Dictionary of psychology
The following is a comprehensive list of terms commonly used in the field of psychology. Each term is linked to a page that provides detailed information on the concept, theory, or figure it represents.
A[edit | edit source]
- Affect - A psychological term for an observable expression of emotion.
- Abnormal psychology - The branch of psychology focused on abnormal behavior and psychopathology.
- Attachment theory - A theory in developmental psychology that explains the dynamics of long-term interpersonal relationships between humans.
B[edit | edit source]
- Behaviorism - A theoretical orientation based on the premise that scientific psychology should study only observable behavior.
- Biopsychology - The specialty in psychology that studies the biological foundations of behavior, emotions, and mental processes.
- Bystander effect - A social psychological theory that individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present.
C[edit | edit source]
- Cognitive dissonance - A situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors which produce a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance.
- Classical conditioning - A learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired; a response that is at first elicited by the second stimulus is eventually elicited by the first stimulus alone.
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) - A psycho-social intervention that aims to improve mental health.
D[edit | edit source]
- Developmental psychology - The scientific study of how and why human beings change over the course of their life.
- Defense mechanisms - Psychological strategies brought into play by the unconscious mind to manipulate, deny, or distort reality in order to defend against feelings of anxiety and unacceptable impulses.
E[edit | edit source]
- Existential therapy - A form of psychotherapy that aims to help patients face the existential questions and the anxiety of existence head-on and, in doing so, discover a more authentic and fulfilling life.
- Empirical evidence - Information that is verifiable based on observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
F[edit | edit source]
- Freudian psychology - The body of theories and therapeutic techniques related to the work of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis.
G[edit | edit source]
- Gestalt psychology - A school of psychology that examines a person's total experience because the way we experience the world is more than just an accumulation of various perceptual experiences.
H[edit | edit source]
- Humanistic psychology - A perspective that emphasizes looking at the whole individual and stresses concepts such as free will, self-efficacy, and self-actualization.
I[edit | edit source]
- Intelligence quotient (IQ) - A standardised score designed to measure human intelligence.
J[edit | edit source]
- Jungian psychology - A school of psychology originating from the ideas of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung focusing on the importance of the individual psyche and the personal quest for wholeness.
K[edit | edit source]
- Kinesthetic learning - A learning style in which learning takes place by the students carrying out physical activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations.
L[edit | edit source]
- Learning theory - A concept that describes how knowledge is absorbed, processed, and retained during learning.
M[edit | edit source]
- Maslow's hierarchy of needs - A theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation".
N[edit | edit source]
- Neuroscience - The scientific study of the nervous system, often used interchangeably with the term "neuropsychology" when discussing psychology.
O[edit | edit source]
- Operant conditioning - A method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior.
P[edit | edit source]
- Positive psychology - An area of psychology that seeks to understand, test, discover and promote factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive.
Q[edit | edit source]
- Qualitative research - A method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research and further contexts.
R[edit | edit source]
- Reinforcement - In behavioral psychology, reinforcement is a consequence applied that will strengthen an organism's future behavior whenever that behavior is preceded by a specific antecedent stimulus.
S[edit | edit source]
- Social psychology - The scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others.
T[edit | edit source]
- Trait theory - The measurement of consistent patterns of habit in an individual's behavior, thoughts, and emotions.
U[edit | edit source]
- Unconscious mind - A reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness.
V[edit | edit source]
- Variable - Any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types in psychology research.
W[edit | edit source]
- Working memory - A cognitive system with a limited capacity that is responsible for temporarily holding information available for processing.
X[edit | edit source]
- Xenophobia - The fear and distrust of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange.
Y[edit | edit source]
- Young adult - A person in the age group that can be described as transitioning from childhood to adulthood.
Z[edit | edit source]
- Zeitgeist - In psychology, the dominant set of ideals and beliefs that motivate the actions of the members of a society in a particular period in time.
List of psychology articles[edit | edit source]
- "Hope" is the thing with feathers
- 'I' and the 'me'
- 15 minutes of fame
- 2 + 2 = 5
- 2020s anti-LGBT movement in the United States
- 36 Questions
- 360-degree feedback
- 3C-model
- 50 Signs of Mental Illness
- A Clinical Lesson at the Salpêtrière
- A Deadly Wandering
- A General Theory of Love
- A Good Mom Is Better Than a Good Teacher
- A Journal of Insomnia
- A Judge is not a God
- A Postcognitive Negation
- A Vindication of the Rights of Whores
- A. H. Almaas
- ACE model
- ADNP syndrome
- AH v West London Mental Health Trust
- APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology
- APA Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Applied Research
- APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology
- APA Award for Lifetime Contributions to Psychology
- APA Distinguished Scientific Award for an Early Career Contribution to Psychology
- APA Distinguished Scientific Award for the Applications of Psychology
- APA Division of Clinical Neuropsychology
- APA International Humanitarian Award
- APA Task Force on Deceptive and Indirect Methods of Persuasion and Control
- APA style
- APZ questionnaire
- Aaron Beck
- Aaron Esterson
- Abandonment (emotional)
- Abasiophilia
- Abbreviated mental test score
- Abecedarium (Trubar)
- Abilene paradox
- Abiotic stress
- Abnormal psychology
- Abolitionist teaching
- Abortion in Latvia
- Aboulomania
- Abraham Low Self-Help Systems
- Absolute threshold
- Abstract and concrete
- Abstractionism
- Abu Bakr al-Razi
- Abu Zayd al-Balkhi
- Abulia
- Academic buoyancy
- Acathexis
- Accent perception
- Accentuation effect
- Acceptance and commitment therapy
- Acceptance
- Accidental viewpoint
- Acclimatisation (neurons)
- Accuracy and precision
- Acedia
- Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment
- Acquiescence bias
- Acquired homosexuality
- Acta Psychologica Sinica
- Acting out
- Action assembly theory
- Action bias
- Action regulation theory
- Action theory (philosophy)
- Action type approach
- Action-specific perception
- Activation-synthesis hypothesis
- Active Student Response Techniques
- Active perception
- Activity theory
- Activity-specific approach in temperament research
- Actor–observer asymmetry
- Actual development level
- Actualizing tendency
- Actus reus
- Acute behavioural disturbance
- Acute stress disorder
- Acute tryptophan depletion
- Adam Ferguson
- Adapting Minds
- Adaptive behavior
- Adaptive bias
- Adaptive comparative judgement
- Adaptive memory
- Adaptive resonance theory
- Adaptive unconscious
- Addiction Research Center Inventory
- Adjective Check List
- Adjudicative competence
- Adjustment (psychology)
- Adler University
- Adlerian
- Adnan Abdallat
- Adolescent community reinforcement approach
- Adolescent crystallization
- Adolescent egocentrism
- Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig
- Adolf-Wuerth-Center for the History of Psychology
- Adoption study
- Adoration
- Adrienne J. Smith
- Adroitness
- Adult attachment disorder
- Adult development
- Adult neurogenesis
- Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000
- Adverse Childhood Experiences International Questionnaire
- Adversity quotient
- Aerial perspective
- Aesthetic emotions
- Aesthetic interpretation
- Aesthetic relativism
- Affect (education)
- Affect (psychology)
- Affect as information hypothesis
- Affect consciousness
- Affect control theory
- Affect display
- Affect heuristic
- Affect infusion model
- Affect labeling
- Affect measures
- Affect priming
- Affect regulation
- Affection Exchange Theory
- Affection
- Affectional bond
- Affectiva
- Affective computing
- Affective disposition theory
- Affective events theory
- Affective forecasting
- Affective haptics
- Affective neuroscience
- Affective science
- Affective spectrum
- Affirmative prayer
- Affordance
- African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
- Afterwardsness
- Age regression in therapy
- Agency (psychology)
- Agent detection
- Agent of influence
- Agnés Torres Hernández
- Agreeableness
- Agrippa (A Book of the Dead)
- Air-defense experiments
- Akanbe
- Akinetopsia
- Akrasia
- Al-Azhar English Training Centre
- Al-Biruni
- Al-Farabi
- Al-Ghazali
- Al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi
- Al-Kindi
- Alain Wisner
- Alarmism
- Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act
- Albert Ellis
- Albert Lilius
- Albert Mehrabian
- Albert Moll (German psychiatrist)
- Alberta Bigagli
- Albizu University
- Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire
- Alex Delaware
- Alex Dey
- Alex Drake (Ashes to Ashes)
- Alexander Zaporozhets
- Alexandra Rutherford
- Alexithymia
- Alexius Meinong
- Alfred L. Yarbus
- Alfred North Whitehead
- Algorithmic curation
- Algorithmic learning theory
- Algorithmic radicalization
- Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari
- Alice Eagly
- Alice Sluckin
- Aline Valangin
- Alison Winter
- All in the Mind (BBC radio)
- Allen Jones (whistleblower)
- Allocentrism
- Allochiria
- Allomnesia
- Allosexuality
- Allothetic
- Almeida–Pineda recurrent backpropagation
- Alphonse and Gaston
- Alter ego
- Altered level of consciousness
- Altered state of consciousness
- Altruism (biology)
- Altruism
- Ambient optic array
- Ambiguity effect
- Ambiguous image
- Ambivalence
- Ambulatory assessment
- American Association for the Abolition of Involuntary Mental Hospitalization
- American Association of Applied Psychologists
- American Board of Professional Neuropsychology
- American Dance Therapy Association
- American Imago
- American Journal of Health Behavior
- American Journal of Psychology
- American Journal of Psychotherapy
- American Psychology–Law Society
- Amerta Movement
- Amia Lieblich
- Amishi Jha
- Amity-enmity complex
- Amodal perception
- Amotivational syndrome
- Amphimixis (psychology)
- Amplitude of low frequency fluctuations
- Amusement
- Amy Bloom
- Amy Tanner
- Amygdala hijack
- Amygdala
- An Outline of Psychoanalysis
- Anal eroticism
- Anal expulsiveness
- Anal hook
- Anal retentiveness
- Analloeroticism
- Analog observation
- Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy
- Analysis
- Analytical psychology
- Anchor test
- Anchoring effect
- Andrew Mattison
- Andrew Solomon
- Andrew Winston
- Androgen suppression
- Androgen-induced hermaphroditism
- André Rey (psychologist)
- Anger management
- Anger
- Angewandte Psychologie
- Angry Cognitions Scale
- Angst
- Anguish
- Anhedonia
- Animal Spirits (book)
- Animal consciousness
- Animal echolocation
- Animal testing
- Animalism (philosophy)
- Anita Moorjani
- Ann Faraday
- Ann Weiser Cornell
- Anne Victoire Dervieux
- Annoyance
- Annual Review of Sex Research
- Anomalistic psychology
- Anomalistics
- Anomalous experiences
- Antarang – Sex Health Information Art Gallery
- Antecedent (behavioral psychology)
- Anthony Bogaert
- Anthony Robbins Foundation
- Anthropopathism
- Anti-Barney humor
- Anti-Victim
- Anti-humor
- Anti-nesting principle
- Anti-neurofascin demyelinating diseases
- Anti-proverb
- Anti-psychiatry
- Anticathexis
- Anticipation
- Anticonformity (psychology)
- Antidromic
- Antinarcissism
- Antipathy
- Antisocial personality disorder
- Anton Marty
- Antoon Leenaars
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America
- Anxiety buffer disruption theory
- Anxiety/uncertainty management
- Anxiety
- Anxiotropic
- Apathy
- Aphanisis
- Aphonogelia
- Apology (act)
- Apophenia
- Apparent death
- Apparitional experience
- Apperception
- Apples and oranges
- Applied Cognitive Psychology
- Applied Developmental Science (journal)
- Applied Psycholinguistics
- Applied Psychological Measurement
- Applied behavior analysis
- Applied psychology
- Apport (paranormal)
- Appraisal theory
- Appreciative inquiry in education
- Approach/Inhibition Theory of Power
- Approximate number system
- Aquaphilia (fetish)
- Arbitrary inference
- Archaic mother
- Archetypal name
- Archetypal pedagogy
- Archetypal psychology
- Archetype (textual criticism)
- Archetype
- Archidike
- Archiv für die gesamte Psychologie
- Archives of Scientific Psychology
- Archives of the History of American Psychology
- Archuleta v. Hedrick
- Arild Hestvik
- Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached
- Aristotle
- Armindo Freitas-Magalhães
- Aron Anderson
- Arousal
- Arrested development
- Art and emotion
- Art in the San Francisco Bay Area (book)
- ArtStars
- Artful Learning
- Arthur B. VanGundy
- Arthur Guirdham
- Arthur J. Deikman
- Arthur Jensen
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- Artificial cerebrospinal fluid
- Artificial consciousness
- Artificial demand
- Artificial empathy
- As above, so below
- Asch conformity experiments
- Ash Meadows Sky Ranch
- Asher Cohen
- Asian American Journal of Psychology
- Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics
- Asian Journal of Social Psychology
- Asian psychology
- Ask Ann Landers
- Assembly bonus effect
- Assertiveness
- Assessing Writing
- Assessment (journal)
- Assessment centre
- Assessment day
- Assessment of basic language and learning skills
- Association (psychology)
- Association for Applied Sport Psychology
- Association for Behavior Analysis International
- Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
- Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
- Association for Humanistic Psychology
- Association for Psychological Science
- Association for Research in Personality
- Association for Women in Psychology
- Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry
- Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
- Association of Educational Psychologists
- Association of Psychological and Social Studies
- Association of ideas
- Association splitting
- Association value
- Associationism
- Associative interference
- Associative memory (psychology)
- Astral projection
- Astrological sign
- Astrological symbols
- Astrology and astronomy
- Astrology and science
- Astrology software
- Astrology
- Astrotheology
- At the Hub
- Athletic Insight
- Athymhormia
- Atkinson & Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology
- Atkinson–Shiffrin memory model
- AtomAge
- Attachment Play
- Attachment and health
- Attachment disorder
- Attachment in adults
- Attachment in children
- Attachment measures
- Attachment parenting
- Attachment theory and psychology of religion
- Attachment theory
- Attachment therapy
- Attachment-based psychotherapy
- Attachment-based therapy
- Attention inequality
- Attention restoration theory
- Attention schema theory
- Attention theft
- Attention
- Attentional bias
- Attentional blink
- Attentional control
- Attitude Reconstruction
- Attitude object
- Attitude-behavior consistency
- Attribute hierarchy method
- Attribute substitution
- Attribution (psychology)
- Attribution bias
- Attrition bias
- Audience segmentation
- Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder
- Augustine's laws
- Aura (paranormal)
- Australasian Society for Experimental Psychology
- Australian College of Applied Professions
- Australian Psychological Society
- Australian Sheep-Goat Scale
- Authentic Movement
- Authoritarian personality
- Authority bias
- Autism and LGBT identities
- Autism spectrum
- Autism – Tics, AD/HD, and other Comorbidities
- Autism: Explaining the Enigma
- Autoclitic
- Automatic Item Generation
- Automatic and controlled processes
- Automatic writing
- Automation bias
- Autonoetic consciousness
- Autopoiesis
- Availability cascade
- Availability heuristic
- Avatar Course
- Avellis syndrome
- Avempace
- Averroes's theory of the unity of the intellect
- Averroes
- Aversion therapy
- Aversion to happiness
- Aversives
- Aviation psychology
- Avicenna
- Avis M. Dry
- Avoidance learning
- Avolition
- Awareness contexts
- Awareness
- Awe
- Axillary nerve dysfunction
- Aída Mencía Ripley
- B. F. Skinner
- BPS Barbara Wilson Lifetime Achievement Award
- Bachelor of Arts in Clinical Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Forensic Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Psychology
- Bachelor of Psychology
- Backmasking
- Backward inhibition
- Backward masking
- Bad boy archetype
- Baker Act
- Balance theory
- Bandwagon effect
- Barbara De Angelis
- Barbara Fredrickson
- Barbara Rogoff
- Barbara Snow (therapist)
- Barnaby B. Barratt
- Barnes Akathisia Scale
- Barnum effect
- Baroda Development Screening Test
- Barrel children
- Barrie Leslie Konicov
- Barrier analysis
- Barriers to pro-environmental behaviour
- Barry Beyerstein
- Base rate fallacy
- Base rate
- Basic and Applied Social Psychology
- Basic category
- Basic hostility
- Basic interpersonal communicative skills
- Basic rest–activity cycle
- Basic science (psychology)
- Bathos
- Battle of egos
- Battlemind
- Baum test
- Beate Uhse Erotic Museum
- Beatrice de Gelder
- Bed rotting
- Beevor's axiom
- Before Your Eyes
- Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function
- Behavior analysis of child development
- Behavior informatics
- Behavior management
- Behavior modification facility
- Behavior modification
- Behavior selection algorithm
- Behavior
- Behavioral addiction
- Behavioral contagion
- Behavioral contrast
- Behavioral cusp
- Behavioral engineering
- Behavioral epigenetics
- Behavioral geography
- Behavioral intelligence
- Behavioral medicine
- Behavioral modernity
- Behavioral momentum
- Behavioral neurogenetics
- Behavioral neuroscience
- Behavioral pharmacology
- Behavioral script
- Behavioral spillover
- Behavioral strategy
- Behavioral theories of depression
- Behaviorally anchored rating scales
- Behaviorism
- Behaviour Research and Therapy
- Behaviour and Personality Assessment in Dogs (BPH)
- Behaviour therapy
- Behavioural despair test
- Behavioural genetics
- Behavioural responses to stress
- Behavioural synchrony
- Being You: A New Science of Consciousness
- Beki İkala Erikli
- Belief bias
- Belief perseverance
- Belief
- Belief–desire–intention model
- Ben Franklin effect
- Bence Nanay
- Benefit finding
- Benevolence (phrenology)
- Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation
- Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale
- Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute
- Berlin School of experimental psychology
- Berliner Lebensqualitätsprofil
- Bernadette N. Setiadi
- Bernard Bosanquet (philosopher)
- Bernard Williams
- Bernice Lott
- Bertha Pappenheim
- Bertram Cohler
- Beth Cujé
- Better Living Through Criticism
- Beverley Zabriskie
- Beverly Daniel Tatum
- Beyond Freedom and Dignity
- Beyond Order
- Beyond the Pleasure Principle
- Bias blind spot
- Bias in Mental Testing
- Biased competition theory
- Bicameral mentality
- Bicultural identity
- Big Five personality traits and culture
- Big Huggin'
- Bildung
- Bill Swartley
- Binding and Retrieval in Action Control
- Binding problem
- Binocular dysphoria
- Binocular rivalry
- Biodata
- Bioecological model
- Biogenetic structuralism
- Biographical Information Blanks
- Biological Psychology (journal)
- Biological basis of personality
- Biological mechanisms causing religiosity
- Biological motion perception
- Biological naturalism
- Biology and consumer behaviour
- Biology and political orientation
- Biology and sexual orientation
- Biology of attachment
- Biology of bipolar disorder
- Biology of depression
- Biology of love styles
- Biophilia hypothesis
- Biopsychiatry controversy
- Biopsychosocial model
- Biosocial criminology
- Biosocial theory
- Biospheric model of personality
- Bipolar I disorder
- Bipolar II disorder
- Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale
- Bipolar disorder in children
- Bipolar disorder
- Biracial and multiracial identity development
- Birth order
- Birthday-number effect
- Bite the bullet
- Bizarreness effect
- Bjugn affair
- Black Intelligence Test of Cultural Homogeneity
- Black Sun (Kristeva book)
- Black comedy
- Black moon
- Black psychology
- Blame in organizations
- Blame
- Blank expression
- Blanket training
- Blind men and an elephant
- Blindism
- Blindsight
- Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
- Blissful ignorance effect
- Blob Tree
- Block letters
- Block party
- Blocking effect
- Bloodline theory
- Blueprint (Plomin book)
- Blushing
- Board of Inland Revenue v Haddock
- Bobo doll experiment
- Bodies Under Siege
- Body Image (journal)
- Body Language (book)
- Body cathexis
- Body part as object
- Body transfer illusion
- Body-centred countertransference
- Bodymind (disability studies)
- Bodymind
- Bongard problem
- Bonnie Burstow
- Boomerang effect (psychology)
- Borderline personality disorder
- Boredom (film)
- Boredom
- Boris M. Levinson
- Borromean clinic
- Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
- Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
- Bottom girl
- Bottom–up and top–down design
- Boundary extension
- Bounded Choice
- Bounded emotionality
- Bounded rationality
- Boyztown
- Bracha L. Ettinger
- Bradyesthesia
- Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling
- Brain Gender
- Brain Imaging Data Structure
- Brain activity and meditation
- Brain development timelines
- Brain fingerprinting
- Brain implant
- Brain stimulation reward
- Brain training
- Brain/MINDS
- BrainHex
- Brainstem auditory evoked potential
- Brainstorms
- Brainsway
- Brainwash: The Secret History of Mind Control
- Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control
- Brainwashing
- Brand aversion
- Brannon Masculinity Scale
- Breaching experiment
- Breakthrough Collaborative
- Brenda Dervin
- Brendan Maher (psychologist)
- Brian Wilson is a genius
- Bridey Murphy
- Bridge locus
- Bridget Westfall
- British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches
- British Journal of Clinical Psychology
- British Journal of Educational Psychology
- British Journal of Health Psychology
- British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
- British Journal of Psychology
- British Journal of Social Psychology
- British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
- British Premonitions Bureau
- British Psychotherapy Foundation
- Broaden-and-build
- Broken heart
- Brook Advisory Centres
- Brother complex
- Bruce Chorpita
- Bruce E. Levine
- Bruce Hood (psychologist)
- Bruce M. King
- Bruno Klopfer Award
- Bubblegum Bitch
- Buddhism and psychology
- Building the Bonds of Attachment: Awakening Love in Deeply Troubled Children
- Bullying and emotional intelligence
- Burlesque
- Buros Center for Testing
- Burst lobe
- Business fable
- Busybody
- Buttered cat paradox
- Butterflies in the stomach
- Butterfly effect in popular culture
- Buy Bye Beauty
- Bystander effect
- Bélmez Faces
- C. Bertrand Thompson
- C. G. Jung Institute, Zürich
- C. George Boeree
- C. Roger Myers
- CAN approach
- CDR computerized assessment system
- COASTMAP history
- CPA Donald O. Hebb Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Science
- Cabin fever
- Cacography
- Caetextia
- Caffeine-induced psychosis
- California Association of School Psychologists
- California School of Professional Psychology
- Call of the Shofar
- Calmness
- Camberwell Family Interview
- Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery
- Camera eats first
- Camille Robcis
- Campbell paradigm
- Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
- Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology
- Candida hypersensitivity
- Candle problem
- Candy Jones
- CandyGirl
- Cannon–Bard theory
- CapOpus
- Capital Jury Project
- Capitalist Realism
- Capsule review
- Caption contest
- Care perspective
- Career consolidation
- Caring in intimate relationships
- Carl Alfred Meier
- Carl Jung publications
- Carl Jung
- Carl Martin Allwood
- Carnism
- Carol Bowman
- Carol Gilligan
- Carole Hyatt
- Carolyn M. Mazure
- Carolyn Saarni
- Carrie Figdor
- Carroll Izard
- Carteirada
- Cartesian doubt
- Cartesian theater
- Cartman Sucks
- Case Solvers
- Case of Aimée
- Case study (psychology)
- Cass identity model
- Cassandra (metaphor)
- Castration anxiety
- Cat Girl Manor
- Cat intelligence
- Cat people and dog people
- Catatonia
- Categorical perception
- Catharsis
- Catherine Malabou
- Catherine Tramell
- Cathexis
- Cathy O'Brien (conspiracy theorist)
- Cattell–Horn–Carroll theory
- Causa sui
- Causalism
- Cause célèbre
- Causes of gender incongruence
- Caustic humour
- Celebrity influence in politics
- Celebrity worship syndrome
- Celibacy syndrome
- Censorship (psychoanalysis)
- Center for Evolutionary Psychology
- Center for Neural Science
- Centered world
- Central nucleus of the amygdala
- Centration
- Centre International d'Études Françaises
- Centre for Human Communication
- Centre for Occupational and Health Psychology
- Cephalonian method
- Cerebral achromatopsia
- CernySmith Assessment
- Certainty effect
- Cervical enlargement
- Chad Allen (actor)
- Chaining
- Chaise longue
- Chaitanya (consciousness)
- Chakragati mouse
- Chalkboard scraping
- Change blindness
- Change deafness
- Changing Our Minds: The Story of Dr. Evelyn Hooker
- Channel Zero (TV series)
- Character Strengths and Virtues
- Character computing
- Characterology
- Charisma
- Charles Kay Ogden
- Charles Mercier
- Charles Silverstein
- Chase Meridian
- Chatter: The Voice in Our Head
- Cheating (biology)
- Cheerleader effect
- Chemogenetics
- Chemokinesis
- Chemotactic range fitting
- Chemotactic selection
- Chemotaxis assay
- Chemotaxis
- Chester Brown
- Chestnut (joke)
- Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis
- Chickering's theory of identity development
- Child Behavior Checklist
- Child Development (journal)
- Child Guidance
- Child Identity
- Child Indicators Research
- Child Mania Rating Scale
- Child bereavement
- Child development
- Child displacement
- Child lying
- Child: Care, Health and Development
- Child
- Childhood and Society
- Childhood gender nonconformity
- Children of Crisis
- Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire
- China Brain Project
- Chinese astrology
- Chinese privilege
- Chinese social relations
- Chinese uniformity
- Chinese whispers
- Choice-supportive bias
- Choice
- Choiceless awareness
- Chremastistophilia
- Chris French
- Christa Neuper
- Christian Perring
- Christian de la Huerta
- Christian psychology
- Christoph Hoerl
- Christopher Chambers
- Christopher Lasch
- Christopher Peterson (psychologist)
- Chronostasis
- Chubb illusion
- Cihuacalli
- Cinderella complex
- Cinderella effect
- Cinderella syndrome
- Circle of Courage
- Circle of competence
- Circumplex model of group tasks
- Citizens Commission on Human Rights
- Civil Resettlement Units
- Civilization and Its Discontents
- Clairaudience
- Clairvoyance
- Clarence B. Farrar
- Clarice (TV series)
- Classical Adlerian psychotherapy
- Classical conditioning
- Classical test theory
- Claudia Leigh
- Claudine de Culam
- Claudio Vieira de Oliveira
- Clayton Alderfer
- Clement Mundle
- Climacturia
- Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
- Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
- Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology
- Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
- Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice
- Clinical behavior analysis
- Clinical formulation
- Clinical neuropsychology
- Clinical pluralism
- Clio's Psyche
- Clitoral index
- Closing time effect
- Closure (psychology)
- Clumping (biology)
- Clustering illusion
- Clyde M. Narramore
- Co-counselling
- Co-rumination
- Coaching psychology
- Coalition for Positive Sexuality
- Cockblock
- Cockney Alphabet
- Cocktail party effect
- Codex Totomixtlahuaca
- CodinGame
- Coffin races
- Cogito and the History of Madness
- Cogito, ergo sum
- Cognition
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (journal)
- Cognitive Development
- Cognitive Failures Questionnaire
- Cognitive Information Processing (Career Services)
- Cognitive Neuroscience Society
- Cognitive Psychology (journal)
- Cognitive Science (journal)
- Cognitive acceleration
- Cognitive analytic therapy
- Cognitive bias in animals
- Cognitive bias mitigation
- Cognitive bias
- Cognitive biology
- Cognitive chronometry
- Cognitive clarity theory of learning to read
- Cognitive closure (philosophy)
- Cognitive complexity
- Cognitive description
- Cognitive development
- Cognitive dissonance
- Cognitive distortion
- Cognitive emotional behavioral therapy
- Cognitive evaluation theory
- Cognitive flexibility
- Cognitive hearing science
- Cognitive humor processing
- Cognitive imitation
- Cognitive inertia
- Cognitive intervention
- Cognitive load
- Cognitive miser
- Cognitive model
- Cognitive module
- Cognitive neuropsychiatry
- Cognitive neuropsychology
- Cognitive opening
- Cognitive philology
- Cognitive poetics
- Cognitive polyphasia
- Cognitive psychology
- Cognitive reframing
- Cognitive rehabilitation therapy
- Cognitive remediation therapy
- Cognitive resource theory
- Cognitive restructuring
- Cognitive retention therapy
- Cognitive revolution
- Cognitive shift
- Cognitive social structures
- Cognitive specialization
- Cognitive style
- Cognitive tempo
- Cognitive test
- Cognitive therapy
- Cognitive tradeoff hypothesis
- Cognitive vulnerability
- Cognitive-affective personality system
- Cognitive-experiential self-theory
- Cognitivism (aesthetics)
- Cognitivism (psychology)
- Cogstate Brief Battery
- Coh-Metrix
- Coherence therapy
- Coincidance
- Coital alignment technique
- Coital incontinence
- Cold and heat adaptations in humans
- Cold reading
- Collaborative Professional Development
- Collapse of compassion
- Collateral eminence
- Collective action problem
- Collective consciousness
- Collective responsibility
- Collective self-esteem
- Collective unconscious
- College English
- College of Psychic Studies
- College of Psychologists of British Columbia
- College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists
- Collier's sign
- Collusion (psychology)
- Color psychology
- Comfort zone
- Comfort
- Committed relationship
- Common Purpose UK
- Common carotid plexus
- Common coding theory
- Common ingroup identity
- Common-method variance
- Communal reinforcement
- Communalness
- Communication deviance
- Community of interest
- Community psychology
- Community recognition
- Commutation (neurophysiology)
- Comparative Cognition Society
- Comparative cognition
- Comparative neuropsychology
- Comparative psychology
- Comparator hypothesis
- Comparator system
- Comparison of sensory perception in species
- Compassion fade
- Compassion fatigue
- Compassion-focused therapy
- Compassion
- Competence (law)
- Competency evaluation (language)
- Competency evaluation (law)
- Complaining
- Complete Feedback
- Complex (psychology)
- Complex contagion
- Compliance (psychology)
- Comprehension approach
- Compulsion loop
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Computational cognition
- Computational creativity
- Computational neuroaesthetics
- Computational psychometrics
- Computational theory of mind
- Computer-adaptive sequential testing
- Computer-based test interpretation in psychological assessment
- Computerized adaptive testing
- Computerized classification test
- Computers are social actors
- Conation
- Conatus
- Concealed ovulation
- Concept creep
- Concept learning
- Concept map
- Conceptual change
- Conceptual space
- Concord Prison Experiment
- Concreteness training
- Concurrent validity
- Condensation (psychology)
- Condensation symbol
- Condescension
- Conditional joke
- Conditioned emotional response
- Conditioned taste aversion
- Condomman.com
- Condoms, needles, and negotiation
- Confidence weighting
- Confidence
- Confirmation bias
- Conflict procedure
- Conformity
- Confounding
- Confusion
- Congeneric reliability
- Congruence bias
- Conjoint analysis
- Conjunction fallacy
- Connectedness to nature scale
- Connecticut Critics Circle
- Connectionism
- Connectivism
- Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale
- Conor Dolan
- Conscience
- Consciousness after death
- Consciousness and Cognition
- Consciousness industry
- Consciousness
- Consensual non-monogamy
- Consensus reality
- Consensus-based assessment
- Conservation (psychology)
- Conservation of resources theory
- Conservatism (belief revision)
- Consistency (negotiation)
- Consoling touch
- Conspicuous conservation
- Constant spectrum melody
- Constantia Jones
- Construal level theory
- Construal
- Construct (psychology)
- Construction (psychoanalysis)
- Constructionism (learning theory)
- Constructive alignment
- Constructive developmental framework
- Constructive journalism
- Constructive perception
- Constructivism (philosophy of education)
- Constructivism (psychological school)
- Constructivism in science education
- Constructivist teaching methods
- Consulting psychology
- Contagious shooting
- Contemplative Practices in Action
- Contemplative neuroscience
- Contemplative psychology
- Contemplative psychotherapy
- Contemporary Educational Psychology
- Contemporary Psychoanalysis
- Contempt
- Content theory
- Contentment
- Context effect
- Contextual cueing effect
- Contingency management
- Contingent aftereffect
- Contingent self-esteem
- Continuing Professional Development Foundation
- Continuing education
- Continuum model of impression formation
- Contrast effect
- Contrastive Hebbian learning
- Contrition
- Control by deprivation
- Control mastery theory
- Controlled Oral Word Association Test
- Controversial discussions
- Convergence-divergence zone
- Conversational model
- Conversion therapy
- Coolidge effect
- Cooling out
- Cooperation
- Cooperative distributed problem solving
- Cooperativeness
- Copycat crime
- Core relational theme
- Core self-evaluations
- Coriolis effect (perception)
- Corneliu E. Giurgea
- Cornell Department of Human Development
- Correctional psychology
- Correlates of crime
- Correlation correction for attenuation
- Correspondent inference theory
- Corruption Perceptions Index
- Cortical modem
- Cosmos and Psyche
- Costly signaling theory in evolutionary psychology
- Counseling psychology
- Counter-experience
- Counterconditioning
- Countercontrol
- Counterdependency
- Counterfactual thinking
- Counternull
- Counterphobic attitude
- Counterregulatory eating
- Counterwill
- Couple and Family Psychology
- Courage
- Courtesy bias
- Covariation model
- Cover-up
- Covert conditioning
- Covert hypnosis
- Covey Award
- Crab mentality
- Crackpot index
- Cranial auscultation
- Cranioscopy
- Crazy Therapies
- Creative Education Foundation
- Creative synthesis
- Creativity and mental health
- Creepiness
- Creeping normality
- Crime Classification Manual
- Crime opportunity theory
- Criminal Shadows: Inside the Mind of the Serial Killer
- Criminology
- Cringe comedy
- Cristiano Castelfranchi
- Criterion validity
- Criterion-referenced test
- Critical Psychiatry Network
- Critical anthropomorphism
- Critical incident technique
- Critical period
- Critical positivity ratio
- Critical psychology
- Criticism of evolutionary psychology
- Criticism of marriage
- Cronbach's alpha
- Cross education
- Cross-Correspondences
- Cross-cultural communication
- Cross-cultural differences in decision-making
- Cross-cultural leadership
- Cross-cultural psychiatry
- Cross-cultural psychology
- Crossmodal
- Crowd abuse
- Crowd manipulation
- Crowdsourced psychological science
- Crowell procedure
- Croydon Cat Killer
- Crutchfield situation
- Crying Jordan
- Crying
- Csaba Pléh
- Cue reactivity
- Cue recruitment
- Cultura Inglesa
- Culturagram
- Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
- Cultural attractor theory
- Cultural bias
- Cultural jet lag
- Cultural mediation
- Cultural neuroscience
- Cultural psychology
- Cultural schema theory
- Cultural universal
- Cultural-historical activity theory
- Cultural-historical psychology
- Culturalist psychoanalysts
- Culture and positive psychology
- Culture change
- Culture of fear
- Culture of honor (Southern United States)
- Culture shock
- Culture, Health & Sexuality
- Cumulative learning
- Curiosity quotient
- Curiosity
- Curriculum-based measurement
- Curse of knowledge
- Cutaneous rabbit illusion
- Cute aggression
- Cyberhero
- Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
- Cyberpsychology
- Cyclomancy
- Cyclopean image
- Cyclothymia
- Cyranoid
- Cäcilie M.
- DASS (psychology)
- DSM-IV codes
- Dacryphilia
- Dad joke
- Daimonic
- Dajare
- Damasio's theory of consciousness
- Dance criticism
- Dancing in the Streets
- Dancing mania
- Daniel Goleman
- Daniel Hutto
- Daniel N. Robinson
- Daniel Weiskopf
- Dark retreat
- Dark triad
- Darwinian literary studies
- Das Problem der Willensfreiheit in der neuesten deutschen Philosophie
- Das–Naglieri cognitive assessment system
- Data dredging
- Dave Attell: Captain Miserable
- Dave Attell: Road Work
- Dave Lampert
- David Barker (zoologist)
- David C. Rowe
- David Charles (philosopher)
- David Cooper (psychiatrist)
- David Eder
- David F. Bjorklund
- David Hartley (philosopher)
- David Hume
- David Indermaur
- David Levy (psychologist)
- David M. Regan
- David Maldavsky
- David Marks (psychologist)
- David Smail (psychologist)
- David Tzuriel
- Dawson casting
- De Brevitate Vitae (Seneca)
- DeFries–Fulker regression
- DeGroot learning
- Deadpan
- Dean Simonton
- Deanna Troi
- Dear Abby
- Dear enemy effect
- Death Cafe
- Death and adjustment hypotheses
- Death drive
- Death, Sex and Money
- Deathbed phenomena
- Debiasing
- Debriefing
- Decade of Behavior
- Decatastrophizing
- Decathexis
- Deception
- Decisional balance sheet
- Declarative knowledge
- Declinism
- Decompensation
- Deep social mind
- Deese–Roediger–McDermott paradigm
- Defeatism
- Defence mechanism
- Defensive attribution hypothesis
- Defensive pessimism
- Deferred obedience
- Deficits in attention, motor control and perception
- Defining Issues Test
- Dehaene–Changeux model
- Dehumanization
- Deindividuation
- Deinstitutionalisation
- Del Thiessen
- Delay reduction hypothesis
- Delayed gratification
- Delegitimisation
- Demand (psychoanalysis)
- Demand characteristics
- Demonstration effect
- Dendrophilia (paraphilia)
- Denial
- Denis Waitley
- Dennis Chapman
- Dennis Hof's Love Ranch
- Denny Borsboom
- Denomination effect
- Denpa
- Dependent adult
- Depression (mood)
- Depression and Anxiety
- Depressive personality disorder
- Depressive realism
- Der Alkoholismus
- Dermo-optical perception
- Descriptive Experience Sampling
- Descriptive ethics
- Descriptive phenomenological method in psychology
- Descriptive psychology
- Desensitization (psychology)
- Desire
- Desmond G. Fitzgerald
- Despair
- Destabilisation
- Destruction in Art Symposium
- Destrudo
- Detail (work of art)
- Determination
- Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will
- Development of the human body
- Developmental Neuropsychology (journal)
- Developmental differences in solitary facial expressions
- Developmental neuropsychology
- Developmental profile
- Developmental psychobiology
- Developmental psychology
- Developmental psychopathology
- Developmental science
- Developmental-behavioral surveillance and screening
- Deviancy amplification spiral
- Deviant Behavior (journal)
- Deviant sexual intercourse
- Devon Polaschek
- Diagnosis of Asperger syndrome
- Diagnosis of autism
- Diagnosis of schizophrenia
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- Diagnostic overshadowing
- Diagnostiek der Zielsziekten in voorlezingen voor studenten, artsen en juristen
- Diakoptics
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Dialectics of Liberation Congress
- Dialogic learning
- Dialogical self
- Dialogues with Madwomen
- Diary studies
- Diathesis–stress model
- Dibs in Search of Self
- Dictator game
- Die transitorischen Störungen des Selbstbewusstseins
- Dietrich Dörner
- Differential Emotions Scale
- Differential K theory
- Differential diagnoses of depression
- Differential item functioning
- Differential outcomes effect
- Differential psychology
- Differential susceptibility
- Difficulty of engagement
- Diffusion of responsibility
- Digital intelligence
- Dignity of risk
- Dilemma story
- Dimensional models of personality disorders
- Diminished responsibility in English law
- Diminished responsibility
- Dina Feldman
- Dinkoism
- Direct and indirect realism
- Direct instruction
- Directed attention fatigue
- Disability pretender
- Disappointment
- Discan
- Discernment (Christianity)
- Disconfirmed expectancy
- Disconnection syndrome
- Discourse Processes
- Discovering Psychology (book)
- Discovering Psychology
- Discrete emotion theory
- Discrete trial training
- Discursive psychology
- Disgust
- Dishabituation
- Disincentive
- Disinhibited attachment disorder
- Disinhibited social engagement disorder
- Disinhibition
- Disjunctive cognition
- Disjunctivism
- Disorders of consciousness
- Disorganized offender
- Displacement (psychology)
- Display rules
- Disposition effect
- Dispositional attribution
- Dispositionist
- Dissociation (neuropsychology)
- Dissociation (psychology)
- Dissociative Experiences Scale
- Distancing (psychology)
- Distancing language
- Distinction bias
- Distraction-conflict
- Distressed personality type
- Distributed cognition
- Distributive justice
- Diurnal mood variation
- Divergent Association Task
- Diversity Icebreaker
- Diversity ideologies
- Divided consciousness
- Divine illumination
- Division of Exercise and Sport Psychology
- Dmuta
- Do-gooder derogation
- Doctor Bong
- Doctor of Psychology
- Doctor of Psychotherapy
- Doenjang girl
- Dog Latin
- Doll fetish
- Domain specificity
- Domain-general learning
- Domain-specific learning
- Dominant ideology
- Dominant response
- Don't Make Me Angry
- Donald A. Andrews
- Donald Dewsbury
- Donald Dutton
- Donald Saklofske
- Donald Symons
- Donald T. Campbell Award
- Donald W. Fiske
- Dopamine
- Dora (case study)
- Dorwin Cartwright
- Double demotivation
- Double depression
- Double empathy problem
- Double-aspect theory
- Doubling (psychodrama)
- Doubly stochastic model
- Doubt
- Douwe Draaisma
- Doxy (vibrator)
- Dozens (game)
- Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist
- Dr. Mabuse
- Dr. Peter Silberman
- Dr. Tony Hill
- Drag Queen Story Hour
- Drag panic
- Dragan Sakan
- Drapetomania
- Drawbridge mentality
- Dream Analysis
- Dream telepathy
- Dreyfus model of skill acquisition
- Drinking the Kool-Aid
- Drive reduction theory (learning theory)
- Drive theory
- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
- Drug liking
- Dual consciousness
- Dual inheritance theory
- Dual process theory (moral psychology)
- Dual process theory
- Dual representation (psychology)
- Dual strategies theory
- Dual systems model
- Dual-task paradigm
- Dunbar's number
- Dunning–Kruger effect
- Duocentric social network
- Duplex perception
- Duration neglect
- Durotaxis
- Dusky v. United States
- Dwell time (military)
- Dyadic developmental psychotherapy
- Dynamic topic model
- Dynamic unobserved effects model
- Dynamic-maturational model of attachment and adaptation
- Dynamicism
- Dysaesthesia aethiopica
- Dyschronometria
- Dysfunctional impulsivity
- Dysorgasmia
- Dysphoria
- Dysphrenia
- Dysthymia
- Déformation professionnelle
- Déjà vu
- Détournement
- E-society
- E. Glen Wever
- E. L. Thorndike Award
- ERG theory
- Early Human Development
- Early Start Denver Model
- Early theories in child psychology
- Earned media
- Easter egg (media)
- Eastern philosophy in clinical psychology
- Eberhard Schorsch
- Echo chamber (media)
- Echoborg
- Echolocation jamming
- Eco-map
- Ecological Psychology (journal)
- Ecological psychology
- Ecological systems theory
- Ecological validity (perception)
- Economic geography
- Ecopsychology
- Ecstasy (emotion)
- Eddy Zemach
- Edgar Rubin
- Edgewood Arsenal human experiments
- Edifying Discourses in Diverse Spirits
- Edinburgh Phrenological Society
- Edmund Husserl
- Edmund Parish
- Edmund Smith Conklin
- Edoardo Weiss
- Eduard Spranger
- Educational and Psychological Measurement
- Educational neuroscience
- Educational theory of apprenticeship
- Edward Alexander Bott
- Edward Charles
- Edward Roffe Thompson
- Edward S. Reed
- Edward Wheeler Scripture
- Edward de Bono
- Edwin Boring
- Effect size
- Effects of hormones on sexual motivation
- Effects of meditation
- Effects of violence in mass media
- Effort heuristic
- Effort optimism
- Effortfulness
- Ego alien
- Ego death
- Ego depletion
- Ego ideal
- Ego integrity
- Ego psychology
- Ego-dystonic sexual orientation
- Ego-state therapy
- Egocentric bias
- Egocentrism
- Egomania (Mania)
- Egomania
- Egonomics
- Egosyntonic and egodystonic
- Eight-circuit model of consciousness
- Eilat gang rape
- Einstellung effect
- Either/Or
- El Greco fallacy
- Electra complex
- Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
- Electronarcosis
- Electroneurogram
- Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality
- Electronic assessment
- Electronic harassment
- Electronic voice phenomenon
- Electroreception and electrogenesis
- Element (criminal law)
- Elementary cognitive task
- Eleutheromania
- Elevation (emotion)
- Eleven Naqshbandi principles
- Elicitation technique
- Elisabeth Irwin
- Elisabeth Young-Bruehl
- Elissa S. Epel
- Elite panic
- Elizabeth Celi
- Elizabeth Gould (psychologist)
- Elizabeth Holloway Marston
- Elizabeth Olivet
- Ellen Langer
- Ellen Winner
- Elvis (comic strip)
- EmPATH unit
- Emanuel Miller Memorial Lectures
- Embarrassment
- Embodied cognition
- Emerging adulthood and early adulthood
- Emetophilia
- Emil Holas
- Emin (esoteric movement)
- Emma Jung
- Emmert's law
- EmojiGrid
- Emotion Review
- Emotion and memory
- Emotion classification
- Emotion in animals
- Emotion perception
- Emotion recognition in conversation
- Emotion recognition
- Emotion work
- Emotion
- Emotional Design
- Emotional Freedom Techniques
- Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional Stroop test
- Emotional abuse
- Emotional affair
- Emotional affect
- Emotional and behavioral disorders
- Emotional aperture
- Emotional approach coping
- Emotional argument
- Emotional baggage
- Emotional bias
- Emotional blackmail
- Emotional blunting
- Emotional competence
- Emotional conflict
- Emotional congruence with children
- Emotional contagion
- Emotional detachment
- Emotional dysregulation
- Emotional eating
- Emotional exhaustion
- Emotional expression
- Emotional geography
- Emotional granularity
- Emotional health
- Emotional intelligence
- Emotional interest
- Emotional intimacy
- Emotional isolation
- Emotional labor
- Emotional lateralization
- Emotional literacy
- Emotional manipulation
- Emotional or behavioral disability
- Emotional promiscuity
- Emotional prosody
- Emotional reasoning
- Emotional resilience
- Emotional responsivity
- Emotional security
- Emotional selection (dreaming)
- Emotional selection (evolution)
- Emotional selection (information)
- Emotional self-regulation
- Emotional sensitivity
- Emotional spectrum disorder
- Emotional support animal
- Emotional support
- Emotional symbiosis
- Emotional thought method
- Emotional validation
- Emotional vampire
- Emotional well-being
- Emotionality
- Emotionally focused therapy
- Emotions Anonymous
- Emotions and culture
- Emotions in decision-making
- Emotions in the workplace
- Emotions in virtual communication
- Emotivism
- Empath
- Empathic accuracy
- Empathic concern
- Empathising–systemising theory
- Empathy gap
- Empathy in chickens
- Empathy in online communities
- Empathy-altruism
- Empathy
- Empirical psychology
- Employee morale
- Employee motivation
- Employment integrity testing
- Employment testing
- Emptiness
- Empty delta sign
- Empty nest syndrome
- Emulation (observational learning)
- Enabling
- Enactive interfaces
- Enactivism
- Enchanted loom
- Encoding specificity principle
- Encounter (psychology)
- Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
- End-of-history illusion
- End-of-the-day betting effect
- Endophenotype
- Endowment effect
- Energy (esotericism)
- Energy (psychological)
- English Journal
- English for Specific Purposes World
- Engram (neuropsychology)
- Enmeshment
- Ennio Foppiani
- Enrico Borla
- Ensemble coding
- Enthusiasm
- Entitativity
- Entrepreneurial leadership
- Environment and sexual orientation
- Environmental determinism
- Environmental enrichment
- Environmental sensitivity
- Envy
- Episodic dyscontrol syndrome
- Epistemic innocence
- Epistemic privilege
- Equating
- Equipotentiality
- Equity theory
- Eric Turkheimer
- Eric and the Dread Gazebo
- Erich Fromm
- Erich Neumann (psychologist)
- Erik Erikson
- Eriksen flanker task
- Erikson's stages of psychosocial development
- Ernest Becker
- Ernest Mander
- Ernst Bernhard
- Ernst Mally
- Eros (concept)
- Erotic Art Museum (Hamburg)
- Erotic target location error
- Erotolepsy
- Error management theory
- Esalen Institute
- Escape from Freedom
- Est: Playing the Game
- Eternal feminine
- Ethan Watters
- Ethel Quayle
- Ethics of justice
- Ethics of uncertain sentience
- Ethnic plastic surgery
- Ethogram
- Eugene Taylor (psychologist)
- Eugène Minkowski
- Euphoria
- Euphoric recall
- EuroPsy
- Europe in the Raw
- European Association of Psychology and Law
- European Association of Social Psychology
- European Cases of the Reincarnation Type
- European Federation of Psychologists' Associations
- European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations
- European Federation of Sport Psychology
- European Journal of Psychology of Education
- European Journal of Social Psychology
- European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
- European Mathematical Psychology Group
- European Review of Social Psychology
- European Second Language Association
- European Society for Philosophy and Psychology
- European Society for Research in Adult Development
- Eurotophobia
- Eustress
- Eva Syková
- Evaluating a Large Group Awareness Training
- Evaluative conditioning
- Evelyn Hooker
- Evenly suspended attention
- Everybody Is Different
- Everyday life
- Everything
- Evidence-based assessment
- Evil laughter
- Evoked potential
- Evolution of cognition
- Evolution of emotion
- Evolution of morality
- Evolution of schizophrenia
- Evolution of social anxiety
- Evolutional Ethics and Animal Psychology
- Evolutionary Principle
- Evolutionary Psychology (journal)
- Evolutionary aesthetics
- Evolutionary approaches to depression
- Evolutionary approaches to postpartum depression
- Evolutionary approaches to schizophrenia
- Evolutionary developmental psychology
- Evolutionary educational psychology
- Evolutionary ethics
- Evolutionary leadership theory
- Evolutionary models of food sharing
- Evolutionary musicology
- Evolutionary neuroandrogenic theory
- Evolutionary origin of religion
- Evolutionary psychiatry
- Evolutionary psychology and culture
- Evolutionary psychology of language
- Evolutionary psychology of parenting
- Evolutionary psychology of religion
- Evolutionary psychology research groups and centers
- Evolutionary psychology
- Ex-ex-gay
- Exaggeration
- Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology
- Example choice
- Executive dysfunction
- Executive functions
- Exegesis (group)
- Exemplar (textual criticism)
- Exemplar theory
- Exhilaration
- Existential Psychotherapy (book)
- Existential crisis
- Existential isolation
- Exophilia
- Expectancy theory
- Expectancy-value theory
- Expectation fulfilment theory of dreaming
- Expected utility hypothesis
- Experience sampling method
- Experience
- Experimental Psychology (journal)
- Experimental aesthetics
- Experimental analysis of behavior
- Experimental pragmatics
- Experimental psychology
- Experimenter's regress
- Explanatory gap
- Explanatory style
- Exploration-exploitation dilemma
- Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing
- Expressed emotion
- Expressive suppression
- Extended mind thesis
- Extended physiological proprioception
- Extension neglect
- External image
- External inhibition
- Externalization (psychology)
- Externism
- Extinction (psychology)
- Extrasensory Perception (book)
- Extrasensory perception
- Extreme Overvalued Beliefs
- Extreme male brain
- Extrinsic incentives bias
- Eye contact effect
- Eyeblink conditioning
- Eyewitness testimony
- Ezequiel Di Paolo
- Ezri Dax
- F-I curve
- Face (sociological concept)
- Face negotiation theory
- Face space
- Face superiority effect
- Facebook emotional manipulation experiment
- Faces of Meth
- Facial coding
- Facial expression
- Facial feedback hypothesis
- Facial resemblance
- Factitious disorder imposed on self
- Factor analysis
- Factor regression model
- Faculty of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires
- Faculty psychology
- Fading affect bias
- Fail fast
- Failure bias
- Failure to launch
- Faith and Health
- Fake seance
- Falling (sensation)
- Falling-out
- False consensus effect
- False-uniqueness effect
- Familial sleep traits
- Familiarity heuristic
- Family Constellations
- Family nexus
- Family resemblance (anthropology)
- Family resilience
- Family romance
- Family secret
- Famous for being famous
- Fan effect
- Fan loyalty
- Fanaticism
- Fanny Moser (baroness)
- Fart lighting
- Fassinger's model of gay and lesbian identity development
- Father absence
- Father complex
- Father figure
- Fathers (book)
- Fathers as attachment figures
- Fazal Inayat-Khan
- Fear appeal
- Fear conditioning
- Fear of crossing streets
- Fear of missing out
- Fear processing in the brain
- Fear-potentiated startle
- Fear
- Feature integration theory
- Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy
- Feeling thermometer
- Feeling
- Female intrasexual competition
- Feminine psychology
- Feminism & Psychology
- Feminist psychology
- Feminist views on the Oedipus complex
- Femme fatale
- Ferdinand de Saussure
- Fetal origins hypothesis
- Fetish Con
- Fetish art
- Field theory (psychology)
- Fifth Estate
- Fight-or-flight response
- Figure Reasoning Test
- Figure–ground (perception)
- Filipino psychology
- Filling-in
- Filter bubble
- Finno-Ugrian suicide hypothesis
- First Language (journal)
- First Person Plural
- First Things First (book)
- First impression (psychology)
- First-difference estimator
- Fish! Philosophy
- Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
- Five stages of grief
- Fixation (psychology)
- Fixing Sex
- Flexibility (personality)
- Floodgate effect
- Flooding (psychology)
- Floor effect
- Flourishing
- Flow (psychology)
- Fluctuating asymmetry
- Fluency heuristic
- Foerster's syndrome
- Fogging phenomenon
- Folk biology
- Folk devil
- Folk psychology
- FondaMental foundation
- Fons Trompenaars
- Food psychology
- Fooled by Randomness
- Force Concept Inventory
- Fordham Experiment
- Foreclosure (psychoanalysis)
- Foreign Language Annals
- Foreign Language Assistant
- Foreign influences on Pompeii
- Foreign language anxiety
- Forensic developmental psychology
- Forensic psychology
- Forensic psychotherapy
- Foresight (psychology)
- Forgiveness and Love
- Forgiveness scale
- Forgiveness
- Form perception
- Formalesque
- Formicophilia
- Forte Communication Style Profile
- Forward testing effect
- Foundation for Personality and Social Psychology
- Foundations of Cyclopean Perception
- Four Cornerstone Model of Emotional Intelligence
- Four Upbuilding Discourses, 1844
- Four discourses
- Four stages of competence
- Fox Mulder
- Frame (psychotherapy)
- Framing (social sciences)
- Framing effect (psychology)
- Frances Tustin
- Francis Aveling
- Franco Basaglia
- Frank Olson
- Frank Prize
- Frank Tallis
- Frankfurt Adaptive Concentration Test
- Frannie Hughes
- Franz Brentano
- Franz Samelson
- François Lelord
- Frasier
- Freaks, Geeks, and Asperger Syndrome
- Frederick Adams (philosopher)
- Free Association Books
- Free association (psychology)
- Free-choice profiling
- Frequency illusion
- Freud and Philosophy
- Freud's seduction theory
- Freudian slip
- Frey Svenson
- Frieda Fromm-Reichmann
- Friedrich August Carus
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Friedrich Schleiermacher
- Friedrich Stephan
- Fruitless (gene)
- Frustration
- Frustration–aggression hypothesis
- Full Catastrophe Living
- Functional Independence Measure
- Functional accounts of emotion
- Functional analysis (psychology)
- Functional analytic psychotherapy
- Functional attitude theory
- Functional contextualism
- Functional fixedness
- Functional impulsivity
- Functional periodicity
- Functional psychology
- Fundamental attribution error
- Future Attribute Screening Technology
- Future Problem Solving Program International
- Future orientation
- Future self
- Future-oriented therapy
- Fuzzy-trace theory
- Félix Guattari
- Félix Ravaisson-Mollien
- G factor (psychometrics)
- G factor in non-humans
- G-VPR model
- G. Stanley Hall
- G.I. Joe fallacy
- G0y
- GRE Psychology Test
- GROW model
- Gabriel Horenczyk
- Gabriel J. Martín
- Gabriel Revault d'Allonnes
- Gabriela Rodríguez de Bukele
- Gag name
- Gallup Test
- Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test
- Gambler's fallacy
- Games People Play (book)
- Gamma wave
- Gammatone filter
- Ganser syndrome
- Ganzfeld experiment
- Garbage can model
- Garret John LoPorto
- Gary Greenberg (psychologist)
- Gas Light
- Gaspard Vieusseux
- Gateway belief model
- Gay affirmative psychotherapy
- Gay and Lesbian Memory in Action
- Gay panic defense
- Gaze
- Gell-Mann amnesia effect
- Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
- Gender Shock: Exploding the Myths of Male and Female
- Gender and emotional expression
- Gender differences in aggression
- Gender inequality
- Gender psychology
- Gender schema theory
- Gender typing
- Gendered sexuality
- GeneRec
- General Behavior Inventory
- General Health Questionnaire
- General group problem solving model
- General knowledge
- General strain theory
- Generalist Genes hypothesis
- Generality (psychology)
- Generalization (learning)
- Generalized exchange
- Generalized expected utility
- Generation effect
- Generativity
- Genetic Studies of Genius
- Genetic epistemology
- Genetics of aggression
- Genetics of impulsivity
- Genetics of obesity
- Genetics of shyness
- Genetics of social behavior
- Gene–environment correlation
- Gene–environment interaction
- Genital jewellery
- Genital play
- Genoeconomics
- Genogram
- Genome-wide complex trait analysis
- Genopolitics
- Gentleness
- Geometrical-optical illusions
- Geon (psychology)
- George Barton Cutten
- George Kelly (psychologist)
- George Lakoff
- George M. Stratton
- George Mandler
- George Miller Beard
- George Sidney Brett
- George Weinberg (psychologist)
- Georgene Hoffman Seward
- Georges Dwelshauvers
- Gerald Nordland
- Gerascophobia
- Geriatric depression in China
- Germaine Guex
- German American Partnership Program
- Gestalt Practice
- Gestalt Therapy (book)
- Gestalt psychology
- Gestalt qualities
- Gestaltzerfall
- Get It Done (book)
- Getting It: The Psychology of est
- Getting Things Done
- Getting to Yes
- Ghost hunting
- Ghost in the machine
- Gift
- Gifts Differing
- Gilles Deleuze
- Ginny (Friday the 13th)
- Giordana Grossi
- Giorgio Antonucci
- Girishwar Misra
- Give a dog a bad name and hang him
- Glans
- Glasgow Outcome Scale
- Glass delusion
- Global Appraisal of Individual Needs
- Global Consciousness Project
- Global workspace theory
- Gloom
- Gloria Careaga Pérez
- Glossary of psychiatry
- Glossary of psychoanalysis
- Glued to the Box
- Goal orientation
- Goal theory
- Goals, plans, action theory
- Gochihr (Zoroastrianism)
- God and Man at Georgetown Prep
- God complex
- God gene
- God helmet
- God helps those who help themselves
- Goethe Award for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Scholarship
- Golden Future Institute
- Golden fantasy
- Golem effect
- Gollin figure test
- Gordon Aylmer McMurray
- Gordon Hodson
- Gordon Stein
- Gossip
- Government by algorithm
- Grace Santiago
- Graded reader
- Gradients of agreement scale
- Graduated electronic decelerator
- Graham Reed (psychologist)
- Grand Theft Childhood
- Graph of desire
- Graphesthesia
- Graphology
- Gratification
- Gratitude journal
- Gratitude
- Graves's emergent cyclical levels of existence
- Gravitaxis
- Grawemeyer Award
- Gray ceiling
- Gray's biopsychological theory of personality
- Graydancer's Ropecast
- Graz School
- Great Rationality Debate
- Great rite
- Greater Good Science Center
- Greater Kansas City and Topeka Psychoanalytic Center and Institute
- Greek Tragedy and the British Theatre 1660–1914
- Greek love
- Green Door (miniseries)
- Gregory M. Herek
- Gregory Zilboorg
- Grey commissure
- Grid cell
- Grief
- Grinberg Method
- Grotesque body
- Grounded theory
- Group Embedded Figures Test
- Group affective tone
- Group attribution error
- Group cohesiveness
- Group emotion
- Group polarization
- Groupshift
- Groupthink
- Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie
- Gudjonsson suggestibility scale
- Guess the Correlation
- Guided self-change
- Guilford's Alternate Uses
- Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey
- Guilt (emotion)
- Guilty pleasure
- Gunamudian David Boaz
- Gunnar Johansson (psychophysicist)
- Gunter Schmidt
- Gustav Jahoda
- Gustav Kafka
- Gustave Le Bon
- Gutmensch
- Guttman scale
- Guy Debord
- Gymnophobia
- Günter Weigand
- Habit (biology)
- Habituation
- Half-life of knowledge
- Hallucinations (book)
- Halo effect
- Hamiltonian spite
- Handbook of Educational Psychology
- Handjob
- Hanger reflex
- Hanna Fenichel
- Hannibal (TV series)
- Hans-Lukas Teuber
- Happening bar
- Happiness economics
- Happiness
- Happy (2011 film)
- Happy victimizing
- Haptic perception
- Harcourt Assessment
- Hard problem of consciousness
- Hardiness (psychology)
- Hard–easy effect
- Harem (zoology)
- Hari Seldon
- Harley Quinn
- Harmonic Convergence
- Harold H. Bloomfield
- Harvard Department of Social Relations
- Harvard University Department of Psychology
- Harvey Jackins
- Hatred
- Haven Institute (Gabriola Island, Canada)
- Hawthorne effect
- Health Psychology Review
- Health action process approach
- Health belief model
- Health psychology
- Health-related embarrassment
- Heart Rhythm Meditation
- Heartistic
- Heba Kotb
- Hebb–Williams maze
- Hedonic hunger
- Hedonic motivation
- Hedonic treadmill
- Hedonism
- Hedonophobia
- Heino Meyer-Bahlburg
- Heinz Schmidtke
- Heinz Werner's orthogenetic principle
- Heinz dilemma
- Helen (unit)
- Helen Morrison
- Helen Pickett
- Helen Schucman
- Helena Pietraszkiewicz
- Helene Deutsch
- Helicopter hieroglyphs
- Heliocentric astrology
- Heliotropic hypothesis
- Helmut Leder
- Help-seeking
- Helper theory
- Helping behavior
- Hemispherectomy
- Henogamy
- Henri Delacroix
- Henri Piéron
- Henri Poincaré
- Henri-Étienne Beaunis
- Henry Foster Adams
- Henry Maudsley
- Henry Tasman Lovell
- Heptateuch
- Herb Goldberg
- Herbivore men
- Herd mentality
- Hereditarianism
- Heritability of IQ
- Hermit Ren
- Hero syndrome
- Heroic Imagination Project
- Herpetophobia
- Hester McFarland Solomon
- Heterogony of ends
- Heterophily
- Heterosexual relationships among LGBT people
- Heuristic (psychology)
- Hewligan's Haircut
- Hexateuch
- Heymans' cube
- Hi-wa itck
- Hick's law
- Hidayat al-Mutaʽallemin fi al-Ṭibb
- Hidden message
- Hierarchical structure of the Big Five
- Hierarchy of death
- High probability instruction
- High-conductance state
- High-stakes testing
- Higher consciousness
- Higher-order theories of consciousness
- Higher-order volition
- Hille equation
- Hindsight bias
- Hindu astrology
- Hipster PDA
- Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences
- Historiometry
- History of Psychology (journal)
- History of attachment theory
- History of bipolar disorder
- History of conversion therapy
- History of depression
- History of dyslexia research
- History of electroconvulsive therapy in the United States
- History of emotions
- History of evolutionary psychology
- History of psychology (discipline)
- History of psychology
- History of psychopathy
- History of psychotherapy
- History of the race and intelligence controversy
- Histrionic personality disorder
- Hjernevask
- Hodological space
- Hofling hospital experiment
- Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory
- Holland Codes
- Holmes and Rahe stress scale
- Holonomic brain theory
- Homeostatic feeling
- Homeric psychology
- Homesickness
- Homing (biology)
- Homo duplex
- Homo reciprocans
- Homohysteria
- Homology (psychology)
- Homosexual panic
- Homosexual seduction
- Homosexuality and psychology
- Homosexuality in the DSM
- Honesty-humility factor of the HEXACO model of personality
- Honeymoon rhinitis
- Honeymoon-hangover effect
- Hope
- Horacio Etchegoyen
- Horizontal and vertical décalage
- Hormonal imprinting
- Horn effect
- Horoscope
- Horror-of-personality
- Hospitalism
- Hostile attribution bias
- Hostile media effect
- Hostility
- Hot Line (TV series)
- Hot hand
- Hot mic
- Hot-cold empathy gap
- House (astrology)
- How Bad Is Your Spotify?
- How Doctors Think
- How People Change
- How People Learn
- How Students Learn
- How the Self Controls Its Brain
- How to Analyze People on Sight
- How to Change Your Mind (miniseries)
- How to Solve It
- How to Solve it by Computer
- Howard Giles
- Hubert Dreyfus
- Hue-heat hypothesis
- Hugh Lytton
- Human Behavior and Evolution Society
- Human Cognitive Abilities
- Human Design
- Human Development (journal)
- Human Performance (journal)
- Human Potential Movement
- Human Sexuality (book)
- Human action cycle
- Human behavior
- Human behaviour genetics
- Human bonding
- Human condition
- Human female sexuality
- Human givens
- Human intelligence
- Human magnetism
- Human male sexuality
- Human mating strategies
- Human multitasking
- Human nature
- Human sexual activity
- Human-centered computing
- Humanistic psychology
- Humiliation
- Humor styles
- Humorist
- Humorous Interpretation
- Humour
- Hunger (physiology)
- Hunger
- Hungry judge effect
- Hunter Zolomon
- Hunter versus farmer hypothesis
- Hunting Humans
- Hygge
- Hygroreception
- Hyperbolic discounting
- Hypercalculia
- Hypercorrection (psychology)
- Hypergamy
- Hyperkatifeia
- Hyperprosociality
- Hypersociability
- Hyperthymic temperament
- Hypnoanalysis
- Hypocognition
- Hypomasculinity
- Hypostatic model of personality
- Hypothesis Theory
- Hysteria
- Hysterical contagion
- Hysteroid dysphoria
- Hywel Murrell
- Hāsya
- I Second That Emotion (Futurama)
- I Want It All Now!
- I of the Vortex
- I'm Dysfunctional, You're Dysfunctional
- IKEA effect
- Ian Duncan (Community)
- Ian Phillips (philosopher)
- Ibrahim Al-Faqi
- Icarus Project
- Icarus complex
- Iconoclast: A Neuroscientist Reveals How to Think Differently
- Ictal asystole
- Id, ego and super-ego
- Ideal observer analysis
- Ideal tasks
- Ideasthesia
- Identifiable victim effect
- Identification (literature)
- Identification (psychology)
- Identification with the Aggressor
- Identity based motivation
- Identity crisis
- Identity disturbance
- Identity formation
- Identity fusion
- Identity safety cues
- Ideographic approach
- Ideomotor phenomenon
- Idiographic image
- Idries Shah
- Idée fixe (psychology)
- Ifmad
- Ignite the Genius Within
- Illusion of asymmetric insight
- Illusion of control
- Illusion of explanatory depth
- Illusion of transparency
- Illusion of validity
- Illusion
- Illusory conjunctions
- Illusory correlation
- Illusory superiority
- Illusory truth effect
- Imagery debate
- Imaginary audience
- Imaginary friend
- Imagined speech
- Imitation
- Imitative learning
- Immaculate perception
- Immersion therapy
- Immorality Act, 1927
- Immuno-psychiatry
- Impact bias
- Impact of Event Scale - Revised
- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pregnant women
- Imperfect induction
- Imperial phase
- Implementation intention
- Implicate and explicate order
- Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure
- Implicit attitude
- Implicit cognition
- Implicit egotism
- Implicit self-esteem
- Implicit stereotype
- Implicit-association test
- Impossible color
- Impostor syndrome
- Impregnation fetishism
- Impression management
- Imprinted brain hypothesis
- Impulse-control disorder
- In Therapy (French TV series)
- In Treatment
- In a Different Voice
- In-group favoritism
- Inayat Khan
- Incarceration prevention in the United States
- Incel
- Incentive
- Incentivisation
- Independent Practitioners Network
- Independent reading
- Indeterminacy (philosophy)
- Index of cognitive science articles
- Index of psychology articles
- Index of psychometrics articles
- Indian psychology
- Indigenous psychology
- Indignation
- Indigo children
- Individual psychological assessment
- Individual psychology
- Individualistic culture
- Indoctrination
- Induced movement
- Induction puzzles
- Industrial and organizational psychology
- Inequity aversion
- Infamia
- Infancy (journal)
- Infant Behavior and Development
- Infant Mental Health Journal
- Infant Potty Training
- Infant cognitive development
- Infant crying
- Infant sleep training
- Infantilism (physiological disorder)
- Infatuation
- Inference-based therapy
- Inferiority complex
- Influence of mass media
- Influence-for-hire
- Influencer marketing
- Informant (psychiatry)
- Information bias (psychology)
- Information cascade
- Information metabolism
- Information processing (psychology)
- Information processing theory
- Informational social influence
- Infrahumanisation
- Infrared sensing in snakes
- Inglehart–Welzel cultural map of the world
- Ingratiation
- Inherent bad faith model
- Inherently funny word
- Inma Puig
- Inner child
- Inner critic
- Inner peace
- Innerscope Research
- Inositol-phosphate phosphatase
- Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development
- Insanity defense
- Insensitivity to sample size
- Inside Out (2015 film)
- Insight Seminars
- Insight phenomenology
- Insignificance
- Instinct
- Instinctive drift
- Institut Métapsychique International
- Institute for International and Cross-Cultural Psychology
- Institute for the Study of Human Knowledge
- Institute of Continuing Professional Development
- Institute of Noetic Sciences
- Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour
- Institute of Psychology (Szeged)
- Instructional design
- Instrument effect
- Insufficient justification
- Insult
- Integrated information theory
- Integrated threat theory
- Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science
- Integrative behavioral couples therapy
- Integrative communication theory
- Integrative complexity
- Integrative milieu model
- Integrative neuroscience
- Integrity Inventory
- Intellect
- Intellectualization
- Intelligence and personality
- Intelligence quotient
- Intelligence
- Intelligent disobedience
- Intention (criminal law)
- Intentional infliction of emotional distress
- Intentional stance
- Intentionality
- Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Study
- Interactionism (nature versus nurture)
- Interactions between the emotional and executive brain systems
- Interamerican Psychological Society
- Interest (emotion)
- Interface hypothesis
- Intergroup relations
- Interictal dysphoric disorder
- Interindividual differences in perception
- Intermodal mapping
- Internal Family Systems Model
- Internal discourse
- Internal working model of attachment
- Internalism and externalism
- Internalization (sociology)
- Internarrative identity
- International Affective Picture System
- International Association for Analytical Psychology
- International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology
- International Association for Near-Death Studies
- International Association for Research in Economic Psychology
- International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion
- International Association for the Study of Child Language
- International Association of Applied Psychology
- International Association of Art Critics
- International Association of Empirical Aesthetics
- International Association of Sufism
- International Association of Transdisciplinary Psychology
- International General Medical Society for Psychotherapy
- International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
- International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
- International Journal of Play Therapy
- International Journal of Transpersonal Studies
- International Literature and Psychology Conference
- International Neuropsychological Society
- International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation
- International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
- International Psychoanalytic University Berlin
- International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- International Sex Worker Foundation for Art, Culture and Education
- International Society for Affective Disorders
- International Society for Comparative Psychology
- International Society for Intelligence Research
- International Society for Justice Research
- International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations
- International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development
- International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders
- International Society of Critical Health Psychology
- International Society of Political Psychology
- International Society of Sport Psychology
- International Test Commission
- International Union of Psychological Science
- International psychology
- Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse
- Internet celebrity
- Internet influences on communities
- Interocular transfer
- Interpellation (philosophy)
- Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection Theory
- Interpersonal Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy
- Interpersonal circumplex
- Interpersonal complementarity hypothesis
- Interpersonal emotion regulation
- Interpersonal neurobiology
- Interpersonal psychoanalysis
- Interpretive bias
- Interruption (speech)
- Interstimulus interval
- Intersubjective psychoanalysis
- Intersubjective verifiability
- Intertrial priming
- Intertwingularity
- Intra-rater reliability
- Intrapsychic humanism
- Intravaginal ejaculation latency time
- Introjection
- Introspection illusion
- Introspection
- Intrusive research
- Intuition
- Inua
- Invented tradition
- Inventive standard
- Inversive
- Investigative psychology
- Investment model of commitment
- Invidia
- Invisible Pink Unicorn
- Invisible ships
- Involuntary treatment
- Ionotropic effect
- Ipsative
- Irene Claremont de Castillejo
- Irene Hughes
- Irony
- Irreducible Mind
- Irritability
- Irrsinnig Menschlich
- Irving Janis
- Irwin Silverman
- Is the glass half empty or half full?
- Isabelle Peretz
- Isiaah Crawford
- Island of the Hungry Ghosts
- Isolation (psychology)
- Isolation tank
- Isomorphism (Gestalt psychology)
- István Aranyosi
- It Gets Better (book)
- It Gets Better Project
- It girl
- It's All in Your Head (book)
- Item analysis
- Item bank
- Item response theory
- Ivan Tyrrell
- Ivor Lloyd Tuckett
- Iñaki Piñuel
- J. Mark G. Williams
- J. Michael Bailey
- J. W. A. Hickson
- JUPA Psychology Proficiency Test
- Jack Turban
- Jacob Sullum
- Jacqueline Rose
- Jacqueline Sloane
- Jacques Derrida
- Jacques Lacan
- Jakob Johann von Uexküll
- Jamais vu
- James A. Russell
- James Cantor
- James Gross
- James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award
- James Peacock (anthropologist)
- James W. Pennebaker
- James–Lange theory
- Jamie Raines
- Jan de Quay
- Jane Arden (director)
- Janet Shibley Hyde
- Janette Atkinson
- Janus: A Summing Up
- Japanese Language and Literature
- Japanese Psychological Research
- Jaqueline Jesus
- Javad Nurbakhsh
- Jealousy
- Jean Dalby Clift
- Jean Mercer
- Jean Nicod Prize
- Jean Oury
- Jean-Claude Abric
- Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
- Jelte Wicherts
- Jen Jack Gieseking
- Jenkins activity survey
- Jensenism
- Jerbal Argon
- Jerome Bruner
- Jerry Fodor
- Jesse Bering
- Jesse Prinz
- Jessica Benjamin
- Jessica Taylor (author)
- Jest book
- Jiayou (cheer)
- Jiří Hoskovec
- Joan C. Williams
- Joan Cunnold
- Job characteristic theory
- Job control (workplace)
- Job performance and emotional intelligence
- Jocasta complex
- Johann Friedrich Herbart
- Johannes Hermanus van der Hoop
- John Amaechi
- John C. Marshall (neuropsychologist)
- John Chynoweth Burnham
- John D. Dunne
- John D. Teasdale
- John Forrester (historian)
- John Francis Leader
- John Gray (American author)
- John Heaton (psychotherapist)
- John Henry effect
- John Henryism
- John Holland (psychic)
- John L. Pollock
- John M. Broughton
- John Nevil Maskelyne
- John Oulton Wisdom
- John P. Dourley
- John Rijsman
- John Seamon
- John Seward
- John Stuart Mill
- John W. Berry (psychologist)
- John Zubek
- Joint attention
- Jointness (psychodynamics)
- Joke chess problem
- Joke
- Jon Freeman (academic)
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Jonah complex
- Jonas Deichmann
- Jonathan Lear
- Jonathon Rendina
- Jongensland
- Josep Call
- Joseph D. Novak
- Joseph Doucé
- Joseph Jastrow
- Joseph Nicolosi
- Joseph Zubin Award
- Jostein Rise
- Jouissance
- Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
- Journal of Adolescence
- Journal of Affective Disorders
- Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
- Journal of Applied Psychology
- Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
- Journal of Applied Social Psychology
- Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
- Journal of Black Psychology
- Journal of Child Language
- Journal of Child Sexual Abuse
- Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology
- Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
- Journal of Cognition and Development
- Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy
- Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
- Journal of Consciousness Studies
- Journal of Constructivist Psychology
- Journal of Consumer Psychology
- Journal of Counseling Psychology
- Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
- Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
- Journal of Environmental Psychology
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
- Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
- Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
- Journal of Family Psychology
- Journal of Happiness Studies
- Journal of Health and Social Behavior
- Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling
- Journal of Latinx Psychology
- Journal of Mathematical Psychology
- Journal of Media Psychology
- Journal of Memory and Language
- Journal of Mind and Behavior
- Journal of Moral Education
- Journal of Neuropsychology
- Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics
- Journal of Nonverbal Behavior
- Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
- Journal of Parapsychology
- Journal of Personality Assessment
- Journal of Personality Disorders
- Journal of Personality
- Journal of Polymorphous Perversity
- Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
- Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
- Journal of Psychohistory
- Journal of Psychology & Theology
- Journal of Psychology and Christianity
- Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
- Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
- Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
- Journal of Research in Personality
- Journal of Russian & East European Psychology
- Journal of School Psychology
- Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
- Journal of Sex Education and Therapy
- Journal of Sexual Aggression
- Journal of Social Issues
- Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
- Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
- Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
- Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
- Journal of Traumatic Stress
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence
- Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
- Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology
- Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
- Journeys with the Black Dog
- Joy
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Judgment defaulter
- Judith V. Jordan
- Judy Ho
- Julia Hoffman
- Julia Kristeva
- Julia Shaw (psychologist)
- Julian Jaynes
- Julianne Holt-Lunstad
- Juliet Mitchell
- Julius Bahnsen
- Jumping to conclusions
- June Gruber
- Jungian Type Index
- Junk drawer
- Jurosomatic illness
- Jury research
- Just-noticeable difference
- Just-world hypothesis
- Justin Clemens
- Jīva (Jainism)
- K-hole
- K-line (artificial intelligence)
- Kama muta
- Kant with Sade
- Kappa effect
- Karen Horney
- Karl Jaspers
- Karmic astrology
- Karpman drama triangle
- Kate Millett
- Katherine McMichaels
- Kathleen Higgins
- Kathy Sylva
- Kazimierz Twardowski
- Ke Kula o Nawahiokalaniopuu
- Keep Calm and Carry On
- Keeper of the Meaning
- Keeper: Living with Nancy
- Kena Lorenzini
- Kenneth Hugdahl
- Kenneth J. Gergen
- Kent C. Berridge
- Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills
- Kerolos Bahgat
- Kerry Gibson
- Kevin Brown (Canadian football)
- Kevin F. McCready
- Kevin Mulligan
- Kewpie doll effect
- Kharkov school of psychology
- Kimberly Arcand
- Kimodameshi
- Kin selection
- Kindness priming (psychology)
- Kindness
- Kinesis (biology)
- Kinesthetic sympathy
- Kingsley Hall
- Kirlian photography
- Kistler Prize
- Klaus Scherer
- Kleptolagnia
- Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's values orientation theory
- Kluge (book)
- Knife play
- Knight of faith
- Knismesis and gargalesis
- Knobbly knees competition
- Knowing How to Know
- Knowledge (legal construct)
- Knowledge building
- Knowledge falsification
- Knowledge inertia
- Knowledge of human nature
- Knowledge of results
- Koestler Parapsychology Unit
- Kolb's experiential learning
- Kolcaba's Theory of Comfort
- Konstantin Ramul
- Konsultativnaya Psikhologiya i Psikhoterapiya
- Korean bug
- Korte's third law of apparent motion
- Koumpounophobia
- Kristine Beate Walhovd
- Kuder–Richardson formulas
- Kuleshov effect
- Kurt Danziger
- Kurt Koffka Medal
- Kuso
- Kyle Cave
- Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
- L. L. Thurstone Psychometric Laboratory
- L. Ron Hubbard
- L. S. Hearnshaw
- LEARN Journal
- LGBT Mormon suicides
- LGBT psychology
- LGBT trauma
- LGBT youth vulnerability
- LOTS (personality psychology)
- La Borde clinic
- La plume de ma tante (phrase)
- Lacanianism
- Lack (psychoanalysis)
- Ladislav Tauc
- Lady Macbeth effect
- Lady Wonder
- Laius complex
- Lament
- Lance Sweets
- Language Teaching Research
- Language Testing
- Language and Language Disturbances
- Language center
- Language deprivation experiments
- Language expectancy theory
- Language intensity
- Language module
- Lapalissade
- Lapsus
- Large-group awareness training
- Large-group capacitation
- Larry Cochran
- Lataif-e-Sitta
- Latent Dirichlet allocation
- Latent and observable variables
- Latent class model
- Latent human error
- Latent inhibition
- Latent semantic analysis
- Latent variable model
- Laterality (journal)
- Lateralization of brain function
- Laughter in animals
- Laughter-induced syncope
- Laurence D. Smith
- Law of comparative judgment
- Law of effect
- Law of the instrument
- Lawn dart effect
- Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development
- Lawrence LeShan
- Lazar Stankov
- Lazy user model
- Le Jeu de la Mort
- Leadership Dynamics
- Leadership analysis
- Leaning tower illusion
- Learned helplessness
- Learned industriousness
- Learned optimism
- Learning How to Learn
- Learning pyramid
- Learning styles
- Learning theory (education)
- Learning to Live Together
- Learning
- Leaving a Doll's House
- Lectio brevior
- Lee A. Thompson
- Lees-Haley Fake Bad Scale
- Left-brain interpreter
- Legal and Criminological Psychology
- Legal consciousness
- Legal psychology
- Legitimate peripheral participation
- Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology
- Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information
- Leisure sickness
- Leonard Zusne
- Leonid Zankov
- Les Annales du théâtre et de la musique
- Les Greenberg
- Les Illusions de la Psychanalyse
- Less-is-better effect
- Letter to Sigeweard
- Lev Vygotsky
- Levitation (paranormal)
- Lewin's equation
- Lexical decision task
- Lexical hypothesis
- Leymann Inventory of Psychological Terror
- Li's field
- Liara Roux
- Libby (Lost)
- Liberation by Oppression
- Liberation psychology
- Libido
- Licensed behavior analyst
- Life Events and Difficulties Schedule
- Life Is Good Company
- Life and How to Survive It
- Life course approach
- Life-span model of motivation
- LifeStyles Condoms
- Lifelong learning
- Lifespring
- Light-dark box test
- Like Colour to the Blind
- Likert scale
- Liking gap
- Limbic resonance
- Limbic system
- Limen
- Limerence
- Linda Siegel
- Line of Gennari
- Lingam massage
- Linguistic relativity
- Linguistics in education
- Lip reading
- Lisa Bortolotti
- Lisa Feldman Barrett
- Lisa Kahn (poet)
- Lisa M. Diamond
- Listening behaviour types
- Lists of diseases
- Literalism (music)
- Lithium toxicity
- Little Albert experiment
- Little Eichmanns
- Live, Laugh, Love
- Living lab
- Ljubljana school of psychoanalysis
- Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
- Local independence
- Locus of control
- Logic-based therapy
- Logical behaviorism
- Loneliness
- Looking-glass self
- Looming
- Loren Mosher
- Lorenzo Chiesa
- Los Horcones
- Loserthink
- Loss aversion
- Lost in the mall technique
- Lotion play
- Louis Sokoloff
- Louisa Elizabeth Allen
- Louise Hay
- Love Against Hate
- Love Meetings
- Love and Will
- Love and hate (psychoanalysis)
- Love egg
- Love of learning
- Love
- Lovesickness
- Lovestruck
- Love–hate relationship
- Low arousal theory
- Loyalty
- Luce Irigaray
- Luciano Mecacci
- Lucid dream
- Lucinda Bassett
- Ludic fallacy
- Ludwig Klages
- Ludy T. Benjamin
- Lumbar enlargement
- Lunar effect
- Lunar station
- Luria Neuroscience Institute
- Lust
- Luule Viilma
- Luxury belief
- Lying (Harris book)
- Lyn Duff
- Lyudmila Petranovskaya
- Lövheim Cube of Emotions
- M'Naghten rules
- M. Scott Peck
- MAP-Seq
- MIDAS Trial
- MIND Institute
- MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- MKUltra
- MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
- MRS Degree
- MSU Faculty of Psychology
- MaMaMedia, Inc.
- Machiavellianism (psychology)
- Mackworth Clock
- Mad Studies
- Mad in America (website)
- Mad pride
- Madeha al-Ajroush
- Madonna wannabe
- Madonna–whore complex
- Magda B. Arnold
- Maggie Walsh
- Magical thinking
- Magnetoreception
- Maimonides' rule
- Maine de Biran
- Mainstream media
- Maj-Briht Bergström-Walan
- Major Decisions
- Major depressive disorder
- Major depressive episode
- Makarena Dudley
- Mal du siècle
- Malaise
- Malan triangles
- Male warrior hypothesis
- Maledictology
- Malie Coyne
- Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited
- Malingering
- Malnutrition
- Mama: Love, Motherhood and Revolution
- Man's Search for Meaning
- Manchester Pusher
- Mand (psychology)
- Mandy Morgan
- Manfred Cassirer
- Manfred Max-Neef's Fundamental human needs
- Mania
- Manifestoes of Surrealism
- Manipulation (psychology)
- Manosphere
- Manualism (hand music)
- Mapa ng Loob
- Maps of Meaning
- Marble burying
- Marcel Foucault
- Marcelle Perks
- Marchman Act
- Margaret Ann Moore
- Margaret Clark-Williams
- Margaret Lumley Brown
- Margarete Hilferding
- Margie E. Lachman
- Marginal man theory
- Maria Cristina Richaud
- Marian Chace
- Marian Petre
- Marianismo
- Marianne Simmel
- Marie-Louise von Franz
- Mariko Aoki phenomenon
- Mariló López Garrido
- Mario Bunge
- Mario Ponzo
- Mark Zanna
- Marley hypothesis
- Marlowe–Crowne Social Desirability Scale
- Marquis (magazine)
- Mars and Venus in the Bedroom
- Marsh Chapel Experiment
- Martha Klein
- Martha Manning
- Martha Mednick
- Martha Mitchell effect
- Martha Nussbaum
- Martin Cohen (philosopher)
- Martin Daly (professor)
- Martin Dannecker
- Martin Heidegger
- Martin Voracek (psychologist)
- Marty Saybrooke
- Martyr complex
- Mary L. Trump
- María Galindo
- Masking (personality)
- Maslach Burnout Inventory
- Maslow on Management
- Maslow's hierarchy of needs
- Mass psychogenic illness
- Massed negative practice
- Massimo Polidoro
- Mast (Meher Baba)
- Master of Psychology
- Masters and Johnson Institute
- Mastery and pleasure technique
- Masturbation booth
- Match-to-sample task
- Matching law
- Mate choice
- Mate guarding in humans
- Materialization (paranormal)
- Maternal bond
- Maternal deprivation
- Maternal sensitivity
- Mathematical models of social learning
- Mathematical principles of reinforcement
- Matheme
- Mating preferences
- Matrix-core
- Maturity (psychological)
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty
- Maurice Yaffé
- Max Lüscher
- Max Nordau
- MaxDiff
- Maximization (psychology)
- May Alison Davidson
- Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test
- McGill Picture Anomaly Test
- McGuire's Motivations
- McGurk effect
- McN5652
- Mean world syndrome
- Meaning (psychology)
- Meaning-making
- Meaningful life
- Measurement invariance
- Measures of conditioned emotional response
- Measures of guilt and shame
- Mechanism of autism
- Mechanisms of mindfulness meditation
- Mechanophobia
- Mechanoreceptor
- Media bias
- Media circus
- Media culture
- Media manipulation
- Media naturalness theory
- Media panic
- Media psychology
- Media relations
- Medial eye fields
- Medical intuitive
- Medical psychology
- Medical views of conversion therapy
- Medical-psychological assessment (Germany)
- Medically unexplained physical symptoms
- Meditation
- Mediumship
- Medusa complex
- Meergunj
- Meg-John Barker
- Mehdi Safaei
- Melancholia
- Melancholic depression
- Melioration theory
- Melly Oitzl
- Melodic learning
- Melody Beattie
- Meme
- Memory & Cognition
- Memory conformity
- Memory confusion protocol
- Memory erasure
- Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
- Men and Women's Club
- Mens rea
- Mental Health, Religion & Culture
- Mental Measurements Yearbook
- Mental Radio
- Mental Rotations Test
- Mental age
- Mental capital
- Mental disorder
- Mental disorders and gender
- Mental environment
- Mental event
- Mental fact
- Mental health among female offenders in the United States
- Mental health in education
- Mental health triage
- Mental health
- Mental illness in ancient Rome
- Mental image
- Mental management
- Mental mapping
- Mental model theory of reasoning
- Mental model
- Mental representation
- Mental status examination
- Mental substance
- Mental time travel
- Mental toughness
- Mentalism (psychology)
- Mentalization-based treatment
- Mentalization
- Mentally ill people in United States jails and prisons
- Mentophobia
- Mere ownership effect
- Mere-exposure effect
- Mere-measurement effect
- Merkwelt
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
- Merry Riana
- Mesaxon
- Messiah complex
- Meta-learning
- Metacognition
- Metacognitions questionnaire
- Metacognitive therapy
- Metallic Metals Act
- Metamood
- Metamotivation
- Metanoia (psychology)
- Metaphysical solipsism
- Metapsychology
- Metarepresentation
- Method of factors
- Method of spiritual victory
- Methodological solipsism
- Michael A. Smith (philosopher)
- Michael Apter
- Michael Hendricks
- Michael Kyrios
- Michael Muthukrishna
- Michael Ndurumo
- Michael Peters (psychologist)
- Michael Quinn (academic)
- Michael White (psychotherapist)
- Michel Foucault
- Michel Weber
- Microaggression
- Microexpression
- Microgenetic design
- Micropsychoanalysis
- Microwave auditory effect
- Middle child syndrome
- Midlife crisis
- Midline nuclear group
- Mighty girl effect
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Mike Cooley (engineer)
- Mikhail Labkovsky
- Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen
- Mildred Newman
- Milgram experiment
- Military impostor
- Millais Culpin
- Millennial pause
- Milo Yiannopoulos
- Mimpathy
- Mind & Brain Prize
- Mind & Life Institute
- Mind Science Foundation
- Mind at Large
- Mind control in popular culture
- Mind games
- Mind projection fallacy
- Mind-mindedness
- Mind-wandering
- MindFreedom International
- Mindfulness (Apple)
- Mindfulness (journal)
- Mindfulness and technology
- Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
- Mindfulness-based pain management
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction
- Mindfulness
- Mindguard
- Mindset
- Mindstream
- Mind–body dualism
- Mind–body problem
- Mini-SEA
- Minimisation (psychology)
- Minnesota Paper Form Board Test
- Minority influence
- Minsky's Burlesque
- Mira Oberholzer-Gincburg
- Mirror in the Bathroom
- Mirror stage
- Mirror test
- Mirta González Suárez
- Misbehaving Science
- Mismatch negativity
- Missing letter effect
- Missing sock
- Missing stair
- Missing white woman syndrome
- Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me)
- Mitchell L. Walker
- Mittheilungen aus dem Leben Geistesgestörter
- Mixture model
- Mnemic neglect
- Mode deactivation therapy
- Modeling (psychology)
- Models of abnormality
- Models of consciousness
- Modern psychoanalysis
- Modes of religiosity
- Modular Cognition Framework
- Modularity of mind
- Modus vivendi
- Mokken scale
- Molko v. Holy Spirit Ass'n for the Unification of World Christianity
- Molly Harrower
- Mom Genes
- Mondegreen
- Money illusion
- Money worship
- Money-rich, time-poor
- Mongrel complex
- Monism
- Mono no aware
- Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
- Monosexuality
- Monster Study
- Montreal experiments
- Mony Elkaïm
- Mood (psychology)
- Mood Disorder Questionnaire
- Mood disorder
- Mood repair strategies
- Mood swing
- Mood tracking
- Moral Machine
- Moral blindness
- Moral certainty
- Moral character
- Moral circle expansion
- Moral conviction
- Moral courage
- Moral development
- Moral disengagement
- Moral emotions
- Moral exclusion
- Moral foundations theory
- Moral hierarchy
- Moral identity
- Moral idiocy
- Moral injury
- Moral intelligence
- Moral luck
- Moral panic
- Moral perception
- Moral psychology
- Moral reasoning
- Moral responsibility
- Moral sense theory
- Moral shock
- Moral treatment
- Morale
- Morality throughout the Life Span
- Mores
- Moritz Geiger
- Mork Goes Erk
- Morphological box
- Morphological psychology
- Morris Moscovitch
- Morrisby Profile
- Mortality salience
- Mortido
- Morton Prince
- Mother Warriors
- Mother's boy
- Motherhood constellation
- Motion perception
- Motion silencing illusion
- Motion-induced interocular suppression
- Motivated reasoning
- Motivated tactician
- Motivating operation
- Motivation and Emotion
- Motivation and Personality
- Motivation crowding theory
- Motivation in second-language learning
- Motivation
- Motivational deficiency disorder
- Motivational enhancement therapy
- Motivational intensity
- Motivational interviewing
- Motivational poster
- Motivational salience
- Motivational speaker
- Motivational therapy
- Motor cognition
- Motor imagery
- Motor planning
- Motor theory of speech perception
- Motor tic, Obsessions and compulsions, Vocal tic Evaluation Survey
- Motto
- Mourning and Melancholia
- Mozart effect
- Mozi
- Mr. Mackey
- Mrs Bradley
- Mudita
- Muhammad Ajmal
- Muhammad Ali Center
- Mulla Sadra
- Multidimensional Aptitude Battery II
- Multidimensional scaling
- Multifactor leadership questionnaire
- Multiple Natures
- Multiple audience dilemma
- Multiple baseline design
- Multiple code theory
- Multiple drafts model
- Multisensory integration
- Multistable perception
- Multistage testing
- Multivariate Behavioral Research
- Multivesicular release
- Multnomah Community Ability Scale
- Mundane astrology
- Murray's system of needs
- Museum Erotica
- Museum fatigue
- Music and emotion
- Music in psychological operations
- Music, Thought, and Feeling
- Musik-Konzepte
- My Depression: A Picture Book
- My Mom was a Schizophrenic
- My Way killings
- Myelin incisure
- Myles Munroe
- Mystim
- Myth in Primitive Psychology
- Mária Török
- N-back
- N170
- Nacktfussball
- Nafs
- Naive diversification
- Naivety
- Nalini Ambady
- Name of the Father
- Name-letter effect
- Nancy Cole
- Naomi Weisstein
- Napoleon complex
- Napoleonist syndrome
- Narcissism in the workplace
- Narcissism
- Narcissistic defences
- Narcissistic elation
- Narcissistic injury
- Narcissistic mortification
- Narcissistic neurosis
- Narcissistic personality disorder
- Narcissistic supply
- Narcissistic withdrawal
- Narrative identity
- Narrative psychology
- Narrative therapy
- Narratophilia
- Nascent state
- Nash's Pyramid
- National Association for Self-Esteem
- National Association of School Psychologists
- National Comorbidity Survey
- National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology
- National Criminal Justice Officer Selection Inventory
- National Firefighter Selection Inventory
- National Laboratory of Psychical Research
- National Prize for Natural Sciences (Chile)
- National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles
- National Training Laboratories
- National psychology
- National trauma
- Natural design
- Natural language procedures
- Natural morality
- Natural scene perception
- Naturalistic observation
- Naturalistic theories of mental representation
- Nature deficit disorder
- Nature versus nurture
- Navon figure
- Nazareth-Conferences
- Naïve cynicism
- Naïve physics
- Naïve realism (psychology)
- Naïve realism
- Near-birth experience
- Near-death experience
- Near-death studies
- Need for achievement
- Need for affiliation
- Need for power
- Need theory
- Need
- Negative affectivity
- Negative transference
- Negativity bias
- Neglect of probability
- Neglect
- Negligent infliction of emotional distress
- Nenagh Kemp
- Neo-Adlerian
- Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development
- Neoism
- Neta Hebrew
- Netizen
- Neue Berliner Musikzeitung
- Neural Darwinism
- Neural adaptation
- Neural basis of self
- Neural clique
- Neural computation
- Neural correlates of consciousness
- Neural efficiency hypothesis
- Neural substrate
- Neurally controlled animat
- Neuroanatomy of handedness
- Neurobiological effects of physical exercise
- Neurocognition
- Neuroconstructivism
- Neurodevelopmental framework for learning
- Neuroeconomics
- Neuroepistemology
- Neuroesthetics
- Neurofeedback
- Neurogenetics
- Neurological reparative therapy
- Neuromanagement
- Neurometric function
- Neuromimetic intelligence
- Neuromodulation (medicine)
- Neuromuscular diagnostics
- Neuromusculoskeletal medicine
- Neuronal tiling
- Neurophenomenology
- Neurophilosophy
- Neuropolitics
- Neuropsychoanalysis
- Neuropsychologia
- Neuropsychology (journal)
- Neuropsychology Review
- Neuropsychology
- Neuropsychopharmacology
- Neuroscience and intelligence
- Neurosis and Human Growth
- Neurotechnology Industry Organization
- Neurotransmitter receptor
- Neutral stimulus
- Neutrality (psychoanalysis)
- Neville A. Stanton
- New Center for Psychoanalysis
- New Ideas in Psychology
- New Man (utopian concept)
- New Year's resolution
- New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
- New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists
- New Zealand Psychological Society
- New media
- New mysterianism
- Nice guy
- Niche picking
- Nigel Guenole
- Nikarete of Corinth
- Nirmal Baba
- Nishimta
- No pain, no gain
- No-pan kissa
- No. 1 Geisha
- Noam Chomsky
- Nobel Prize effect
- Nobody Nowhere
- Nocebo
- Noetics
- Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
- Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment
- Nominative determinism
- Nomological network
- Non sequitur (literary device)
- Non-Instrumental Movement Inhibition
- Nonuniversal theory
- Nonviolent self defense
- Norbert Schwarz
- Norm of reciprocity
- Norm-referenced test
- Norma Cox Astwood
- Norma Guillard
- Normalcy bias
- Normalization model
- Norman F. Dixon
- Normative social influence
- North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity
- North–South divide in the United Kingdom
- Nosocomephobia
- Nostalgia
- Not invented here
- Nothing
- Nous
- Novelty detection
- Novelty effect
- Now Print!
- Noël Mailloux
- Nuclear anxiety
- Nuclear bag fiber
- Nude psychotherapy
- Nudge theory
- Nuisance variable
- Number sense in animals
- Numerical Stroop effect
- Numerical cognition
- Numerosity adaptation effect
- Numinous
- Nun Study
- Nurture
- Nuru (massage)
- Obedience (human behavior)
- Object permanence
- Object relations theory
- Object-based attention
- Objective test
- Objet petit a
- Oblique effect
- Observation
- Observational learning
- Observational methods in psychology
- Observations on Man
- Observer bias
- Obsession (book)
- Occipital cryoneurolysis
- Occult Science in Medicine
- Occupational Depression Inventory
- Occupational burnout
- Occupational health psychology
- Occupational therapy in the management of seasonal affective disorder
- Oceanic feeling
- Ochlophobia
- Octagon Press
- Ocular tremor
- Odaxelagnia
- Oddball paradigm
- Oddly satisfying videos
- Oedipus complex
- Of Two Minds (book)
- Off-color humor
- Offender profiling
- Office humor
- Ogden Lindsley
- Ohio Youth Problems, Functioning and Satisfaction Scales (Ohio scales)
- Oikeiôsis
- Oklahoma City sonic boom tests
- Olfactophilia
- Olive Webb
- Olivia Fox Cabane
- Olmec influences on Mesoamerican cultures
- Omega (journal)
- Omission bias
- Omitted-variable bias
- Ommetaphobia
- On Aphasia
- On Disobedience and Other Essays
- On Narcissism
- On the Psychology of Military Incompetence
- On the Reliability of the Old Testament
- On-again, off-again relationship
- Oneirocritica
- Online Consciousness Conference
- Online disinhibition effect
- Online participation
- Ontogenetic parade
- Ontopoetics
- Opalski cells
- Open field (animal test)
- Open individualism
- Opening Skinner's Box
- Operant conditioning chamber
- Operant conditioning
- Operation Long Arm
- Operation Midnight Climax
- Ophelia complex
- Ophidiophilia
- Opinion leadership
- Opinion piece
- Opinion poll
- Opponent-process theory
- Optimal distinctiveness theory
- Optimal stimulation level
- Optimism bias
- Optimism
- Optogenetic actuator
- Orbison illusion
- Ordinal numerical competence
- Oregon Research Institute
- Organ language
- Organismic theory
- Organization for Human Brain Mapping
- Organizational commitment
- Orgasmic platform
- Orgastic potency
- Orienting response
- Orienting system
- Orthodromic
- Orthosomnia
- Oskar Pfister Award
- Oslo Astrological Clock
- Ostrich effect
- Othello error
- Other (philosophy)
- Otherness of childhood
- Ottho Gerhard Heldringstichting
- Otto Tumlirz
- Otto Weininger Memorial Award
- Out-group homogeneity
- Outcome bias
- Outline of abnormal psychology
- Outline of autism
- Outline of brain mapping
- Outline of neuroscience
- Outline of parapsychology
- Outline of psychology
- Outline of self
- Outline of sexual ethics
- Outline of the psychiatric survivors movement
- Outline of thought
- Outrage (emotion)
- Outrage porn
- Outrageous Betrayal
- Outstar
- Overchoice
- Overcoming Autism
- Overconfidence effect
- Overdetermination
- Overexcitability
- Overjustification effect
- Overview effect
- Ovide Decroly
- Ovsiankina effect
- Ovulatory shift hypothesis
- Owen Flanagan
- Oxford–Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences
- Oxymoron
- P-hacking
- P300 (neuroscience)
- PAD emotional state model
- PASS theory of intelligence
- PCIA-II/MAP Modifying Attributions of Parents Intervention
- PEBL (software)
- PTSD Symptom Scale – Self-Report Version
- Pachinko allocation
- Padded cell
- Pain and pleasure
- Pain in animals
- Pair bond
- Pair by association
- Pairwise comparison
- Paltering
- Panic disorder
- Panic
- Panpsychism
- Pansexualism
- Pansexuality
- Papert's principle
- Papyromancy
- Parable of the Sower (novel)
- Parabolic bursting
- Paradise Syndrome
- Paradoxical laughter
- Paragraphia
- Parallel individuation system
- Paranormal
- Paranormality (book)
- Parapsychological Association Outstanding Career Award
- Parapsychological Association
- Parapsychology Foundation
- Parapsychology research at SRI
- Parapsychology: Frontier Science of the Mind
- Parapsychology
- Parasocial breakup
- Parasocial contact hypothesis
- Parasocial interaction
- Parataxic distortion
- Parataxical Integration
- Pareidolia
- Parental investment
- Parenting, Inc.
- Parenting: Science and Practice
- Parent–child interaction therapy
- Paresis Hall
- Paris in the the Spring
- Paroniria
- Parosmia
- Part-time job terrorism
- Partial least squares regression
- Participation bias
- Participatory theory
- Passion (emotion)
- Passions of the Soul
- Passive speaker (language)
- Passive-aggressive behavior
- Password psychology
- Past life regression therapy
- Past life regression
- Paternal bond
- Paternalistic deception
- Pathfinder network
- Pathognomy
- Pathological Altruism
- Pathological jealousy
- Pathophysiology of autism
- Pathos
- Patience
- Patoo Abraham
- Patricia Greenspan
- Patricia Kitcher
- Patrick Stokes (philosopher)
- Patrick Suppes
- Pattern recognition (psychology)
- Paul A. Walker (psychologist)
- Paul B. Baltes Lecture
- Paul Ekman
- Paul L. Harris
- Paul Pintrich
- Paul Pruyser
- Paul Rebillot
- Paul Rée
- Paul Sollier
- Paul Watzlawick
- Paul Weston (In Treatment)
- Paula Caplan
- Pauli effect
- Pavlov's typology
- Pavlovian-instrumental transfer
- Payne Fund Studies
- Peace and Conflict
- Peace psychology
- Peace war game
- Peacocking
- Peak experience
- Peake's Commentary on the Bible
- Peak–end rule
- Pecong
- Pedagogical grammar
- Pedophile Group
- Peelian principles
- Peer contagion
- Peer pressure
- Peer support
- Pelmanism (system)
- Penile dysmorphic disorder
- Penis envy
- Pentti Hakkarainen (psychologist)
- Per Saugstad
- Perceived control
- Perception (journal)
- Perception management
- Perception of infrasound
- Perception training
- Perception
- Perceptual and Motor Skills
- Perceptual asynchrony
- Perceptual attack time
- Perceptual learning
- Perceptual load theory
- Perceptual mapping
- Perceptual narrowing
- Perceptual paradox
- Perceptual psychology
- Perceptual robotics
- Perceptual system
- Percolation (cognitive psychology)
- Perfect Chaos
- Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters
- Performance appraisal
- Performance
- Performative activism
- Peri Bathous, Or the Art of Sinking in Poetry
- Perinatal bereavement
- Perinatal matrices
- Perrott-Warrick Fund
- Perruchet effect
- Perry London
- Perseverative cognition
- Persistence (psychology)
- Person-centered systems theory
- Person-fit analysis
- Personal boundaries
- Personal branding
- Personal construct theory
- Personal development planning
- Personal development
- Personal distress
- Personal effectiveness
- Personal equation
- Personal fable
- Personal fulfillment
- Personal horizon
- Personal identity
- Personal infrastructure
- Personalism
- Personality Assessment System
- Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment
- Personality and Preference Inventory
- Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
- Personality and Social Psychology Review
- Personality changes
- Personality clash
- Personality computing
- Personality development
- Personality in animals
- Personality judgment
- Personality psychology
- Personality systematics
- Personality test
- Personality
- Personnel Psychology (journal)
- Personnel selection
- Person–situation debate
- Perspectival realism
- Perspectives on Behavior Science
- Perspicacity
- Persuasive definition
- Pessimism
- Pester power
- Pet humanization
- Pet psychic
- Peter B. Dews
- Peter Breggin
- Peter C. Gøtzsche
- Peter Carruthers (philosopher)
- Peter Lomas
- Peter Venkman
- Peter van der Linden
- Phaedra complex
- Phaeton complex
- Phallic monism
- Phallic woman
- Phenomenal concept strategy
- Phenomenal field theory
- Phenomenalism
- Phenomenology (psychology)
- Phil McGraw
- Philadelphia Association
- Philip E. Tetlock
- Philip H. Mirvis
- Philip K. Decker
- Philip Kitcher
- Philip experiment
- Philippa Perry
- Philippe Rochat (psychologist)
- Philips Intimate Massager
- Philogelos
- Philosophical counseling
- Philosophische Studien
- Philosophy of desire
- Philosophy of experience (Hinduism)
- Philosophy of perception
- Philosophy of psychology
- Philosophy of self
- Philosophy of sex
- Philosophy of the Unconscious
- Phoebe Doty
- Phrase completions
- Phrenology
- Phyllis Chesler
- Phylogeny (psychoanalysis)
- Physical attractiveness stereotype
- Physiological psychology
- Physioplastic art
- Piaget's theory of cognitive development
- Pickup artist
- Picture superiority effect
- Pierre Bovet
- Piledriver (sex position)
- Pirate (sexual slang)
- Pit of despair
- Pita Taufatofua
- Pitch (music)
- Pitești Prison
- Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center
- Pity
- Place theory (hearing)
- Plan continuation bias
- Planetary consciousness
- Planetary intelligence
- Planets in astrology
- Planning (cognitive)
- Planning fallacy
- Plant blindness
- Plant cognition
- Plateau potentials
- Plato's theory of soul
- Play (activity)
- PlayStation mentality
- Playful
- Playfulness
- Playing the victim
- Please Understand Me
- Pleasure principle (psychology)
- Pleasure
- Pluralistic ignorance
- Poggendorff illusion
- Point of subjective simultaneity
- Point of view (philosophy)
- Pointing
- Police psychology
- Political bias
- Political cognition
- Political identity
- Political views of American academics
- Pollyanna principle
- Polychoric correlation
- Polyembolokoilamania
- Polygyny threshold model
- Polymorphous perversity
- Polynomial conjoint measurement
- Polytomous Rasch model
- Polyvagal theory
- Pomodoro Technique
- Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist
- Popular psychology
- Popularity
- Population spike
- Population study
- Population vector
- Pornotopia
- Positioning theory
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
- Positive News
- Positive adult development
- Positive affectivity
- Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
- Positive behavior support
- Positive computing
- Positive disintegration
- Positive education
- Positive illusions
- Positive mental attitude
- Positive organizational behavior
- Positive psychological capital
- Positive psychology in the workplace
- Positive psychology
- Positive stereotype
- Positive-incentive value
- Positivity effect
- Positivity offset
- Posner cueing task
- Post-cognitivist psychology
- Post-coital tristesse
- Post-nut clarity
- Post-stroke depression
- Post-traumatic growth
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Post-truth
- Post-vacation blues
- Postcognitive psychology
- Postcognitivism
- Posterior cord
- Postformal thought
- Postgraduate School of Psychology Agostino Gemelli
- Postmodern psychology
- Postpartum psychosis
- Postponement of affect
- Postrhinal cortex
- Power distance
- Power law of practice
- Power posing
- Powers of Horror
- Practice-based professional learning
- Pragmatic mapping
- Prairie madness
- Praise sandwich
- Pratfall effect
- Pray the gay away
- Pre-work assembly
- Precedence effect
- Precision bias
- Precognition
- Preconditioning (adaptation)
- Preconscious
- Precrastination
- Predictably Irrational
- Predictive coding
- Preference falsification
- Preferential looking
- Prefrontal analysis
- Prejudice from an evolutionary perspective
- Premack's principle
- Premonitory Urge for Tics Scale
- Premotor theory of attention
- Prenatal and perinatal psychology
- Prenatal stress
- Preparedness paradox
- Present bias
- Presentation (software)
- Prevalence effect
- Prevention of dementia
- Pride
- Primadonna (Marina and the Diamonds song)
- Primal Integration
- Primal scene
- Primal world beliefs
- Primary care behavioral health
- Primary consciousness
- Primary direction (astrology)
- Priming (psychology)
- Primordial narcissism
- Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab
- Princeton Neuroscience Institute
- Princeton University Department of Psychology
- Principle of least interest
- Principles of grouping
- Principles of learning
- Prison plastic surgery
- Prisoner's dilemma
- Privacy regulation theory
- Private Lies (book)
- Private speech
- Privation
- Proactive communications
- Probabilistic epigenesis
- Probabilistic latent semantic analysis
- Probability matching
- Problem finding
- Problem management
- Problem shaping
- Problem solving environment
- Problem solving
- Problem statement
- Problem-solving courts in the United States
- Problematic social media use
- Procedural knowledge
- Proceptive phase
- Process psychology
- Process tracing in psychology
- Process tracing
- Process-oriented psychology
- Processing fluency theory of aesthetic pleasure
- Processing fluency
- Procrastination
- Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
- Professional School of Psychology
- Professional abuse
- Professional development
- Professional practice of behavior analysis
- Professional submissive
- Professor X
- Profile of mood states
- Profit motive
- Prognosis of autism
- Project Alpha (hoax)
- Project Artichoke
- Project CHATTER
- Project Euler
- Project Happiness
- Project Hostile Intent
- Project Pigeon
- Projective identification
- Prolonged exposure therapy
- Prometheus Rising
- Prometric
- Pronoia (psychology)
- Pronto condoms
- Propaganda through media
- Property dualism
- Proportionality bias
- Propositional representation
- Prosocial behavior
- Prospection
- Proteus effect
- Protocol analysis
- Protomap (neuroscience)
- Prototype theory
- Prototype-matching
- Proust Was a Neuroscientist
- Pseudo-Simeon
- Pseudocertainty effect
- Pseudodementia
- Pseudoneglect
- Pseudophobia
- Pseudoscope
- Pseudoword
- Psichiologia de ratione animae humanae
- Psicothema
- Psionics
- PsyArXiv
- PsyScope
- PsycINFO
- PsycLIT
- PsychRights
- Psyche (consciousness journal)
- Psyche (psychology)
- Psychiatric assessment
- Psychiatric genetics
- Psychiatric history
- Psychiatric somatotherapy
- Psychiatric survivors movement
- Psychiatry
- Psychic apparatus
- Psychic damage
- Psychic detective
- Psychic driving
- Psychic equivalence
- Psychic staring effect
- Psychic surgery
- Psychical inertia
- Psychical school
- Psycho Mohammed
- Psycho-Cybernetics
- Psycho-Oncology
- Psycho-oncology
- PsychoPy
- Psychoanalysis and History
- Psychoanalysis and music
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychoanalytic Center of California
- Psychoanalytic Diagnosis
- Psychoanalytic Psychology (journal)
- Psychoanalytic conceptions of language
- Psychoanalytic criminology
- Psychoanalytic institutes and societies in the United States
- Psychoanalytic literary criticism
- Psychoanalytic sociology
- Psychoanalytic theory
- Psychobabble
- Psychobiography
- Psychochemical warfare
- Psychodynamics
- Psychogenetic system
- Psychohistory
- Psychoinformatics
- Psychological Abstracts
- Psychological Assessment (journal)
- Psychological Capital Questionnaire
- Psychological Inquiry
- Psychological Methods
- Psychological Reports
- Psychological Science
- Psychological Society of Ireland
- Psychological Studies
- Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
- Psychological Types
- Psychological adaptation
- Psychological behaviorism
- Psychological continuum model
- Psychological determinism
- Psychological distance
- Psychological drama
- Psychological effects of Internet use
- Psychological effects of male infertility
- Psychological effects of method acting
- Psychological egoism
- Psychological evaluation
- Psychological fiction
- Psychological inertia
- Psychological injury
- Psychological literacy
- Psychological mindedness
- Psychological nativism
- Psychological nominalism
- Psychological pain
- Psychological pricing
- Psychological projection
- Psychological punishment
- Psychological refractory period
- Psychological research
- Psychological resilience
- Psychological resistance
- Psychological statistics
- Psychological stress
- Psychological testing
- Psychological theories of magic
- Psychological therapies for dementia
- Psychological thriller
- Psychological warfare
- Psychologie der Berufsarbeit und der Berufsberatung (Psychotechnik) II Spezieller Teil
- Psychologie und Schule
- Psychologist's fallacy
- Psychologist
- Psychologists League
- Psychology & Marketing
- Psychology Club Zürich
- Psychology Gone Wrong
- Psychology Led Astray
- Psychology and Counseling Organization of Iran
- Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint
- Psychology in Russia (journal)
- Psychology in the Schools
- Psychology in the medieval Islamic world
- Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
- Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
- Psychology of Women Quarterly
- Psychology of climate change denial
- Psychology of disenfranchisement
- Psychology of eating meat
- Psychology of genocide
- Psychology of programming
- Psychology of reasoning
- Psychology of science
- Psychology of self and identity
- Psychology of self
- Psychology of social class
- Psychology of the Unconscious
- Psychology's Feminist Voices
- Psychology, Crime & Law
- Psychology, philosophy and physiology
- Psychology
- Psychomanteum
- Psychometric Society
- Psychometric function
- Psychometric software
- Psychometrics of racism
- Psychometrics
- Psychometry (paranormal)
- Psychomotor patterning
- Psychomotor retardation
- Psychomotor vigilance task
- Psychonautics
- Psychoneuroendocrinology
- Psychoneuroimmunology
- Psychonomics
- Psychopathia Sexualis (Kaan book)
- Psychopathia Sexualis
- Psychopathic Personality Inventory
- Psychopathology
- Psychopathy
- Psychophysical parallelism
- Psychophysics
- Psychophysiological economics
- Psychophysiological interaction
- Psychophysiology
- Psychopolitical validity
- Psychosensory therapy
- Psychosocial distress
- Psychosocial genomics
- Psychosocial hazard
- Psychosocial
- Psychosociology
- Psychosomatic Medicine (journal)
- Psychosomatic medicine
- Psychosynthesis
- Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia
- Psychotherapy and social action model
- Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung (essay)
- Psychtoolbox for MATLAB
- Psycoloquy
- PubPsych
- Public goods game
- Public opinion
- Puer aeternus
- Pun
- Punished by Rewards
- Punishment (psychology)
- Purdue Spatial Visualization Test: Visualization of Rotations
- Puritanical bias
- Purity spiral
- Purposive behaviorism
- Puzzle
- Pygmalion effect
- Pyrevarians
- Páid McGee
- Péter Gaszner
- Qalb
- Qasim Ali Shah
- Qing (philosophy)
- Qiui
- Quaestiones in Genesim
- Qualia
- Qualitative psychological research
- Qualitative research
- Quantitative analysis of behavior
- Quantitative psychological research
- Quantitative psychology
- Quantum mind
- Quantum suicide and immortality
- Quarter-life crisis
- Queen bee syndrome
- Questionnaire construction
- Questions About Behavior Function
- Quickie (sexual act)
- Quiet eye
- Quixotism
- R v Prince
- R. D. Laing
- RAID (in mental health)
- Race, Evolution, and Behavior
- Race-norming
- Rachel Cooper (philosopher)
- Racial battle fatigue
- Radical Psychology Network
- Radical behaviorism
- Radical honesty
- Radu Bogdan
- Rage (emotion)
- Raison oblige theory
- Rally 'round the flag effect
- Ramtha's School of Enlightenment
- Ranch (brothel)
- Random mapping
- Range–frequency theory
- Rank theory of depression
- Ranschburg effect
- Rapid automatized naming
- Rapid problem resolution diagnosis
- Rasch model estimation
- Rasch model
- Rashomon effect
- Rat Park
- Rate of reinforcement
- Rate of response
- Rating scale
- Rating scales for depression
- Rational analysis
- Rational herding
- Rationalization (psychology)
- Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde
- Ray Hyman
- Raymond Cattell bibliography
- Raymond Cattell
- Raymond Fancher
- Raymond de Saussure
- Re-education in Communist Romania
- Re-evaluation counseling
- Reachback
- Reactance (psychology)
- Reaction formation
- Reactive attachment disorder
- Reactive devaluation
- Reactive inhibition
- Reading and Writing
- Reading motivation
- Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test
- Real Boys
- RealTouch
- Realistic conflict theory
- Reality therapy
- Reality tunnel
- Reasonable person model
- Reasonable person
- Reasoned action approach
- Reasoning system
- Recall bias
- Recall test
- Recency bias
- Recept
- Receptive aphasia
- Reciprocal altruism
- Reciprocal determinism
- Recklessness (psychology)
- Recognition-by-components theory
- Reconstructive memory
- Red dress effect
- Reduced affect display
- Reeler
- Referent power
- Reflected appraisal
- Reflective learning
- Reflective practice
- Reflexive control
- Reflexive monism
- Regality theory
- Region-beta paradox
- Regression (psychology)
- Regression fallacy
- Regret
- Regularization (linguistics)
- Regulatory focus theory
- Regulatory mode theory
- Rehabilitation (neuropsychology)
- Rehabilitation Psychology (journal)
- Rehabilitation psychology
- Reidar Hjermann
- Reimut Reiche
- Reincarnation and Biology
- Reinforcement sensitivity theory
- Reinforcement
- Relational developmental systems
- Relational frame theory
- Relational mobility
- Relational models theory
- Relational-cultural therapy
- Relationship aspect
- Relationship-contingent self-esteem
- Relaxation (psychology)
- Relaxation technique
- Reliability (statistics)
- Relief (emotion)
- Religion and personality
- Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences
- Religiosity and emotional intelligence
- Religious Orders Study
- Religious behavior in animals
- Religious views on the self
- Remember versus know judgements
- Remorse
- Remote Associates Test
- Remote viewing
- Renaud Barbaras
- René Carayol
- René Descartes
- Reparation (psychoanalysis)
- Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
- Repertory grid
- Repetition compulsion
- Repetition priming
- Repetitive visual stimulus
- Replacement child
- Repressed memory
- Repression (psychoanalysis)
- Reproductive Health (journal)
- Reproductive futurism
- Reproductive loss
- Reproductive value (social psychology)
- Reputation management
- Reputation marketing
- Reputation system
- Reputation
- Rescorla–Wagner model
- Research & Education Association
- Research in Human Development
- Research in Organizational Behavior
- Resentment
- Resistance (psychoanalysis)
- Resocialization
- Resource acquisition ability
- Respect
- Respondent
- Response bias
- Response priming
- Responsibility assumption
- Restraint bias
- Retention and protention
- Rethinking Madness
- Retinal mosaic
- Retirement syndrome
- Retrieval-induced forgetting
- Retrocausality
- Retrocognition
- Reuven Gal
- Reverence (emotion)
- Reversal test
- Reversal theory
- Reverse correlation technique
- Reverse psychology
- Reverse speech
- Review bomb
- Revolutionary coalition
- Reward system
- Reward theory of attraction
- Rewriting the Soul
- Rhetoric of therapy
- Rhine Research Center
- Rhoda Unger
- Rhyme-as-reason effect
- Ribaldry
- Ribot's law
- Richard A. Cohen
- Richard Baerwald
- Richard Bentall
- Richard Boyd
- Richard Brandt
- Richard Dawkins
- Richard E. Tremblay
- Richard F. Thompson
- Richard Heimberg
- Richard Hönigswald
- Richard Senese
- Richard Wiseman
- Richard Wollheim
- Riddle scale
- Ridiculous
- Right-wing authoritarian personality
- Righteous indignation
- Rigidity (psychology)
- Ring theory (psychology)
- Ripple effect
- Risk aversion (psychology)
- Risk compensation
- Risk inclination formula
- Risk inclination model
- Risk perception
- Risk-seeking
- Ritch Savin-Williams
- RiteSite
- Ritualization
- Riverview Psychiatric Center
- Robert A. Baker
- Robert C. Craig
- Robert E. Griswold
- Robert E. Ornstein
- Robert Frager
- Robert Gifford (psychologist)
- Robert Hartley (character)
- Robert J. O'Neill
- Robert Kegan
- Robert Plutchik
- Robert Serpell
- Robert Sommer Award
- Robert Waelder
- Robert Whitaker (author)
- Rock fever
- Rod and frame test
- Roger Birkman
- Roger Brown (psychologist)
- Roger J. Fritz
- Roger Russell
- Rokeach Value Survey
- Role model
- Role-playing
- Role-taking theory
- Roleplay simulation
- Roman Kotov
- Roman jokes
- Romana (Doctor Who)
- Romance (love)
- Romantic psychology
- Romeo and Juliet effect
- Ron McClamrock
- Rona M. Fields
- Root cause analysis
- Ros Draper
- Rosario Salazar
- Rosehip neuron
- Rosenberg self-esteem scale
- Rosenhan experiment
- Ross Jeffries
- Rosy retrospection
- Rotarod performance test
- Rousseau Institute
- Roy B. Liddy
- Ruan Fangfu
- Rubedo
- Rubicon model
- Rudolf Klimmer
- Rudolf Maria Holzapfel
- Rudolf Otto
- Rue Princesse
- Rufus Jones (writer)
- Rufus May
- Rule consciousness
- Rule of threes (survival)
- Rules of the Game (book)
- Rumelhart Prize
- Rush (psychology)
- Russian Psychological Society
- Rutgers Nisso Group
- Ruth Millikan
- Ruth Westheimer
- Ryan Swain (presenter)
- Rūḥ
- S100A10
- SARK (author)
- SPICES (Scouting)
- STARTALK (language program)
- Sackett self-selection circus
- Sacral anterior root stimulator
- Sad clown paradox
- Sadistic personality disorder
- Sadness
- Safe, sane and consensual
- Sah D'Simone
- Salience (neuroscience)
- Salirophilia
- Salutogenesis
- Sam Brinton
- Sam Harris
- Same-sex intimacy
- Sampling bias
- Samuel Alexander
- Samuel Sears
- San Francisco Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
- San Francisco Sex Information
- Sander illusion
- Sandor Berger
- Sandra Schwartz Tangri
- Sandra Trehub
- Sara Shettleworth
- Sarah Kofman
- Sarcasm
- Sardonicism
- Sarnat staging
- Sasaeng fan
- Sasha Waybright
- Saskatchewan College of Psychologists
- Satanic panic
- Satiety
- Satire
- Satitherapy
- Satwant Pasricha
- Saudade
- Savior complex
- Savoring
- Say Good Night to Illiteracy
- Saybrook University
- Scale (social sciences)
- Scale error
- Scale of Protective Factors
- Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
- Scarcity (social psychology)
- Scarcity heuristic
- Scarecrow (DC Comics)
- Scarr–Rowe effect
- Scene (perception)
- Scene statistics
- Schadenfreude
- Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality
- Scheler on Ressentiment
- Schema (psychology)
- Schema therapy
- Schizoaffective disorder
- Schizoanalysis
- Schizothymia
- Schizotypy
- School Psychology (journal)
- School belonging
- School of Brentano
- School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
- Schools Consent Project
- Schuyler's Monster
- Scientology and psychiatry
- Sciousness
- Scope neglect
- Scotomization
- Scott Atran
- Scottish Institute of Human Relations
- Scottish common sense realism
- Scrambler mouse
- Screen memory
- Script theory
- Scrotal inflation
- Sean McGrath (philosopher)
- Search activity concept
- Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire
- Seasonal affective disorder
- Seasoning (slavery)
- Seattle Freeze
- Second-order stimulus
- Second-wave positive psychology
- Secondary consciousness
- Secrets of a Hollywood Super Madam
- Secrets of the Baby Whisperer
- Secretum (British Museum)
- Secure attachment
- Seduction of the Innocent
- Seductive details
- Segmental innervation
- Sehnsucht
- Seize the Day Inc.
- Selection bias
- Selective abstraction
- Selective eating
- Selective omission
- Selective perception
- Selective placement
- Self and Identity
- Self and Others
- Self in Jungian psychology
- Self model
- Self psychology
- Self-Assessment Manikin
- Self-abasement
- Self-absorption paradox
- Self-acceptance
- Self-actualization
- Self-affirmation
- Self-as-context
- Self-assessment
- Self-categorization theory
- Self-censorship
- Self-concealment
- Self-concept
- Self-confrontation method
- Self-conscious emotions
- Self-consciousness (Vedanta)
- Self-consciousness
- Self-constancy
- Self-control
- Self-criticism
- Self-cultivation
- Self-deception
- Self-defeating prophecy
- Self-deprecation
- Self-determination theory
- Self-disclosure
- Self-discovery
- Self-discrepancy theory
- Self-disorder
- Self-efficacy
- Self-enhancement
- Self-envy
- Self-esteem functions
- Self-esteem
- Self-expansion model
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
- Self-fulfillment
- Self-handicapping
- Self-hatred
- Self-help groups for mental health
- Self-help
- Self-image
- Self-justification
- Self-licensing
- Self-medication
- Self-monitoring
- Self-objectification
- Self-other control
- Self-perceived quality-of-life scale
- Self-persuasion
- Self-pity
- Self-propaganda
- Self-reference effect
- Self-referential encoding
- Self-referential humor
- Self-reflection
- Self-regulated learning
- Self-righteousness
- Self-sacrifice
- Self-schema
- Self-serving bias
- Self-verification theory
- Self-worth theory of motivation
- Semantic differential
- Semantic externalism
- Semanticity
- Semantics (psychology)
- Seminars of Jacques Lacan
- Senioritis
- Sensation (fiction)
- Sensation Seeking Scale
- Sensationalism
- Sense of agency
- Sense of community
- Sense of direction
- Sense of impending doom
- Sense of ownership
- Sense of wonder
- Sense
- Sensibility
- Sensitization
- Sensorial transposition
- Sensorium
- Sensory cue
- Sensory deprivation
- Sensory design
- Sensory friendly
- Sensory leakage
- Sensory neuroscience
- Sensory overload
- Sensory preconditioning
- Sensory processing disorder
- Sensory processing sensitivity
- Sensory threshold
- Sentience
- Sentimentality
- Separation anxiety disorder
- Sergio Benvenuto
- Serial reaction time
- Serial sevens
- Serial-position effect
- Serious mental illness
- Seriousness
- Set (psychology)
- Settled insanity
- Sex Appeal (2022 film)
- Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities
- Sex Matters
- Sex and the Love Life
- Sex dice
- Sex differences in cognition
- Sex differences in emotional intelligence
- Sex differences in empathy
- Sex differences in intelligence
- Sex differences in memory
- Sex differences in narcissism
- Sex differences in psychology
- Sex kitten
- Sex trafficking in East Timor
- Sex trafficking in Malaysia
- Sex-positive movement
- Sex/Work Strike
- SexTV
- Sexologies
- Sexology (magazine)
- Sexología y Sociedad
- Sexophobia
- Sexual Health & Compulsivity
- Sexual Medicine Reviews
- Sexual Offences (Northern Ireland) Order 2008
- Sexual Preference (book)
- Sexual and Relationship Therapy
- Sexual attraction
- Sexual content
- Sexual frustration
- Sexual identity therapy
- Sexual jealousy
- Sexual maturation disorder
- Sexual objectification
- Sexual relationship disorder
- Sexual selection in humans
- Sexuality in Africa
- Sexuality in the United States
- Sexy son hypothesis
- Shadow (psychology)
- Shadows of the Mind
- Shaggy dog story
- Shalom H. Schwartz
- Shame
- Shaping (psychology)
- Shapiro TS Severity Scale
- Sharecare
- Shattered assumptions theory
- Shauna Shapiro
- Sheeple
- Sheffield school
- Shepard Siegel
- Sheri-Lynn Skwarchuk
- Shill
- Shiny object syndrome
- Shirley Zussman
- Shishlam
- Shivdaspur
- Shiverer mouse
- Shock therapy (psychiatry)
- Shock value
- Shooting bias
- Short man syndrome
- Short-term energy-relieving behavior
- Shrink Yourself
- Shunting inhibition
- Shyness
- Sid Briskin
- Sid Parnes
- Sidney Jourard
- Sigmund Freud Institute
- Sigmund Freud bibliography
- Sigmund Freud's views on homosexuality
- Significant form
- Signorelli parapraxis
- Silencing
- Silliness
- Silvia Olmedo
- Simon Iff
- Simon Rubinstein (pimp)
- Simon effect
- Simulacrum
- Simulated consciousness in fiction
- Simulation theory of empathy
- Sincerity
- Single-celling
- Single-subject design
- Single-subject research
- Sinthome
- Sister complex
- Sisu
- Situated cognition
- Situational strength
- Situational theory of problem solving
- Situationism (psychology)
- Sitz im Leben
- Six Seconds
- Six-factor model of psychological well-being
- Skill-based theories of second-language acquisition
- Slapping the Table in Amazement
- Slavoj Žižek
- Sleep and emotions
- Sleep driving
- Sleep paralysis
- Sloppy seconds
- Small Group Research
- Small-world experiment
- Smart Moves
- Smile mask syndrome
- Smile
- SnackWell effect
- Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change
- Snarl
- So Human an Animal
- Social Axioms Survey
- Social Cognition (journal)
- Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
- Social Credit System
- Social Development (journal)
- Social Issues and Policy Review
- Social Neuroscience
- Social Psychology (journal)
- Social Psychology Network
- Social alienation
- Social aspects of jealousy
- Social behavior
- Social bot
- Social capital
- Social character
- Social cognition and interaction training
- Social cognition
- Social cognitive neuroscience
- Social cognitive theory of morality
- Social cognitive theory
- Social comparison bias
- Social competence
- Social computing
- Social connection
- Social constructivism
- Social contagion
- Social control theory
- Social data revolution
- Social degeneration
- Social dilemma
- Social disruption
- Social dominance orientation
- Social dominance theory
- Social emotional development
- Social engineering (political science)
- Social facilitation
- Social group
- Social impact theory
- Social inertia
- Social influence bias
- Social influence
- Social information processing (theory)
- Social innovation
- Social intelligence
- Social interaction approach
- Social intuitionism
- Social investment theory
- Social learning theory
- Social loafing
- Social mania
- Social marketing
- Social narrative
- Social neuroscience
- Social norm
- Social norms approach
- Social panic
- Social perception
- Social phenomenon
- Social practice
- Social preferences
- Social problem-solving
- Social projection
- Social proof
- Social psychology
- Social rank theory
- Social representation
- Social salience
- Social sharing of emotions
- Social skills
- Social space
- Social spam
- Social stress
- Social support
- Social technology
- Social thinking
- Social tuning
- Social uterus
- Social value orientations
- Social vision
- Social work
- Social-desirability bias
- Socialist Patients' Collective
- Socialization
- Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
- Societal psychology
- Society for Affective Science
- Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
- Society for Computation in Psychology
- Society for Consciousness Studies
- Society for Personality Assessment
- Society for Personality and Social Psychology
- Society for Philosophy and Psychology
- Society for Psychical Research
- Society for Psychophysiological Research
- Society for Psychotherapy Research
- Society for Quantitative Analysis of Behavior
- Society for Research in Adult Development
- Society for Scientific Exploration
- Society for Sex Therapy and Research
- Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
- Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy
- Society of Analytical Psychology
- Society of Experimental Psychologists
- Society of Experimental Social Psychology
- Society of Mind
- Society of Psychologists in Management
- Socio-analysis
- Sociobiological theories of rape
- Sociobiology
- Sociocultural perspective
- Socioemotional adaptation theory
- Socioemotional selectivity theory
- Sociology of emotions
- Sociology of human consciousness
- Sociology of the Internet
- Sociometer
- Sociosexual Orientation Inventory
- Sociotropy
- Solipsism
- Solitary confinement of women in the United States
- Solitary confinement
- Solitude
- Solo status
- Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan
- Soma Valliappan
- Somatic anxiety
- Somatic experiencing
- Somatic marker hypothesis
- Somatic psychology
- Somatic school
- Somatic symptom disorder
- Somatic theory
- Somatotopic arrangement
- Somatotype and constitutional psychology
- Somebody Somewhere (book)
- Somebody else's problem
- Something (concept)
- Sommer's sector
- Sonia Abrão
- Sonic deception
- Sonochromatism
- Sonu Shamdasani
- Sophie Freud
- Sophomoric humor
- Sorrow (emotion)
- Soteria (psychiatric treatment)
- SoulCollage
- Soul
- Source amnesia
- Source bias
- Source-monitoring error
- Soviet and Russian influence operations in Canada
- Spacing effect
- Spalding Method
- Sparsh Shah
- Spatial Proximity
- Spatial intelligence (psychology)
- Spatial model of voting
- Spatial-numerical association of response codes
- Spearman Medal
- Spearman–Brown prediction formula
- Specialist in Psychology
- Specifier (psychology)
- Specious present
- Spectatoring
- Spectro-temporal receptive field
- Speech perception
- Speech repetition
- Speech shadowing
- Spellbinder (DC Comics)
- Spent: Sex, Evolution, and Consumer Behavior
- Sperm competition
- Sphere of influence
- Spillover-crossover model
- Spinning dancer
- Spiral Dynamics
- Spiral of silence
- Spiritism (book)
- Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship
- Spiritual intelligence
- Spiritual self-schema therapy
- Spirituality in Clinical Practice
- Spite (sentiment)
- Splinter skill
- Split-brain
- Splosh!
- Spoiled Rotten America
- Spoiled child
- Spoilt Rotten
- Spontaneous conception (psychology)
- Spontaneous trait inference
- Spoon bending
- Spoon theory
- Spoonerism
- Spotlight effect
- Spreadthink
- Spring (journal)
- Spring fever
- Stabilized images
- Staffing theory
- Stage-crisis view
- Staircase model
- Stan Tatkin
- Stand-up comedy
- Standard social science model
- Standard-setting study
- Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
- Stanford marshmallow experiment
- Stanford prison experiment
- Stanine
- Stanley Krippner
- Star of Bethlehem
- Stare-in-the-crowd effect
- Starson v Swayze
- Statary
- State-dependent memory
- Statistical inference
- Status Anxiety
- Status dynamic psychotherapy
- Status quo bias
- Steady state visually evoked potential
- Stealth disco
- Stella Kyriakides
- Sten scores
- Stephan Witasek
- Stephen Butterfill
- Stephen Connor (psychologist)
- Stephen Fry: The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive
- Stephen L. Golding
- Stephen Ticktin
- Stereotype content model
- Stereotype threat
- Stereotype
- Steve Salerno
- Stevens's power law
- Sticky mouse
- Stiff upper lip
- Stiftung Lesen
- Stimpy's Invention
- Stimulation
- Stimulus (psychology)
- Stimulus control
- Stimulus modality
- Stimulus onset asynchrony
- Stimulus–response compatibility
- Stimulus–response model
- Stockholm syndrome
- Stoelting
- Stoic passions
- Stone Tape Theory
- Stone butch
- Stonewalling
- Straight and Crooked Thinking
- Strange laws
- Strange situation
- Stranger
- Strategic Negotiations
- Stratification of emotional life (Scheler)
- Stream of consciousness (psychology)
- Strengths and weaknesses (personality)
- Stress (biology)
- Stress ball
- Stress in early childhood
- Stress management
- Stressor
- Strong Interest Inventory
- Stroop effect
- Strozzi Institute
- Structural equation modeling
- Structural information theory
- Structuralism (psychology)
- Structure of Temperament Questionnaire
- Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire
- Studies in Language Testing
- Studies in the Psychology of Sex Vol. 2
- Studies in the Psychology of Sex Vol. 7
- Stupidity (film)
- Subadditivity effect
- Subconscious
- Subfields of psychology
- Subitizing
- Subject and object (philosophy)
- Subject-expectancy effect
- Subjective character of experience
- Subjective constancy
- Subjective idealism
- Subjective report
- Subjective units of distress scale
- Subjective validation
- Subjective well-being
- Subjectivity and objectivity (philosophy)
- Sublimation (psychology)
- Subliminal messages in popular culture
- Subpersonality
- Subtle expression
- Suffering
- Sufi psychology
- Suggestibility
- Suggestion theory
- Suicidal ideation in South Korean LGBT youth
- Suicide among LGBT youth
- Sun Goes Down (Lil Nas X song)
- Sundo
- Sunk cost
- Super Princess Peach
- Super-chicken model
- Superconscious
- Superficial charm
- Superficiality
- Superiority complex
- Superman complex
- Supermoon
- Superordinate goals
- Supertaster
- Support group
- Surgency
- Surprise (emotion)
- Surreal humour
- Surrogation
- Survey methodology
- Survivor syndrome
- Survivorship bias
- Susan Calvin
- Susan David
- Susan Iversen
- Susan Lederman
- Susan Smalley
- Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies
- Sushant Divgikar
- Suspense
- Suspicion (emotion)
- Svasaṃvedana
- Swanson, Nolan and Pelham Teacher and Parent Rating Scale
- Sweden: Heaven and Hell
- Swept-plane display
- Swiss Journal of Psychology
- Switched On (book)
- Sylvia Brinton Perera
- Sylvia Plath effect
- Symbiomism
- Symbolic behavior
- Symbolic equation
- Symbolic self-completion theory
- Sympathy
- Symptom Checklist 90
- Symptoms of victimization
- Synaptic weight
- Synchronicity (book)
- Syncope (medicine)
- Synectics
- Synesthesia
- Synthetic-aperture magnetometry
- System for Teaching Experimental Psychology
- System justification
- Systematic desensitization
- Systemic intervention
- Systems psychology
- Søren Kierkegaard
- TOTimal
- TV
- Table-turning
- Taboo
- Tabula rasa
- Tacit knowledge
- Tact (psychology)
- Tactile discrimination
- Taiheki
- Tail suspension test
- Talent management
- Tam O'Shaughnessy
- Tania Israel
- Tantrum
- Tanzi effect
- Tar-Baby
- Tardive dysmentia
- Task analysis
- Task force
- Taste confusion matrix
- Tau effect
- Tavistock Institute
- Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust
- Tay al-Ard
- Taylor Aggression Paradigm
- Teachability Hypothesis
- Teaching Knowledge Test
- Teaching games for understanding
- Teaching-family model
- Team error
- Technobiophilia
- Technological self-efficacy
- Teen Idle
- Teens in the Wild
- Tehran Psychiatric Institute
- Teissier affair
- Telegraphic speech
- Telekinesis
- Teleological behaviorism
- Telepathy
- Telescoping effect
- Temperament test
- Temperament
- Temporal branches of the facial nerve
- Temporal motivation theory
- Temptation
- Tennessee Self-Concept Scale
- Teresa Cooper
- Terezinha Nunes
- Terror management theory
- Test score
- Tetrad test
- Tetrode (biology)
- Texas Neurosciences Institute
- Texas sharpshooter fallacy
- Texture discrimination task
- Thalamic fasciculus
- Thatcher effect
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
- The Accidental Teacher
- The Alphabet from A to Y with Bonus Letter Z!
- The American Journal of Psychoanalysis
- The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
- The Anatomy of Dependence
- The Animal in You
- The Annual Global Orgasm for Peace
- The Art of Listening
- The Art of Loving
- The Art of Seduction
- The Astonishing Hypothesis
- The Astrology of Personality
- The Authoritarian Personality
- The Beck Diet Solution
- The Behavior of Organisms
- The Big Mo (book)
- The Big Mo
- The Birth Order Book
- The Black Book of Corporations
- The Bloke's Guide To Pregnancy
- The Book of Healing
- The Book of est
- The Boston process approach
- The Brain Prize
- The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander
- The Bully: A Discussion and Activity Story
- The Button (Reddit)
- The Call Girl
- The Case of Wagner
- The Century of the Self
- The Chicago School
- The Clinical Neuropsychologist
- The Commanding Self
- The Complexity of Cooperation
- The Concept of Anxiety
- The Conscious Mind
- The Critical Eye
- The Cry for Myth
- The Culture of Narcissism
- The DO-IT Center
- The Depths: The Evolutionary Origins of the Depression Epidemic
- The Disowned Self
- The Doctor and the Soul
- The Duess Test
- The Early Language Milestone
- The Eden Express
- The Elephant in the Brain
- The Emotion Machine
- The Emotional Intelligence Appraisal
- The Emperor's New Mind
- The End of American Childhood
- The End of Average
- The Erotic Traveler
- The Examined Life (Grosz book)
- The Father in Primitive Psychology
- The Flight from Woman
- The Flight of the Wild Gander
- The Folly of Fools
- The Foundations of Psychoanalysis
- The Freud/Jung Letters
- The Freudian Coverup
- The Ghost Club
- The Ghost in the Machine
- The Girls Who Went Away
- The Glass Teat
- The Gloomy Prospect
- The Happiness Industry
- The Honest Truth about Dishonesty
- The Horse Boy
- The Human Animal (book)
- The Idries Shah Foundation
- The Imaginary (psychoanalysis)
- The Inner Reaches of Outer Space
- The Insanity of Normality
- The International Journal of Psychoanalysis
- The International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method
- The Interpersonal World of the Infant
- The Interpretation of Dreams
- The Island of the Colorblind
- The Journal of General Psychology
- The Journal of Genetic Psychology
- The Journal of Humanistic Counseling
- The Journal of Positive Psychology
- The Journal of Psychology
- The Kekulé Problem
- The Leadership Challenge
- The Lonely Crowd
- The Madhouse
- The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?
- The Master and His Emissary
- The Mating Mind
- The Matter with Things
- The Meaning of Anxiety
- The Meaning of Meaning
- The Men Who Stare at Goats
- The Mental and Social Life of Babies
- The Mentality of Apes
- The Mind Fixers
- The Mood and Feelings Questionnaire
- The Moral Philosopher and the Moral Life
- The Myth of Mars and Venus
- The Myth of the Birth of the Hero
- The Myth of the First Three Years
- The Nature of Human Intelligence
- The NeuroGenderings Network
- The Noonday Demon
- The Occult World
- The Organism
- The Orgasm Answer Guide
- The Paradox of Choice
- The Pit: A Group Encounter Defiled
- The Pocket Book of Boners
- The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology
- The Pregnant Man and Other Cases from a Hypnotherapist's Couch
- The Primal Scream
- The Primordial Emotions
- The Principles of Psychology
- The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child
- The Psychological Record
- The Psychologist (magazine)
- The Psychology of Religion and Coping
- The Psychology of Self-Esteem
- The Psychology of the Occult
- The Quantum Thief
- The Radical Therapist
- The Real
- The Role of the Church in the Causation, Treatment and Prevention of the Crisis in the Priesthood
- The Roots of the Self
- The Sadist
- The Scary Guy
- The School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised
- The Science of Consciousness
- The Science of Orgasm
- The Secret Life of Lele Pons
- The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
- The Space Between Our Ears
- The Spanish Journal of Psychology
- The Stranger in the Mirror
- The Superstar Effect
- The Symbolic
- The Territorial Imperative
- The Third Wave (experiment)
- The Three Christs of Ypsilanti
- The Trauma of Birth
- The Trevor Project
- The True Believer
- The Unconscious God
- The Unprocessed Child
- The Vectors of Mind
- The Velvet Rage
- The Way of Zen
- The Welfare Trait
- The Wiley Handbook for Sex Therapy
- The Wonder Weeks
- The World of Abnormal Psychology
- The Z Was Zapped
- The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability
- Theistic personalism
- Thematic coherence
- Theodora Mead Abel
- Theoretical behaviorism
- Theoretical foundations of evolutionary psychology
- Theoretical psychology
- Theories of humor
- Theories of love
- Theory X and Theory Y
- Theory of Deadly Initials
- Theory of basic human values
- Theory of conjoint measurement
- Theory of constructed emotion
- Theory of indispensable attributes
- Theory of mind in animals
- Theory of mind
- Theory of multiple intelligences
- Theory of narrative thought
- Theory of planned behavior
- Theory of reasoned action
- Theory-theory
- Therapeutic Crisis Intervention
- Therapeutic assessment
- Therapeutic governance
- Therapeutic touch
- Therapy interfering behavior
- Therapy speak
- Thermoception
- Thetan
- Thin-slicing
- Think (book)
- Thinking, Fast and Slow
- Third language acquisition
- Third man factor
- Thomas Landauer
- Thomas R. G. Green
- Thomas Szasz bibliography
- Thomas Szasz
- Thomas theorem
- Thompson's psychology of women
- Thought insertion
- Thought stopping
- Thought withdrawal
- Thought-Forms
- Thought
- Thoughtography
- Three Principles (self-help)
- Three mountain problem
- Three-process view
- Three-stratum theory
- Three-term contingency
- Threshold hypothesis
- Thurstone Personality Schedule
- Thurstone Word Fluency Test
- Thurstone scale
- Thurstonian model
- Tiger team
- Tim Hurson
- Tim Jackins
- Time perception
- Time-saving bias
- Time
- Timeline of coaching psychology
- Timeline of psychology
- Timeline of psychotherapy
- Timeline of teachings on homosexuality in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Time–space compression
- Timothy Leary bibliography
- Tin foil hat
- Tina Stöckle
- Tinbergen's four questions
- Tine Jensen
- Tinnitus retraining therapy
- Tip of the tongue
- Titicut Follies
- To Have or to Be?
- To the Moon
- Tocqueville effect
- Toilet humour
- Toilet training
- Token economy
- Tomato effect
- Tone variator
- Tongue-in-cheek
- Tony Buzan
- Tony Gaskins
- Tony Humphreys
- Tootling
- Topic model
- Topical humor
- Topics in Cognitive Science
- Toronto Alexithymia Scale
- Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking
- Tortured artist
- Total enclosure fetishism
- Total institution
- Touched with Fire (book)
- Touching heads
- Touching the Elephant (radio programme)
- Tourette Syndrome Clinical Global Impression
- Tourette's Disorder Scale
- Toxic positivity
- Trading psychology
- Traffic psychology
- Train Your Brain
- Training and development
- Trait activation theory
- Trait ascription bias
- Trait theory
- Trampling (sexual practice)
- Trance
- Trans Lifeline
- Trans-species psychology
- Transcendental Meditation
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Transdiagnostic process
- Transduction (psychology)
- Transfer (propaganda)
- Transference neurosis
- Transference
- Transformational theory of imitation
- Transient loss of consciousness
- Transliminality
- Transmarginal inhibition
- Transmission chain method
- Transnational psychology
- Transpersonal psychology
- Transpersonal
- Transposed letter effect
- Transsexual
- Transtheoretical model
- Trash talk
- Trauma and Dreams
- Trauma model of mental disorders
- Trauma risk management
- Trauma symptom inventory
- Trauma-informed mindfulness
- Traumatic bonding
- TregoED
- Trends in Cognitive Sciences
- Trial consulting
- Trialism
- Triangular theory of love
- Triarchic theory of intelligence
- Tribe (internet)
- Trier social stress test
- Trion (neural networks)
- Triparesis
- Triune ethics theory
- Trivers–Willard hypothesis
- Trivial objections
- Troland Research Awards
- Trolley problem
- Trompenaars's model of national culture differences
- Troubled teen industry
- Troubleshooting
- True Will
- True self and false self
- Trust (social science)
- Tryon's Rat Experiment
- Tunnel effect
- Tunnel vision (metaphor)
- Turkey bowling
- Turkey illusion
- Turkeys voting for Christmas
- Turkish Psychological Association
- Twin study
- Two-factor models of personality
- Two-factor theory of emotion
- Two-factor theory of intelligence
- Two-factor theory
- Tyler Burge
- Types of rapists
- U-shaped development
- UCLA Loneliness Scale
- UK Synaesthesia Association
- Ukusoma
- Ulcers in Executive Monkeys
- Ultimate attribution error
- Ultimate issue
- Ultimatum game
- Umberto Eco
- Uncanny
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Uncertainty management theory
- Uncle Art's Funland
- Unconscious cognition
- Unconscious communication
- Unconscious inference
- Unconscious mind
- Unconscious spirit
- Unconscious thought theory
- Unconsciousness
- Uncoupling (neuropsychopharmacology)
- Understanding Consciousness
- Understanding the Mid-Life Crisis
- Undoing (psychology)
- Undone (TV series)
- Undue influence
- Unidimensional Fatigue Impact Scale
- Unipolar emotions
- Unisex
- Unit cohesion
- Unitary theories of memory
- Universal psychometrics
- Universalization
- University of Edinburgh School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
- University of Maryland College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Unmitigated communion
- Unstrange Minds
- Up from Dragons
- Up-down cues
- Urethral foreign body
- Urethral intercourse
- Uri Geller
- Uri Simonsohn
- Ursula Șchiopu
- Urtext (biblical studies)
- User illusion
- Using Thematic Analysis in Psychology
- Uterine orgasm
- V. J. Smith
- V. Walter Odajnyk
- Valence (psychology)
- Valerie Biden Owens
- Valerie G. Hardcastle
- Validity (statistics)
- Validity scale
- Valins effect
- Value (ethics and social sciences)
- Value-action gap
- Values in Action Inventory of Strengths
- Values scale
- Vanessa Mendoza Cortés
- Vanishing mediator
- Vantage sensitivity
- Variability hypothesis
- Varieties of Anomalous Experience
- Varroa sensitive hygiene
- Vaticinium ex eventu
- Vedanta
- Vegetative state
- Velleity
- Veneer theory
- Ventricular-brain ratio
- Venus effect
- Verbal Behavior
- Verbal overshadowing
- Verbalisation
- Vergüenza (social concept)
- Vernon's verbal-perceptual model
- Vertiginous question
- Vested interest (communication theory)
- Vibroejaculation
- Vicarious embarrassment
- Victim blaming
- Victim complex
- Victimology
- Victorian burlesque
- Video-based reflection
- Vidyamala Burch
- Vienna Test System
- Vierordt's law
- Vignette (psychology)
- Vilayat Inayat Khan
- Vincent Turvey
- Viral marketing
- Viral phenomenon
- Virgilio Enriquez
- Virginia Durr Moment
- Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics
- Virtual Laboratory
- Virtual fixture
- Virtual reality cue reactivity
- Virtue signalling
- Visions Before Midnight
- Visual analogue scale
- Visual capture
- Visual cliff
- Visual gag
- Visual perception
- Visual pun
- Visual search
- Visual selective attention in dementia
- Visual short-term memory
- Visual space
- Visual temporal attention
- Visual weight
- Visuospatial function
- Vittorio Guidano
- Vladimir Asnin
- Vladimir J. Konečni
- Vocabulary development
- Vocal-Auditory Channel
- Vogel conflict test
- Voice confrontation
- Volition (psychology)
- Volkmar Sigusch
- Volume-Control Model
- Voluntary action
- Volunteer Functions Inventory
- Von Restorff effect
- Voodoo death
- Voprosy Psikhologii
- Vulvoplasty
- Vusi Thembekwayo
- Vygotsky Circle
- Völkerpsychologie
- W. E. R. Mons
- W. J. H. Sprott
- Wada test
- Waikaremoana Waitoki
- Waiter Rule
- Waking up early
- Waldo Vieira
- Wallflower (people)
- Walter Mitty
- Walton T. Roth
- Wand vibrator
- Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life
- War Child (charity)
- War Office Selection Boards
- Warm-glow giving
- Washington Square (Bangkok)
- Washington University Sentence Completion Test
- Wason selection task
- Watching-eye effect
- Water maze (neuroscience)
- Water-level task
- Ways of Hearing
- We Feel Fine
- Weaponized incompetence
- Weapons effect
- Web Experimental Psychology Lab
- Web-based experiments
- Weber–Fechner law
- Weinstein effect
- Well travelled road effect
- Well-Being Index
- Well-being contributing factors
- Well-being
- Wellbeing Literacy
- Wellerism
- Wells effect
- Wentworth Miller
- Were You Raised By Wolves?
- Werner Erhard (book)
- Westermarck effect
- Western Psychological Association
- Western astrology
- Westmead Post-Traumatic Amnesia Scale
- Weston Bousfield
- Wetlook
- What's the Matter with Kansas? (editorial)
- Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect
- Whisper network
- White Racial Identity Development
- White defensiveness
- White slave trade affair
- White torture
- Whitehall farce
- Why I Want to Fuck Ronald Reagan
- Why Johnny Can't Read
- Why We Can't Sleep
- Why Won't You Date Me?
- Wicked problem
- Widowhood effect
- Wiebke Bleidorn
- Wife guy
- Wike's law of low odd primes
- Wikitorial
- Wild man syndrome
- Wilfried Daim
- Wilhelm Dilthey
- Wilhelm Reich
- Wilhelm Windelband
- Will (philosophy)
- Will to live
- Will to power
- William A. Hammond
- William Alanson White Institute
- William Benjamin Carpenter
- William Forde Thompson
- William H. Tucker (psychologist)
- William James Fellow Award
- William James Lectures
- William James Prize
- William Moulton Marston
- William Oliver Stevens
- William R.N. Blair
- William Robert Thompson
- William Whewell
- Winnen of Leren
- Win–win game
- Wisdom of Our Fathers
- Wisdom of the Idiots
- Wish fulfillment
- Wishful thinking
- Wit
- Witzelsucht
- Wizards Project
- Wolfe–Spence tests
- Women & Therapy
- Women Who Love Too Much
- Women's Ways of Knowing
- Women's fear of crime
- Women-are-wonderful effect
- Won (injustice)
- Wonder (emotion)
- Woozle effect
- Word frequency effect
- Word superiority effect
- Wordly Wise 3000
- Work as play
- Work design
- Work motivation
- Work-based learning
- Working memory training
- Working memory
- World Federation for Mental Health
- World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
- World War II postal acronyms
- Worldview
- Worry stone
- Worry
- Worse-than-average effect
- Writing
- Wundt illusion
- XY problem
- Xenoglossy
- Xiangen Hu
- Xin (heart-mind)
- Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
- Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More
- Yale Global Tic Severity Scale
- Yale attitude change approach
- Yara Yavelberg
- Yavis
- Yerkes–Dodson law
- Yiff
- Yossi Ghinsberg
- Yotari
- You Are What You Act
- You Can Negotiate Anything
- You're So Vain
- Young Man Luther
- Young Mania Rating Scale
- Youth First Texas
- Yuasa Phenomenon
- Yuck! The Nature and Moral Significance of Disgust
- Yue Xiaodong
- Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique
- Zeigarnik effect
- Zen and the Brain
- Zener cards
- Zero-acquaintance personality judgments
- Zero-defects mentality
- Zero-risk bias
- Zero-sum thinking
- Zersetzung
- Zest (positive psychology)
- Zettel (Wittgenstein book)
- Zindel Segal
- Ziran
- Zodiac Man
- Zodiac
- Zombie Bike Ride
- Zone of proximal development
- Écriture féminine
- Éric Laurent (psychoanalyst)
- État second
- Étienne Bonnot de Condillac
- Ùlpan
- Über Konflikte der kindlichen Seele
- Übermensch
- Ātman (Buddhism)
- Ātman (Hinduism)
- Šà.zi.ga
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD