (CDRH)
OCET (OC) Office of Counterterrorism and Emerging Threats (OC)
OCI (ORA) Office of Criminal Investigations (ORA)
OCIO (OC) Office of the Chief Information Officer (OC)
OCM (OC) Office of Crisis Management (OC)
OCO (CFSAN) Office of Constituent Operations (CFSAN)
OCOD Office of Communication Outreach and Development (CBER)
OCOMM (CDER) Office of Communications (CDER)
OCP (CDER) Office of Clinical Pharmacology (CDER)
OCP (OC) Office of Combination Products (OC)
OCPP Office of Critical Path Programs
OCR Office for Civil Rights (DHHS)
OCS Office of the Chief Scientist (OC)
OCTC (OC) Office of the Counselor to the Commissioner (OC)
OCTEC (CDER) Office of Counter-terrorism and Emergency Coordination (CDER)
OCTGT (CBER) Office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies (CBER)
OCTMA (CBER) Office of Communication, Training and Manufacturers Assistance (CBER)
OD Office of the Director
OD once daily
OD (CBER) Office of the Director (CBER)
OD (CDER) Office of the Center Director (CDER)
OD (NCTR) Office of the Director (NCTR)
ODA Orphan Drug Act of 1983
ODAC Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee
ODE Office of Drug Evaluation (CDER)
ODE (CDRH) Office of Device Evaluation (CDRH)
ODE I Office of Drug Evaluation I (CDER)
ODE II Office of Drug Evaluation II (CDER)
ODE III Office of Drug Evaluation III (CDER)
ODE IV (CDER) Office of Drug Evaluation IV (CDER)
ODM operational data model (CDISC)
ODSIR (CDER) Office of Drug Security, Integrity, and Recalls (CDER)
OE (ORA) Office of Enforcement (ORA)
OEA (OC) Office of External Affairs (OC)
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OEEODEM (OC) Office of EEO and Diversity Management (OC)
OEI Official Establishment Inventory
OEIO (ORA) Office of Enforcement and Import Operations (ORA)
OEL occupational exposure level
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OEO (OC) Office of Executive Operations (OC)
OEP Office of Emergency Preparedness (PHS)
OEP (CDER) Office of Executive Programs (CDER)
OER (OC) Office of External Relations (OC)
OES (OC) Office of Executive Secretariat (OC)
OEXA Office of External Affairs (OC)
OFACS Office of Facilities, Acquisitions, and Central Services (FDA)
OFAS (CFSAN) Office of Food Additive Safety (CFSAN)
OFDA Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
OFDCER (CFSAN) Office of Food Defense, Communication and Emergency Response (CFSAN)
OFFAS (OC) Office of Field Financial and Acquisitions Services (OC)
OFM (OC) Office of Financial Management (OC)
OFPA Organic Foods Production Act of 1990
OFS (CFSAN) Office of Food Safety (CFSAN)
OFS (OC) Office of Financial Services (OC)
OFSDO (CFSAN) Office of Food Safety, Defense and Outreach (CFSAN)
OGC Office of the General Counsel (DHHS)
OGD (CDER) Office of Generic Drugs (CDER)
OGE Office of Government Ethics (U.S.)
OGROP (OC) Office of Global Regulatory Operations and Policy (OC)
OGUD (CDRH) Obstetrics and Gynecology Devices Branch (CDRH)
OHCA (OC) Office of Health and Constituent Affairs (OC) (formerly Office of Special Health Issues - OSHI)
OHRMS Office of Human Resources and Management Services (FDA)
OIA (OC) Office of Internal Affairs (OC)
OIASI (OC) Office of International Activities and Strategic Initiatives (OC)
OIG Office of Inspector General (DHHS)
OIM Office of Information Management (OC)
OIP (OC) Office of International Programs (OC)
OIRA Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OMB)
OIT (CBER) Office of Information Technology (CBER)
OIT (CDER) Office of Information Technology (CDER)
OIT (CDRH) Office of Information Technology (CDRH)
OIT (CFSAN) Office of Information Technology (CFSAN)
OIT (CVM) Office of Information Technology (CVM)
OIT (NCTR) Office of Information Technology (NCTR)
OIT (OC) Office of Information Technology (OC)
OIT (ORA) Office of Information Technology (ORA)
OITSS (OC) Office of Information Technology Shared Services (OC)
OIVD (CDRH) Office of In Vitro Diagnostic Device Evaluation and Safety (CDRH)
OJDB (CDRH) Orthopedic Joint Devices Branch (CDRH)
OLA (OC) Office of Legislative Affairs (OC)
OLE object linking and embedding (Microsoft)
OM (CBER) Office of Management (CBER)
OM (CDER) Office of Management (CDER)
OM (CVM) Office of Management (CVM)
OM (OC) Office of Management (OC)
OMB Office of Management and Budget (U.S.)
OMB (NCTR) Operations and Maintenance Branch (NCTR)
OMH (OC) Office of Minority Health (OC)
OMO (CDRH) Office of Management Operations (CDRH)
OMP (CDER) Office of Medical Policy (CDER)
OMP (OC) Office of Management Programs (OC)
OMPQ (CDER) Office of Manufacturing and Product Quality (CDER) (formerly Division of Manufacturing and Product Quality - DMPQ)
OMPT Office of Medical Products and Tobacco
OMRF Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
OMS (CFSAN) Office of Management Systems (CFSAN)
OMS (NCTR) Office of Management Services (NCTR)
OMT oral mucosal transudate
ONADE (CVM) Office of New Animal Drug Evaluation (CVM)
ONC Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (DHHS)
ONCHIT Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (DHHS)
OND (CDER) Office of New Drugs (CDER)
ONDQA (CDER) Office of New Drug Quality Assessment (CDER)
ONLDS (CFSAN) Office of Nutrition, Labeling and Dietary Supplements (CFSAN)
ONP (CDER) Office of Nonprescription Products (CDER)
ONPLDS (CFSAN) Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements (CFSAN)
OO (CFSAN) Office of Operations (CFSAN)
OO (OC) Offffice of the Ombudsman (OC)
OO (OC) Office of Operations (OC)
OOB out of business
OODP (CDER) Office of Oncology Drug Products (CDER)
OOP order of predominance (in the ingredients statement)
OOPD Office of Orphan Products Development
OOS out of specification
OP (OC) Office of Policy (OC)
OP 1 (OC) Operations Team 1 (OC)
OP 2 (OC) Operations Team 2 (OC)
OP 3 (OC) Operations Team 3 (OC)
OP 4 (OC) Operations Team 4 (OC)
OPA (CDER) Office of Planning and Analysis (CDER)
OPA (OC) Office of Public Affairs (OC)
OPB (ORA) Operations and Policy Branch (ORA)
OPD (OC) Office of Orphan Products Development (OC)
OPDFB (CFSAN) Office of Plants, Dairy Foods and Beverages (CFSAN)
OPDIV operating division
OPDP Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (CDER) (formerly Division of Drug Marketing, Advertisement and Communications - DDMAC)
OPF Official Personnel Folder
OPFIT (NCTR) Office of Planning, Finance and Information Technology (NCTR)
OPHEP Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness (HHS)
OPHEP Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness (HHS)
OPI (CDER) Office of Planning and Informatics (CDER)
OPL (OC) Office of Planning (OC)
OPM Office of Personnel Management (U.S.)
OPMAD (CDRH) Orthopedic Physical Medicine and Anesthesiology Devices Branch (CDRH)
OPO Organ Procurement Organization
OPPL (OC) Office of Policy, Planning and Legislation (OC)
OPS (CDER) Office of Pharmaceutical Science (CDER)
OPT (OC) Office of Pediatric Therapeutics (OC)
OPTN Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network
OPV oral polio vaccine
OQ operational qualification
OR (CVM) Office of Research (CVM)
ORA Office of Regulatory Affairs (FDA)
ORA operations research analyst
ORADSS Office of Regulatory Affairs Reporting, Analysis and Decision Support System
Orange Book Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations
ORI Office of Research Integrity (HHS)
ORISE Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
ORL-DO (ORA) Orlando District Office (ORA)
ORM operational risk management
ORM operational risk management
ORM (ORA) Office of Resource Management (ORA)
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
ORO (ORA) Office of Regional Operations (ORA)
ORP (CDER) Office of Regulatory Policy (CDER)
ORP (CFSAN) Office of Regulations and Policy (CFSAN)
ORPS (OC) Office of Real Property Services (OC)
ORPSS (CFSAN) Office of Regulations, Policy and Social Sciences (CFSAN)
ORR objective response rate
ORS (CFSAN) Office of Regulatory Science (CFSAN)
OS (CDER) Operations Staff (CDER)
OS (CFSAN) Office of Seafood (CFSAN)
OS (OC) Operations Staff (OC)
OSAS (CFSAN) Office of Scientific Analysis and Support (CFSAN)
OSB (CDRH) Office of Surveillance and Biometrics (CDRH)
OSB (CFSAN) Office Services Branch (CFSAN)
OSC (CVM) Office of Surveillance and Compliance (CVM)
OSCAR ORACLE System for Center Automation and Retrieval
OSCI (CFSAN) Office of Science (CFSAN)
OSD-HD Office of the Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense
OSDB (CDRH) Orthopedic Spine Devices Branch (CDRH)
OSE (CDER) Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology (CDER)
OSEL (CDRH) Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories (CDRH)
OSG Office of the Surgeon General (PHS)
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (U.S. Department of Labor)
OSHC (OC) Office of Science and Health Coordination (OC)
OSHC (OC) Office of Science and Health Coordination (OC)
OSHI (OC) Office of Special Health Issues (OC)
OSHRC Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (U.S.)
OSI (CDER) Office of Scientific Investigation (CDER) (formerly Division of Scientific Investigation - DSI)
OSM Office of Surface Mining (Department of the Interior)
OSO (OC) Office of Security Operations (OC)
OSP (CDER) Office of Strategic Programs (CDER) (formerly Office of Planning and Informatics)
OSS (OC) Office of Shared Services (OC)
OST (CFSAN) Office Services Team (CFSAN)
OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy (U.S.)
OTC ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
OTC over-the-counter
OTCDHFB (CDER) OTC Drugs and Health Fraud Branch (CDER)
OTCOM (CDER) Office of Training and Communications (CDER)
OTFP other than a food processing facility
OTR (CDER) Office of Testing and Research (CDER)
OTRR (CBER) Office of Therapeutics Research and Review (CBER)
OTS (CDER) Office of Translational Sciences (CDER)
OUDLC (CDER) Office of Unapproved Drugs and Labeling Compliance (CDER) (formerly Division of New Drugs and Labeling Compliance - DNDLC)
OVI organic volatile impurities
OVRR (CBER) Office of Vaccines Research and Review (CBER)
OVST (CFSAN) Operations and Veterinary Support Team (CFSAN)
OWA Outlook Web Access
OWH (OC) Office of Women's Health (OC)
P & PC production and process controls
PA physical activity
PAAB Pharmaceutical Advertising Advisory Board (Canada)
PAB Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau (Japan)
PAB (CFSAN) Product Adulteration Branch (CFSAN)
PAC Political Action Committee
PAC post-approval changes
PAC private analytical certificate date (ORA AofC code)
PAC program assignment code
PACE Patient-centered Assessment and Counseling for Exercise
PACT Post-Approval Commitment Tracking
PAD pharmacologically active drug
PADE Postmarketing Adverse Drug Experience
PADER Periodic Adverse Drug Experience Report
PAER Preliminary Adverse Event Report Review (CDRH)
PAFA Priority-Based Assessment of Food Additives (CFSAN)
PAG Project Advisory Group
PAGE polyacrylimide gel electrophoresis
PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PAHO Pan American Health Organization (WHO)
PAHPRA Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act
PAI pre-approval inspection
PAIS (ORA) Public Affairs and Information Staff (ORA)
PAITS Pre-Approval Inspection Tracking System
PAL public affairs liaison
PAM Pesticide Analytical Manual
PAMP Post-approval Monitoring System
PAO Public Affairs Office
PAP patient assistance programs
PAR proven acceptable range
PARN problem/action request notice
PARQ Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
PARS (CDER) Program Activities Review Staff (CDER)
PART Program Assessment Rating Tool
PAS prior approval supplement
PAS Public Affairs specialist
PAS (CDRH) Premarket Approval Section (CDRH)
PAT Process Analytical Technology Initiative (CDER)
PATH Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health
PB (CDRH) Planning Branch (CDRH)
PBM pharmacy benefits management
PBPC peripheral blood progenitor cell
PBSC peripheral blood stem cell
PC personal computer
PC Preventive Controls
PCB placental cord blood
PCBE President's Council on Bioethics
PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls
PCC Poison Control Center
PCERT Preclinical and Clinical Evaluation Review Template (Canada)
PCP phencycladine
PCP Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
PCR polymerase chain reaction
PCS permanent change of station
PCT photochemical treatment
PCT practical clinical trial
PD pharmacodynamics
PD position description
PDA Parenteral Drug Association
PDA prescription drug advertising
PDB (CDER) Prescription Drugs Branch (CDER)
PDCA Plan-Do-Check-Act
PDCS (OC) Policy Development and Coordination Staff (OC)
PDE pediatric exclusivity
PDE permitted daily exposure
PDF portable document format
PDI post donation information
PDLB (CDRH) Pacing, Defibrillator and Leads Branch (CDRH)
PDMA Prescription Drug Marketing Act of 1988
PDO protected designation of origin
PDP principal display panel
PDP product development protocol
PDQ Physician Data Query (NCI)
PDR Physician's Desk Reference
PDR product defect reporting
PDS permanent duty station
PDS (CDER) Project Development Staff (CDER)
PDUFA Prescription Drug User Fee Act
PE pharmacoeconomics
PE physical education
PEB (CBER) Planning and Evaluation Branch (CBER)
PEB (CDRH) Program Enforcement Branch (CDRH)
PEB (CFSAN) Process Engineering Branch (CFSAN)
PEB (CFSAN) Program and Enforcement Branch (CFSAN)
PEB (ORA) Program Evaluation Branch (ORA)
PEB 1 (CDRH) Postmarket Evaluation Branch 1 (CDRH)
PEB 2 (CDRH) Postmarket Evaluation Branch 2 (CDRH)
PELT (CFSAN) Product Evaluation and Labeling Team (CFSAN)
PEP pancreatic enzyme product
PEP performance evaluation plan
PEPFAR Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
PER Pharmaceutical Evaluation Reports (EMEA)
Per Diem per day (total allowance for daily travel expenses)
PeRC Pediatric Review Committee
PERI Pharmaceutical Education and Research Institute
PERT product-enhanced reverse transcriptase
PERV porcine endogenous retrovirus
PET polyethylene terephthalate
PET positron emission tomography
PETA People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
PETG polyethylene terephthalate G
PFGE pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
PFI Pet Food Institute
PFIPC Permanent Forum on International Pharmaceutical Crime
PFL Professional Flexible Labeling
PFO Patent Foramen Ovale
PFO principal federal official
PFS Piper Fatigue Scale
PGB (CFSAN) Policy Guidance Branch (CFSAN)
Ph. Eur. Pharmacopeia Europa
PHA public health advisory
PHEMCE Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise
PHI protected health information
PHIN Public Health Information Network (CDC)
PHN Population, Health and Nutrition (Center)
PHPPO Public Health Practice Program Office (CDC)
PHPS Public Health Prevention Service (CDC)
PhRMA Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
PHS Public Health Service (DHHS)
PHSA Public Health Service Act of 1944
PHTN Public Health Training Network (CDC)
PI package insert (approved product labeling)
PI principal investigator
PIB (CBER) Program Inspection Branch (CBER)
PIC/S pharmaceutical inspection convention/pharmaceutical inspection co-operation scheme
PICNIC Professionals & Citizens Network for Integrated Care
PIFSI Produce and Imported Foods Safety Initiative (CFSAN)
PIM Product Information Management
PIN personal identification number
PIP Personal Importation Policy
PIP plant-incorporated protectant
PIT Process Improvement Team
PIV Personal Identify Verification
PK pharmacokinetics
PKA prekallikrein activator
PKI public key infrastructure
PKLN Parklawn Building
PKU phenylketonuria
PLA product license application (CBER)
PLAIR Pre-Launch Activities Importation Request
PLAS Prior Label Approval System (FSIS)
PLF Product Licensing Framework (Canada)
PLI pre-license inspection (CBER)
PLLR Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule
PLR Physician Labeling Rule
PLS Pending Logging System
PLS product license (application) supplement
PM post-marketing
PM project manager
PMA device premarket approval number (ORA AofC code)
PMA Pharmaceutical Manufacturer's Association
PMA premarket application
PMA premarket approval
PMAA premarket approval application
PMAP Performance Management Appraisal Program
PMB pharmacy benefit manager
PMC postmarketing commitment
PMCC Project Management Coordinating Committee (CDER)
PMF public master file
PMHS (CDER) Pediatric and Maternal Health Staff (CDER)
PMN device premarket notification number (510k) (ORA AofC code)
PMN premarket notification
PMO Pasteurized Milk Ordinance
PMO project management officer
PMOA primary mode of action
PMP Performance Management Program
PMP plant-made pharmaceutical
PMP Project Management Professional
PMPRB Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (Canada)
PMR postmarketing requirement
PMR premarket report
PMRI patient medical record information
PMRI Preventive Medicine Research Institute
PMS postmarketing surveillance
PMS (CDRH) Program Management Staff (CDRH)
PMS (OC) Print Media Staff (OC)
PMSB Pharmaceutical and Medical Safety Bureau (Japan)
PMSB (CBER) Program Management Services Branch (CBER)
PMSB (CDER) Program Management Services Branch (CDER)
PMSC Pre-Market Surveillance and Compliance (CFSAN)
PN product name
PNC (ORA) Prior Notice Center (ORA)
PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PNR passenger name record
PNS peripheral nervous system
PNS (CDRH) Premarket Notification Section (CDRH)
PNSI prior notice system interface
PO per os (by mouth)
POA privately owned automobile
POB (CBER) Program Operations Branch (CBER)
POC point of contact
PODS Program Oriented Data System
PODS Project Oriented Data System
POM prescription-only medicine (UK)
POM program objective memorandum
POMS profile of mood states
POS point of sale
POS (CBER) Program Operation Staff (CBER)
POS (CDRH) Program Operations Staff (CDRH)
POV privately-owned vehicle
POWER Petition Optical Workflow, Exchange and Retrieval (CFSAN's FARM System)
PP pay period
PPA phenylpropanolamine
PPA Poison Prevention Act
ppb parts per billion
PPB (CFSAN) Plant Products Branch (CFSAN)
PPC production and process controls
PPE pay period ending
PPE personal protective equipment
PPI patient package insert
PPI planned product improvements
PPI proton pump inhibitor
PPIA Poultry Products Inspection Act
ppm parts per million
PPM planned preventive maintenance
PPP point-to-point protocol
PPQ plant protection and quarantine (USDA)
PPS (CBER) Policy and Publications Staff (CBER)
PPSR Proposal for Pediatric Studies Request
PPT plasma preparation tube
PPTA Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association
PPTP point-to-point tunneling protocol (Microsoft)
PPV Patient Profile Viewer
PPWMB (ORA) Program Planning and Workforce Management Branch (ORA)
PQ performance qualification
PQ process qualification
PQAS Pharmaceutical Quality Assessment System
PQG Pharmaceutical Quality Group
PQLS (CBER) Product Quality Laboratory Staff (CBER)
PQRI Product Quality Research Institute
PR Public Relations
PR pulse rate
PR (CBER) Product Review Branch (CBER)
PRA Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
PRB PDUFA Review Board
PRB Performance Review Board
PRB (CBER) Product Release Branch (CBER)
PRB (CFSAN) Pathology Branch (CFSAN)
PREA Pediatric Research Equity Act of 2003
PRIM & R Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
PRL-NW Pacific Regional Laboratory - Northwest (ORA)
PRL-SW Pacific Regional Laboratory - Southwest (ORA)
PRMB (CDER) Program and Resources Management Branch (CDER)
PRN as needed
PRO patient-reported outcome
Prop 65 Proposition 65
PrP prion protein
PRRB (OC) Paperwork Reduction and Records Branch (OC)
PRRMS (OC) Paperwork Reduction and Records Management Staff (OC)
PRS (OC) Policy Research Staff (OC)
PRSB (CDRH) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Devices Branch (CDRH)
PS particle size
PS (CDER) Planning Staff (OC)
PSA Poultry Science Association
PSA prostate specific antigen
PSB (CBER) Program Surveillance Branch (CBER)
PSC Postmarket Strategies Committee
PSC Program Support Center (DHHS)
PSD (OC) Payment Services Division (OC)
PSI Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland
PSN Patient Safety News (FDA)
PSNI Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland
PSP physician special pay
PSS (CDRH) Patient Safety Staff (CDRH)
PSSB (CFSAN) Program Support Services Branch (CFSAN)
PST porcine somatotropin
PSUR Periodic Safety Update Reports
PT part time
PT preferred term
PTB (CBER) Pharmacology and Toxicology Branch (CBER)
PTC Parklawn Training Center
PTC Points To Consider
PTCC Pharmacology and Toxicology Coordinating Committee (CDER)
PTE patent term extension
PTEI Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative
PTFE polytetrafluroethylene
PTK phototherapeutic keratectomy
PTO Patent and Trademark Office (U.S. Department of Commerce)
PTR platelet transfusion reaction
PTS (CBER) Product Testing Section (CBER)
PTU propylthiouracil
PUD peptic ulcer disease
PUFI packed under federal inspection
PV process validation
PVC polyvinyl chloride
PVDB (CDRH) Peripheral Vascular Devices Branch (CDRH)
PWS performance work statement
Q & A questions and answers
Q1H every 1 hour
QA quality assurance
QAO Quality Assurance Officer
QAS (CBER) Quality Assurance Staff (CBER)
QAS (CDER) Quality Assurance Staff (CDER)
QAT (CBER) Quality Assurance Team (CBER)
QAU (CFSAN) Quality Assurance Unit (CFSAN)
QbD Quality by Design
QbR Question-based Review
QC quality control
QCP quality control program
QD once daily
QHS at bedtime
QID four times a day
QIS-P Quality Information Summary Pharmaceuticals (Canada)
QL quality of life
QMiS Quality Management Information System
QMS Quality Management System
QMS (CDER) Quality Management Staff (CDER)
QNS quantity not sufficient
QOD every other day
QoL quality of life
QOS quality overall summary (of CTD)
QP qualified person (EU)
QS Quality System
QSAR Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship
QSI quality step increase
QSIT quality system inspection technique (CDRH)
QSM Quality System Manager
QSR quality system record
QSR quality system regulation
QSR quality system representative
QTV Qualified Through Verification (USDA)
QU quality unit
QWL quality of work life
R & D research and development
R & E Recall and Emergency (ORA)
R & W recreation and welfare
R-CHOP Drug combination that includes rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone
RA rheumatoid arthritis
RAA Research Across America
RAC raw agricultural commodity
RAC Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (NIH)
RAC Regulatory Affairs Certification
RAC Reviewer Affairs Committee (CDER) (disbanded 2000)
RACC reference amount customarily consumed
RACT (CFSAN) Risk Assessment Coordination Team (CFSAN)
RAD rapid applications development
RADAR radio detecting and ranging
RADAR risk assessment of drugs - analysis and response
RAE remedial action exemption
RAM random access memory
RAM reporting and analysis module (EASE)
RAMP Remedial Action Management Program
RAPS Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society
RBC Red blood cells
RCC Research Coordinating Committee
RCH remove clinical hold
RCHSA Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968
RCR replication competent retrovirus
RCR Risk Control Review
RCRIM Regulated Clinical Research Information Management
RCS records control schedule
RCS (CFSAN) Regulations Coordination Staff (CFSAN)
RCT randomized clinical trial
RCT (CFSAN) Recall Team (CFSAN)
RD registration dossier
RDA recommended daily allowance
RDB (CDRH) Radiological Devices Branch (CDRH)
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
RDE remote data entry
RDI reference daily intake
rDNA recombinant deoxyribonucleic
RDRC Radioactive Drug Research Committee (CDER)
RDT rising dose tolerance
RDTS Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Subcommittee (CDER)
REDS-II Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study
REE Research, Education and Economics (USDA)
REG drug registration number (ORA AofC code)
reg neg regulatory negotiation
ReGo Reinventing the United States Government
REIS Regional Economic Information System
REMS risk evaluation and mitigation strategy
RES Recall Enterprise System (ORA)
RES residence
RES (OC) Regulations Editorial Section (OC)
RESNA Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North America
RFA request for application
RFC request for contract
RFCPCS (CFAN) Retail Food and Cooperative Programs Coordination Staff (CFSAN)
RFD request for designation
RFDD Regional Food and Drug Director
RFE Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia
RFI request for information
RFID radio-frequency identification
RFP request for proposal
RFPT (CFSAN) Retail Food Protection Team (CFSAN)
RFR Reportable Food Registry
RFS Review Flow System
RH relative humidity
RH responsible head
RIA radioimmunoassay
RIAS regulatory impact analysis statement (Canada)
RIBA™ recombinant immunoblot assay (Chiron ®)
RIC Resident In Charge
RICHS Rural Information Center Health Service
RIF reduction-in-force
RIHSC Research Involving Human Subjects Committee (FDA)
RIM reference information model (HL7)
RIMS Regulatory Information Management Staff
RIPA radioimunoprecipitation assay
RIS Regulatory Information Specialist
RIS (CBER) Retroviral Immunology Section (CBER)
RiskMAP risk minimization action plan
RIT relocation income tax
RKW1 Rockwall Building I
RKW2 Rockwall Building II
RL regulatory letter (FDA post-audit letter)
RLD reference listed drug
RM raw material
RMAB (CDRH) Risk Management and Analysis Branch (CDRH)
RMB (CBER) Resource Management Branch (CBER)
RMCC Review Management Coordinating Committee (CBER)
RMP Regulatory Management Plan
RMP Risk Management Plan
RMS Reference Member State (Europe)
RMS regulatory management system
RMS (CDER) Review Management Staff (CDER)
RMS-BLA Regulatory Management System - Biologics License Application
RMT (CFSAN) Regulations Management Team (CFSAN)
RNA ribonucleic acid
ROA read only access
ROC receiver operating characteristic curve
RODS Real-Time Outbreak & Disease Surveillance System
ROI report of investigation
ROI return on investment
ROM Results Oriented Management
RP Resident Post
RPB (CDRH) Radiation Programs Branch (CDRH)
RPM Regulatory Procedures Manual (ORA)
RPM Regulatory Project Manager
RPMB (CBER) Regulatory Project Management Branch (CBER)
RPMCC Regulatory Project Management Coordinating Committee (CDER)
RPMS (OC) Regulations Policy and Management Staff (OC)
RPO Regional Personnel Office
RPO Regulatory Project Officer
RPS regulatory product submission
RPS (CDER) Regulatory Policy Staff (CDER)
RPSGB Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
RR recall recommendation
RR relative risk
RR repeatedly reactive
RRCC Regional Response Coordination Center (FEMA)
RRHR regional radiological health representative
RRS Resource Reporting System (CBER)
RRSS (CDER) Regulatory Review Support Staff (CDER)
RSB (CDER) Recalls and Shortages Branch (CDER)
RSB (CDER) Review Support Branch (CDER)
RSGEMS (CFSAN) Regulations and Special Government Employees Management Staff (CFSAN)
RSMB (CDRH) Reporting Systems Monitoring Branch (CDRH)
RSNA Radiological Society of North America
RSO radiation safety officer
RSOI reception, staging, onward movement, and integration
RSS RDF (resource data framework) site summary
RSS really simple syndication
RSS rich site summary
RSS (CDER) Regulatory Support Staff (CDER)
RSV respiratory syncytial virus
RSVIG respiratory synctial virus immune globulin
RSVIGIV respiratory synctial virus immune globulin intravenous
RSVP Resource Reporting System Via Projects (CFSAN)
RTA refusal-to-accept
RTE ready-to-eat
RTF refusal to file
RTF rich text format
RTL (NCTR) Reproductive Toxicology Laboratory (NCTR)
RTM Recall Team member
RTO Regional Training Officer
RTR recall termination recommendation
RU-486 Roussel Uclaf (original designer) abortifacient drug (mifepristone)
RUG resource utilization group
RUO research use only
RVIS Residue Violation Information System
Rx prescription
S & E safety and effectiveness
S/C servings per container
S/L sick leave
S/NDS supplemental new drug submission (Canada)
SA sustained action (medication)
SAB Science Advisory Board
SACD Special Assistant to the Center Director
SACS Scientific Advisors and Consultants Staff (CBER)
SACX Secretary's Advisory Committee on Xenotransplantation (NIH)
SAD single ascending dose
SADR suspected adverse drug reaction
SAE serious adverse event
SAER Standard Adverse Event Report Review (CDRH)
SAF state access to FACTS
SAI single active ingredient
SAL sterility assurance level
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Heath Services Administration (DHHS)
SAN-DO San Francisco District Office
SAP Scientific Advisory Panel
SAP service access point
SAP Special Access Program
SAP Statistical Analysis Plan
SAPB (CFSAN) Shellfish and Aquaculture Policy Branch (CFSAN)
SAR search and rescue
SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
SAS Symptom Assessment Scale
SAT (CFSAN) Statistical Applications Team (CFSAN)
SB (ORA) Systems Branch (ORA)
SBA Small Business Administration (U.S.)
SBA summary basis of approval
SBIR Small Business Innovation Research
sBLA supplemental Biologics License Application
SBOA Summary Basis of Approval
SBREFA Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
SBRS Senior Biomedical Research Service
SC study coordinator
SC subcutaneous
SC (CDRH) Staff College (CDRH)
SC (CFSAN) Staff College (CFSAN)
SCAW Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
SCC Sector Coordinating Council (for Food and Agriculture)
SCD service computation date
SCGD special controls guidance documents
SCL Symptom Checklist
SCLIR Secondary Calibration Laboratories for Ionizing Radiation
SCOGS Select Committee on GRAS Substances
SCR system change request
SCRAG Senior Civilian Representative of the Attorney Gemeral (Department of Homeland Security)
SCRRB (ORA) Scientific Compliance and Regulatory Review Branch (ORA)
SCSB (CFSAN) Scientific Computer Support Branch (CFSAN)
SCT Society for Clinical Trials
SCVIR Society for Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiologists (now SIR)
SD Scientific Director
SD standard deviation
SDAB (CDER) Surveillance and Data Analysis Branch (CDER)
SDM Submission Data Model (CDISC)
SDM system development methodology
SDN Screening Deficiency Notice (Canada)
SDO Standards Development Organization
SDS Submission Data Standards (CDISC)
SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
SDTM Study Data Tabulation Model (CDISC)
SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act
SDWIS Safe Drinking Water Information System
SE Salmonella Enteriditis
SE standard error
SE substantially equivalent
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission (U.S.)
SEDS Shared Establishment Data Service (FHA)
SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (Registry of NCI)
SEIU Service Employees International Union
SEND Standards for Exchange of Nonclinical Data (Consortium)
SES Senior Executive Service
SF safety factor
SF Standard Form
SFB spore-forming bacteria
SFIT Safety First Implementation Team
SFLEO senior federal law enforcement official
SFSC Safety First Steering Committee
SG study group
SGE Special Government Employee
SGEMT (CFSAN) Special Government Employees Management Team (CFSAN)
SGI Summer Genetics Institute
SGLT2 sodium-glucose co-transporter 2
SGML standard generalized markup language
SGO Surgeon General's Office
SHE safety, health and environment
SIA strip immunoblot assay
SIB (CDRH) Special Investigations Branch (CDRH)
SID schedule identifier number (ORA AofC code)
SID Source to Image Distance
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
SIF seafood HACCP importer form (ORA AofC code)
SIG Strategic Implementation Group
SIMCEN National Exercise Simulation Center
SIMT Scientific, Internet/Intranet and Middle Tier (CFSAN)
SIP sterilization in place
SIP Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research
SIR Society of Interventional Radiology (formerly SCVIR)
SIREN Scientific Information Retrieval and Exchange Network (CFSAN)
SIS Streamlined Inspection System (USDA)
SISTIR Strategic Information Systems Technical Integration Resources
SITP (OC) Strategic IT Programs (OC)
SL signature (address) line
SLEP Shelf Life Extension Program
SLIP serial line internet protocol/point-to-point protocol
SLK Statens Legemiddel Kontroll (Norwegian Medicines Control Authorities)
SLO state liaison officer
SLR Supplement Labeling Revision
SM starting material
SMART Submission Management and Review Tracking
SMB (OC) Space Management Branch (OC)
SMCC Standards Management Coordinating Committee (CBER)
SMDA Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990
SME significant medical event
SME subject matter expert
SMF site master file
SMG Staff Manual Guide
SMO site management organization
SMPS (CDRH) Standards Management Program Staff (CDRH)
SMS Standards Management Staff (CDRH)
SMS (CFSAN) Safety Management Staff (CFSAN)
SMSB (CFSAN) Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry Branch (CFSAN)
SMT (CDER) Senior Management Team (CDER)
SMT (CFSAN) Statistical Methodology Team (CFSAN)
SMTP simple mail transfer protocol
SN/AEMS Special Nutritional Adverse Events Monitoring System
sNDA supplemental new drug application
SNIP Syndicat National de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique
SNL Sandia National Laboratories
SNOMED-RT Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Reference Terminology
SNRI serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
SNS strategic national stockpile (CDC)
SOAB (OC) Systems and Office Automation Branch (OC)
SOC System Organ Class
SOCRA Society of Clinical Research Associates
SOM sensitivity of method
SOP standard operating procedure
SoPA submission of portion of application
SOPP Standard Operating Procedures and Policies
SORN System of Records Notice
SOW statement of work
SPA Special Protocol Assessment
SPAC State Pharmaceutical Administration of China
SPC Summary of Product Characteristics (EMEA)
SPCS (CDER) Safety Policy and Communications Staff (CDER)
SPECT single-photon emission computed tomography
SPF sun protection factor
SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering
SPL structured product labeling
SPLAT Structured Product Labeling Advisory Team
SPLIEP Structured Product Labeling Interagency Executive Panel
SPOTS Special Products On-Line Tracking System (CDER)
spp species
SPPA Strategic Partnership Program Agroterrorism Initiative
SPR system problem report
SPRC Seafood Products Research Center (CFSAN)
SPS sanitary and phytosanitary
SPS (CFSAN) Science and Policy Staff (CFSAN)
SPTPB (CFSAN) Seafood Processing and Technology Policy Branch (CFSAN)
SQ subcutaneous
SQA Society of Quality Assurance
SQL structured query language
SR significant risk
SR sustained release (medication)
SRAS Secure Remote Access Service
SRCS Division of Surveillance, Research, and Communication Support (CDER)
SRD significant risk device
SRD single rising dose
SRD swine respiratory disease
SRD system requirements document
SRMs specified risk materials
SRS spontaneous reporting system
SRS Substance Registration System
SRS System Requirements Specification
SRS (CDER) Science and Research Staff (CDER)
SS serving size
SSA sector-specific agencies
SSA Social Security Administration (U.S.)
SSAST (CFSAN) Senior Science Advisor's Staff (CFSAN)
SSB (CDRH) Systems Support Branch (CDRH)
SSC Special Search Category
SSC Systems Steering Committee (CBER)
SSCT Swedish Society for Clinical Trials
SSE Summary of Safety and Effectiveness
SSED summary of safety and effectiveness data
SSM skin surface microscopy
SSN Social Security number
SSO Single Sign-On
SSOP sanitation standard operating procedures
SSP sector-specific plan
SSRCR Suggested State Regulations for Control of Radiation
SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
SSSI skin and skin structure infection
STA special temporary authority
STAI Strait Anxiety Inventory
STAMP Systematic Technology Assessment of Medical Products (CDRH)
STARS Submission Tracking and Reporting System
STB (ORA) State Training Branch (ORA)
STCD sterile connecting device
STD sexually transmitted disease
STED Summary Technical Document
STEPS System for Thalidomide Education and Prescribing Safety
STN submission tracking number
STOP Safe Tables Our Priority
STS (CBER) Standards and Testing Staff (CBER)
STT short term tests
Subpart H That subpart of 21 CFR Part 314 pertaining to accelerated approval of drugs
SUD single-use device
SUD sudden unexpected death
SUDs Single Use Devices
SUPAC scale up and post-approval changes
SUPAC-IR scale-up and postapproval changes - immediate release
SUPAC-MR scale-up and postapproval changes - modified release
SUPAC-SS scale-up and postapproval changes - nonsterile solid
SUSAR suspected unexpected serious adverse reaction
Sv sievert
SVP small-volume parenteral
SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics
SWDB (CDRH) Software and Web Development Staff (CDRH)
SX symptoms
T&A time and attendance
T/PT traceability/product tracing
TA Technology Administration (U.S.)
TA temporary abeyance
TA tentative approval
ta travel authorization
TAA transfusion-associated AIDS
TAB (OC) Travel Audit Branch (OC)
TAB (CDRH) Technical Assistance Branch (CDRH)
TAH transfusion-associated hepatitis
TAS (NCTR) Technology Advancement Staff (NCTR)
TAV travel authorizations and vouchers
TAVC total aerobic viable count
TB tuberculosis
TBD to be determined
TBLS Team Biologics Liaison Staff (CBER)
TBP therapeutic biologic product
TBSB (CBER) Therapeutics and Blood Safety Branch (CBER)
TBT technical barriers to trade
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
TCP/IP transmission control protocol/internet protocol
TCS temporary change of station
TD target date
TDD telecommunications device for the deaf
TDDB (CDRH) Television Design and Development Branch (CDRH)
TDDS transdermal drug delivery system
TDI tolerable daily intake
TdP Torsades de Pointes
TDS Total Diet Study (CFSAN)
TDY temporary duty
TE therapeutic equivalence
TEAE Treatment-Emergent Adverse Event
TEB (CBER) Therapeutics Evaluation Branch (CBER)
TEE Transesophageal Echocardiogram
TELECON telephone conferencing
TEP therapeutic exchange plasmapheresis
TEPRSSC Technical Electronic Product Radiation Safety Standards Committee
TERMIS Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society
TESS Toxic Exposure Surveillance System
TESS treatment emergent signs and symptoms
TFM tentative final monograph
TFRB (CDER) Therapeutic Facilities Review Branch (CDER)
TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia)
TI tolerable intake
TIACC Therapeutic Inequivalence Action Coordinating Committee
TID three times a day
TIFF tagged image file format
TIND treatment investigational new drug
TIRF transmucosal immediate-release fentanyl
TK toxicokinetics
TLC thin layer chromatography
Tmax time to maximum plasma concentration
TMJ temporomandibular joint
TMO trial management organization
TNTC too numerous to count
TO table of oganization
TO transportation officer
TOA total obligation authority
TOC total organic carbon
TOI trial outcome index
TOL total organic carbon
TOPOFF Top Officials (terrorism exercise)
TOPRA The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
TOR threshold of regulation
TPCC Therapeutic Products Classification Committee (Canada)
TPD Therapeutic Products Directorate (Canada)
TPDS Training and Professional Development Staff (CBER)
TPLC Total Product Life Cycle
TPN total parenteral nutrition
TPP Target Product Profile
TPSAC Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee
TQM Total Quality Management
TRAC Tolerance Reassessment Advisory Committee (EPA)
TRALI transfusion-related acute lung injury
Trans Net internet-based blood shortage reporting program (FDA)
TRB Technical Review Board
TRI Toxics Release Inventory (EPA)
TRIMS Tissue Residue Information System
TRO temporary restraining order
TRx total (number of) prescriptions
TSA Transportation Security Administration (Department of Homeland Security)
TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976
TSCSB (CFSAN) Telecommunications and Scientific Computer Support Branch (CFSAN)
TSD (OC) Travel Services Division (OC)
TSE transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
TSEAC Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Advisory Committee (CBER)
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
TSI tracked safety issue
TSOPs temperature standard operating procedures
TSP Thrift Savings Plan
TSS Transfusion Safety Study
TSSRC Toxicology Study Selection and Review Committee (FDA-NIEHS)
TSSS (CDER) Technology Support Services Staff (CDER)
TTTC Take Time To Care (program)
TTY teletypewriters or text telephones
Turbo EIR Turbo Establishment Inspection Report (ORA)
TV travel voucher
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
TVBB (CBER) Tumor Vaccines and Biotechnology Branch (CBER)
TVC total viable count
TWG technical working group
U units
UA urinalysis
UADE unanticipated adverse device event
UCB umbilical cord blood
UCBU umbilical cord blood unit
UCUM Unified Codes for Units of Measure (Regenstrief Institute)
UDHQ Uniform Donor Health Questionnaire
UDI unique device identification
UFC unacceptable to foreign country (ORA AofC code)
UFMS Unified Financial Management System
UIN unique identification number
UK United Kingdom
UKCCR United Kingdom Coordinating Committee on Cancer Research
UL Underwriters Laboratories
ULDB (CDRH) Urology and Lithotripsy Devices Branch (CDRH)
ULN upper limit of normal
ULPA ultra-low penetration air
UMCP University of Maryland-College Park
UMDNS Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System
UMLS Unified Medical Language System (NLM)
UMS Unified Modeling Language (Object Management Group)
UN unacceptable
UN United Nations
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
UNII Unique Ingredient Identifier
UNOS United Network for Organ Sharing
URAA Uruguay Round Agreements Act of 1994
URL uniform resource locator
URS user requirement specification
US & R urban search and rescue
USA United States Army
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
USAHA United States Animal Health Association
USAID United States Agency for International Development
USAMRIID U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases
USAN United States Adopted Name
USBR Bureau of Reclamation (U.S. Department of the Interior)
USC United States Code
USCA U.S. Code Annotated
USCG United States Coast Guard
USCS United States Customs Service (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)
USDA Department of Agriculture (U.S.)
USFDA United States Food and Drug Administration
USFS United States Forest Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
USGS United States Geological Survey
USHIK United States Health Information Knowledge Base
USIA United States Information Agency
USITC United States International Trade Commission
USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command
USMS United States Marshals Service
USOPM United States Office of Personnel Management
USP U.S. Pharmacopeia
USP-DI United States Pharmacopeia-Drug Information
USP-NF United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary
USPC U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention
USPEA U.S. Poultry and Egg Association
USPS United States Postal Service
USPTO United States Patent and Trademark Office (U.S. Department of Commerce)
USTFA U.S. Trout Farmers Association
USTR United States Trade Representative
USUHS Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
UTI urinary tract infection
V/V verification/validation
VA Department of Veterans Affairs (U.S.)
VADM Vice Admiral
VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
VAI voluntary action indicated
VAP ventilator-associated pneumonia
VAS visual analog scale
VATS Vacancy Announcement Tracking System (PHS)
VATS Viral Activation Transfusion Study
VAX virtual address eXtension
VBPF vegetative bacteria, protozoa and viruses
VCH travel voucher claim
vCJD variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease
VCOOL voluntary country-of-origin labeling
VCPR veterinarian/client/patient relationship
VCRP Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (CFSAN)
VCTB (CBER) Vaccine Clinical Trials Branch (CBER)
VDB (CDRH) Virology Devices Branch (CDRH)
VE vaccine efficacy
VEB (CBER) Vaccine Evaluation Branch (CBER)
VEDB (CDRH) Vitreal and Extraocular Devices Branch (CDRH)
VEE Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis
VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor
Vet-LIRN Veterinary Laboratory Investigation and Response Network (formerly Vet-LRN: Veterinary Laboratory Response Network)
Vet-LRN Veterinary Laboratory Response Network
VetTrade Veterinarian Trading Post (website)
VFD veterinary feed directive
VHA Veterans Health Administration
VHSP Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Program (CDC)
VICH International Cooperation on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products
VICH Veterinary International Committee on Harmonisation
VIG vaccinia immune globulin
VIPPS Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites
VISB (OC) Visual Information Services Branch (OC)
VLTP Voluntary Leave Transfer Program
VMAC Veterinary Medicine Advisory Committee (CVM)
VMB (CFSAN) Virulence Mechanisms Branch (CFSAN)
VMD Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris
VMF veterinary master file
VMO veterinary medical officer
VMP validation master plan
VMS virtual memory system (operating system)
VOAD Volunteer Organizations Active in a Disaster
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
VPN Virtual Private Network
VPS Veterinary Product Safety
VRBPAC Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (CBER)
VS visiting scientist
VS (CBER) Validation Staff (CBER)
VSB (CBER) Vaccine Safety Branch (CBER)
VSD Vaccine Safety Datalink (project) (CDC)
VSOF visual status of funds
VSS (NCTR) Veterinary Services Staff (NCTR)
VVB (CBER) Viral Vaccines Branch (CBER)
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WAE when-actually-employed
WAG widely attended gathering
WAN wide area network
WAT (CFSAN) Worklife Analysis Team (CFSAN)
WB Western Blot
WBC white blood cell
WBS work breakdown structure
WEAC Winchester Engineering and Analytical Center
WebSDM Web-based Submission Data Manager
WEDA Workforce Equity and Diversity Action
WEDI Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange
WFH World Federation of Hemophilia
WFI water for injection
WG wage grade
WHO World Health Organisation
WHO-ART World Health Organisation Adverse Reaction Terminology
WIB Western immunoblot
WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for) Women, Infants, and Children (USDA)
WIGI within-grade increase
WISQARS Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (CDC)
WIT Workflow Improvement Team
WITS Washington Interagency Telecommunications System
WL warning letter
WLF Washington Legal Foundation
WMS (OC) Website Management Staff (OC)
WNET Women's Network for Entrepreneurial Training (SBA)
WNME West Nile meningoencephalitis
WNV West Nile virus
WO White Oak Campus - FDA
WO (NCTR) Washington Office (NCTR)
WOC I Woodmont Office Complex I (north)
WOC II Woodmont Office Complex II (south)
WONF with other natural flavors
WPADP Working Party on Automation and Data Processing (International Society of Blood Transfusion)
WPC WordPerfect character (mapping file)
WPS (OC) Workforce Programs Staff (OC)
WRAIR Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
WRAMC Walter Reed Army Medical Center
WSHSC water soluble, heat stable chemicals
WSL (CFSAN) Washington Seafood Laboratory (CFSAN)
WTA withholding tax allowance
WWW world wide web
WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
X-SCID X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency disorder
xBML Extended Business Modeling Language
XDR-TB extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis
XML extensible markup language
Y2K year 2000
YTD year to date

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD