

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

(Redirected from Hydeltra)

What is Prednisolone?[edit | edit source]

  • Prednisolone is a synthetic, intermediate acting glucocorticoid used to treat certain types of allergies, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disorders, and cancers.

What are the uses of this medicine?[edit | edit source]

Prednisolone is used in the treatment of: Endocrine disorders:

Rheumatic disorders:

Collagen diseases:

Dermatologic diseases:

Allergic states:

Ophthalmic diseases:

Respiratory diseases:

Hematologic disorders:

Neoplastic diseases:

  • Edematous states:

Gastrointestinal diseases:

How does this medicine work?[edit | edit source]

  • Naturally occurring glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone and cortisone), which also have salt-retaining properties, are used as replacement therapy in adrenocortical deficiency states.
  • Prednisolone is primarily used for its potent anti-inflammatory effects in disorders of many organ systems.
  • Glucocorticoids cause profound and varied metabolic effects.
  • In addition, they modify the body's immune responses to diverse stimuli.

Who Should Not Use this medicine ?[edit | edit source]

This medicine cannot be used in patients with:

  • Systemic fungal infections

What drug interactions can this medicine cause?[edit | edit source]

  • Tell your doctor and pharmacist what other prescription and nonprescription medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, and herbal products you are taking or plan to take.

Be sure to mention the medications listed below:

Is this medicine FDA approved?[edit | edit source]

  • Prednisolone was discovered and approved for medical use in 1955.

How should this medicine be used?[edit | edit source]

Recommended dosage:

  • The initial dosage of prednisolone tablets may vary from 5 mg to 60 mg per day depending on the specific disease entity being treated.
  • After a favorable response is noted, the proper maintenance dosage should be determined by decreasing the initial drug dosage in small increments at appropriate time intervals until the lowest dosage which will maintain an adequate clinical response is reached.
  • Alternate-Day Therapy is a corticosteroid dosing regimen in which twice the usual daily dose of corticoid is administered every other morning.


  • Prednisolone comes as a tablet, an orally disintegrating tablet (tablet that dissolves quickly in the mouth), a solution (liquid), and as a suspension (liquid) to take by mouth with food.
  • Your personal dosing schedule will depend on your condition and on how you respond to treatment.
  • To take the orally disintegrating tablet, use dry hands to peel back the foil packaging. Immediately take out the tablet and place it on your tongue. The tablet will quickly dissolve and can be swallowed with or without water. Do not chew, split, or break the tablet.
  • Your doctor may change your dose of prednisolone during your treatment to be sure that you are always taking the lowest dose that works for you. Your doctor may also need to change your dose if you experience unusual stress on your body such as surgery, illness, infection, or a severe asthma attack.
  • If you are taking prednisolone to treat an ongoing condition, this medication may help control your condition but will not cure it. Continue to take prednisolone even if you feel well. Do not stop taking prednisolone without talking to your doctor. If you suddenly stop taking prednisolone, your body may not have enough naturally produced steroids to function normally.

What are the dosage forms and brand names of this medicine?[edit | edit source]

This medicine is available in fallowing doasage form:

  • As as a tablet, an orally disintegrating tablet (tablet that dissolves quickly in the mouth), a solution (liquid), and as a suspension (liquid)

This medicine is available in fallowing brand namesː

  • Flo-Pred
  • Orapred
  • Pediapred

What side effects can this medication cause?[edit | edit source]

The most common side effects of this medicine include:

What special precautions should I follow?[edit | edit source]

  • Persons who are on drugs which suppress the immune system are more susceptible to infections than healthy individuals. Chickenpox and measles, for example, can have a more serious or even fatal course in non-immune children or adults on corticosteroids. If exposed to chickenpox, prophylaxis with varicella zoster immune globulin (VZIG) may be indicated. Persons who are on immunosuppressant doses of corticosteroids should be warned to avoid exposure to chickenpox or measles. Patients should also be advised that if they are exposed, medical advice should be sought without delay.
  • In patients on corticosteroid therapy subjected to unusual stress increased dosage of rapidly acting corticosteroids before, during, and after the stressful situation is indicated.
  • Corticosteroids may mask some signs of infection, and new infections may appear during their use. There may be decreased resistance and inability to localize infection when corticosteroids are used.
  • Prolonged use of corticosteroids may produce posterior subcapsular cataracts, glaucoma with possible damage to the optic nerves, and may enhance the establishment of secondary ocular infections due to fungi or viruses.
  • There is an enhanced effect of corticosteroids on patients with hypothyroidism and in those with cirrhosis.
  • Corticosteroids should be used cautiously in patients with ocular herpes simplex because of possible corneal perforation.
  • The lowest possible dose of corticosteroid should be used to control the condition under treatment, and when reduction in dosage is possible, the reduction should be gradual.
  • Psychic derangements may appear when corticosteroids are used, ranging from euphoria, insomnia, mood swings, personality changes, and severe depression, to frank psychotic manifestations.
  • Aspirin should be used cautiously in conjunction with corticosteroids in hypoprothrombinemia.
  • Growth and development of infants and children on prolonged corticosteroid therapy should be carefully observed.
  • Tell your doctor if you have a fungal infection (other than on your skin or nails).
  • Tell your doctor if you have an eye infection or have ever had eye infections that come and go.
  • Do not have any vaccinations (shots to prevent diseases) without talking to your doctor.

What to do in case of emergency/overdose?[edit | edit source]

In case of overdose, call the poison control helpline of your country. In the United States, call 1-800-222-1222.

Can this medicine be used in pregnancy?[edit | edit source]

  • Since adequate human reproduction studies have not been done with corticosteroids, the use of these drugs in pregnancy, nursing mothers or women of childbearing potential requires that the possible benefits of the drug be weighed against the potential hazards to the mother and embryo or fetus.

Can this medicine be used in children?[edit | edit source]

  • The efficacy and safety of corticosteroids in the pediatric population are based on the well-established course of effect of corticosteroids, which is similar in pediatric and adult populations.

What are the active and inactive ingredients in this medicine?[edit | edit source]

Active Ingredient:


Inactive Ingredients:


Who manufactures and distributes this medicine?[edit | edit source]

Dist. by:

  • Par Pharmaceutical
  • Chestnut Ridge, NY U.S.A.

What should I know about storage and disposal of this medication?[edit | edit source]

  • Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F).
Prednisolone Resources

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