- Abatement
- Abducted child
- Abduction case
- Abduction
- Aboveground storage tank
- Abroad
- Absence without official leave
- Absolute risk unmitigated
- Absolute risk
- Abuse
- Acceptability
- Acceptable risk
- Acceptance
- Access approval authority
- Access board
- Access case
- Access control
- Access eligibility review
- Access eligibility waiver
- Access information
- Access
- Accessibility
- Accessible
- Accident investigation
- Accident
- Accidental hazard
- Accidental release
- Accommodation exchange
- Accompanying supplies
- Accompanying, accompanied
- Accountability
- Accountable officer
- Accountable property
- Accounting functions
- Accreditation
- Accredited
- Accrediting entity
- Accrual date
- Accrued annual leave
- Accrued expenditures
- Accrued income
- Accrued leave
- Accrued liability
- Accumulated annual leave
- Accumulated depreciation
- Accumulated leave
- Accumulating costs
- Acknowledgment
- Acoustic intelligence
- Acoustic sensor
- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- Acquired
- Acquirer
- Acquisition cost of equipment
- Acquisition cost
- Acquisition decision event
- Acquisition plan
- Acquisition planning
- Acquisition support agencies
- Acquisition workforce
- Acquisition
- Acquisitions period
- Acquisitions
- Act of God
- Act of international terrorism
- Act of mercy
- Act of piracy
- Act of terrorism
- Act of war
- Action addressee
- Action phase
- Action
- Actionable information
- Activated
- Activation message
- Activation
- Active Guard and Reserve
- Active air defense
- Active defense
- Active duty for training
- Active duty service
- Active duty
- Active infrared sensor
- Active ingredient pesticide
- Active lock
- Active sensor
- Active server pages
- Active service
- Active status
- Active-duty list
- Activity address code
- Activity cycle
- Activity
- Actual cost
- Actual expense
- Actually imposed
- Actuals
- Acute radiation dose
- Acute radiation syndrome
- Ad valorem
- Adaptation strategy
- Adaptation
- Adaptive ecosystem management
- Adaptive equipment
- Adaptive risk
- Addict
- Additional Protocol
- Additional coverage
- Additional renewable fuel
- Address designator
- Address
- Adequacy
- Adequate evidence
- Adequate security
- Adjudicate
- Adjudication security
- Adjustment
- Administering office
- Administration
- Administrative control
- Administrative controls
- Administrative costs
- Administrative expenses
- Administrative inquiry
- Administrative loading
- Administrative property
- Administrative records
- Administrative workweek
- Admonishment
- Adopted child
- Adoption Service Provider
- Adoption or adopted
- Adoption record
- Adoption services
- Adoption
- Adoptions Tracking System
- Adult correctional institution
- Adult education
- Adult with a special need
- Adulterated
- Advance decision
- Advance guard
- Advance incremental funding
- Advance
- Advanced battery technology
- Advanced biofuel
- Advanced conventional weapons
- Advanced degree
- Advanced education nurses
- Advanced education
- Advanced force operations
- Advanced imaging technology
- Advanced materials
- Advanced readiness contracting
- Advanced training
- Advanced workplace practices
- Adversary template
- Adversary
- Adverse decision
- Adverse environmental effect
- Adverse event
- Adverse marking decision
- Adversely affected employees
- Adversely affected employment
- Adversely affected worker
- Advice
- Advisory message
- Advocates
- Aegis
- Aerial port
- Aeromedical evacuation unit
- Aeromedical evacuation
- Aeronautical chart
- Aeronautics
- Aerospace defense
- Affected employees
- Affecting commerce
- Affiant
- Affidavit
- Affiliate
- Affiliated persons
- Affiliated
- Affiliates
- Affiliation period
- Affinity
- Affirmation
- Affixed
- Affordable Care Act
- Affordable readiness
- Afloat pre-positioning force
- After-action review
- Agency Financial Report
- Agency Representative
- Agency Strategic Plan
- Agency head
- Agency information system
- Agency information
- Agency of the United States
- Agency or operating agency
- Agency parking
- Agency performance
- Agency priority goal
- Agency source
- Agency tender
- Agency
- Agent
- Aggravated felony
- Aggravating
- Aggregate lifetime limit
- Aggregate
- Aggrieved person
- Agile development
- Aging research
- Agreement vessel
- Agricultural biosecurity
- Agricultural commodities
- Agricultural commodity
- Agricultural countermeasure
- Agricultural disease emergency
- Agricultural employer
- Agricultural land
- Agricultural operation
- Agricultural product
- Agricultural products
- Agricultural research facility
- Agricultural structure
- Agriculture
- Agroterrorist act
- Aimpoint
- Air Mobility Command
- Air National Guard
- Air and missile defense
- Air apportionment
- Air assault force
- Air assault operation
- Air assault
- Air carrier
- Air commerce
- Air conditioning
- Air corridor
- Air defense area
- Air defense artillery
- Air defense region
- Air defense sector
- Air defense warning condition
- Air defense
- Air domain awareness
- Air domain
- Air dropped bomb
- Air expeditionary task force
- Air gateway
- Air interdiction
- Air land operation
- Air liaison officer
- Air mobility control team
- Air mobility division
- Air mobility liaison officer
- Air mobility
- Air movement
- Air navigation facility
- Air operations center
- Air pollutant
- Air pollution control agency
- Air pollution source man-made
- Air quality
- Air refueling control team
- Air refueling
- Air route
- Air sovereignty
- Air superiority
- Air support operations center
- Air support request
- Air supremacy
- Air tasking order
- Air terminal
- Air traffic control section
- Air traffic control system
- Air transportation
- Air-breathing missile
- Air-capable ship
- Airborne alert
- Airborne assault
- Airborne early warning
- Airborne mission coordinator
- Airborne operation
- Airborne
- Aircard
- Aircraft accident
- Aircraft carrier
- Aircraft engine
- Aircraft in flight
- Aircraft purchase
- Aircraft
- Airdrop
- Airfield
- Airhead line
- Airhead
- Airland
- Airlift capability
- Airlift control team
- Airlift mission commander
- Airlift requirement
- Airman
- Airport property
- Airport
- Airspace control area
- Airspace control authority
- Airspace control order
- Airspace control plan
- Airspace control procedures
- Airspace control system
- Airspace control
- Airspace coordinating measures
- Airspace coordination area
- Airspace management
- Airway property
- Alcohol beverage industry
- Alcohol concentration
- Alcohol
- Alert order
- Alien entrepreneur
- Alien removed
- Alien returned
- Alien son or daughter
- Alien spouse and alien child
- Alien
- Alimony
- All crimes
- All hazards
- All-cargo air transportation
- All-hazards approach
- All-hazards
- All-source intelligence
- Alliance
- Allied country
- Allied health professional
- Allied health professionals
- Allied supplier
- Allies
- Allocate
- Allocated central services
- Allocated requirement
- Allocation
- Allotment management plan
- Allotment of pay
- Allotment
- Allow
- Allowable cabin load
- Allowance
- Alluvial valley floors
- Alter
- Alteration
- Alternate Service Provider
- Alternate communications site
- Alternate facility or site
- Alternate facility
- Alternate method communication
- Alternate recipient
- Alternate work site
- Alternate worksite
- Alternate
- Alternating current
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Alternative control measure
- Alternative energy
- Alternative fuel vehicle
- Alternative fuel
- Alternative fueled automobile
- Alternative futures analysis
- Alternative work schedule
- Amateur sports organization
- Amendment
- American National Standards Institute
- American Presence Post
- American Salaries & Benefits
- American homeland
- American vessel
- American
- Ammonium nitrate facility
- Ammonium nitrate purchaser
- Ammonium nitrate
- Ammunition lot
- Amount of payroll deduction
- Amphibian
- Amphibious advance force
- Amphibious assault
- Amphibious breaching
- Amphibious defense zone
- Amphibious demonstration
- Amphibious force
- Amphibious objective area
- Amphibious operation
- Amphibious raid
- Amphibious squadron
- Amphibious task force
- Amphibious vehicle
- Amphibious warfare ship
- Amphibious withdrawal
- Analog
- Analysis and production
- Animal enterprise
- Animal fighting venture
- Animal rights extremist
- Annexes
- Annual employee summary rating
- Annualize
- Annuitant
- Annuity starting date
- Annuity
- Annunciator
- Anomaly detection
- Anomaly
- Anonymized data
- Antarctic Convergence
- Antemortem data
- Anti-abortion extremist
- Anti-government extremist
- Anti-personnel landmine
- Anti-vehicle land mine
- Antideficiency Act violations
- Antimicrobial pesticide
- Antiradiation missile
- Antisubmarine warfare
- Antiterrorism
- Antitrust evidence
- Antitrust leniency agreement
- Antitrust leniency applicant
- Appeal
- Appeals process
- Appearance
- Applet
- Appliance
- Appliances
- Applicable State authority
- Applicable clinical trial
- Applicable percentage
- Applicant
- Application for admission
- Application sensor
- Application system owner
- Application system
- Application
- Applied research
- Appointee
- Appointing authority
- Apportionment
- Apprehend
- Approach schedule
- Appropriate consultation
- Appropriation Act
- Appropriation
- Approval
- Approving officer
- Apron
- Aquaculture facility
- Aquaculture
- Aquatic nuisance species
- Aquatic species
- Arbitration
- Arbitrator
- Architecture
- Archive (the Archive)
- Arctic
- Area air defense commander
- Area command
- Area damage control
- Area of influence
- Area of interest
- Area of operations
- Area of responsibility
- Area search
- Area source
- Area studies
- Areas to be accessed
- Areawide agency
- Areawide development project
- Armed Forces
- Armed force or group
- Armed forces
- Arming switch
- Arming
- Armor vest
- Armored car crew member
- Army National Guard
- Army Service component command
- Army air-ground system
- Army corps
- Army support area
- Army
- Arrest
- Arrival zone
- Arrival
- Arson
- Article
- Arts and sciences
- Asbestos abatement
- Asbestos management plan
- Asbestos
- Ascent phase
- Assault breaching
- Assault craft unit
- Assault echelon
- Assault follow-on echelon
- Assault phase
- Assault schedule
- Assault
- Assemblies
- Assessable unit
- Assessed contributions
- Assessment agent
- Assessment message
- Assessment
- Asset costs
- Asset retirement obligation
- Asset validation
- Asset visibility
- Asset
- Assets
- Assign
- Assignment
- Assist
- Assistance or benefits
- Assistance
- Assisted acquisition
- Assisted living services
- Assisted reproductive technology
- Assistive technology device
- Assistive technology service
- Assistive technology
- Associate nation
- Associated contents
- Associated equipment
- Associated records
- Associated transit improvement
- Associated
- Association
- Assume any and all liability
- Assumption
- Assurance
- Assured access
- Asylee
- Asylum and refugee information
- Asylum officer
- Asylum
- Asymmetric
- Atmospheric environment
- Atomic energy
- Atomic weapon
- Atomic weapons employee
- Atomic weapons employer
- Attach
- Attack assessment
- Attack geography
- Attack group
- Attack heading
- Attack method
- Attack path
- Attack position
- Attack the network operations
- Attention indicator
- Attestation
- Attorney General
- Attribute
- Attrition rate
- Attrition, personnel
- Audience
- Audiologic evaluation
- Audit log
- Audit trail
- Audit
- Auditor
- Augmentation
- Authenticate
- Authentication
- Authenticator
- Authenticity
- Authority having jurisdiction
- Authority to update
- Authorization boundary
- Authorization data
- Authorization inventory
- Authorization package
- Authorization to operate
- Authorization
- Authorized access list
- Authorized departure
- Authorized services
- Authorized strength
- Authorized user
- Authorized
- Authorizing officer
- Autism
- Auto-ferry transportation
- Automated Clearing House
- Automated Directives System
- Automated guideway transit
- Automated information system
- Automated knowledge
- Automated
- Automatic declassification
- Automatic identification system
- Automatic knowledge
- Automotive fuel requirement
- Automotive fuel retailer
- Autonomous operation
- Autopsy
- Auxiliary aid and service
- Availability
- Available check
- Available-to-load date
- Avenue of approach
- Average fuel economy standard
- Aviation medicine
- Aviation security project
- Aviation stakeholders
- Aviation
- Award
- Back office technology
- Backfill
- Background investigation
- Background review
- Backhaul
- Backstop
- Backup
- Baggage
- Balance
- Balanced magnetic switch
- Balanced performance measure
- Bale cubic capacity
- Ballistic missile
- Balloting materials
- Bandwidth
- Bank or World Bank
- Bank or banks
- Banking institution
- Bankruptcy
- Bar-code label
- Bargaining unit employee
- Barge or other bulk carrier
- Barge removal contractor
- Barge
- Barn
- Barometric sensor
- Barrel
- Barrier combat air patrol
- Barrier
- Base boundary
- Base cluster commander
- Base cluster operations center
- Base cluster
- Base defense operations center
- Base defense zone
- Base defense
- Base development
- Base floodplain
- Base gasoline
- Base market hog
- Base operating support
- Base period
- Base plan
- Base price
- Base support installation
- Base
- Baseline (maritime)
- Baseline concentration
- Baseline configuration
- Baseline costs
- Baseline gasoline
- Baseline goal
- Baseline level of protection
- Baseline measure
- Baseline plan
- Baseline risk
- Baseline
- Basic educational assistance
- Basic encyclopedia
- Basic load
- Basic pay
- Basic research
- Basic salary
- Basic seed
- Basic skills deficient
- Basic training
- Basic work requirement
- Basis level
- Basis of estimate
- Battalion landing team
- Battery backup
- Battle damage assessment
- Battle damage repair
- Battle injury
- Battle management
- Baud rate
- Bayesian probability
- Beach party
- Beach support area
- Beach
- Beachhead
- Beachmaster unit
- Begin morning civil twilight
- Begin morning nautical twilight
- Beginning farmer or rancher
- Behavioral health aftercare
- Believed-to-be
- Benchmark
- Beneficial owner
- Beneficiary country
- Beneficiary developing country
- Beneficiary
- Benefit cost analysis
- Benefit-cost analysis
- Benefitting species
- Bequest
- Berm
- Best available controls
- Best judgment standard
- Best management practice
- Best value
- Bi-fuel vehicle
- Bid sample
- Big data
- Bilateral procedures country
- Bilateral procedures
- Bilateral
- Bill
- Billed central services
- Billing cycle date
- Billing cycle
- Binary explosive
- Binding Operational Directive
- Bio-based material
- Bio-based product
- Bio-toxin
- Biobased product manufacturing
- Biobased product
- Biocontainment plan
- Bioenergy producer
- Bioenergy
- Bioengineering
- Biofuel
- Biological Weapons Convention
- Biological agent
- Biological control organism
- Biological hazard
- Biological material
- Biological mishap
- Biological resources
- Biological weapon
- Biological
- Biomass consumer cooperative
- Biomass conversion facility
- Biomass energy project
- Biomass fuel
- Biomass
- Biometric identifier
- Biometrics person
- Biometrics-enabled intelligence
- Biometrics
- Biorefinery
- Biosafety level
- Biosafety officer
- Biosafety plan
- Biosafety
- Biosecurity
- Biosurveillance
- Bioterrorism
- Birth parents or parent
- Black Router Network
- Blacklisting
- Blackout period
- Blanket travel
- Blasting accessory
- Blasting agent
- Blasting cap/ detonator
- Blended learning
- Blind person
- Blind
- Blister agent
- Blog
- Blood agent
- Blood chit
- Blood components
- Blood fractions
- Blue Bark
- Bluetooth®
- Bluetooth
- Boar
- Board of survey
- Board of trade
- Boat group
- Boat lane
- Boat space
- Body armor
- Body
- Bolt lock
- Bona fides
- Bonus
- Booby trap
- Boost phase
- Booster
- Border crosser
- Bottom mine
- Boundary protection device
- Boundary protection
- Boundary
- Branch office
- Branch
- Breach analysis
- Breach notification
- Breach program
- Breach response policy
- Breach response procedures
- Breach
- Break bulk cargo
- Break in service
- Break-even analysis
- Breakbulk ship
- Breeder
- Brevity code
- Bridge owner
- Brigade combat team
- Broad agency announcement
- Broadband service
- Broadband
- Broadcaster
- Broken stowage factor
- Broken stowage
- Buddy-aid
- Budget Authority
- Budget authority
- Budget outlay and outlays
- Budget
- Budgetary resources
- Budgeting
- Buffer zone
- Building coalition
- Building operating expenses
- Building or work
- Building partnership capacity
- Building passes
- Building system
- Buildings and facilities
- Bulk Load Control Officer
- Bulk agricultural commodity
- Bulk cargo
- Bulk data transfer
- Bulk explosive
- Bulk petroleum product
- Bulk shipment
- Bulk storage
- Bulk vehicle
- Bulletin board
- Bundle
- Bundled contract
- Bundled contribution
- Burden
- Bureau support functions
- Bureau
- Burial site
- Bus rapid transit system
- Business Continuity Plan
- Business Reference Model
- Business acumen
- Business case
- Business continuity planning
- Business development services
- Business entity
- Business operations
- Business process reengineering
- Business reference model
- Business requirement
- Business unit
- Business/ operational risk
- Business
- Buying green
- Bypassed alarm system
- C-day
- COMSEC custodian
- COOP personnel
- Cable express
- Cable system
- CableXpress
- Cache
- Cadastral (offshore)
- Cadastral
- Cadet
- Calendar day
- Calendar of events
- Call Sign
- Call accounting
- Call sign
- Campaign plan
- Campaign planning
- Campaign
- Canal structure
- Canalize
- Cancellation message
- Cancellation
- Cancer cluster
- Candidate target list
- Candidate
- Canine inspection
- Capabilities
- Capability fragmentation
- Capability gap
- Capability generation
- Capability management
- Capability overlap
- Capability redundancy
- Capability
- Capacitance sensor
- Capacity building
- Capital asset
- Capital assets
- Capital expenditures
- Capital improvement
- Capital investment plan
- Capital investment
- Capital lease
- Capital planning
- Capital project
- Capital
- Capitalized personal property
- Capitol Buildings
- Capstone publication
- Caption
- Captured record
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon sequestration
- Cardholder statement of account
- Cardholder
- Cardinal changes
- Career and technical education
- Career ladder
- Career law enforcement officer
- Caregiver
- Caretaker
- Cargo container
- Cargo increment number
- Cargo scanning
- Cargo-capable aircraft
- Cargo-convertible aircraft
- Cargo
- Carpool member
- Carpool
- Carrier air wing
- Carrier and lessor
- Carrier control zone
- Carrier strike group
- Carrier
- Cartridge-actuated device
- Carve-out contract
- Case management services
- Case officer
- Cash contributions
- Cash management officer
- Cash verification officer
- Cash-Link
- Cast explosive
- Casual collecting
- Casualty evacuation
- Casualty rate
- Casualty
- Cat fur
- Catastrophic emergency
- Catastrophic event
- Catastrophic incident
- Categorical exclusion
- Category management plan
- Category
- Cathodic protection
- Cattle committed
- Cattle type
- Causeway launching area
- Causeway
- Cave resource
- Cave
- Cell
- Cellulosic biofuel
- Census tract
- Center of gravity
- Center
- Centigray
- Central Authority
- Central Index System
- Central Office of Record
- Central control officer
- Central station
- Centralized control
- Certainty-equivalent
- Certificate of acknowledgment
- Certificate of death
- Certificate of eligibles
- Certificate of title
- Certification and accreditation
- Certification and repair center
- Certification
- Certified applicator
- Certified cost or pricing date
- Chaff
- Chain of command
- Chalk number
- Change detection
- Change key
- Change order
- Change proposal
- Change record
- Change schedule
- Change transmittal
- Change-of-name agreement
- Change
- Changed conditions
- Channel airlift
- Channel check
- Channel sequence number
- Channel
- Charg pay
- Charter air carrier
- Charter air transportation
- Check status inquiry
- Check symbols
- Chemical Weapons Convention
- Chemical agent and munition
- Chemical agent
- Chemical facility of interest
- Chemical hazard
- Chemical timing switch
- Chemical warfare
- Chemical weapon
- Chief Acquisition Officer
- Chief Disbursing Officer
- Chief Elected Official
- Chief Information Officer
- Chief Justice
- Chief of Mission
- Chief of Staff
- Chief of mission
- Child Abuse
- Child Born Out of Wedlock
- Child care provider
- Child labor
- Child marriage
- Child neglect
- Child restraint
- Child support
- Child with a disability
- Child with a special need
- Child-occupied facility
- Child
- Childhood cancer
- Children at risk
- Children of prisoners
- Children
- Chiropractic treatment
- Chiropractor
- Chop shop
- Chronically homeless
- Chronological analysis
- Circuit ride
- Circuit
- Citizen corps
- Citizen of the United States
- Citizens' police academy
- Civic and cultural activities
- Civil Reserve Air Fleet program
- Civil Reserve Air Fleet
- Civil Rights movement
- Civil action
- Civil administration
- Civil affairs operations
- Civil affairs
- Civil aircraft
- Civil augmentation program
- Civil authorities
- Civil disorder
- Civil emergency
- Civil information management
- Civil information
- Civil liberties
- Civil reconnaissance
- Civil search and rescue
- Civil service employees
- Civil service position
- Civil transportation
- Civil unrest
- Civil-military cooperation
- Civil-military medicine
- Civil-military operations
- Civil-military team
- Civilian American citizen
- Civilian employee
- Civilian internee
- Civilian-military
- Claim number
- Claim
- Claimability
- Claimant
- Claimed invention
- Claims Assistance Officer
- Claims Investigating Officer
- Claims
- Clandestine operation
- Clandestine physical access
- Clandestine
- Clarifications
- ClassNet
- Classes of supply
- Classification authority
- Classification guidance
- Classification guide
- Classification guides
- Classification process
- Classification society
- Classification
- Classified Local Area Network
- Classified acquisition
- Classified contract
- Classified diplomatic pouch
- Classified document
- Classified information access
- Classified information spillage
- Classified information
- Classified message
- Classified pouch/ mailroom
- Classifier
- Clean alternative fuel
- Cleanup cost
- Clear and convincing evidence
- Clear mode
- Clearance capacity
- Clearance decontamination
- Cleared U.S. citizen
- Cleared swap
- Clearing operation
- Clearinghouse
- Click-wrap
- Client, a client
- Cliffside Field
- Climate change
- Climate
- Clinical competency review
- Clinical practice guidelines
- Clinical research
- Clock mechanism
- Close air support
- Close call
- Close support area
- Close support
- Close-out
- Closed enforcement action
- Closed recommendation
- Closed status
- Closeout
- Closing date
- Closure action
- Closure
- Cluster of programs
- Co-developer partner
- Co-occurring conditions
- Co-utilization agreement
- Coach-class air accommodations
- Coal mine
- Coal
- Coalition
- Coast line
- Coastal State
- Coastal ecosystem
- Coastal environment
- Coastal fishery management plan
- Coastal fishery resource
- Coastal sea control
- Coastal water quality
- Coastal waters
- Code of ethics
- Code room
- Code set
- Code word
- Code-share flight
- Codicil
- Cogeneration facility
- Cogeneration
- Cognitive driving distraction
- Cognizant Security Authority
- Cognizant agency for audit
- Cognizant agency
- Cognizant federal agency
- Collaboration
- Collapsing circuit switch
- Collateral consanguinity
- Collateral damage
- Collateral information
- Collect and detect
- Collection agency
- Collection asset
- Collection management
- Collection manager
- Collection of information
- Collection plan
- Collection planning
- Collection point
- Collection posture
- Collection requirement
- Collection resource
- Collection strategy
- Collection
- Collective protection
- Collective
- College textbook
- Colored beach
- Combat air patrol
- Combat and operational stress
- Combat assessment
- Combat camera
- Combat cargo officer
- Combat control team
- Combat engineering
- Combat identification
- Combat information center
- Combat information
- Combat loading
- Combat organizational loading
- Combat power
- Combat search and rescue
- Combat service support area
- Combat service support
- Combat spread loading
- Combat support agency
- Combat support
- Combat surveillance
- Combat unit loading
- Combatant command chaplain
- Combatant command support agent
- Combatant command
- Combatant commander
- Combating terrorism
- Combination lock
- Combined arms team
- Combined heat and power
- Combined
- Command Post Exercise
- Command activating switch
- Command and control system
- Command and control
- Command center
- Command chaplain
- Command information
- Command net
- Command projectile switch
- Command relationships
- Command staff
- Command structure
- Command-sponsored dependent
- Command
- Commandant
- Commander's summary report
- Commander’s communication synchronization
- Commander’s critical information requirement
- Commander’s estimate
- Commander’s intent
- Commander’s required delivery date
- Commander, landing force
- Commanding officer of troops
- Commanding officer
- Commerce
- Commercial activity
- Commercial airport
- Commercial component
- Commercial enterprise
- Commercial explosive
- Commercial items
- Commercial purposes
- Commercial service
- Commercial sex act
- Commercial vehicle
- Commercial vessels
- Commercialization
- Commission
- Commissioned officer
- Commissioner
- Commissioning
- Commit
- Committed relationship
- Commodity
- Common carrier
- Common control
- Common criteria
- Common item
- Common operating environment
- Common operating picture
- Common operational picture
- Common rule
- Common servicing
- Common tactical picture
- Common use
- Common-funded budgets of NATO
- Common-use container
- Common-user airlift service
- Common-user item
- Common-user land transportation
- Common-user logistics
- Common-user network
- Common-user ocean terminal
- Common-user sealift
- Common-user transportation
- Commonality
- Communicable disease
- Communication protocols
- Communications intelligence
- Communications network
- Communications security account
- Communications security
- Communications
- Community engagement
- Community health worker
- Community learning center
- Community of practice
- Community resilience approach
- Community setting
- Community wood energy plan
- Community wood energy system
- Community-based organization
- Community
- Commuter air carrier
- Commuter rail
- Compartmented area
- Compatible
- Compensation
- Competent authority
- Competing observable
- Competition
- Competitive service federal
- Competitive service
- Competitive status
- Compilation
- Complainant
- Completeness
- Complex catastrophe
- Complex emergency
- Complex operation
- Complex
- Component based architecture
- Component part
- Component-owned container
- Component
- Composite warfare commander
- Composting
- Compound Emergency Sanctuary
- Compromise
- Computer
- Concealment vessel
- Concentrator
- Concept of logistic support
- Concept of operations document
- Concept of operations
- Concept plan
- Condition
- Conduits
- Confidential source
- Confidential
- Confidentiality
- Configuration management
- Confinement vessel
- Confirmed deposit
- Conflict of interest
- Conflict prevention
- Conflict transformation
- Conformity assessment
- Congressional notification
- Consanguinity
- Consensus
- Consent to subcontract
- Consent
- Consequence assessment
- Consequence
- Conservation activities
- Conservation
- Consideration
- Constellation
- Constraint
- Construct
- Construction
- Constructive cost
- Consular office
- Consular officer
- Consultant
- Consumer control
- Consumer electronics
- Consumer price index
- Consumer surplus
- Consumer
- Consumption rate
- Contact mine
- Contact point
- Contact procedure
- Container control officer
- Container management
- Container security device
- Container-handling equipment
- Container
- Containerize
- Containership
- Contaminant
- Contaminated remains
- Contamination avoidance
- Contamination control
- Contamination mitigation
- Contamination
- Contents
- Contiguous zone
- Continental United States
- Contingency Plan
- Contingency Planning Guidance
- Contingency ZIP Code
- Contingency basing
- Contingency contract
- Contingency location
- Contingency operation
- Contingency plan
- Contingency planning
- Contingency program management
- Contingency/ incident personnel
- Contingency
- Contingent liability
- Continuity capability
- Continuity coordinator
- Continuity facility
- Continuity of government
- Continuity of operations
- Continuity personnel
- Continuity
- Continuous Voyage
- Continuous evaluation security
- Continuous quality improvement
- Contract administration
- Contract
- Contracting office
- Contracting officer’s representative
- Contracting officer
- Contracting
- Contractor Establishment Code
- Contractor management
- Contractor test
- Contractor
- Contributed importantly
- Contributing program
- Control area
- Control deficiency
- Control group
- Control or inspection procedure
- Control point
- Control unit
- Control zone
- Control
- Controlled access area
- Controlled area
- Controlled information
- Controlled space
- Controlled substance
- Convention country
- Convention
- Conventional biofuel
- Conventional mines
- Conversion
- Conveyance
- Conviction
- Convoy escort
- Convoy
- Cookie
- Cooperating Agency
- Cooperating authority
- Cooperation
- Cooperative grant
- Cooperative security location
- Coordinate
- Coordinated fire line
- Coordinating agency
- Coordinating altitude
- Coordinating authority
- Coordination level
- Coral reef ecosystem
- Coral reef
- Coral
- Core statement
- Corporation
- Correctional institution
- Corrective Action Review
- Corrective action
- Corrective actions
- Correspondence
- Corrosive timing switch
- Cost estimate
- Cost of attendance
- Cost of production
- Cost pool
- Cost risk
- Cost savings
- Cost sharing
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Cost-effectiveness analysis
- Cost-effectiveness
- Cost-reimbursement contract
- Cost
- Costs
- Cotton futures contract
- Council on Environmental Quality
- Counsel or legal counsel
- Counseling
- Counter threat finance
- Counterair
- Counterdrug activities
- Counterdrug operational support
- Counterdrug operations
- Counterdrug
- Counterespionage
- Counterfeit drug
- Counterfire
- Counterguerrilla operations
- Countering violent extremism
- Counterinsurgency
- Counterintelligence activities
- Counterintelligence operations
- Counterintelligence production
- Counterintelligence referral
- Counterintelligence
- Countermeasure
- Countermeasures
- Countermobility operations
- Counterproliferation
- Countersurveillance
- Counterterrorism Security Group
- Counterterrorism
- Country of former allegiance
- Country of last residence
- Country of origin
- Country where you live
- Country
- Coup de main
- Courier
- Course of action
- Course of conduct
- Court order
- Court
- Courts
- Cover
- Covered activity
- Covered air transportation
- Covered chemical facility
- Covered communication
- Covered countermeasure
- Covered entity
- Covered greenhouse gas
- Covered merchandise
- Covering fire
- Covert action
- Covert operation
- Crashworthiness
- Crate
- Credentialed and credentialing
- Credentialing
- Credit authority
- Credit program account
- Creditable service abroad
- Creditor
- Cremation certificate
- Crew
- Crewman
- Criminal history record check
- Criminal history records check
- Crisis action planning
- Crisis management
- Crisis
- Critic
- Critical action floodplain
- Critical asset list
- Critical asset
- Critical capability
- Critical component
- Critical control point
- Critical element
- Critical infrastructure sectors
- Critical infrastructure
- Critical intelligence
- Critical item list
- Critical operational issue
- Critical planning assumption
- Critical requirement
- Critical sector
- Critical sensitive position
- Critical services
- Critical vulnerability
- Criticality assessment
- Criticality
- Cross functional team
- Cross-loading
- Cross-servicing
- Cross-training
- Crossing
- Crude oil tanker
- Crude oil
- Cruise missile
- Crush wire switch
- Cryptographic access for use
- Cryptographic access
- Cryptographic material
- Cryptography
- Cultural affiliation
- Cultural items
- Cultural patrimony
- Cultural resources
- Culture
- Current force
- Current investigation file
- Current slaughter week
- Curtailment
- Custodial care
- Custodian
- Custody
- Custom radio controlled
- Customer direct
- Customer wait time
- Customer
- Customized training
- Customs Valuation Code
- Customs broker
- Customs officer
- Customs revenue function
- Customs waters
- Cyber incident
- Cyber security
- Cyber threat indicator
- Cybersecurity category
- Cybersecurity infraction
- Cybersecurity mission
- Cybersecurity purpose
- Cybersecurity threat
- Cybersecurity violation
- Cybersecurity
- Cyberspace operations
- Cyberspace superiority
- Cyberspace
- D-day
- DHS Intelligence Enterprise
- DHS Lexicon
- DHS National Operations Center
- DHS Operational Component
- DHS Support Component
- DHS federal action
- DHS mission area
- DHS mobile application
- DHS strategic plan
- DNA analysis
- DNA sample
- Damage assessment
- Damage criteria
- Damage estimation
- Damage susceptibility
- Damage to the national security
- Damages
- Danger close
- Danger pay allowance
- Dangerous cargo
- Data Integrity Board
- Data Universal Numbering System
- Data access request process
- Data administration
- Data administrator
- Data analyst
- Data and information risk
- Data architect
- Data architecture
- Data asset
- Data breach analysis
- Data breach
- Data continuity
- Data element standardization
- Data element
- Data exchange
- Data management
- Data mapping
- Data mining person
- Data mining
- Data model
- Data modeling
- Data other than certified cost or pricing data
- Data quality
- Data reference model
- Data replication
- Data screening
- Data security
- Data set
- Data steward
- Data theme
- Data
- Database Administration
- Date of completion
- Date-Time Group
- Date-time group
- Dates for Filing Applications
- Datum (geodetic)
- Day
- Days
- De-arming
- Dead latch
- Dead lock
- Deadbolt
- Deadweight ton
- Deaf-blindness
- Deaf
- Deafness
- Dealer
- Debarkation
- Debarment
- Debt (or Claim)
- Debt bondage
- Debt-for-development swap
- Debt-for-nature exchange
- Debtor
- Decedent effects
- Decentralized control
- Decentralized execution
- Deception action
- Deception concept
- Deception event
- Deception goal
- Deception means
- Deception objective
- Deception story
- Deception target
- Deciding official
- Decision analysis
- Decision officer
- Decision point
- Decision review
- Decision support system
- Decision support template
- Decision
- Decisive point
- Deck status light
- Declaration under penalty of perjury
- Declared event
- Declassification event
- Declassification guide
- Declassification
- Declined check
- Decompression
- Decontamination
- Decontrol
- Decoy
- Dedicated Internet Network
- Dedicated automobile
- Dedicated housing
- Dedicated line communications
- Dedicated line power
- Dedicated vehicle
- Deductions/ withholdings
- Deductions
- Deep seabed
- Deep-draft harbor
- Defamation
- Default aversion activities
- Default collection activities
- Default judgment
- Default reduction activities
- Default
- Defaulted principal amount outstanding
- Defend-In-Place
- Defense Agency
- Defense Coordinating Officer
- Defense Courier Service
- Defense Information Systems Network
- Defense Messaging System
- Defense Satellite Communications System
- Defense Switched Network
- Defense Transportation System
- Defense acquisition system
- Defense budget materials
- Defense budget
- Defense contractor
- Defense coordinating element
- Defense coordinating officer
- Defense critical infrastructure
- Defense feature
- Defense human intelligence executor
- Defense in depth
- Defense industrial base
- Defense information
- Defense items
- Defense service
- Defense support program
- Defense travel card
- Defense waste
- Defensive counterair
- Defensive cyberspace operation response action
- Defensive cyberspace operations
- Defensive measure
- Defensive minefield
- Defensive space control
- Deferrals
- Deficiency
- Deficit
- Defilade
- Defined fuel source
- Definitive care
- Defoliant
- Degauss
- Degaussing
- Delayed compliance order
- Delayed entry program
- Delaying operation
- Delegation of authority
- Deliberate planning
- Deliverable
- Delivery order
- Delivery sale
- Demand-side management
- Demilitarization
- Demilitarized zone
- Demise charter
- Demobilization
- Demonstration plant
- Demonstration
- Denial measure
- Denial of service
- Denied area
- Dental diseases and conditions
- Dental officer
- Department Emergency Action Plan
- Department of Defense Field Activity
- Department of Defense civilian
- Department of Defense components
- Department of Defense construction agent
- Department of Defense container system
- Department of Defense property
- Department of Defense
- Department of State Publication
- Department of the Air Force
- Department of the Army
- Department of the Navy
- Department segment
- Department unit
- Department-specific employee performance requirement
- Department
- Departmental intelligence
- Departure airfield
- Departure point
- Dependencies and interoperability risk
- Dependent area
- Dependent
- Dependents
- Depleted
- Deployment health surveillance
- Deployment order
- Deployment planning
- Deployment
- Deportable alien
- Deportation
- Deposit-in-transit
- Depositary
- Deposition
- Depot
- Deprecated
- Depreciated actual cost
- Depreciated value
- Depreciation
- Depressive disorder
- Deputy or assistant positions
- Derivative classification
- Derivatives clearing organization
- Derogatory information
- Desalination or desalting
- Descriptive literature
- Deserted, desertion
- Desiccant
- Design basis threat
- Design control activity
- Design interface
- Design projects
- Design-basis threat
- Design-to-cost
- Designated cyber and information technology range
- Designated depositary
- Designated employment category
- Designated foreign government
- Designated housing
- Designated official
- Designated operational area
- Designated terminal
- Designation, cashier
- Desired perception
- Desired point of impact
- Desk top systems
- Desktop browser
- Desktop system
- Destination rate
- Destruction
- Destructive substance
- Detail assignment
- Detail personnel
- Detail
- Detailed project report
- Detailee
- Detainee collection point
- Detainee debriefing
- Detainee holding area
- Detainee operations
- Detainee
- Detection agent
- Detection technology
- Detection
- Deteriorated paint
- Determinations and findings
- Deterrence
- Deterrent options
- Deterrent
- Detonating cord
- Detonator
- Detrimental activity
- Developed countries
- Developed
- Developer
- Developing country
- Developing or transitional country
- Development Association
- Development assistance
- Development cost
- Development network
- Development objective
- Development phase
- Development unit
- Development/ Modernization/ Enhancement contract
- Development
- Developmental test and evaluation
- Developmental test
- Device
- Devise
- Devisee
- Devolution
- Dialysis pilot program
- Different campus
- Different population
- Digital and wireless networking technology
- Digital imaging system
- Digital imaging
- Digital learning
- Digital ortho imagery
- Digital signature
- Digital storage media
- Digital video conference
- Digitized Signature
- Diploma mill
- Diploma school of nursing
- Diplomatic Security control officer
- Diplomatic Telecommunications Service Network
- Diplomatic Telecommunications Service Program Office
- Diplomatic pouch or bag
- Diplomatic visa
- Direct Inward System Access
- Direct acquisition
- Direct action
- Direct air support center (airborne)
- Direct air support center
- Direct carbon emissions
- Direct charging
- Direct consequence
- Direct cost
- Direct current
- Direct deposit instructions
- Direct fire
- Direct health care
- Direct investment
- Direct labor
- Direct liaison authorized
- Direct loan obligation
- Direct loan
- Direct medical expenses
- Direct route
- Direct solar renewable energy
- Direct support
- Direct threat
- Direct travel
- Directed assignment
- Directed energy
- Directed-energy device
- Directed-energy warfare
- Directed-energy weapon
- Direction finding
- Directional effect charge
- Directive DHS Directives System
- Directive authority for logistics
- Directive/ Instruction
- Directives Management
- Directly Observed Treatment Short-course
- Directly affected employees
- Directly affected government personnel
- Directly associated cost
- Directly interested party
- Directly
- Director General
- Director of mobility forces
- Director
- Directory mail
- Directory service
- Disability
- Disabled employee parking
- Disadvantaged business concerns
- Disadvantaged community
- Disallowances
- Disallowed costs
- Disappeared, disappearance
- Disarmament
- Disaster Response Registry
- Disaster area
- Disaster county
- Disaster or emergency
- Disaster recovery center
- Disaster recovery plan
- Disbursement
- Discarded military munitions
- Discharge material
- Discharge permit water
- Discharge
- Discharged
- Disciplinary action
- Disclose
- Disclosure
- Discount date
- Discount rate
- Discountfactor
- Discovery
- Discrete segment
- Discretion
- Discretionary appropriations
- Discretionary category
- Discretionary
- Discussions
- Disease and nonbattle injury
- Disengagement
- Disinterested party
- Dislocated civilian
- Dispense
- Dispenser
- Dispersal
- Dispersion
- Displaced adult
- Displaced child
- Displaced person
- Displacement switch
- Display
- Disposal/ inactivation cost
- Disposal
- Disposition
- Dispute
- Disruptive event
- Disseminate and communicate
- Dissemination and integration
- Dissemination matrix
- Dissemination
- Distance education
- Distant retirement area
- Distortion
- Distracted driving
- Distressed person
- Distributed denial of service
- Distribution manager
- Distribution pipeline
- Distribution plan
- Distribution point
- Distribution system
- Distribution utility
- Distribution
- Distributor
- District
- Disturbance trigger
- Diversion
- Divestiture
- Division of a project
- Division
- Do not admit list
- Doctorate Degree Equivalent
- Doctrine
- Document
- Documented vessel
- Domain knowledge
- Domain names
- Domestic article
- Domestic counterterrorism
- Domestic emergencies
- Domestic industrial base
- Domestic intelligence
- Domestic partner
- Domestic readiness group
- Domestic terrorism
- Domestic violence
- Domestic voyage
- Domestic wastewater
- Domestic
- Domiciliary care
- Dominant user
- Donation
- Doppler effect
- Double agent
- Double container
- Down syndrome
- Downgrade
- Downloading
- Downtime
- Drafter
- Drafting office
- Drinking water supply
- Drinking water
- Driver's license
- Driving
- Drop altitude
- Drop zone
- Drop-in fuel
- Drug interdiction
- Drug offense
- Dual diagnosis
- Dual-role tanker
- Dual-use critical technology
- Due date
- Due process
- Dummy
- Dumped/ dumping
- Dumping margin
- Duty station
- Duty to warn
- Duty
- Dwell time
- Dynamic threat assessment
- Dynamite
- E-Authentication
- E-Government
- E-day
- E-zine
- EPrepare
- Earliest retirement age
- Early intervention
- Early operational assessment
- Early warning
- Earned value management system
- Earned value management
- Earnings
- Earth cover
- Economic assistance
- Economic consequence
- Economic damage
- Economic development agency
- Economic dispatch
- Economic loss
- Economic self-sufficiency program
- Economy of force
- Ecosystem
- Education
- Educational activities
- Educational advising
- Educational advisors abroad
- Educational institution
- Educational neglect
- Educational programs abroad
- Effect
- Effective date of termination
- Efficiency measures
- Effluent limitation
- Election
- Electric cooperative
- Electric initiator
- Electric motor vehicle
- Electric strike
- Electric vehicle
- Electric-hybrid vehicle
- Electrified lockset
- Electro-explosive device
- Electromagnetic battle management
- Electromagnetic compatibility
- Electromagnetic environment
- Electromagnetic hardening
- Electromagnetic interference
- Electromagnetic intrusion
- Electromagnetic jamming
- Electromagnetic lock
- Electromagnetic pulse
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Electromagnetic spectrum control
- Electromagnetic spectrum
- Electromagnetic vulnerability
- Electronic agent
- Electronic attack
- Electronic commerce
- Electronic data interchange
- Electronic device
- Electronic dissemination
- Electronic document
- Electronic funds transfer
- Electronic health record
- Electronic health records
- Electronic initiator
- Electronic intelligence
- Electronic mail
- Electronic object
- Electronic probing
- Electronic protection
- Electronic receipt
- Electronic reconnaissance
- Electronic record
- Electronic records management
- Electronic records system
- Electronic records
- Electronic signature (E-Signs)
- Electronic signature
- Electronic surveillance
- Electronic timing switch
- Electronic trading facility
- Electronic warfare reprogramming
- Electronic warfare support
- Electronic warfare
- Electronics security
- Element
- Elementary school
- Elephant
- Elevated causeway system
- Elevation bathymetric
- Elevation terrestrial
- Elicitation
- Eligible Aleut
- Eligible agency
- Eligible crop
- Eligible dependent
- Eligible domestic entity
- Eligible entity
- Eligible export vessel
- Eligible family member
- Eligible grantee
- Eligible hospital
- Eligible individual
- Eligible institution
- Eligible land
- Eligible lender
- Eligible livestock producer
- Eligible metropolitan area
- Eligible migrant
- Eligible national association
- Eligible orchardist
- Eligible producer on a farm
- Eligible reservist
- Eligible small business
- Eligible spouse
- Eligible tribal consortium
- Eligible woman
- Email distribution list
- Embarkation and tonnage table
- Embarkation area
- Embarkation element
- Embarkation group
- Embarkation officer
- Embarkation order
- Embarkation organization
- Embarkation phase
- Embarkation plans
- Embarkation team
- Embarkation unit
- Embarkation
- Embedded training
- Emergency Action Plan
- Emergency Public Information
- Emergency action committee
- Emergency action
- Emergency authority
- Emergency change IT service
- Emergency change advisory board
- Emergency leave donor
- Emergency leave recipient
- Emergency locator beacon
- Emergency management center
- Emergency management system
- Emergency management
- Emergency manager
- Emergency medical condition
- Emergency medical services
- Emergency operating record
- Emergency operating records
- Emergency operations center
- Emergency personnel
- Emergency plan
- Emergency preparedness
- Emergency relocation group
- Emergency repair
- Emergency response providers
- Emergency response staff program
- Emergency response team
- Emergency services sector
- Emergency support functions
- Emergency treatment
- Emergency work
- Emergency-essential employee
- Emergency
- Emerging community
- Emerging growth company
- Emerging harbor project
- Emerging issues
- Emerging market
- Emission control
- Emission factor
- Emission security
- Emission
- Emotional abuse
- Emotional disturbance
- Emotional neglect
- Employ
- Employee assistance program
- Employee benefit plan or plan
- Employee organization
- Employee orientation training
- Employee performance
- Employee retention
- Employee transition plan
- Employee with a disability
- Employee
- Employees who are eligible
- Employees
- Employer Identification Number
- Employer
- Employing bureau
- Employment benefits
- Employment fitness adjudication
- Employment handicap
- Employment outcome
- Employment position
- Employment
- En route care
- Enabling clause
- Encrypted for transmission only
- Encrypted text
- Encryption research
- Encryption technology
- Encryption
- End date
- End evening civil twilight
- End item
- End of evening nautical twilight
- End of the war
- End product
- End state
- End user
- End-of-message indicator
- End-to-end
- Endemic
- Endowment fund corpus
- Endowment fund income
- Endowment fund
- Endpoint
- Enemy combatant
- Enemy
- Energy Star® certified
- Energy Star® logo
- Energy Star® program
- Energy action
- Energy audit
- Energy conservation measure
- Energy conservation measures
- Energy conservation project costs
- Energy efficiency product
- Energy efficiency project
- Energy efficiency
- Energy intensity
- Energy product equivalent
- Energy project
- Energy security
- Energy survey
- Energy sustainability
- Energy system
- Energy use intensity
- Energy
- Enforcement action
- Engage
- Engagement authority
- Engagement
- Engineered
- Engineering standard
- English language learner
- English-Language Officer
- Enhanced geothermal systems
- Enhanced-use lease
- Enlisted member
- Enrolled bill
- Enrollment date
- Enter and entry
- Enter/ entry
- Enterprise Architecture
- Enterprise architecture board
- Enterprise architecture
- Enterprise data
- Enterprise force structure
- Enterprise integration
- Enterprise mobile devices
- Enterprise record schedule
- Enterprise records scheduling
- Enterprise risk management
- Enterprise service bus
- Enterprise
- Entity
- Entrance on duty determination
- Entrance on duty
- Entry
- Environment and social threat
- Environment of operation
- Environment
- Environmental aspect
- Environmental baseline survey
- Environmental condition
- Environmental considerations
- Environmental health condition
- Environmental impact
- Environmental laws
- Environmental liability
- Environmental management system
- Environmental rights extremist
- Environmentally preferable
- Epidemic
- Equipment
- Equivalent increase
- Error
- Escalation
- Escapee
- Escort
- Escorted access
- Especially hazardous cargo
- Essential agricultural use
- Essential care
- Essential elements of information
- Essential employee
- Essential functions
- Essential personnel
- Essential service provider
- Essential task
- Essential vessel
- Essentially derived variety
- Establishing directive
- Establishment
- Estimate
- Estimated net explosives weight
- Estimative intelligence
- Estimator
- Estuary habitat
- Estuary
- Etiologic agent
- Evacuation
- Evacuee
- Evade and evasion
- Evader
- Evaluation and feedback
- Evaluation
- Evasion aid
- Evasion
- Event matrix
- Event recorder
- Event template
- Event tree
- Event
- Evidence
- Evolutionary acquisition
- Ex parte communication
- Examination
- Examine
- Excepted service Federal
- Exceptional circumstances
- Exceptional event
- Exceptional resource
- Excess luggage
- Excess property
- Exchange
- Exclude
- Exclusion zone
- Exclusive economic zone
- Excusable time delay
- Execute order
- Executive Budget Summary
- Executive agency
- Executive agent
- Executive officer
- Executive
- Exempt property
- Exercise incident
- Exercise specifications
- Exercise-directing staff
- Exercise
- Exfiltration
- Exigent circumstances
- Existing dam
- Existing facilities
- Existing
- Exit criteria
- Expanded metal
- Expansion
- Expedited approval facility
- Expeditionary force
- Expendable supplies
- Expenditure
- Experiment
- Exploding bridge wire initiator
- Exploitation
- Exploration
- Explosion
- Explosive cargo
- Explosive compounds
- Explosive ordnance disposal unit
- Explosive ordnance disposal
- Explosive ordnance
- Explosive train
- Explosive weapon
- Export
- Exposure dose
- Express mail
- Expropriation
- Expulsion
- Extended period of time
- Extensible Markup Language
- Extension
- External affairs
- Extortion
- Extra-fare train
- Extranet
- Extraordinary circumstances
- Fabric
- Facially deficient
- Facilities capital cost of money
- Facilities
- Facility Emergency Action Plan
- Facility condition assessment
- Facility for long-term care
- Facility security level
- Facility substitutes
- Facility
- Facsimile
- Factor Evaluation System
- Factory
- Failure to enroll
- Failure
- Fair-market value
- Fair
- False advertisement
- False alarm
- False match
- False non-match
- Family caregiver
- Family centered care
- Family home daycare
- Family literacy activities
- Family member appointment
- Family member
- Family-centered care
- Family-friendly policy
- Farm equipment
- Farm insurable commodity
- Farm labor contracting activity
- Farm labor contractor
- Farm operation
- Farm-raised fish
- Farmers
- Farming operations and practices
- Fast-track claim
- Fatality reports
- Fault tree
- Fault
- Feasibility assessment
- Feasibility risk
- Feasibility
- Federal Acquisition Regulation
- Federal Coordinating Officer
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Helium Pipeline
- Federal Helium Reserve
- Federal Resource Coordinator
- Federal Trade Commission Act
- Federal Wage System
- Federal agency lender
- Federal agency
- Federal assets
- Federal award
- Federal awarding agency
- Federal banking agencies
- Federal building energy standards
- Federal building
- Federal coordinating officer
- Federal credit instrument
- Federal departments and agencies
- Federal employee
- Federal enterprise architecture
- Federal financial assistance
- Federal firefighter
- Federal funds authorized
- Federal governmental plan
- Federal health care program
- Federal information system
- Federal information
- Federal jurisdictional agency
- Federal laboratory
- Federal land ownership status
- Federal lands
- Federal office
- Federal private sector mandate
- Federal program
- Federal property
- Federal record
- Federal records center
- Federal records
- Federal service
- Federal share
- Federal supply source
- Federal trust species
- Federal user
- Federal-to-federal support
- Federal
- Federally assisted housing
- Federally declared disaster
- Federally mandated training
- Federally owned housing
- Federally protected function
- Federally supported work
- Federally-owned corporation
- Fedline
- Fee-for-service agreement
- Feed the Future Innovation Labs
- Feeder pattern
- Feint
- Female genital mutilation
- Fence-associated sensor
- Ferry
- Fertilizer
- Fiber or textile fiber
- Fiduciary
- Field artillery
- Field related to space
- Field reporter number
- Field surety
- Field
- Fighter engagement zone
- Fighter escort
- Fighter sweep
- File plan
- File series
- File
- Final action
- Final and finally
- Final assembly place
- Final basic pay
- Final cost objective
- Final decree
- Final governing standards
- Final indirect cost rate
- Final judgment
- Final protective fire
- Final rate
- Final review office
- Final rule
- Finance support
- Financial assistance
- Financial interest
- Financial liability
- Financial management matters
- Financial management offices
- Financial management personnel
- Financial management
- Financial obligation
- Financial plan review
- Financial plan
- Financial recognition
- Financial requirement
- Financial system
- Financial transaction
- Financing account
- Finding of suitability lease
- Finding of suitability transfer
- Finding
- Finished intelligence
- Finished product
- Finishing action
- Fire direction center
- Fire organization
- Fire protection
- Fire support area
- Fire support coordination center
- Fire support coordination line
- Fire support coordination measure
- Fire support coordination
- Fire support coordinator
- Fire support element
- Fire support officer
- Fire support station
- Fire support team
- Fire support
- Firearm
- Firecall password
- Firefighter
- Fireman
- Fires
- Firewall rule set
- Firewall
- Firing switch
- Firm fixed-price contract
- Firm
- Firmware
- First article testing
- First article
- First carrier
- First class mail
- First crop
- First handler
- First period of full performance
- First responder care
- First responder
- First tier subcontractor
- First-class air accommodations
- First-class train accommodations
- First-line support
- Fiscal guidance
- Fiscal irregularity
- Fiscal year
- Fish processing vessel
- Fish tender vessel
- Fish
- Fishing vessel
- Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty
- Fissile materials
- Fitness determination employee
- Fitness employee
- Fitness for duty
- Fitness-for-duty evaluation
- Fixed guideway
- Fixed port
- Fixed price contract
- Fixed rate
- Fixed schedule
- Flag officer
- Flame field expedients
- Flash burn
- Flash memory
- Flat
- Flatrack
- Fleet Marine Force
- Fleet Post Office
- Fleet card
- Fleet motor vehicle
- Fleet
- Flex fuel vehicle
- Flexible deterrent option
- Flexible hours
- Flexible response
- Flight deck officer
- Flight deck
- Flight quarters
- Flight
- Floating dump
- Flood hazards
- Flood
- Floodplain management
- Floodplain
- Floor broker
- Fly-in echelon
- Foil
- Follow-up shipping
- Follow-up
- Following to join
- Fonts
- Food and nutrition security
- Food resource facilities
- Food resources
- Food security
- Food
- Foodborne illness outbreak
- Footprint
- Force beddown
- Force closure
- Force health protection
- Force management
- Force module
- Force planning
- Force projection
- Force protection condition
- Force protection detachment
- Force protection working group
- Force protection
- Force requirement number
- Force sequencing
- Force sourcing
- Force structure
- Force tracking
- Force visibility
- Force/ activity designator
- Force
- Forced labor
- Forcible entry
- Foreign Affairs Handbook
- Foreign Affairs Manual
- Foreign Service building
- Foreign Service position
- Foreign affairs agencies
- Foreign affairs agency or agency
- Foreign agent
- Foreign air carrier
- Foreign air commerce
- Foreign air transportation
- Foreign area
- Foreign article
- Foreign assistance
- Foreign consequence management
- Foreign content
- Foreign corporation
- Foreign country
- Foreign court
- Foreign disaster relief
- Foreign disaster
- Foreign disclosure
- Foreign entity
- Foreign excess personal property
- Foreign exchange forward
- Foreign exchange swap
- Foreign exchange
- Foreign fire organization
- Foreign firm
- Foreign futures authority
- Foreign government
- Foreign information release
- Foreign instrumentality
- Foreign instrumentation signals intelligence
- Foreign intelligence entity
- Foreign intelligence service
- Foreign intelligence
- Foreign internal defense
- Foreign judgment
- Foreign law enforcement authority
- Foreign like product
- Foreign nation support
- Foreign national client
- Foreign national employee
- Foreign national
- Foreign object damage
- Foreign official
- Foreign offshore unit
- Foreign participant
- Foreign person and person
- Foreign person
- Foreign private sector entity
- Foreign service national employee
- Foreign service national
- Foreign service post
- Foreign service
- Foreign source
- Foreign state
- Foreign student
- Foreign terrorist organization
- Foreign travel
- Foreign vessel
- Foreign-flag vessel
- Foreign-sending country
- Forensic-enabled intelligence
- Forest product
- Form contract
- Formal learning
- Format line
- Formation
- Former beneficiary country
- Former participant
- Former prisoner of war
- Former spouse
- Formerly restricted data
- Forms
- Formula marketing arrangement
- Formula price
- Forum for Security Cooperation
- Forward air controller (airborne)
- Forward air controller
- Forward line of own troops
- Forward observer
- Forward operating site
- Forward presence
- Forward resuscitative care
- Forward-looking infrared
- Found guilty
- Fragmentary order
- Framework
- Free drop
- Free fall
- Free mail
- Free on board
- Free-fire area
- Free-flowing
- Freeboard
- Freedom of Information Act
- Freedom of navigation operations
- Freeware
- Freight rail
- Freight
- Frequency deconfliction
- Frequency
- Frequentist probability
- Friendly
- Frontline employee
- Frustrated cargo
- Fuel cell
- Fuel oxidizer explosive mixture
- Full and open competition
- Full cost
- Full mobilization
- Full operating capability
- Full time
- Full-time employee
- Full-time equivalent
- Function
- Functional activity
- Functional damage assessment
- Functional integration
- Functions
- Funds
- Fungus
- Fur
- Furnishings
- Fuse and analyze
- Fusion Center
- Fusion center
- Fusion process
- Fusion
- Gain personnel
- Gambling establishment
- Gambling ship
- Game theory
- Garble
- Garnishee
- Gas carrier
- Gas consumer
- Gas pipeline facility
- Gas utility
- Gas
- Gateway
- General Staff
- General agency agreement
- General cargo harbor
- General cargo ship
- General cargo
- General control environment
- General engineering
- General military intelligence
- General officer
- General purpose equipment
- General record schedule
- General schedule
- General supervision
- General support system
- General support-reinforcing
- General support
- General training
- General unloading period
- Generally accepted accounting principles
- Genetic services
- Genetic test
- Genocide
- Geochemical surveys
- Geodetic control
- Geofluid
- Geographic Information system
- Geographic area within a State
- Geographic combatant commander
- Geographic coordinates
- Geographic information
- Geologic
- Geological surveys
- Geomagnetic storm
- Geophysical surveys
- Geopressured resources
- Georeference
- Geospatial data
- Geospatial engineering
- Geospatial information
- Geospatial intelligence
- Geospatial metadata
- Geospatial services
- Geospatial technology
- Geothermal
- Gift or donation
- Gift
- Gilt
- Global Command and Control System
- Global OpenNet
- Global Partnership; GP)
- Global Positioning System
- Global Tuberculosis Drug Facility
- Global Tuberculosis Drug facility
- Global address list
- Global change research
- Global change
- Global decision support system
- Global distribution of materiel
- Global distribution
- Global fleet station
- Global force management
- Global fund
- Global health security
- Global maritime partnership
- Global positioning system
- Global terrorism
- Global transportation management
- Global warming potential
- Glossary
- Go/ no-go
- Goals
- Good
- Goods
- Governance
- Governing factors
- Government Off-the-Shelf
- Government agency
- Government aircraft
- Government dam
- Government functions
- Government furnished property
- Government of a foreign country
- Government personnel
- Government property
- Government publication
- Government technical monitor
- Government-furnished property
- Government-held real property
- Government-sponsored enterprise
- Government-unique standard
- Governmental entity
- Governmental function
- Governmental unit
- Governmental units
- Governmentwide point of entry
- Governor’s authorized representative
- Grace period
- Grade
- Graduate
- Graduated sanctions
- Graduates of a medical school
- Grand challenge
- Grand master key system
- Grant and per diem provider
- Grant
- Grantee department or agency
- Grantee
- Grantees and lessees
- Grantor
- Grants an award where
- Grants financial management
- Grape product
- Graphical interchange format
- Graphical user interface
- Graywater
- Grazing permit and lease
- Great ape
- Green building
- Green procurement
- Greenhouse gas emission
- Greenhouse gas emissions score
- Greenhouse gas intensity
- Greenhouse gas
- Greenwich Mean Time
- Grid coordinates
- Grid security emergency
- Grievance examiner
- Grievance staff
- Grievance
- Grievant
- Grievous bodily injury
- Gross cargo weight
- Gross negligence
- Gross pay
- Gross square meters
- Gross vehicle-weight rating
- Gross weight
- Ground alert
- Ground-based interceptor
- Ground-based midcourse defense
- Group health insurance coverage
- Group
- Guaranteeing agency
- Guarantor
- Guard
- Guarded frequencies
- Guerrilla force
- Guidance counselor
- Guided missile
- Gun-target line
- H-hour
- HERO SAFE ordnance
- HERO UNSAFE ordnance
- HUBZone
- Habitability
- Habitat enhancement
- Habitat establishment
- Habitat improvement
- Hague Abduction Convention
- Hague Convention Certificate
- Half-life
- Handling instructions
- Handling symbol
- Hands-free device
- Harbor
- Hard mineral resource
- Hard-metric
- Hardship
- Hardware assurance
- Hardware
- Harm
- Harmful algal bloom
- Harmful quantity oil
- Hasty breach
- Hazard reduction
- Hazard
- Hazardous air pollutant
- Hazardous cargo
- Hazardous chemical or material
- Hazardous materials
- Hazardous property
- Hazardous substance
- Hazardous waste generation
- Hazardous waste generator
- Hazardous waste management
- Hazardous waste
- Hazing
- Head of agency
- Head of contracting activity
- Head of the contracting activity
- Head-up display
- Heading
- Headquarters
- Health Care Coalition
- Health Extension Agent
- Health Information Exchange
- Health care clearinghouse
- Health care industry stakeholder
- Health care organization
- Health care provider
- Health care services
- Health care
- Health engagement
- Health insurance coverage
- Health literacy
- Health maintenance organization
- Health plan
- Health problem
- Health resources
- Health risk assessment
- Health service support
- Health services research
- Health situational awareness
- Health surveillance
- Health system
- Health threat
- Health-care providers
- Health-care resource
- Healthcare coalition
- Healthcare system
- Hearing impairment
- Hearing screening
- Heart diseases
- Heat initiator
- Heavy duty vehicle
- Heavy rail
- Heavy-lift cargo
- Heavy-lift ship
- Height of burst
- Heir
- Helicopter coordination section
- Help desk
- Heritage asset
- Hierarchic escalation
- High altitude bombing
- High density airport
- High explosive
- High exposure level
- High interest conveyance
- High occupancy vehicle or HOV
- High performance building
- High potential historic sites
- High potential route segments
- High resolution
- High risk country
- High risk position
- High risk rural road
- High speed rail
- High value assets
- High velocity drop
- High-3 average pay
- High-Level Task Force
- High-consequence target
- High-end computing system
- High-impact system
- High-level radioactive waste
- High-need school
- High-payoff target
- High-performance computing
- High-performing organization
- High-poverty school
- High-risk activity
- High-risk personnel
- High-risk urban area
- High-speed rail
- High-three average salary
- High-use harbor project
- High-value item
- High-value target
- Highly enriched uranium
- Highly-enriched uranium
- Highway basemap
- Highway-rail grade crossing
- Hire personnel
- Hiring Manager
- Hiring Panel
- Hiring rate
- Hispanic
- Hog class
- Holder-in-due-course
- Holder
- Holiday
- Home page
- Home station
- Home study preparer
- Homeland Secure Data Network
- Homeland Security Council
- Homeland United States
- Homeland defense activity
- Homeland defense
- Homeland security enterprise
- Homeland security grant program
- Homeland security grant
- Homeland security information
- Homeland security intelligence
- Homeland security missions
- Homeland security
- Homeland
- Homeless veteran
- Homeless
- Homemade explosive
- Homeward bound mail service
- Homing adaptor
- Homing
- Honey pot
- Honorable discharge
- Honorably retired
- Horizon scanning
- Horizontal stowage
- Hospital facilities
- Hospital
- Host bureau
- Host government
- Host nation
- Host-nation support
- Hostage rescue
- Hostage-Taking
- Hostage-taking
- Hostile act
- Hostile casualty
- Hostile force or person
- Hostile intent
- Hotspot
- Household effects
- Household staff
- Household textile articles
- Household waste
- Housing development agency
- Housing
- Hovering vessel
- Hub and spoke distribution
- Hub
- Human Resource Advisor
- Human capital management system
- Human capital measurement area
- Human consequence
- Human environment
- Human factors engineering
- Human factors
- Human immunodeficiency virus
- Human intelligence
- Human organ
- Human performance
- Human systems integration
- Human tip
- Humanitarian assistance
- Humanitarian mine action
- Humanitarian operations center
- Humanities
- Hung ordnance
- Hunger strike
- Hurricane Liaison Team
- Hybrid control
- Hybrid vehicle
- Hybrid
- Hydro-chlorofluorocarbons
- Hydro-fluorocarbons
- Hydrofluorocarbons
- Hydrographic reconnaissance
- Hydrography
- Hydrostatic switch
- Hydrothermal
- Hygiene services
- HyperText Mark-up Language
- Hyperspectral imagery
- Hypoxia
- Identical
- Identification and authentication
- Identification maneuver
- Identification media
- Identification, friend or foe
- Identification
- Identifier
- Identifying activity level
- Identity intelligence
- Identity theft report
- Identity theft
- Ignitor
- Illicit drug trafficking
- Imagery exploitation
- Imagery intelligence
- Imagery
- Immediate air support
- Immediate decontamination
- Immediate family member
- Immediate recovery IT service
- Immediate response authority
- Immediate response
- Immediate retirement
- Immediate
- Immigrant visa
- Immigrant
- Immigration benefit application
- Immigration judge
- Immigration laws
- Immigration officer
- Imminent danger
- Imminent hazard
- Impact evaluation research
- Impact measures
- Impact
- Impasse
- Implementation disputes
- Implementation measures
- Implementation
- Implementing document
- Implementing partner organization
- Implied task
- Import activity summary statement
- Import and importation
- Import cost
- Import substitution subsidy
- Importer
- Importing authority
- Imports
- Impoundment or impounding
- Imprest fund
- Imprisonment
- Improper payment
- Improvements
- Improvised claymore
- Improvised explosive device
- Improvised grenade
- Improvised mortar
- Improvised nuclear device
- Improvised rocket
- Improvised weapons
- In practice
- Inactive cases
- Inactive duty training
- Inactive status
- Inadmissible alien
- Incapacitating agent
- Incapacitation
- Incendiary
- Incentive payments
- Incidence
- Incident Action Plan
- Incident Command Post
- Incident Command System
- Incident Command
- Incident Commander
- Incident Management Team
- Incident Objectives
- Incident annexes
- Incident awareness and assessment
- Incident driven activity
- Incident management
- Incident record IT service
- Incident response plan
- Incident response
- Incident
- Incidental expenses
- Incidental operator
- Incitement of terrorism
- Incorporated territory
- Increment system design
- Incremental costs
- Incremental expenses
- Incremental hydropower
- Incumbent service provider
- Indefinite-quantity contract
- Indenture
- Independence in daily living
- Independence
- Independent contractor
- Independent living services
- Independent
- Indeterminate loss
- Indeterminate sentencing
- Indian land
- Indian lands
- Indian tribe
- Indian tribes
- Indian wars
- Indications
- Indicator
- Indirect consequence
- Indirect cost pool
- Indirect cost rate proposal
- Indirect cost rate
- Indirect cost
- Indirect costs
- Indirect route
- Indirect travel
- Individual development plan
- Individual market
- Individual mobilization augmentee
- Individual practice association
- Individual project
- Individual protective equipment
- Individual ready reserve
- Individual with a disability
- Individual
- Industrial development agency
- Industrial mobilization
- Industrial plant
- Industrial preparedness program
- Industrial preparedness
- Industrial research
- Industrial resources
- Industrial security
- Industrial user
- Industrial waste
- Industrial wastewater
- Industry affecting commerce
- Industry or sector partnership
- Industry
- Ineligible to citizenship
- Ineligible
- Inert ingredient
- Inertial navigation system
- Infection
- Infectious disease
- Infirmary
- Inflation
- Influence mine
- Influence sweep
- Info addressee
- Inform consuls
- Informant
- Information Programs Center
- Information Technical Center
- Information access clearance
- Information addressee
- Information architecture
- Information assurance product
- Information assurance
- Information classification
- Information collection budget
- Information collection
- Information control
- Information dissemination product
- Information environment
- Information government
- Information infrastructure
- Information integrity
- Information life cycle
- Information management
- Information need intelligence
- Information operations force
- Information operations
- Information owner
- Information report
- Information reproducibility
- Information requirement
- Information requirements
- Information resources management
- Information resources
- Information safeguarding
- Information security architecture
- Information security incident
- Information security operation
- Information security program plan
- Information security requirements
- Information security
- Information services
- Information sharing environment
- Information sharing
- Information superiority
- Information system component
- Information system life cycle
- Information system owner
- Information system resilience
- Information system security plan
- Information system security
- Information system
- Information systems center
- Information technology dashboard
- Information technology investment
- Information technology resource
- Information technology resources
- Information technology services
- Information technology system
- Information technology
- Information type
- Information utility
- Information-related capability
- Information
- InfraGard
- Infraction
- Infrared imagery
- Infrared pointer
- Infrared sensor active
- Infrared sensor passive
- Infrastructure liaison
- Infrastructure
- Ingredient statement
- Inherently governmental function
- Inherited personal effects
- Inholding
- Initial capabilities document
- Initial construction
- Initial cost risk
- Initial equity contribution
- Initial facility
- Initial health evaluation
- Initial merchant
- Initial notice
- Initial operating capability
- Initial operational capability
- Initial radiation
- Initial reception point
- Initial response force
- Initial unloading period
- Initial visit
- Initiate
- Initiator
- Injury
- Inmate
- Inner transport area
- Inpatient responsibilities
- Inputs
- Inquiry
- Insect
- Insider threat oversight group
- Insider threat program manager
- Insider threat
- Insider
- Inspect
- Inspection
- Institution
- Instructional material
- Instrument approach procedure
- Instrument
- Instruments of national power
- Insular area
- Insurance carrier
- Insurance company
- Insurance
- Insured
- Insurer
- Insurgency
- Integrated logistic support
- Integrated military forces
- Integrated planning
- Integrated priority list
- Integrated staff
- Integration
- Integrity assurance
- Integrity information
- Integrity
- Intellectual property rights
- Intellectual property
- Intelligence activities
- Intelligence activity
- Intelligence agency
- Intelligence analyst
- Intelligence assessment
- Intelligence asset
- Intelligence community
- Intelligence discipline
- Intelligence estimate
- Intelligence federation
- Intelligence information
- Intelligence interrogation
- Intelligence mission management
- Intelligence operations
- Intelligence originator
- Intelligence personnel
- Intelligence planning
- Intelligence process
- Intelligence product
- Intelligence questions
- Intelligence report
- Intelligence reporting
- Intelligence requirement
- Intelligence system
- Intelligence-led policing
- Intelligence-related activities
- Intelligence/ investigations
- Intelligence
- Intended victim
- Intent
- Intentional hazard
- Intentional killing
- Inter-service support
- Inter/ intra Agency Agreement
- Interagency coordination
- Interagency
- Interconnection service agreement
- Interconnection
- Intercontinental ballistic missile
- Interdependency
- Interdiction
- Interest
- Intergovernmental organization
- Intergovernmental training
- Intermediary country
- Intermediate material
- Intermediate recovery IT service
- Intermediate staging base
- Intermodal
- Internal audience
- Internal control
- Internal controls
- Internal defense and development
- Internal rate of return
- Internal relocation
- Internal security
- Internally displaced person
- International Air Transport Association
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- International Voice Gateway
- International agreement
- International marriage broker
- International organization
- International standard
- International student
- International terrorism
- Internet
- Interoperability
- Interoperable
- Interpretation
- Interpreter
- Interrogatories
- Interstate commerce
- Intertheater airlift
- Intervention
- Intestate
- Intramural research
- Intranet
- Intratheater airlift
- Intratheater patient movement
- Intrusion assessments
- Intrusion detection system
- Invention
- Inventor
- Inventory control
- Inventory
- Investigation
- Investment banker
- Investment
- Invoice
- Ionizing radiation
- Irregular warfare
- Irrigation block
- Irrigation water
- Isolated personnel
- Isolator
- Issuer
- Item
- Jadeite
- Jail
- Java
- Joint Doctrine Development System
- Joint Doctrine
- Joint Exercise Control Group
- Joint Field Office
- Joint State/ USAID Strategic Plan
- Joint Task Force Commander
- Joint Task Force
- Joint Terrorism Task Force
- Joint air operations plan
- Joint communications network
- Joint contracting support board
- Joint counterintelligence unit
- Joint desired point of impact
- Joint distribution
- Joint doctrine
- Joint engagement zone
- Joint exercise
- Joint field office
- Joint fire support
- Joint fires element
- Joint fires
- Joint force commander
- Joint force surgeon
- Joint force
- Joint harbor operations center
- Joint information center
- Joint intelligence architecture
- Joint intelligence
- Joint interface control officer
- Joint interrogation operations
- Joint land operations plan
- Joint land operations
- Joint manpower program
- Joint mission-essential task
- Joint mortuary affairs office
- Joint operations area forecast
- Joint operations area
- Joint operations
- Joint personnel processing center
- Joint personnel recovery center
- Joint planning group
- Joint project/ program
- Joint proponent
- Joint requirements review board
- Joint research agreement
- Joint restricted frequency list
- Joint security coordinator
- Joint servicing
- Joint special operations area
- Joint task force
- Joint terminal attack controller
- Joint training
- Joint urban operations
- Joint
- Judge advocate
- Judgment
- Jumpmaster
- Jurat
- Jurisdiction
- Jurisdictional agency
- Jury wheel
- Just-in-time training
- Key management
- Key performance indicator
- Key position
- Key terrain
- Keystone publications
- Kickback
- Kidnapping
- Kind
- Knock
- Knowingly
- Knowledge
- Known wind resource
- Korean conflict
- L-hour
- Label
- Labeling
- Labor dispute
- Labor laws
- Labor market area
- Labor organization
- Labor relations consultant
- Labor surplus area concern
- Labor surplus area
- Labor-hour contract
- Laboratory organization
- Laboratory
- Land control operations
- Land domain awareness
- Land domain
- Land forces
- Land remote sensing
- Land use control
- Landfill facility
- Landholding
- Landing aid
- Landing area diagram
- Landing area
- Landing beach
- Landing craft availability table
- Landing craft
- Landing diagram
- Landing force support party
- Landing force
- Landing group
- Landing plan
- Landing sequence table
- Landing signalman enlisted
- Landing signals officer
- Landing site
- Landing zone
- Landmass
- Landsat 6 contractor
- Landsat 7
- Landsat system
- Language categories
- Language-designated position
- Language-preferred position
- Laptop
- Large employer
- Large group market
- Large trader
- Large wind energy system
- Large yacht
- Laser rangefinder
- Laser seeker
- Laser spot tracker
- Laser spot
- Laser target designator
- Laser-guided weapon
- Late enrollee
- Latent defect
- Lateral mail
- Lateral pouch
- Latest arrival date
- Launch property
- Launch services
- Launch site
- Launch support facilities
- Launch vehicle
- Launch
- Law enforcement activity
- Law enforcement agency
- Law enforcement intelligence
- Law enforcement officer
- Law enforcement online
- Law enforcement personnel
- Law enforcement related position
- Law enforcement sensitive
- Law enforcement statistics
- Law enforcement technology
- Law of armed conflict
- Law of war
- Lawful permanent resident
- Lawfully admitted
- Layover
- Lead agency
- Lead agent
- Lead aircraft
- Lead federal agency
- Lead nation
- Lead technical authority
- Lead-based paint abatement
- Lead-based paint hazard
- Lead-based paint
- Lead-contaminated dust
- Lead-contaminated soil
- Lead-lined tank
- Lead
- Leadership and education
- Leadership system
- Leading change
- Leading people
- Learning
- Lease (leasehold) costs
- Lease
- Leased line
- Leased
- Leasing company
- Least cost option
- Least developed country
- Least privilege
- Leave bank member
- Leave bank
- Leave contributor
- Leave recipient
- Leave year
- Left-behind parent
- Legacy systems
- Legacy
- Legal and financial rights record
- Legal custodian
- Legal custody
- Legal hold
- Legal representative
- Legatee
- Lend
- Length of service
- Lesson learned
- Lessor
- Letter contract
- Letter of agreement
- Letter of assessment
- Letter of assist
- Letter of authorization
- Letter of intent
- Letter of offer and acceptance
- Letter of request
- Letter rogatory
- Letter
- Letters of administration
- Letters testamentary
- Levee feature
- Levee system
- Levee
- Level 2 acquisition
- Level of detail
- Level of protection
- Level of risk
- Level-of-effort contract
- Leverage
- Liability insurance
- Liaison officer
- Liaison
- Library services
- Library
- License agreement
- License intellectual property
- License profession
- License
- Licensee
- Lie detector
- Lien creditor
- Lien
- Life cycle cost effective
- Life cycle cost estimate
- Life cycle cost risk
- Life cycle cost
- Life cycle model
- Life cycle records
- Life cycle
- Life science
- Life-cycle cost
- Life-cycle management
- Lifespan respite care
- Lifestyle counseling
- Lift station
- Light / photo-electric sensor
- Light rail
- Light sensitive trigger
- Light-duty motor vehicle
- Lighterage
- Lignocellulosic feedstock
- Likelihood statistical
- Likelihood
- Limitations to test
- Limited English proficient person
- Limited non-career appointment
- Limited recipient
- Limited test-ban treaty
- Limiting factor
- Line detection sensor
- Line item number
- Line item
- Line of business chief
- Line of business
- Line of communications
- Line of credit
- Line of demarcation
- Line of departure
- Line of effort
- Line of operation
- Line of sight
- Line supervision current
- Line-of-sight sensor
- Lineal consanguinity
- Lines of business
- Link
- Linkage
- Liquefied natural gas accident
- Liquefied natural gas conversion
- Liquefied natural gas
- Liquid explosive
- Liquidating account
- Listening watch
- Listserve
- Literacy
- Litigation hold
- Litigation support contractor
- Littoral
- Live poultry dealer
- Livestock products
- Livestock
- Living quarters allowance
- Living will
- Load signal
- Load-serving entity
- Loaded firearm
- Loading plan
- Loan guarantee commitment
- Loan guarantee
- Loan
- Loaned executive program board
- Loaned executive program
- Loaned executive
- Loaned permit
- Local alarm
- Local area network
- Local area networks
- Local board
- Local commuting area
- Local compensation plan
- Local configuration control board
- Local educational agency
- Local government
- Local last mile
- Local sponsor
- Locality rates
- Locally employed staff
- Locate
- Location
- Locomotive horn
- Locomotive visibility
- Lodging-plus per diem system
- Lodging
- Lodgment
- Logged on but unattended
- Logical data model
- Logically disconnect
- Logistic support
- Logistics supportability analysis
- Logistics
- Lone offender
- Long-term contract
- Long-term recovery
- Longshore work
- Loss
- Lost pouch
- Lot
- Low explosive
- Low rate initial production
- Low velocity drop
- Low-Btu gas
- Low-enriched uranium
- Low-impact system
- Low-income families
- Low-income individual
- Low-income veteran
- Low-level transit route
- Low-polluting fuel
- Low-visibility operations
- Lower-risk traveler
- Lowest achievable emission rate
- Lubricating oil
- Lump-sum credit
- M-day
- MOX facility
- MOX production objective
- Macro
- Magnetic contact
- Magnetic fusion
- Magnetic mine
- Magnetic strip encoding
- Magnetic trigger
- Mail control officer
- Mail embargo
- Mail operations center
- Mail screening facility
- Mail stop
- Main operating base
- Main supply route
- Mainframe
- Mainland state
- Maintainability
- Maintenance and repair
- Maintenance and upkeep
- Maintenance applicator
- Maintenance planning
- Maintenance
- Major acquisition
- Major alteration project
- Major application
- Major contract
- Major defense acquisition program
- Major disaster
- Major drug producing country
- Major drug-transit country
- Major emitting facility
- Major enhanced-use lease
- Major event
- Major force
- Major functions of an institution
- Major hazard
- Major incident IT service
- Major industrial country
- Major information system
- Major investment
- Major life activity
- Major manufacturing industry
- Major money laundering country
- Major non-NATO ally
- Major oil company
- Major operation
- Major program
- Major renovation
- Major source
- Major subprogram
- Major system
- Major wine trading country
- Make-or-buy program
- Make
- Malicious code
- Malicious reconnaissance
- Malintent
- Malnutrition
- Maltreatment
- Malware
- Mammogram
- Mammography
- Man-day
- Man-made disaster
- Management Directorate
- Management capacity
- Management control coordinator
- Management control evaluation
- Management control officer
- Management control techniques
- Management controls
- Management decision
- Management line of business chief
- Management officer or counselor
- Management officer
- Management official
- Management-in-place asbestos
- Manager/ supervisor
- Managerial capacity
- Managing state projects
- Mandatory declassification review
- Mandatory separation
- Maneuver
- Manifest
- Manpower management
- Manpower requirements
- Manual driving distraction
- Manual workaround
- Manufactured fiber
- Manufacturer
- Manufacturing technology
- Maquiladora
- Marine Corps
- Marine boundaries
- Marine debris
- Marine environment
- Marine pollution control device
- Marine sanitation device
- Marine transportation system
- Maritime Operations Center
- Maritime Security Program
- Maritime area of interest
- Maritime domain awareness
- Maritime domain
- Maritime environment
- Maritime forces
- Maritime interception operations
- Maritime power projection
- Maritime pre-positioning ships
- Maritime security level
- Maritime security operations
- Maritime terminal
- Mark-up
- Marker
- Market formula purchase
- Market research
- Market share
- Market
- Marketing
- Marking
- Marque
- Marshalling area
- Marshalling
- Mass balance
- Mass casualty
- Mass killings
- Mass layoff
- Massed fire
- Master Training Guide
- Master air attack plan
- Master key
- Master reference data
- Master service level agreement
- Master solicitation
- Master
- Masters degree equivalent
- Matching agreement
- Matching notice
- Material that is self-produced
- Material weaknesses
- Material
- Materiality
- Materials handling
- Materials
- Materiel inventory objective
- Materiel planning
- Materiel release order
- Materiel requirements
- Materiel
- Matured loans
- Maxi-cube vehicle
- Maximum contaminant level goal
- Maximum contaminant level
- Maximum efficient rate
- Maximum extent practicable
- Maximum ordinate
- May
- Meals
- Mean time to repair
- Mean time to restore service
- Means of conveyance
- Means of emission limitation
- Measure of effectiveness
- Measure of performance
- Measure of suitability
- Measurement and signature intelligence
- Measurement areas
- Measurement grouping
- Measurement indicators
- Measurement ton
- Meat food products
- Mechanical energy source
- Mechanical restraint
- Mechanical sweep
- Mechanical timing switch
- Media engagement
- Media operations center
- Media pool
- Media protection
- Media
- Medical care
- Medical certificate
- Medical countermeasures
- Medical documentation
- Medical emergency
- Medical engagement protocols
- Medical evaluation by a physician
- Medical facility
- Medical intelligence
- Medical intervention
- Medical library
- Medical logistics support
- Medical officer
- Medical or surgical benefits
- Medical outcomes
- Medical power of attorney
- Medical product
- Medical quality assurance program
- Medical quality assurance record
- Medical regulating
- Medical services
- Medical surge
- Medical surveillance
- Medical treatment facility
- Medical waste
- Medically underserved community
- Medically underserved population
- Medicare-eligible
- Medicine and medical
- Medium duty passenger vehicles
- Medium hub airport
- Meeting or similar function
- Member agency
- Member of household
- Member of the immediate family
- Member of the merchant marine
- Member of the naval service
- Member
- Members of congress
- Members of the same family
- Membrane switch
- Memorandum of agreement
- Memorandum of understanding
- Memorandum
- Memory
- Mensuration
- Mental abuse
- Mental health benefits
- Mental health evaluation
- Mental health professional
- Mental illness
- Mental retardation
- Mentoring services
- Mentoring
- Merchandise
- Merchant seaman
- Merit system principles
- Meritorious service increase
- Message broker
- Message continuity number
- Message reference number
- Message stream
- Message
- Messaging
- Metadata
- Meteorological and oceanographic
- Meteorological watch
- Meteorology
- Metering electronic
- Methane
- Method of emplacement
- Method of employment
- Metric system of measurement
- Metric ton
- Metropolitan area network
- Metropolitan area
- Metropolitan planning area
- Metropolitan statistical area
- Micro-purchase
- Microenterprise institution
- Microentrepreneur
- Microfinance institution
- Microfinance network
- Microloan
- Microsoft Outlook
- Microwave sensor bi-static
- Microwave sensor mono-static
- Mid-tier value chain
- Midcourse phase
- Middleware
- Midshipman
- Migrant
- Migratory agricultural worker
- Migratory child
- Migratory fisher
- Milestone B
- Milestone approval
- Milestone decision authority
- Milestone
- Military Advisor’s office
- Military Liaison Team
- Military Postal Service
- Military Sealift Command
- Military animal
- Military assistance program
- Military civic action
- Military construction
- Military deception
- Military department
- Military departments
- Military dining facility
- Military education and training
- Military engagement
- Military explosive
- Military government
- Military health system
- Military installation
- Military intelligence board
- Military intervention
- Military munitions
- Military occupation
- Military operations
- Military orders
- Military personnel
- Military post office
- Military postal service agency
- Military postal service
- Military region
- Military sealift command force
- Military service
- Military source operations
- Military specification container
- Military technician
- Military training route
- Military treatment facility
- Military unaccompanied housing
- Military van (container)
- Military-to-military contacts
- Military-unique capabilities
- Militia extremist
- Mine countermeasures
- Mine warfare
- Mine
- Minefield record
- Minefield report
- Minefield
- Minehunting
- Miner
- Mineral extraction activities
- Mineral resources
- Minesweeping
- Minimize
- Minimum force
- Minimum recycled content standard
- Minimum safe freeboard
- Minimum-risk route
- Minister of religion
- Minor Planet Center
- Minor application
- Minor construction project
- Minor
- Minority group
- Minority institution
- Minority
- Misconduct
- Misrepresentation
- Missile Technology Control Regime
- Missile defense
- Missile engagement zone
- Missile
- Missing person
- Missing status
- Mission Training Assessment
- Mission activity
- Mission area
- Mission assignment
- Mission assurance
- Mission capability
- Mission command
- Mission consequence
- Mission essential functions
- Mission need statement
- Mission need
- Mission statement
- Mission type order
- Mission-essential infrastructure
- Mission
- Mitigation measure
- Mitigation
- Mixed waste
- Mobile device identification
- Mobile device
- Mobile health station
- Mobile home
- Mobile offshore drilling unit
- Mobility corridor
- Mobility
- Mobilization site
- Mobilization station
- Mobilization
- Mode of transport
- Model and simulation validation
- Model and simulation
- Model line
- Model
- Moderate risk position
- Modern shipbuilding technology
- Modernization
- Modification
- Modular contracting
- Money laundering
- Monitor
- Monitoring station
- Monitoring
- Month
- Moored mine
- Morale, welfare, and recreation
- Mortar munition
- Mortgage loan
- Mortgage
- Mortuary affairs
- Mortuary certificate
- Most efficient organization
- Motor fuel
- Motor vehicle accident
- Motor vehicle assembler
- Motor vehicle operator
- Motor vehicle
- Motor vehicles
- Motor vessel
- Motorcycle
- Mounting area
- Movement control team
- Movement control
- Movement data
- Movement group
- Movement plan
- Movement schedule
- Movement table
- Movement to contact
- Multi-Service publication
- Multiagency Coordination Group
- Multihazard advisory map
- Multijurisdictional incident
- Multilateral development bank
- Multilateral
- Multimedia
- Multinational Exercise
- Multinational Force
- Multinational doctrine
- Multinational force commander
- Multinational force
- Multinational logistics
- Multinational operations
- Multinational
- Multiple disabilities
- Multiple sources
- Multiple use
- Multiple-award contract
- Multiplexer
- Multiplier
- Multipoint refueling system
- Multipurpose passenger vehicle
- Multispectral imagery
- Multispot ship
- Municipal solid waste
- Municipal waste
- Municipality
- Munition
- Munroe effect
- Mutual support
- NASA property
- Named area of interest
- Named storm
- Narcoterrorism
- National Capital Region
- National Communications System
- National Computer Security Center
- National Defense Reserve Fleet
- National Disaster Medical System
- National Environmental Policy Act
- National Exercise Program
- National Fire Protection Association
- National Guard
- National Intelligence Program
- National Operations Center
- National Preparedness Vision
- National Response Framework
- National Security Council
- National Security Strategy
- National Security System
- National Special Security Event
- National architecture
- National average weekly wage
- National consensus standard
- National defense strategy
- National defense
- National development strategy
- National emergency
- National essential function
- National essential functions
- National health security
- National intelligence estimate
- National intelligence function
- National intelligence
- National level Exercise
- National military command system
- National military strategy
- National operations center
- National planning scenarios
- National policy
- National preparedness
- National priority cargo
- National program agency
- National response team
- National security information
- National security interests
- National security investigation
- National security laboratory
- National security official
- National security position
- National security purpose
- National security space
- National security strategy
- National security system
- National security systems
- National security
- National shipping authority
- National support element
- National-defense material
- National-defense premises
- National-defense utilities
- National-level risk assessment
- National
- Native American tribe
- Native American
- Native Americans
- Native Hawaiian
- Native plant species
- Native vegetation
- Native
- Natural disaster
- Natural fiber
- Natural gas
- Natural hazard
- Natural resources
- Naturalization
- Naturally degradable material
- Nature of action personnel
- Nautical school vessel
- Naval beach group
- Naval construction force
- Naval forward logistic site
- Naval gunfire support
- Naval operation
- Naval petroleum reserves
- Naval special warfare group
- Naval special warfare task group
- Naval special warfare task unit
- Naval special warfare
- Naval stores
- Naval surface fire support
- Navigable waters
- Navigation warfare
- Navy cargo-handling battalion
- Navy special operations forces
- Navy support element
- Navy
- Near fatality
- Near field communication
- Near-Earth asteroid
- Near-Earth object
- Necessary level of protection
- Need for access
- Need to know
- Need-to-know
- Negation
- Negligible imports
- Negotiated grievance procedure
- Negotiated purchase
- Negotiated sale
- Negotiation
- Nematode
- Nerve agent
- Net assessment
- Net cost
- Net excess power
- Net explosive weight
- Net investment
- Net life cycle cost savings
- Net pay
- Net present value
- Net price
- Net project cost
- Net weight
- Net-zero energy building
- Network access
- Network device
- Network plan
- Network
- Networked munitions
- Neutral and objective criteria
- Neutral person
- Neutral
- Neutrality
- Neutralize
- New York City disaster area
- New York metropolitan area
- New appointees
- New budget authority
- New building
- New bus model
- New entrant air carrier
- New motor vehicle
- New nuclear weapon
- New oil
- New program
- New renewable energy
- New requirement
- New source
- New underground injection well
- New vessel
- New work assignment training
- Next of kin
- Nexus personnel
- Nickname information
- Night vision device
- Night vision goggle
- Night work
- Night
- Nisi
- Nitrous oxide
- No-fire area
- No-strike list
- Nodal analysis
- Node
- Nominal depth
- Nominal interest rate
- Nominal values
- Non-Department facilities
- Non-Federal entity
- Non-Proliferation Treaty
- Non-accountable mail
- Non-adaptive risk
- Non-attainment area
- Non-critical sensitive position
- Non-cyber PII incident (physical)
- Non-electric initiator
- Non-enterprise mobile devices
- Non-exempt employee
- Non-federal assets
- Non-federal entity
- Non-federal governmental plan
- Non-federal project entity
- Non-federal source
- Non-functional requirement
- Non-governmental organization
- Non-homeland security missions
- Non-lethal weapon
- Non-local (remote) maintenance
- Non-metropolitan area
- Non-nuclear-weapon state
- Non-pay categories of costs
- Non-pharmaceutical interventions
- Non-profit organization
- Non-record material
- Non-record materials
- Non-recurring detail
- Non-reimbursable detail
- Non-removable hinge pin hinge
- Non-repudiation
- Non-traditional fields
- Non-unit cargo
- Non-unit-related personnel
- Non-volatile memory
- Nonallowable interest costs
- Nonappropriated funds
- Nonbattle injury
- Noncarcass merit premium
- Noncombatant evacuees
- Noncommercial purposes
- Noncompetitive action
- Nonconformance
- Nonconventional assisted recovery
- Nonconveyable
- Nondegradation standard
- Nondestructive electronic warfare
- Nondiscriminatory treatment
- Noneconomic damages
- Noneconomic losses
- Nonexempt disposable earnings
- Nonexpendable personal property
- Nonfederal entity
- Nonforeign area
- Nongovernmental entities
- Nongovernmental organization
- Nongovernmental
- Nonhub airport
- Nonidentifiable information
- Nonimmigrant visa
- Nonindigenous species
- Noninsurable commodity
- Nonlethal weapon
- Nonmarket economy country
- Nonmethane organic gas
- Nonmetropolitan area
- Nonmetropolitan local official
- Nonoperational storage tank
- Nonpersistent agent
- Nonpersistent mine
- Nonprofessional courier
- Nonprofit agency
- Nonprofit institution
- Nonprofit organization
- Nonprofit
- Nonproliferation
- Nonreceipt
- Nonrecord material
- Nonregulated gas utility
- Nonrepudiation
- Nonresident importer
- Nonresidential space
- Nonscheduled units
- Nonsecure bulk load
- Nontemporary storage
- Nontraditional employment
- Nonviolent offense
- Normal change IT service
- Normal cost
- Normal course of study
- Normalized risk
- Northern border
- Not available
- Not due or not entitled
- Not mission capable, supply
- Not ordinarily resident
- Notarial act
- Notarizing officer
- Notary or notary public
- Note
- Notice of proposed rulemaking
- Notice
- Notification message
- Notification official
- Notification
- Novation agreement
- Noxious weed
- Nuclear explosive device
- Nuclear hot cell services
- Nuclear incident response team
- Nuclear incident
- Nuclear material
- Nuclear non-proliferation treaty
- Nuclear nonproliferation sciences
- Nuclear security enterprise
- Nuclear supplier
- Nuclear triad
- Nuclear waste
- Nuclear weapon(s) accident
- Nuisance minefield
- Numbered beach
- Numbered fleet
- Nursing home care
- Nutrition education
- Nutrition
- Oath
- Object reuse
- Object
- Objective area
- Objective declaration
- Objective
- Obligation or liability
- Obligation, financial
- Obligation
- Obligations incurred
- Obligations
- Obligee
- Obligor
- Observable
- Obstacle belt
- Obstacle clearing
- Obstacle intelligence
- Obstacle restricted areas
- Obstacle zone
- Obstacle
- Obtrusive space advertising
- Occasional money holders
- Occupant emergency pan
- Occupant emergency plan
- Occupational health and safety
- Occupied territory
- Ocean and coastal mapping
- Ocean thermal energy conversion
- Oceanographic research vessel
- Oceanography
- Off-hook
- Off-line
- Off-site safe area
- Off-the-shelf item
- Offender
- Offensive counterair
- Offensive space control
- Offer
- Office director
- Office furnishings
- Office of government ethics
- Office
- Officer in charge
- Officer in tactical command
- Officer of the customs
- Officer of the deck
- Officer or employee
- Officer
- Officers above the promotion zone
- Official capacity
- Official duty station
- Official information
- Official items
- Official log book
- Official mail manager
- Official mail
- Official performance file
- Official poverty line
- Official residence
- Official rest stop
- Official station
- Official travel
- Official work site
- Official worksite
- Official
- Offset agreement
- Offset costs
- Offset
- Offsets
- Offshore bulk fuel system
- Offshore facility
- Offshore minerals
- Offshore supply vessel
- Oil spill response vessel
- Oil
- Old-growth timber
- Omni-directional effect
- On call
- On hand
- On-call target
- On-call
- On-line
- On-scene commander
- On-station time
- On-the-job training
- One-call notification system
- One-participant retirement plan
- Ongoing authorization
- Ongoing support services
- Online computer library center
- Onshore facility
- Open Skies Treaty
- Open alcoholic beverage container
- Open burn pit
- Open data
- Open dump
- Open enforcement action
- Open number
- Open ocean
- Open recommendation
- Open source information report
- Open source information
- Open source
- Open-source information
- Open-source intelligence tools
- Open-source intelligence
- OpenNet plus
- OpenNet+
- OpenNet
- Openness
- Operating lease
- Operating offices
- Operating requirements
- Operating signal (opsign)
- Operating stocks
- Operating system
- Operating tempo
- Operation and maintenance cost
- Operation and maintenance
- Operation order
- Operation plan
- Operation
- Operational analysis
- Operational approach
- Operational area
- Operational art
- Operational assessment
- Operational chain of command
- Operational characteristics
- Operational command structure
- Operational context
- Operational contract support
- Operational control authority
- Operational control
- Operational controls
- Operational decontamination
- Operational design element
- Operational design
- Operational effectiveness
- Operational energy
- Operational environment
- Operational exposure guidance
- Operational intelligence
- Operational level agreement
- Operational level of war
- Operational level
- Operational limitation
- Operational necessity
- Operational need
- Operational needs statement
- Operational objective value
- Operational pause
- Operational range
- Operational reach
- Operational readiness
- Operational requirements document
- Operational requirements
- Operational reserve
- Operational risk
- Operational scenario
- Operational suitability
- Operational support airlift
- Operational system
- Operational test plan
- Operational test readiness review
- Operational test report
- Operational test
- Operational testing
- Operational threshold value
- Operational use
- Operational
- Operationally critical contractor
- Operations center
- Operations coordination
- Operations manager
- Operations period
- Operations plan
- Operations research
- Operations security assessment
- Operations security indicators
- Operations security survey
- Operations security vulnerability
- Operations security
- Operations support element
- Operations to restore order
- Operations/ watch center
- Operations
- Operator
- Opportune lift
- Opportunity cost
- Opportunity pool loan
- Oppressive child labor
- Option
- Oral history
- Oral sodomy
- Order of battle
- Order of deportation
- Order of succession
- Order to show cause
- Ordered departure
- Ordnance handling
- Ordnance
- Organic
- Organization chart
- Organization code
- Organization for combat
- Organization for embarkation
- Organization for landing
- Organization heads
- Organization structure
- Organization
- Organizational camp
- Organizational equipment
- Organizational training plan
- Organized exchange
- Organized research
- Organotin
- Original check
- Original classification
- Original
- Originating office
- Originator
- Orthopedic impairment
- Oscillating mine
- Other budget items
- Other governmental programs
- Other health impairment
- Other import restriction
- Other market formula purchase
- Other purchase arrangement
- Other recipient
- Other senior officials
- Other severely disabled
- Other sponsored activities
- Other transaction
- Other worker
- Otherwise engaged in the trade of
- Outbreak
- Outcome
- Outcomes
- Outcrop
- Outer continental shelf source
- Outer transport area
- Outlays or expenditures
- Outlying area
- Outpatient facility
- Outpatient medical facility
- Outpatient status
- Outputs
- Outreach training
- Outreach
- Outside piece
- Outsized cargo
- Outstanding status
- Over Federal programs)
- Over the counter drug
- Over-the-road bus
- Overhead persistent infrared
- Overhead
- Overlay
- Overnight
- Overpressure
- Overseas area
- Overseas cashier
- Overseas contingency operation
- Overseas employees
- Overseas military dependent child
- Overseas military parent
- Overseas school
- Overseas security policy board
- Overseas unit
- Oversight agency for audit
- Oversight
- Oversized cargo
- Overt operation
- Overt
- Overtime pay
- Overtime premium
- Overtime work
- Overtime
- Own
- Owner or operator
- Owner
- Ozone-depleting substance
- Ozone
- P5+1 countries
- Package service
- Package
- Packing costs
- Packup kit
- Pager
- Paid Status
- Paid leave status
- Pain care
- Pain value analysis
- Paint in poor condition
- Palestinian Authority
- Pallet
- Palletize
- Parallel chains of command
- Paramilitary forces
- Paraphrasing
- Paraprofessional
- Parcel
- Parent, father, and mother
- Parent
- Pareto principle
- Parking permit
- Parking space
- Part-time employee
- Part-time temporary
- Part
- Partial mobilization
- Partial termination
- Participant
- Participating agency
- Participating program
- Participating uniformed service
- Participation
- Particular cancer
- Partner country
- Partner government
- Partner nation
- Partner
- Party
- Pass-through entity
- Pass
- Passage material
- Passage of lines
- Passenger aircraft
- Passenger for hire
- Passenger motor vehicle
- Passenger transit system
- Passenger vehicle
- Passenger vessel
- Passenger
- Passive air defense
- Passive defense
- Passive infrared switch
- Passive investment
- Passive mine
- Passive sensor
- Passport
- Password
- Patentee
- Patient movement items
- Patient movement policy
- Patient movement
- Patient protection and affordable care act
- Patient safety activities
- Patient safety evaluation system
- Patriot
- Pattern analysis
- Pattern of activities
- Pattern of noncompliance
- Pay categories of cost
- Pay period
- Pay
- Payability
- Payment date
- Payment error rate
- Payment in kind
- Payment
- Peace building
- Peace enforcement
- Peace operations
- Peacekeeping force
- Peacekeeping
- Peacemaking
- Peer review
- Peer-to-peer services or programs
- Peer
- Penalty mail
- Penalty
- Pending bill
- Penetration testing
- Pension
- People
- Per capita
- Per diem
- Per stirpes
- Percussion initiator
- Perfection
- Performance appraisal process
- Performance based logistics
- Performance confidence assessment
- Performance decision
- Performance goal
- Performance improvement
- Performance indicators
- Performance level
- Performance management baseline
- Performance management system
- Performance measure
- Performance measurement
- Performance measures
- Performance metric
- Performance metrics
- Performance objective
- Performance reference model
- Performance requirement
- Performance review board
- Performance risk
- Performance score
- Performance specification
- Performance standard
- Performance standards
- Performance work statement
- Performance-based acquisition
- Performance-based training
- Performance-based
- Performer
- Period costs
- Period of continuing unemployment
- Period of military service
- Period of war
- Period
- Periodic reinvestigations
- Periodic reporting financial
- Peripheral device
- Permanent areas
- Permanent full-time employee
- Permanent housing
- Permanent part-time employee
- Permanent record
- Permanent resident alien
- Permanent v. temporary records
- Permanent
- Permissive environment
- Permit
- Permitting authority
- Persian Gulf war
- Persistent agent
- Persistent mine
- Persistently monitor
- Person centric query service
- Person or persons
- Person(s) with disability(ies)
- Person
- Personal area network
- Personal assistance services
- Personal capacity
- Personal care services
- Personal communications device
- Personal contact information
- Personal effects
- Personal emergency response system
- Personal estate
- Personal file
- Personal identity verification
- Personal information
- Personal items
- Personal locator beacon
- Personal papers
- Personal property
- Personal protective equipment
- Personal relief
- Personal services contract
- Personal services contractor
- Personal staff
- Personal use
- Personal visit
- Personnel accountability
- Personnel action
- Personnel actions
- Personnel department
- Personnel increment number
- Personnel recovery
- Personnel retention
- Personnel security investigation
- Personnel security operation
- Personnel security
- Personnel services support
- Personnel tempo
- Personnel
- Personnelist
- Pesticide product
- Petitioner
- Petitioning spouse
- Petrochemical product
- Petroleum product
- Petroleum products
- Petroleum resources
- Petroleum
- Pharmacotherapeutics
- Phase line
- Phase zero
- Phase-in plan
- Phase
- Phased employment
- Phased retiree
- Phased retirement percentage
- Phased retirement period
- Phased retirement status
- Phonetic alphabet
- Phony minefield
- Photoelectric sensor
- Photovoltaic effect
- Physical abuse
- Physical access control system
- Physical access control
- Physical activity
- Physical characteristics
- Physical damage assessment
- Physical data model
- Physical escort
- Physical infrastructure
- Physical inspection
- Physical inventory
- Physical presence
- Physical restraint
- Physical search
- Physical security measures
- Physical security
- Physical storage facility
- Physician
- Pictorial
- Pilot
- Pipeline carrier
- Pipeline facility
- Pipeline transportation
- Piracy
- Pitch
- Placement
- Plain language (Plain Text)
- Plain language address
- Plain text
- Plan for landing
- Plan identification number
- Plan of action and milestones
- Plan of action
- Planned event
- Planned target
- Planning agency
- Planning and direction
- Planning factor
- Planning factors database
- Planning order
- Planning phase
- Planning team
- Planning
- Plant clearance officer
- Plant closing
- Plant equipment package
- Plant regulator
- Plant
- Plastic explosive
- Platform
- Platter charge
- Playground
- Pledging nation
- Plunger switch
- Point defense
- Point of employment
- Point of need
- Point of origin
- Point source
- Point
- Pointee-talkee
- Polar orbit
- Police lockup
- Police officer
- Policy directive
- Policy statement
- Policy
- Political activities
- Political consultant
- Political subdivision
- Political-military
- Pollutant
- Pollution liability
- Pollution prevention
- Pollution
- Polygamy
- Polygraph examination results
- Polygraph examination
- Polygraph instrument
- Polygraph review
- Polygraph
- Population at risk
- Population density
- Population group
- Population
- Populations
- Pork product
- Pork
- Port complex
- Port of debarkation
- Port of embarkation
- Port of entry
- Port operations group
- Port security
- Port support activity
- Portability
- Portable career
- Portable document format
- Portable electronic device
- Portable media
- Portable network graphics
- Portal
- Portfolio management
- Position description
- Position designation process
- Position management
- Position sensor
- Position
- Positive control
- Positive identification
- Possession
- Post administrator
- Post assignment travel
- Post communications center
- Post of duty
- Post security officer
- Post working group
- Post, telephone, and telegraph
- Post-baccalaureate
- Post-implementation review
- Post-launch abort
- Post-storm assessment
- Post
- Postal officer
- Postconsumer material
- Postnatally diagnosed condition
- Potential impact level
- Potentially responsible party
- Pouch control officer
- Pouch-out-of-control
- Pouch
- Poultry grower
- Poultry growing arrangement
- Poultry product
- Poultry
- Power of attorney
- Power production activities
- Practical
- Practitioner institution
- Practitioner
- Pre-existing damage
- Pre-positioned resources
- Pre-positioned war reserve stock
- Pre-select phase
- Precedence
- Preceptor
- Precipitation static
- Precise time and time interval
- Precision-guided munition
- Precursor
- Predecessor guaranty authority
- Predetermined rate
- Preexisting condition exclusion
- Preferred products list
- Prejudgment remedy
- Prelanding operations
- Preliminarily qualified offender
- Premise distribution system
- Premium pay
- Premium
- Prenatal test
- Prenatally diagnosed condition
- Preparation of the environment
- Preparation
- Prepare to deploy order
- Preparedness
- Preparer
- Preplanned air support
- Present value
- Preserve
- President’s volunteer service award
- Presidential reserve call-up
- Pressure mine
- Pressure switch
- Pretreatment wastewater
- Prevailing rate
- Prevention of mutual interference
- Prevention
- Preventive maintenance
- Preventive medicine
- Previous class
- Previous spouse
- Price
- Pricing
- Primary agency
- Primary care provider
- Primary care
- Primary control officer
- Primary control ship
- Primary energy source
- Primary fusion center
- Primary health care
- Primary permit holder
- Primary residence
- Primary review authority
- Primary transmission
- Prime contract
- Prime contractor
- Prime vendor
- Principal Federal Official
- Principal federal official
- Principal officer
- Principal representative
- Principal
- Priority consideration
- Priority date
- Priority designator
- Priority individual
- Priority workers
- Priority
- Prison
- Prisoner of war
- Privacy act statement
- Privacy compliance review
- Privacy continuous monitoring
- Privacy incident
- Privacy office
- Privacy risk
- Privacy threshold analysis
- Private branch exchange
- Private corporation
- Private entity
- Private responder
- Private sector
- Privately owned motor vehicle
- Privately owned vehicle
- Privately-owned property
- Privatization
- Privilege
- Privity of contract
- Prize
- Pro rata share
- Probabilistic risk assessment
- Probability mathematical
- Probable cause
- Probable
- Probate
- Problem management
- Problem
- Procedural control
- Procedural identification
- Procedure word
- Procedures
- Process improvement
- Process owner
- Process
- Processing
- Processor
- Procurement executive
- Procurement lead time
- Procurement program
- Procurement shared services
- Procurement
- Procuring contracting officer
- Produce
- Produced
- Producer
- Product carrier
- Product costs
- Product
- Production base
- Production requirement
- Production
- Products
- Profession
- Professional athlete
- Professional development training
- Professional liability insurance
- Professional
- Proficiency training
- Profit
- Profitable railroad
- Program and budget review
- Program beneficiary
- Program coordinator
- Program development
- Program identifier
- Program management control
- Program management
- Program of record
- Program office
- Program property
- Program-specific audit
- Program
- Progress review
- Prohibited activity
- Project contract unit
- Project costs
- Project integrated product team
- Project management plan
- Project management
- Project manager
- Project of clinical research
- Project or program manager
- Project phase
- Project plan
- Project resources/ financial risk
- Project risk management
- Project works
- Project
- Projectile
- Promotion
- Proof of citizenship
- Proof
- Propellant
- Propeller
- Proper invoice
- Property accountability
- Property disposition method
- Property management
- Property
- Proposal
- Proposed legislation
- Proprietary information
- Propriety station
- Prosecutor
- Prospecting
- Prospective adoptive parents
- Prostitution
- Protect
- Protected area
- Protected distribution system
- Protected emblems
- Protection of shipping
- Protection
- Protective action
- Protective clothing
- Protective minefield
- Protective security officer
- Protest
- Protocol
- Prototype
- Provider
- Provincial reconstruction team
- Provisional rate
- Provisioned IT service
- Proxy bomber
- Psychiatric disorders
- Psychological consequence
- Psychologist
- Psychosocial support
- Public Information Officer
- Public accommodation facility
- Public affairs assessment
- Public affairs guidance
- Public affairs
- Public agency
- Public and private entity
- Public assistance
- Public building
- Public care institution
- Public charge
- Public corporation
- Public defender
- Public diplomacy
- Public health center
- Public health emergency
- Public health
- Public information
- Public involvement
- Public key infrastructure
- Public lands
- Public officer
- Public or nonprofit institution
- Public reimbursable source
- Public reimbursable tender
- Public trust position
- Public vessel
- Public water system
- Public-use forms
- Public
- Publication
- Publish
- Publisher
- Pull switch
- Purchase order
- Purchase price
- Pyrotechnic delay
- Pyrotechnic timing switch
- Radiation detection equipment
- Radiation dose rate
- Radiation dose
- Radiation exposure status
- Radiation source
- Radiation
- Radicalization
- Radio controlled switch
- Radio frequency countermeasures
- Radio frequency sensor
- Radiofrequency shielding
- Radiological dispersal device
- Radiological exposure device
- Radiological materials
- Radiological
- Raid
- Rail carrier
- Rail properties
- Railhead
- Railroad employee
- Railroad employer
- Railroad frontline employees
- Range condition
- Range improvement
- Range
- Rangelands or public rangelands
- Rangers
- Rank
- Rape
- Rapid global mobility
- Rapid response
- Rare disease
- Rare pediatric disease
- Rate
- Ratemaking authority
- Rater of record
- Rating and ranking
- Rating official
- Rating
- Rationalization
- Raw ivory
- Re-acquired assets
- Re-refined oil
- Reachback
- Reader
- Readily available inventories
- Readiness
- Ready reserve
- Ready-to-load date
- Real economic growth
- Real effective exchange rate
- Real interest rate
- Real or constant dollar values
- Real property application
- Real property
- Real time crime center
- Real-time patient data
- Real-time public reporting
- Real-time seismic warning system
- Realignment
- Realistic military training
- Reasonable accommodation
- Reasonable assurance
- Reasonable belief
- Reasonable further progress
- Reasonably allocate
- Reassignment personnel
- Reattack recommendation
- Reauthorization
- Recalcitrant cancer
- Recapture auditing
- Recaptured visas
- Receipt of goods or services
- Receiving country
- Receiving report
- Receiving ship
- Recency
- Recently separated veteran
- Reception and Placement
- Reception
- Recertified payment
- Recipient
- Recognition signal
- Recognition
- Recognized amount
- Recombinant DNA
- Recommendation
- Recommending official
- Reconciliation, cashier
- Reconciliation
- Reconnaissance
- Reconstitution
- Record copy
- Record material
- Record of decision EPA
- Record of proceedings
- Record retention period
- Record schedule guide
- Record series
- Record traffic
- Record
- Recordable contract
- Recordkeeping requirement
- Records and supporting documents
- Records custodian
- Records disposition authority
- Records disposition schedule
- Records disposition
- Records liaison
- Records management accession
- Records management
- Records of a board
- Records schedule approval
- Records
- Recourse
- Recoverable waste energy
- Recoverable
- Recovered check
- Recovered goods
- Recovered material certification
- Recovered material estimation
- Recovered material verification
- Recovered material
- Recovered resources
- Recovery and reconstitution
- Recovery community organization
- Recovery mechanism
- Recovery operations
- Recovery point objective
- Recovery site
- Recovery team
- Recovery time objective
- Recovery vehicle
- Recovery
- Recreational vessel
- Recruitment
- Recurrent training
- Recurring detail
- Recyclability
- Recycled material
- Recycled oil
- Recycled rubber
- Recycling
- Red team
- Red/ black concept
- Red/ black separation
- Redeployment
- Redevelopment authority
- Redress
- Reduced leave schedule
- Reduced operating status
- Reduction in force
- Reduction
- Redundancy
- Redundant control capability
- Reemployment priority
- Reenter and reentry
- Reentry site
- Reentry vehicle
- Reentry
- Reference/ research service
- Refined petroleum products
- Refiner
- Refit
- Refraction
- Refugee processing center
- Refugee
- Regional Disbursing Officer
- Regional air defense commander
- Regional center
- Regional employer
- Regional innovation cluster
- Regional jet aircraft
- Regional jet
- Regional project
- Regional security officer
- Regionalism
- Registrant
- Registration information
- Registry
- Regression testing
- Regular overtime work
- Regular
- Regularly scheduled overtime work
- Regularly scheduled standby duty
- Regularly scheduled work
- Regulated item
- Regulated lending institution
- Regulation statement
- Regulation
- Regulatory function
- Regulatory order
- Rehabilitation facility
- Rehabilitation technology
- Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitative care
- Rehabilitative services
- Rehearsal phase
- Reimbursable detail
- Reimbursements
- Reinforcing obstacles
- Reinstatement
- Reintegrate
- Related activities
- Related equipment
- Related persons
- Relative price
- Relative risk
- Relative
- Release altitude
- Release hazardous substance
- Release version
- Release
- Releaser
- Relevancy
- Relevant environment testing
- Relevant question
- Reliability system
- Relief in place
- Religious advisement
- Religious affairs
- Religious organization
- Religious support team
- Religious support
- Religious vocation
- Religious worker
- Relocation site
- Remain-behind equipment
- Remand
- Remedial action
- Remediation plan acquisition
- Remediation waste
- Remediation
- Remedy coordination official
- Remedy
- Remote (non-local) maintenance
- Remote access
- Remote diagnostic facility
- Remote processing
- Remote sensing space capabilities
- Remotely driven conveyance
- Removable media
- Removal action
- Removal costs
- Removal or remove
- Render safe procedures
- Rendezvous area
- Renewable biomass
- Renewable chemical
- Renewable energy source
- Renewable energy sources
- Renewable energy system
- Renewable energy
- Renewable fuel
- Renewable-resource energy measure
- Renovation structure
- Reorganization
- Repair cycle
- Repair
- Repairable item
- Repatriation
- Repayment contract
- Repeat intoxicated driver law
- Replacement in kind
- Replacement value
- Replacement
- Replanted crop
- Replenishment
- Report (including testimony)
- Report of death
- Reportable food
- Reportable incident
- Reporting activity level
- Reporting costs
- Reporting day
- Reporting
- Repository
- Representative payee
- Representative
- Reprimand
- Reprocessing and reprocess
- Reprogramming
- Request for assistance
- Request for change
- Request for information
- Request for proposal
- Request to exit device
- Requesting agency
- Required delivery date
- Required form
- Required training
- Required use
- Requirement
- Requirements creep
- Requirements definition
- Requirements determination
- Requirements development
- Requirements document
- Requirements documents
- Requirements generation
- Requirements management system
- Requirements management
- Requirements sponsor
- Requiring activity
- Requiring office
- Rescission
- Rescue combat air patrol
- Rescue coordination center
- Research and development
- Research data
- Research institution performer
- Research on women's health
- Research record
- Research report
- Research
- Reservations
- Reserve active-status list
- Reserve component
- Reserve components
- Reserve officer
- Reserve
- Reserved obstacles
- Reserved works
- Reset
- Resettled person
- Resettlement support center
- Residence
- Residential dwellings
- Residential improved real estate
- Residential real property
- Residual forces
- Residual radiation
- Residual risk
- Residual value
- Resilience/ Community resilience
- Resilience/ community resilience
- Resilience
- Resistance movement
- Resolution
- Resolved
- Resource allocation decision
- Resource allocation plan
- Resource conservation
- Resource extraction issuer
- Resource management
- Resource planning guidance
- Resource recovery system
- Resource recovery
- Resource-conserving crop
- Resource
- Resources
- Respect for freedom of the press
- Respite care services
- Respite care
- Respondent
- Response
- Responsible audit agency
- Responsible bidder/ offeror
- Responsible official
- Responsible person
- Responsive bid
- Rest and recuperation
- Restitution
- Restorative justice program
- Restore
- Restored annual leave
- Restrain person
- Restraint
- Restricted area
- Restricted data
- Restricted grade
- Restricted items list
- Restricted target list
- Restricted target
- Results driven
- Results framework
- Resupply
- Resuscitative care
- Retained personnel
- Retention register
- Retirement
- Retraining
- Retrograde
- Return on investment
- Return to base
- Returnee
- Returning resident
- Reuse
- Revenue-sharing arrangement
- Reverse accommodation exchange
- Revolving fund account
- Rights of custody
- Rights of interim contact
- Rights
- Riot control agent
- Riot
- Risk acceptance
- Risk analysis
- Risk assessment methodology
- Risk assessment tool
- Risk assessment
- Risk avoidance
- Risk communication
- Risk control
- Risk data
- Risk exposure
- Risk financial
- Risk governance
- Risk identification
- Risk indicator
- Risk management cycle
- Risk management methodology
- Risk management plan
- Risk management
- Risk matrix
- Risk mitigation option
- Risk mitigation
- Risk perception
- Risk profile
- Risk reduction
- Risk response
- Risk retention group
- Risk score
- Risk tolerance
- Risk transfer
- Risk
- River
- Roadmap
- Rock dust
- Role specialist nation
- Role-based access control
- Roll-on, roll-off ship
- Rome Statute
- Root cause analysis
- Root cause
- Rough terrain container handler
- Route
- Routine use
- Routine
- Routing line segregation
- Routing line
- Royalties
- Rules of engagement
- Rural area
- Rural heritage
- Rural volunteer fire department
- Rural
- Ruse
- SEAL delivery vehicle team
- SEAL team
- Sabotage
- Sac vides
- Sacred objects
- Safe haven
- Safe house
- Safe-to-arm switch
- Safeguard officer
- Safeguarding
- Safeguards
- Safekeeping
- Safety concern
- Safety investigation
- Safety
- Safing
- Sailing school student
- Sale or sell
- Saline water
- Salvage automobile
- Salvage value
- Salvage yard
- Salvage
- Sanction enforcement
- Sanctioned person
- Sanctions
- Sanitary or phytosanitary measure
- Sanitization
- Satellite
- Scan
- Scanner
- Scanning
- Scenario mapping
- Scenario risk
- Scenic easement
- Schedule of compliance
- Schedule of fire
- Schedule risk
- Scheduled annual leave
- Scheduled target
- Scheme of fires
- Scheme of maneuver
- Scheme or artifice to defraud
- School dropout
- School leader residency program
- School of allied health
- School or department of divinity
- School resource officer
- School year
- School-based prevention
- Scientific collection
- Scientific data
- Scientific personnel
- Scientifically based research
- Scientist
- Scrap
- Screen barrier
- Screening medical
- Screening
- Script
- Sea areas
- Sea barge
- Sea control operations
- Sea echelon area
- Sea echelon plan
- Sea echelon
- Sea grant program
- Sea mine
- Sea state
- Seabasing
- Seal crimping device
- Sealed bidding
- Sealift enhancement features
- Seaman of the United States
- Seaman
- Seaport
- Search and detect sensor
- Search and rescue point
- Search and rescue region
- Search engine
- Search
- Seasonal agricultural services
- Seat belt
- Seclusion
- Second crop
- Second-line support
- Secondary loads
- Secondary school
- Secondary transmission
- Secret ballot
- Secret classification
- Secret
- Secretary of Defense
- Section telegram
- Section
- Sector Command Center
- Sector Coordinating Council
- Sector air defense commander
- Sector-Specific Agency
- Secure room
- Secure voice
- Secure/ security
- Secure
- Security Environment Threat List
- Security agreement
- Security anomaly
- Security assistance
- Security categories
- Security categorization
- Security category
- Security classification
- Security clearance
- Security control assessment
- Security control baseline
- Security control
- Security cooperation
- Security domain
- Security equipment
- Security force assistance
- Security forces
- Security functions
- Security futures product
- Security guideline
- Security incident
- Security infraction
- Security interest
- Security management system
- Security professional
- Security review
- Security risk
- Security sector assistance
- Security sector reform
- Security service
- Security services
- Security testing
- Security violation
- Security vulnerability
- Security warning
- Security-in-depth
- Security-related incident
- Security-related technology
- Security
- Segment
- Segregation of duties
- Segregation
- Seize
- Seizure
- Seizures
- Select phase
- Selected Reserve
- Selecting Official
- Selective identification feature
- Selective loading
- Selective mobilization
- Selective off-loading
- Selective placement factor
- Selective unloading
- Self-administration
- Self-inspection
- Self-insurance
- Self-management program health
- Self-proving will
- Self-study training
- Sell or distribute
- Semiconductor chip product
- Sender
- Senior Executive Service
- Senior Financial Officer
- Senior Insider Threat Official
- Senior agency official
- Senior airfield authority
- Senior contracting official
- Senior level position
- Senior procurement executive
- Senior security
- Senior
- Seniority
- Sense and avoid capability
- Sensitive But Unclassified
- Sensitive compartmented information
- Sensitive countries list
- Sensitive information
- Sensitive initiative
- Sensitive location immigration
- Sensitive military operation
- Sensitive nuclear technology
- Sensitive personal information
- Sensitive personal property
- Sensitive position
- Sensitive site
- Sensitive unit
- Sensitive
- Sensitivity analysis
- Sensitivity attributes
- Sensitivity position
- Sensor classification
- Sensor defeat
- Sensor switch
- Separate account
- Separate maintenance allowance
- Separate smaller contract
- Separation employment
- Separation
- Sequel
- Sequential training
- Sequester and sequestration
- Serious bodily injury
- Serious emotional disturbance
- Serious employment handicap
- Serious health condition
- Serious physical injury
- Server room
- Server
- Service acquisition executive
- Service component command
- Service component reference model
- Service component system
- Service court
- Service in the uniformed services
- Service level agreement
- Service message
- Service obligation
- Service of process
- Service oriented architecture
- Service sector firm
- Service system
- Service)
- Service-common
- Service-connected disabilities
- Service-connected
- Service-disabled veteran
- Service-level agreement
- Service-unique container
- Service
- Serviced agency
- Servicemember
- Services
- Servicing agency
- Settle
- Settlement
- Seventh-Floor Principals
- Severe energy supply interruption
- Severe marine debris event
- Severe mental pain or suffering
- Severe repetitive loss structure
- Severity of need index
- Sewage sludge
- Sewage
- Sex trafficking
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual assault with an object
- Sexual assault
- Sexual exploitation
- Sexually reproduced
- Shadow price
- Shall
- Shaped charge
- Shared leave status
- Shared medical expenses
- Shared repository
- Shared space information
- Sharing
- Shelter-in-place
- Shelter
- Shielding
- Shift permit
- Ship critical safety item
- Ship-to-shore movement
- Ship
- Shipment
- Shipping articles
- Shipping
- Ships papers
- Shock tube initiator
- Shop drawings
- Shore fire control party
- Shore party
- Shoreline
- Short life cycle merchandise
- Short takeoff and landing
- Short title
- Short-range ballistic missile
- Short-term detention
- Short-term recovery
- Shortfall
- Should
- Show of force
- Show-cause letter
- Sickness
- Signal employee
- Signal operating instructions
- Signal system
- Signaling device
- Signals intelligence
- Signature or signed
- Significant aggravation
- Significant cause
- Significant cost growth threshold
- Significant cyber incident
- Significant military equipment
- Significant percentage
- Significant wave height
- Significant weakness
- Simplified acquisition procedures
- Simplified acquisition threshold
- Simulation
- Simultaneous engagement
- Single audit
- Single manager for transportation
- Single manager
- Single net lease
- Single port manager
- Single real property manager
- Single-anchor leg mooring
- Single-class air accommodations
- Single-employer plan
- Single-project
- Single-service manager
- Site exploitation
- Site security manager
- Situation report
- Situation template
- Situational awareness
- Situational forces
- Situational telework
- Sixteen contiguous Western States
- Size category
- Slaughter data
- Sleep mode
- Slot
- Sludge
- Slumber coach
- Small awards
- Small business concern
- Small business subcontractor
- Small refiner
- Small unmanned aircraft
- Small vessel
- Smart card
- Smart phone
- Snapshot
- Social amplification of risk
- Social media
- Social security account number
- Sociocultural analysis
- Sociocultural factors
- Software
- Soils
- Solar energy
- Solatium
- Sole source acquisition
- Solicitation
- Solid waste management
- Solid waste
- Son or daughter
- Sortie allotment message
- Sortie
- Sound professional judgment
- Source Selection Advisory Council
- Source Selection Authority
- Source document
- Source reduction
- Source
- Sovereign citizen extremist
- Space asset
- Space capability
- Space control
- Space coordinating authority
- Space environment
- Space force application
- Space force enhancement
- Space forces
- Space superiority
- Space surveillance
- Space systems
- Space transportation vehicle
- Space vehicle
- Space weather
- Spam
- Span of control
- Spare parts
- Spatial data standards
- Spatial data
- Special Security Officer
- Special access program
- Special agent
- Special clearances
- Special competency
- Special event
- Special forces group
- Special forces
- Special interest alien
- Special mission unit
- Special needs populations
- Special needs
- Special nuclear material
- Special operations forces
- Special operations task force
- Special operations weather team
- Special operations wing
- Special operations-peculiar
- Special operations
- Special populations
- Special priorities assistance
- Special protected class
- Special purpose equipment
- Special purpose post
- Special tactics team
- Special test equipment
- Special use application
- Specialization
- Specialized experience
- Specification
- Specifications
- Specified task
- Speleogen
- Speleothem
- Spherical zone of control
- Spillage cyber security
- Spoke
- Sponsor DHS Component
- Sponsor
- Spot net
- Spot
- Spotter
- Spotting
- Spouse
- Spreader bar
- Spyware
- Squadron
- Squib/ ignitor
- Stability operations
- Stabilization
- Stable patient
- Staff judge advocate
- Stafford Act
- Staging area
- Staging base
- Staging
- Stakeholder
- Stalking
- Stand-alone
- Standard competition form
- Standard general ledger
- Standard of performance
- Standard operating procedure
- Standard
- Standardization
- Standards-related measure
- Standards
- Standby Reserve
- Standing information need
- Standing order
- Start date
- Start of message indicator
- State dam safety agency
- State hospital facilities agency
- State mental health authority
- State of Manufacture
- State of Occurrence
- State regulated gas utility
- State
- Stateless person
- Station time
- Station
- Stationary source
- Status-of-forces agreement
- Status
- Steady state
- Steam vessel
- Steamer
- Sterilizer
- Steroid resource
- Stockage objective
- Stop-loss
- Storage facility
- Storage media
- Storage
- Stowage factor
- Stowage plan
- Stowage
- Stowaway
- Straggler
- Strangling
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve
- Strategic communication
- Strategic concept
- Strategic end states
- Strategic estimate
- Strategic foresight
- Strategic goal
- Strategic goals
- Strategic intelligence
- Strategic level
- Strategic mission
- Strategic mobility
- Strategic objective
- Strategic plan
- Strategic risk
- Strategic sealift
- Strategic sourcing
- Strategies
- Strategy
- Strength
- Strike
- Student
- Students with disabilities
- Stuffing
- Stunting
- Subacute care
- Subaward
- Subcashier
- Subcontract
- Subject matter expert
- Subject merchandise
- Subject
- Subjective probability
- Submarine operating authority
- Submersible vessel
- Submunition
- Subordinate plan
- Subordinate unified command
- Subpoena
- Subrecipient
- Subscriber identity module
- Subsidiary landing
- Subsidiary
- Substance abuse
- Substantial content
- Substantial harm facility
- Substantially damaged structure
- Subsystem
- Subversion
- Successful resolution
- Succession
- Suffocating
- Suitability
- Sulfur hexafluoride
- Summons
- Sun-synchronous orbit
- Sunk cost
- Supercargo
- Superior commissioned officer
- Supervisor
- Supervisory development training
- Supplemental agreement
- Supplemental health services
- Supplemental material
- Supplier
- Supplies
- Supply chain management
- Supply chain risk management
- Supply chain
- Supply support activity
- Supply
- Support agency
- Support annexes
- Support equipment
- Support group
- Support system
- Support to prosecution
- Support
- Supported commander
- Supported unit
- Supporting arms
- Supporting commander
- Supporting fire
- Supporting operations
- Supporting plan
- Supportive housing
- Supportive services
- Suppression of enemy air defenses
- Suppression
- Surety consideration risk
- Surety
- Surf line
- Surf zone
- Surface action group
- Surface combatant
- Surface transportation modes
- Surface warfare
- Surge capacity
- Surge
- Surplus agricultural commodity
- Surplus
- Surreptitious entry
- Surveillance
- Survivability system
- Survivability
- Survivor
- Suspect
- Suspected device surveillance
- Suspected terrorist
- Suspend
- Suspension
- Suspensions
- Suspicious activity reporting
- Sustain
- Sustainability
- Sustainable
- Sustained yield
- Sustainment system
- Sustainment
- Swap dealer
- Swine
- Switch
- Switching
- Synchronization
- Synthesis
- System Access
- System for Award Management
- System high mode
- System of records notice
- System of systems
- System record
- System security plan
- System-specific control
- System
- Systems analysis
- Systems engineering
- Systems reliability risk
- Systems thinking
- T Visa
- T-nonimmigrant status
- TAA-related election period
- TAA-related loss of coverage
- TABOO frequencies
- TEMPEST hazard
- TEMPEST test
- TRICARE program
- Table of allowance
- Tactical air command center
- Tactical air control center
- Tactical air control party
- Tactical air direction center
- Tactical air officer
- Tactical air operations center
- Tactical assembly area
- Tactical combat casualty care
- Tactical combat force
- Tactical control
- Tactical data link
- Tactical intelligence
- Tactical level of war
- Tactical level
- Tactical minefield
- Tactical obstacles
- Tactical plan
- Tactical questioning
- Tactical reserve
- Tactical-logistical group
- Tactics
- Tag
- Tailorable
- Tailoring
- Tamper switch
- Tandem couple
- Tandem
- Tank vessel
- Tanker
- Target acquisition
- Target actors
- Target analysis
- Target area of interest
- Target areas
- Target audience
- Target capabilities list
- Target complex
- Target component
- Target country
- Target development
- Target folder
- Target housing
- Target information center
- Target intelligence
- Target location error
- Target materials
- Target nomination list
- Target of opportunity
- Target reference point
- Target system analysis
- Target system assessment
- Target system component
- Target system
- Target
- Targeted employment area
- Targeteer
- Targeting
- Tarmac delay
- Task component
- Task element
- Task force
- Task group
- Task manager
- Task order
- Task organization
- Task performance observations
- Task unit
- Task
- Tasking order
- Tax expenditures budget
- Tax expenditures
- Tax jurisdiction
- Tax
- Taxation
- Taxonomy
- Taxpayer Identification Number
- Taxpayer identification number
- Teacher
- Teaching facilities
- Teaching fellows and assistants
- Teaching position
- Tear line
- TechStat Accountability Session
- TechStat
- Technical analysis
- Technical assistance costs
- Technical assistance grants
- Technical assistance
- Technical certification
- Technical data
- Technical escort
- Technical evaluation panel
- Technical evaluation team
- Technical evaluation
- Technical excellence
- Technical intelligence
- Technical management
- Technical nuclear forensics
- Technical obsolescence risk
- Technical penetration
- Technical question
- Technical rectifications
- Technical regulation
- Technical requirement
- Technical review authority
- Technical risk
- Technical security
- Technical support group
- Technical surveillance
- Technical training
- Technical vulnerability
- Techniques
- Technology demonstrator
- Technology foraging
- Technology measurement area
- Technology product
- Technology risk
- Technology safeguards
- Technology transfer
- Technology
- Telecenters
- Telecommunication
- Telecommunications service
- Telecommunications
- Telecommuting centers
- Teleconferencing
- Telegram
- Telehealth services
- Telehealth technologies
- Telemedicine
- Telemental health
- Telemetry switch
- Telephone Security Group
- Telephone service
- Telephone
- Telephony Circuitry
- Telephony
- Telework agreement
- Telework center
- Telework compatible work
- Telework eligible
- Telework ready employee
- Telework
- Template
- Temporary appointment
- Temporary detail
- Temporary duty location
- Temporary duty
- Temporary employee
- Temporary employment
- Temporary interment
- Temporary record
- Temporary storage
- Temporary
- Tenant agency
- Tenant programs and services
- Tends
- Tension release trigger
- Tension/ pull trigger
- Term ocean
- Term toxic pollutant
- Terminal attack control
- Terminal control
- Terminal guidance operations
- Terminal guidance
- Terminal operations
- Terminal phase
- Terminal
- Termination criteria
- Termination for cause
- Termination for convenience
- Termination for default
- Termination inventory
- Termination
- Terms of reference
- Terms of trade
- Terrain analysis
- Terrain avoidance system
- Terrain flight
- Terrain following sensor
- Terrain intelligence
- Terrestrial environment
- Territorial airspace
- Territorial instrumentality
- Territorial seas
- Territorial waters
- Territories
- Territory
- Terrorism information
- Terrorism-related information
- Terrorism
- Terrorist activity
- Terrorist group
- Terrorist organization
- Terrorist screening database
- Terrorist threat level
- Test and evaluation master plan
- Test and evaluation
- Test case
- Test plan
- Test readiness review
- Test
- Testate
- Testator
- Testatrix
- Testimony
- Text
- Texting/ text messaging
- The arts
- The beginning of the war
- Theater component commander
- Theater detainee reporting center
- Theater distribution system
- Theater distribution
- Theater event system
- Theater of operations
- Theater of war
- Theater strategy
- Theater support contract
- Theater
- Then year dollars
- Thermal crossover
- Thermal plume
- Thermal radiation
- Thin client
- Third Geneva Convention
- Third party in-kind contributions
- Third party managed parking
- Third party
- Third-country national
- Third-line support
- Thorough decontamination
- Threat analysis
- Threat assessment
- Threat warning
- Threat
- Three-year moving window
- Threshold Test-Ban Treaty
- Threshold value
- Threshold
- Throughput capacity
- Throughput time
- Throughput
- Ticket agent
- Tier review
- Tiering
- Tilt switch
- Time delay
- Time mechanical switch
- Time of flight
- Time of transmission
- Time on target
- Time out
- Time switch
- Time to target
- Time-and-materials contract
- Time-definite delivery
- Time-in-Grade
- Time-in-class
- Time-in-service
- Time-sensitive target
- Timekeeper
- Timekeeping
- Times
- Tipped employee
- Title
- To distribute or sell
- Top guard
- Top secret classification
- Top secret
- Top-level program baseline
- Tophandler
- Topographic map
- Tort claim
- Torture
- Total acquisition cost
- Total actual profit
- Total cost
- Total expenses
- Total installed price
- Total mobilization
- Total separation
- Total worker health
- Totalitarian party
- Tour of duty
- Towing vessel
- Toxic chemical
- Toxic industrial biological
- Toxic industrial chemical
- Toxic industrial material
- Toxic industrial radiological
- Toxin
- Trace number
- Traceability product
- Tracer action
- Track correlation
- Track management
- Track of interest
- Track
- Tracking device
- Tracking
- Trade Representative
- Trade enforcement
- Trade facilitation
- Trade secret
- Trade study
- Trade-off acquisition
- Trade-off
- Tradecraft
- Trademarks
- Trading facility
- Traditional food
- Traditional fuel
- Traffic management
- Traffic
- Trailer transporter towing unit
- Trailer
- Train employee
- Trained personnel
- Training aid
- Training and readiness oversight
- Training and training support
- Training delivery method
- Training objective
- Training proficiency assessment
- Training proficiency evaluation
- Training-related injury
- Training
- Transfer of office
- Transfer payment
- Transfer personnel
- Transfer
- Transferred works
- Transgenic animal
- Transient forces
- Transit asset management plan
- Transit asset management system
- Transit zone
- Transition phase
- Transition risk
- Transition
- Transitional military authority
- Transitional yield
- Transmission security
- Transnational crime
- Transnational infrastructure
- Transnational threat
- Transport area
- Transport group
- Transport or transportation
- Transportation (marine)
- Transportation closure
- Transportation component command
- Transportation controls
- Transportation disruption
- Transportation expenses
- Transportation feasibility
- Transportation feasible
- Transportation management
- Transportation priorities
- Transportation system
- Transportation
- Transshipment point
- Transshipment
- Trauma
- Traumatic brain injury
- Travel documentation
- Travel management center
- Treasury account symbol financial
- Treatment facility
- Treatment
- Trembler switch
- Trial
- Tribal government
- Tribal leader
- Tribal
- Tribe
- Triple net lease
- Troop space cargo
- Tropical disease
- Trusted computing base
- Trusted shipper
- Trusteeship
- Tuber propagated
- Turnaround
- Turning movement
- Twenty-foot equivalent unit
- Two factor authentication
- Type
- Typed and typing
- Types of compliance requirements
- U Visa
- U-nonimmigrant status
- U.S. Campus-based Professionals
- U.S. Commonwealth
- U.S. Forces
- U.S. Foreign Service employees
- U.S. Government employee
- U.S. Government personnel
- U.S. Government vehicle
- U.S. Mission
- U.S. citizen employee
- U.S. citizen resident or resident
- U.S. diplomatic pouch
- U.S. disbursing officer
- U.S. interests section
- U.S. person
- US forces
- US national
- Ultimate purchaser
- Ultimate user
- Ultra-high speed service
- Ultrasonic detector
- Umbrella special access program
- Unacceptable risk
- Unaccompanied Refugee Minor
- Unaccompanied alien child
- Unaccompanied post
- Unaccompanied pouches
- Unaccounted-for Cold War POW/ MIA
- Unallocated interest fund
- Unallowable cost
- Unanticipated target
- Unassociated funerary objects
- Unauthorized access
- Unauthorized alien
- Unauthorized commitment
- Unauthorized disclosure
- Unavailable check action
- Uncertain environment
- Uncertainty
- Unclassified controlled air pouch
- Uncollectible check
- Unconventional assisted recovery
- Unconventional warfare
- Undefinitized contractual action
- Undelivered check
- Under the control of armed groups
- Underbody
- Underground injection
- Underground storage tank
- Underrepresented population
- Undersea warfare
- Underserved community
- Underwater demolition team
- Underwater demolition
- Underwriter
- Undesirable incident
- Undocumented
- Undue burden
- Undue hardship
- Unearned leave status
- Unemployed individual
- Unencumbered
- Unexploded explosive ordnance
- Unexploded ordnance
- Unfair trade practice
- Unfunded accrued liability
- Unfunded liability
- Unified Area Command
- Unified Command Plan
- Unified Command Representative
- Unified Command
- Unified Coordination Group
- Unified action
- Unified combatant command
- Unified command
- Uniform Resource Locator
- Uniform issuances
- Uniform regulations
- Uniformed service
- Uniformed services
- Unilateral agricultural sanction
- Unilateral medical sanction
- Uninspected passenger vessel
- Uninterruptible power supply
- Unique entity identifier
- Unique identifier
- Unit aircraft
- Unit cost
- Unit identification code
- Unit line number
- Unit load device
- Unit movement control center
- Unit movement data
- Unit of local government
- Unit personnel and tonnage table
- Unit security officer
- Unit type code
- Unit
- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540
- United States Armed Forces
- United States Central Authority
- United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
- United States Coast Guard
- United States Department of Homeland Security
- United States Naval Ship
- United States Postal Service
- United States Secret Service
- United States Student
- United States and its Territories
- United States assistance
- United States border officer
- United States client
- United States commercial provider
- United States contiguous zone
- United States firm
- United States internal waters
- United States maritime domain
- United States marshal
- United States message text format
- United States person
- United States public vessel
- United States territorial sea
- United States undocumented vessel
- United States waters
- United States wine
- United States-Mexico Border Area
- United States-controlled shipping
- United States
- Unity of command
- Unity of effort
- Unity of purpose
- Universal Joint Task List
- Universal Task List
- Universal Time
- Universal design for learning
- Universal design
- Universal joint task list
- Universal testing of newborns
- Universal waste
- Universities
- Unknown bulk explosive
- Unknown
- Unliquidated obligations
- Unmanned aircraft system
- Unmanned aircraft
- Unmarried
- Unobligated balance
- Unofficial travel
- Unofficial
- Unplanned target
- Unprocessed agricultural products
- Unreasonable price
- Unrecovered indirect cost
- Unregulated hazardous substance
- Unresolved abduction case
- Unresolved
- Unrestricted reporting
- Unscheduled record
- Unscheduled records
- Unscheduled telework
- Unsolicited proposal
- Unstable patient
- Unstuffing
- Untreated sewage
- Unusual hours
- Unusual work hours
- Unwitting co-optees
- Up to three months
- Upgrade
- Upgrading
- Upper atmosphere
- Upstream subsidy
- Urban area
- Urbanized area
- Urgency measure
- Urgent
- Usable water
- Use case
- Use of force policy
- Used for commercial purposes
- Used fur
- Used oil
- Useful life
- User ID
- User IT services
- User activity monitoring
- User
- Usual commercial quantities
- Utility energy services contract
- Utility
- VA National Rules of Behavior
- VA health care facility
- VA sensitive data
- Vacancy rate, workforce
- Vacancy, workforce
- Vacancy
- Vaccine-related injury or death
- Valid (validity)
- Validate
- Validation
- Value Engineering proposal
- Value capture
- Value engineering change proposal
- Value engineering study
- Value engineering
- Value of statistical life
- Vanpool member
- Vanpool
- Variable costs
- Variola virus
- Vector
- Vegetation
- Vehicle cargo
- Vehicle identification number
- Vehicle registration
- Vehicle rental facility
- Vehicle
- Vendor
- Venue
- Verification
- Version
- Vertical envelopment
- Vertical replenishment
- Vertical stowage
- Very low-income families
- Very poor
- Vessel identification system
- Vessel of interest
- Vessel of the United States
- Vessel of war
- Vessel
- Vessels of the United States
- Vested liabilities
- Veteran (deceased)
- Veteran family
- Veteran military
- Veteran of any war
- Veteran of the Vietnam era
- Veteran
- Veterans organization
- Veterans preference
- Veterans service organization
- Veterans treatment court program
- Vetting
- VfPServe
- Vibrations sensor
- Victim operated switch
- Video Program Office
- Video TeleConference
- Video arcade facility
- Video monitoring system
- Video remote interpreting service
- Vienna Convention
- Vietnam conflict
- Vietnam era
- Vietnam veteran
- Views letter
- Violation
- Violent extremism
- Violent offender
- Virgin material
- Virtual locality pay
- Visa fraud
- Visa incident
- Visible sensor
- Visitor badge
- Visitor passes
- Visitor
- Visual distraction
- Visual information
- Visual meteorological conditions
- Visual observation
- Vital record
- Vital records inventory
- Vital records program
- Vital records
- Vocational goal
- Voice Over Internet Protocol
- Voice terminal
- Volatile memory
- Volumetric sensor
- Voluntary building energy code
- Voluntary consensus standard
- Voluntary consensus standards
- Voluntary contributions
- Voluntary family planning program
- Voluntary opt-out testing
- Voluntary tanker agreement
- Voluntary visitor
- Voluntary
- Volunteer Community Service
- Volunteer
- Voting security
- Voucher
- Vulnerability assessment
- Vulnerability degree
- Vulnerability
- Wages
- Waiting period
- Waived special access program
- Walk-in
- War activities
- War crime
- War material
- War premises
- War reserve materiel requirement
- War reserve stock
- War utilities
- War-risk hazard
- Warden system
- Warehouse operator
- Warehouse
- Warning intelligence
- Warning message
- Warning order
- Warrant officer
- Warrant
- Warranty
- Wartime reserve modes
- Washington Funded Costs
- Washington Liaison Group
- Washington metropolitan region
- Wassenaar Arrangement
- Waste diversion
- Waste fur
- Waste minimization
- Waste prevention
- Waste reduction
- Wastewater
- Watch list
- Watch message
- Water consumption intensity
- Water resources
- Water supply system
- Water use
- Waters of the United States
- Watershed boundaries
- Waterspace management
- Wave
- Waybill
- Weakness
- Weapon engagement zone
- Weapon of mass destruction
- Weapon system
- Weaponeer
- Weaponeering
- Weaponize or weaponization
- Weapons activities
- Weapons control status
- Weapons free zone
- Weapons of mass destruction
- Weapons readiness state
- Weapons release authority
- Weapons technical intelligence
- Weapons-related activities
- Web applications
- Web browser
- Web conferencing
- Web content management system
- Web content manager
- Web content publisher
- Web liaison
- Web page
- Web portal
- Web technology
- Website
- Weed
- Week of unemployment
- Weight of the overload
- Weighted average dumping margin
- Weingarten rights
- Well-qualified candidate
- Well-qualified employee
- Wellness
- Wet signature
- Wetland
- Wetlands
- When actually employed
- Whistleblower
- Whitelisting
- Whole-of-government planning
- Wi-fi
- Wide area network
- Widow or widower
- Widow
- Widower
- Wiegand
- Wildfire protection resources
- Wildfire
- Wildlife and wildlife resources
- Wildlife conservation education
- Wildlife-associated recreation
- Wildlife-restoration project
- Wildlife
- Will
- Willful misconduct
- Willingness to pay
- Willingness-to-accept
- Willingness-to-pay
- Wind energy system
- Wing
- Wire communication facility
- Wire communication
- Wireless communications
- Wireless tail circuit
- Wireless technology
- Withdrawal
- Witness
- Wool product
- Wool
- Work breakdown schedule activity
- Work breakdown structure
- Work college
- Work of preparing the coal
- Work schedule
- Workaround
- Workbag
- Worker
- Workforce development activity
- Workforce development program
- Workforce development system
- Workforce investment activity
- Workforce member
- Workforce preparation activities
- Working Capital Fund
- Working capital advance
- Working capital fund
- Working email
- Working group
- Working percentage employment
- Workplace learning advisor
- World Bank
- World Trade Organization
- World War II
- World Wide Web Consortium
- World Wide Web
- Worldwide
- Wounded warrior programs
- Write-off
- Youth center
- Youth offender
- Youth with HIV
- Youth with a disability
- Youth with disabilities
- Youth
- Z signal
- Zero emission vehicle
- Zone of action
- Zone of fire
- Zone
- Zulu time
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD