
Honey ham tortilla rolls with dipping sauce (recipe)

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Honey ham tortilla rolls with dipping sauce (recipe)
NameHoney ham tortilla rolls with dipping sauce
IngredientsCream cheese Crushed pineapple Green onion Honey 8-inch flour tortillas Mayonnaise Mustard Honey
Preptime (in hours)8
Totaltime (in hours)8
Keto friendlinessKeto friendly
Net carbohydrates4.5
Saturated fat0.8
Cholesterol (mg)3.9
Yield24 rolls


Editor-In-Chief: Prab R Tumpati, MD
Obesity, Sleep & Internal medicine
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Honey ham tortilla rolls with dipping sauce (recipe) is a keto friendly food item with net carbohydrates of about 4-5 per serving.

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Honey ham tortilla rolls with dipping sauce (recipe)

  1. With a mixer, combine the ham and cheese.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon honey, onion and pineapple.
  3. Spread half the mixture on one tortilla to 1/2\ from the edge.
  4. Roll up from one edge.
  5. Wrap in plastic wrap.
  6. Repeat with the remaining mixture and tortilla.
  7. Refrigerate 2-8 hours.
  8. Cut each roll in 1/2\ slices.
  9. For the dipping sauce, combine mayonnaise, mustard and 2 T honey.

    Food tags
    Pineapple, Pork, Tropical Fruits, Fruit, Meat, Weeknight, Refrigerator

Keto-meter rating
Keto meter five.png

Prep Time in Hours and Mins:8H

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