List of anatomical terms
- ABCD Study
- Abbott's artery
- Abdomen
- Abdominal aortic plexus
- Abdominal external oblique muscle
- Abdominal fascia
- Abdominal obesity
- Abductor hallucis muscle
- Abductor pollicis brevis muscle
- Aberdeen
- Aberrant subclavian artery
- Abscission
- Acanthocyte
- Accelerans nerve
- Accessory cephalic vein
- Accessory meningeal artery
- Accessory muscle
- Accessory nail of the fifth toe
- Accessory obturator nerve
- Accessory pathway
- Accessory soleus muscle
- Accessory visual structures
- Accommodative convergence
- Accommodative infacility
- Accommodative insufficiency
- Acervulus
- Acetabular fossa
- Acetabular notch
- Acetabulum
- Achilles tendon
- Acid mantle
- Acidophil cell
- Acidophile
- Acinus
- Acoustic radiation
- Acoustic tubercle
- Acromioclavicular ligament
- Acromion
- Acrosome
- Acrosome reaction
- Acute decompensated heart failure
- Acute kidney injury
- Acute limb ischaemia
- Acute liver failure
- Adam's apple
- Adductor brevis muscle
- Adductor canal
- Adductor hallucis muscle
- Adductor hiatus
- Adductor magnus muscle
- Adductor pollicis muscle
- Adductor tubercle of femur
- Adenitis
- Adenoacanthoma
- Adenoid hypertrophy
- Adenoma
- Adenomere
- Adenomyomatosis
- Adherens junction
- Adipose tissue
- Aditus
- Aditus to mastoid antrum
- Adnation
- Adrenal artery
- Adrenal haemorrhage
- Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics
- Adventitia
- Aeciospore
- Aecium
- Aedeagus
- Aerenchyma
- Aestivation
- Agaric
- Agenesis
- Agent Orange
- Agger nasi
- Aging brain
- Air sac
- Airway basal cell
- Alar fascia
- Alar ligament
- Alar plate
- Alcian blue stain
- Alcohol
- Alcohol and pregnancy
- Alcoholic liver disease
- Alexander Gurwitsch
- Alfatradiol
- Alkaline tide
- Allantois
- Alloplant
- Alphonse Bertillon
- Alveolar canals
- Alveolar duct
- Alveolar gland
- Alveolar part of mandible
- Alveolar process
- Alveolar ridge
- Alveolar septum
- Amacrine cell
- Amadou
- Amaurotic nystagmus
- Ambulacral
- Ambulacrum
- Ameloblast
- Ametropic amblyopia
- Amniocyte
- Amnion
- Amnion nodosum
- Amniotic fluid
- Amniotic sac
- Amphiarthrosis
- Ampulla of Vater
- Ampulla of ductus deferens
- Ampullary cupula
- Amyloid
- Anal columns
- Anal fascia
- Anal sinuses
- Anal triangle
- Anal valves
- Anamorphosis
- Anatomes totius
- Anatomic space
- Anatomical
- Anatomical Science International
- Anatomical Sciences Education
- Anatomical Theatre of Padua
- Anatomical model
- Anatomical neck of humerus
- Anatomical pathology
- Anatomical plane
- Anatomical snuffbox
- Anatomical terminology
- Anatomical terms of bone
- Anatomical terms of location
- Anatomical terms of microanatomy
- Anatomical terms of muscle
- Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy
- Anatomical theatre
- Anatomical variation
- Anatomist
- Anatomography
- Anatomy
- Anatomy Charts of the Arabs
- Anatomy of human
- Ancient Egyptian anatomical studies
- Andreas Vesalius
- Androgen deficiency
- Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- Andrology
- Androtomy
- Anemic infarct
- Aneurysm
- Angellift
- Angioblast
- Angioid streaks
- Angle of His
- Angle of the mandible
- Angular artery
- Angular incisure
- Angular vein
- Angularis nigra
- Animal
- Animal tooth development
- Anisochromia
- Ann Arbor staging
- Ann Kiessling
- Annals of Anatomy
- Annular ligament of radius
- Annulus
- Annulus of Zinn
- Anococcygeal body
- Anococcygeal nerve
- Anocutaneous line
- Anomaloscope
- Anopsia
- Anorchia
- Anorectal canal
- Anredera cordifolia
- Anrep effect
- Ansa lenticularis
- Anserine bursa
- Antebrachial fascia
- Anterior atlantoaxial ligament
- Anterior atlantooccipital membrane
- Anterior auricular branches
- Anterior auricular muscle
- Anterior auricular veins
- Anterior branch of obturator nerve
- Anterior cardiac veins
- Anterior cardinal vein
- Anterior cecal artery
- Anterior cervical lymph nodes
- Anterior chamber angle
- Anterior chamber of eyeball
- Anterior ciliary arteries
- Anterior clinoid process
- Anterior colliculus
- Anterior commissure
- Anterior communicating artery
- Anterior corticospinal tract
- Anterior cranial fossa
- Anterior ethmoidal foramen
- Anterior ethmoidal nerve
- Anterior external arcuate fibers
- Anterior funiculus
- Anterior gluteal line
- Anterior grey column
- Anterior humeral circumflex artery
- Anterior hypothalamic nucleus
- Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
- Anterior inferior iliac spine
- Anterior intercostal veins
- Anterior interosseous artery
- Anterior interosseous nerve
- Anterior interventricular sulcus
- Anterior jugular vein
- Anterior labial nerves
- Anterior lacrimal crest
- Anterior lateral malleolar artery
- Anterior ligament of elbow
- Anterior lingual glands
- Anterior lobe of cerebellum
- Anterior medial malleolar artery
- Anterior median line
- Anterior nares
- Anterior nasal spine
- Anterior perforated substance
- Anterior pituitary
- Anterior pulvinar nucleus
- Anterior raphespinal tract
- Anterior sacroiliac ligament
- Anterior scrotal arteries
- Anterior scrotal nerves
- Anterior segment of eyeball
- Anterior spinal artery
- Anterior sternoclavicular ligament
- Anterior superior alveolar arteries
- Anterior superior alveolar nerve
- Anterior superior iliac spine
- Anterior talocalcaneal ligament
- Anterior talofibular ligament
- Anterior tibial recurrent artery
- Anterior tibial vein
- Anterior tibiofibular ligament
- Anterior triangle of the neck
- Anterior tympanic artery
- Anterior ulnar recurrent artery
- Anterior vagal trunk
- Anterior white commissure
- Anterolateral central arteries
- Anterolateral sulcus of medulla
- Anterolateral sulcus of spinal cord
- Antheridium
- Anthropometric history
- Anthropometry
- Anthropomorphism
- Antibodies
- Antigen retrieval
- Antihelix
- Antiserum
- Antitragicus
- Antitragus
- Antrum
- Aortic arch
- Aortic arches
- Aortic bifurcation
- Aortic hiatus
- Aortic orifice
- Aortic sac
- Aorticopulmonary septum
- Aorticorenal ganglion
- Aortocaval compression syndrome
- Aortopulmonary septal defect
- Aortopulmonary space
- Ape hand deformity
- Ape index
- Apert syndrome
- Aphallia
- Aphlebia
- Apical dendrite
- Apical ectodermal ridge
- Apical foramen
- Apical ligament of dens
- Apical lymph nodes
- Apicoplast
- Aplasia
- Apocrine sweat gland
- Apollo's belt
- Aponeurosis
- Apoplast
- Appendage
- Appendicular artery
- Appendicular vein
- Appendix
- Appendix of testis
- Appendix of the epididymis
- Aqueous humour
- Aquiline nose
- Arabesque
- Arbor vitae
- Arcade of Frohse
- Archegonium
- Archicortex
- Archinephros
- Arcuate arteries of the kidney
- Arcuate artery of the foot
- Arcuate foramen
- Arcuate nucleus
- Arcuate popliteal ligament
- Arcuate uterus
- Arcuate vein
- Arcuate vessels of uterus
- Areolar gland
- Argentaffin
- Arm recoil
- Arm span
- Armour
- Aromatase deficiency
- Aromatase excess syndrome
- Arsenic
- Arterial arcades
- Arterial blood
- Arteriovenous malformation
- Artery of Percheron
- Artery of bulb of penis
- Artery of bulb of vestibule
- Artery of round ligament of uterus
- Artery of the pterygoid canal
- Artery to the ductus deferens
- Arthrofibrosis
- Arthrology
- Arthropods
- Articular capsule of the knee joint
- Articular disk
- Articular processes
- Articular tubercle
- Articularis cubiti muscle
- Articularis genus muscle
- Articulation of head of rib
- Artificial bone
- Artificial cartilage
- Artificial heart
- Artificial kidney
- Artificial lung
- Artificial organ
- Artificial ovary
- Artificial skin
- Artificial urinary bladder
- Artificial womb
- Aryepiglottic fold
- Aryepiglottic muscle
- Aryepiglotticus muscle
- Arytenoid cartilage
- Arytenoid muscle
- Ascending aorta
- Ascending colon
- Ascending limb of loop of Henle
- Ascending lumbar vein
- Ascending palatine artery
- Ascending pharyngeal artery
- Aschoff body
- Ascocarp
- Ascospore
- Asterion
- Asteroid body
- Asthenozoospermia
- At attention
- Atresia
- Atrial action potential
- Atrial enlargement
- Atrial volume receptors
- Atrioventricular canal
- Atrioventricular nodal branch
- Atrophy
- Atypia
- Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor
- Auditory brainstem implant
- Auer rod
- Auramine
- Auricular branch of vagus nerve
- Autohaemorrhaging
- Autologous conditioned serum
- Autonomic nerve
- Autopsy
- Autotomy
- Autotransfusion
- Auxesis
- Axial mesoderm
- Axial skeleton
- Axillary fascia
- Axillary lines
- Axillary nerve
- Axillary sheath
- Axillary vein
- Axolemma
- Axon hillock
- Axon terminal
- Axoneme
- Axoplasm
- Azurophilic granule
- Azzopardi phenomenon
- Back brace
- Bacteria
- Ball and socket joint
- Ballooning degeneration
- Band cell
- Band of Baillarger
- Bandemia
- Bare area of the liver
- Barrel cortex
- Bartholin gland carcinoma
- Bartholin's gland
- Bartolomeo Eustachi
- Basal body
- Basal body temperature
- Basal cell carcinoma
- Basal dendrite
- Basal lamina
- Basal plate
- Basal vein
- Basement membrane
- Basidiocarp
- Basidiolichen
- Basidiospore
- Basidium
- Basigin
- Basilar crest
- Basilar part of occipital bone
- Basilar part of pons
- Basilar plexus
- Basilar sulcus
- Basilic vein
- Basivertebral veins
- Basopenia
- Basophil cell
- Basophilic
- Bay leaf
- Beclard Triangle
- Beevor's axiom
- Bell's phenomenon
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Benzene
- Bergmeister's papilla
- Berlin's edema
- Bibliotheca Anatomica
- Biceps femoris muscle
- Bicipital aponeurosis
- Bicipital groove
- Bicipitoradial bursa
- Bielschowsky stain
- Bifid penis
- Bifid rib
- Bifurcated ligament
- BigBrain
- Bile canaliculus
- Bilinga
- BioDigital
- Biocytin
- Biology
- Biomedical Tissue Services
- Biomedical tissue
- Biosequestration
- Bipartite patella
- Bipedalism
- Biphenotypic acute leukaemia
- Bipolar neuron
- Bird anatomy
- Bird's eye figure
- Bitot's spots
- Biventer lobule
- Blalock
- Blastocyst
- Blastoderm
- Blastomere
- Blastospore
- Blennorrhea
- Blepharophimosis
- Bletting
- Bloating
- Blood brother
- Blood fractionation
- Blood in stool
- Blood islands
- Blood lead level
- Blood of Christ
- Blood phobia
- Blood plasma
- Blood transfusion
- Blood type
- Blood type personality theory
- Blood vessel
- Blood volume
- Bloodletting
- Bloodwood
- Blossom
- Board foot
- Bodies
- Body Worlds
- Body cavity
- Body fluid
- Body language
- Body modification
- Body of femur
- Body of penis
- Body orifice
- Body plan
- Body proportions
- Bolete
- Bondage positions and methods
- Bone canaliculus
- Bone collar
- Bone decalcification
- Bone healing
- Bone malrotation
- Bone marrow
- Bony labyrinth
- Boobquake
- Bootstrapping
- Boston's sign
- Botany
- Botzinger complex
- Bowel infarction
- Bowing
- Bowman
- Bowman's membrane
- Brachial fascia
- Brachial lymph nodes
- Brachialis muscle
- Brachiocephalic artery
- Brachiocephalic vein
- Brain asymmetry
- Brain death
- Brain injury
- Brain morphometry
- Brain vesicle
- BrainMaps
- Brainstem
- Brainstem death
- Bralessness
- Branchial cleft cyst
- Breast
- Breast binding
- Breast bondage
- Breast development
- Breast enlargement
- Breast enlargement supplement
- Breast milk
- Breast pain
- Breast prostheses
- Breast shell
- Breast torture
- Breastfeeding
- Breasts
- Bregma
- Breslow's depth
- Bristle
- British Neuropathological Society
- Broad ligament of the uterus
- Brodel's bloodless line
- Brodmann area
- Bronchial challenge test
- Bronchial circulation
- Bronchial veins
- Bronchodilatation
- Bronchomediastinal lymph trunk
- Brow ridge
- Brown adipose tissue
- Bruch's membrane
- Bryant's triangle
- Bryozoa
- Buccal administration
- Buccal artery
- Buccal branches of the facial nerve
- Buccal fat pad
- Buccal space
- Buccinator crest
- Buccinator lymph node
- Buccinator muscle
- Buccopharyngeal
- Buccopharyngeal fascia
- Buccopharyngeal membrane
- Buffy coat
- Bulb of penis
- Bulb of vestibule
- Bulboid corpuscle
- Bulbospongiosus muscle
- Bulbourethral gland
- Bulbus cordis
- Bullous keratopathy
- Buttocks
- CSF albumin
- CSF glucose
- Caerphilly Heart Disease Study
- Calcaneocuboid joint
- Calcaneofibular ligament
- Calcar avis
- Calcarine sulcus
- Calcification
- Calcifying odontogenic cyst
- Calcium oxalate
- Cambium
- Camper
- Canals of Lambert
- Cancer staging
- Canine follicle development
- Canine fossa
- Canine space
- Canine tooth
- CankerMelts
- Cannon A waves
- Canthus
- Cantlie line
- Capacitation
- Capillary lamina of choroid
- Capillitium
- Capitate bone
- Capitulum of the humerus
- Capsular contracture
- Capsule of hip joint
- Capsule of lens
- Capsule of the glenohumeral joint
- Capsulorhexis
- Carapace
- Carbol fuchsin
- Carboxysome
- Carbuncle
- Carcinoma
- Carcinoma in situ
- Cardiac branches of the vagus nerve
- Cardiac fibrosis
- Cardiac muscle
- Cardiac nerve
- Cardiac neural crest
- Cardiac notch of stomach
- Cardiac physiology
- Cardiac plexus
- Cardiac rhythmicity
- Cardiac skeleton
- Cardinal ligament
- Cardioprotection
- Cardiopulmonary nerves
- Cardiorenal syndrome
- Cardiotomy
- Cardiovascular drift
- Cardiovascular physiology
- Carnegie stages
- Carnoy's solution
- Caroticotympanic arteries
- Caroticotympanic nerves
- Carotid canal
- Carotid groove
- Carotid sheath
- Carotid sinus nerve
- Carotid triangle
- Carotidynia
- Carpometacarpal joint
- Cartilage
- Caruncle
- Caseous necrosis
- Caspar Bartholin the Elder
- Casparian strip
- Cassava
- Castration
- Cataract microcornea syndrome
- Cataract surgery
- Cauda helicis
- Caudal cell mass
- Caudal duplication
- Caudal pontine reticular nucleus
- Caudex
- Caudofemoralis
- Caveolae
- Cavernous nerve plexus
- Cavernous tissue
- Cavoatrial junction
- Cavum Vergae
- Cavum veli interpositi
- Cedrus
- Celiac branches of vagus nerve
- Celiac ganglia
- Celiac lymph nodes
- Cell biology
- Cell junction
- Cell mediated immunity
- Cell membrane
- Cell nucleus
- Cell plate
- Cell wall
- Cellular infiltration
- Cellulite
- Central canal
- Central lobule
- Central lymph nodes
- Central retinal vein
- Central tendon of diaphragm
- Central veins of liver
- Centric relation
- Centroacinar cell
- Centrum semiovale
- Cephalic
- Cephalic vein
- Cephalogram
- Cephalon
- Cephalopelvic disproportion
- Cerebellar artery
- Cerebellar hemisphere
- Cerebellar tentorium
- Cerebellar tonsil
- Cerebellar veins
- Cerebellopontine angle
- Cerebellum
- Cerebral arteriovenous malformation
- Cerebral atrophy
- Cerebral blood volume
- Cerebral cortex
- Cerebral crus
- Cerebral veins
- Cerebrospinal fibers
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea
- Certified Tissue Bank Specialist
- Ceruminous gland
- Cervical artery dissection
- Cervical branch of the facial nerve
- Cervical canal
- Cervical collar
- Cervical enlargement
- Cervical fascia
- Cervical margins
- Cervical mucus plug
- Cervical rib
- Cervical sinus
- Cervical spinal nerve
- Cervical vertebrae
- Cervicoaxillary canal
- Cervicocranial syndrome
- Chalaza
- Champissage
- Charcot
- Charles Estienne
- Chemical eye injury
- Cherry blossom
- Chest hair
- Chest pain
- Chest pain in children
- Chiasm
- Chiasmatic cistern
- Chiasmatic groove
- Childbirth positions
- Childhood cataract
- Childhood rhabdomyosarcoma
- Chimera
- Chlamydospore
- Chloride shift
- Chloroplast
- Choanocyte
- Cholecystocyte
- Cholesterol crystal
- Cholesterolosis of gallbladder
- Choluria
- Chondrocranium
- Chondrocyte
- Chondrogenesis
- Chondroglossus
- Choriogenesis
- Chorion
- Chorionic vessels
- Chorionic villi
- Choriovitelline placenta
- Choristoma
- Choroid
- Choroid veins
- Choroidal fissure
- Chromatophore
- Chromophobe cell
- Chromoplast
- Chronic kidney disease
- Churchill
- Chyloderma
- Ciaccio's glands
- Ciliary arteries
- Ciliary body
- Ciliary muscle
- Ciliary processes
- Ciliogenesis
- Ciliospinal center
- Cilium
- Cingulate sulcus
- Cinnamomum malabatrum
- Cinnamomum tamala
- Circular chromosome
- Circular folds
- Circulating tumor DNA
- Circulation
- Circulatory system
- Circulus arteriosus major
- Circulus arteriosus minor
- Circumcision controversies
- Circumesophageal nerve ring
- Circumflex fibular artery
- Circumflex scapular artery
- Cirsoid aneurysm
- Cistern of lamina terminalis
- Cistern of lateral cerebral fossa
- Cisterna
- Clamp connection
- Clark's level
- Clasper
- Clavicular facet of scapula
- Clavipectoral fascia
- Clear cell
- Clear cell renal cell carcinoma
- Cleavage
- Cleft lip and cleft palate
- Climacteric
- Clinical Anatomy
- Clitellum
- Clitoral erection
- Clitoral index
- Clitoromegaly
- Clivus
- Cloaca
- Cloacal exstrophy
- Cloacal membrane
- Clonal hematopoiesis
- Clotting time
- Club cell
- Cluster of differentiation
- Cnidocyte
- CoRR hypothesis
- Coagulation
- Coarse facial features
- Cocaine
- Coccygeal glomus
- Coccygeal plexus
- Coccygeus muscle
- Coccyx
- Cochlea
- Cochlear aqueduct
- Cochlear cupula
- Cochlear implant
- Cochlear nucleus
- Coelom
- Coelomic epithelium
- Coenobium
- Coenocyte
- Cohn process
- Coleoptile
- Coleus esculentus
- Colic branch of ileocolic artery
- Colic flexures
- Collateral eminence
- Collateral fissure
- Collecting duct system
- Collier's sign
- Colloblast
- Collyrium
- Colonic ulcer
- Color anomaly
- Colorectal adenoma
- Colorectal polyp
- Colostomy reversal
- Colpocephaly
- Columella
- Combined immunodeficiencies
- Commissural fiber
- Commissure
- Common bile duct
- Common cardinal veins
- Common digital veins
- Common extensor tendon
- Common facial vein
- Common flexor sheath of hand
- Common iliac artery
- Common iliac lymph nodes
- Common iliac vein
- Common iliac vessels
- Common interosseous artery
- Common palmar digital arteries
- Common peroneal nerve
- Common plantar digital arteries
- Communicating vein
- Comparative anatomy
- Comparative embryology
- Complement
- Composition of the human body
- Compulsory sterilization
- Computational anatomy
- Concentric hypertrophy
- Conceptacle
- Conceptus
- Concoction
- Condylar canal
- Condylar emissary vein
- Condyle
- Condyle of humerus
- Condyloid fossa
- Condyloid joint
- Condyloid process
- Cone cell
- Confluence of sinuses
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- Congenital hypoplastic anemia
- Conidial anastomosis tubes
- Conidium
- Conjoint tendon
- Conjunctiva
- Connecting stalk
- Connective tissue
- Connective tissue neoplasm
- Conoid ligament
- Contractile vacuole
- Convoluted tubule
- Copula linguae
- Coracoacromial ligament
- Coracobrachialis muscle
- Coracoclavicular ligament
- Coracohumeral ligament
- Coracoid
- Cord blood
- Cord blood bank
- Cord lining
- Corectopia
- Cornea
- Corneal endothelium
- Corneal epithelium
- Corneal limbus
- Corneous
- Corniculate
- Corniculate cartilages
- Corona of glans penis
- Coronal plane
- Coronal suture
- Coronary arteries
- Coronary ligament
- Coronary ligament of the knee
- Coronary perfusion pressure
- Coronary steal
- Coronary sulcus
- Coronoid fossa of the humerus
- Coronoid process of the mandible
- Coronoid process of the ulna
- Corpora amylacea
- Corpora arenacea
- Corpora quadrigemina
- Corpus albicans
- Corpus cavernosum of clitoris
- Corpus luteum
- Corpus spongiosum penis
- Corpuscles of Herbst
- Corrugator cutis ani muscle
- Corrugator supercilii muscle
- Cortex
- Cortical lobule
- Corticopontine fibers
- Costal cartilage
- Costal facet
- Costal margin
- Costal tuberosity of clavicle
- Costamere
- Costocervical trunk
- Costochondral joint
- Costodiaphragmatic recess
- Costomediastinal recess
- Costotransverse joint
- Costovertebral angle
- Costovertebral joints
- Costoxiphoid ligaments
- Cotyledon
- Countercurrent exchange
- Counterstain
- Cowdry bodies
- Coxa valga
- Cracked nipple
- Cranial fossa
- Cranial nerve ganglia
- Cranial neural crest
- Cranial root of accessory nerves
- Craniofacial
- Craniofacial abnormality
- Craniofacial cleft
- Craniometry
- Craniopharyngeal canal
- Cremasteric artery
- Cremasteric fascia
- Cremasteric reflex
- Creola bodies
- Cresyl violet
- Cribriform fascia
- Cribriform plate
- Cricoarytenoid joint
- Cricoarytenoid ligament
- Cricoarytenoid muscle
- Cricoid cartilage
- Cricopharyngeal ligament
- Cricothyroid joint
- Cricothyroid ligament
- Cricotracheal ligament
- Crista dividens
- Crista galli
- Crista supraventricularis
- Crista terminalis
- Critical closing pressure
- Crotch
- Crown rump length
- Crozier
- Cruciate anastomosis
- Cruciate ligament of atlas
- Crucifixion
- Cruciform eminence
- Crura of superficial inguinal ring
- Crus of diaphragm
- Crus of penis
- Crux cordis
- Cryptophthalmos
- Crystallin
- Cubital tunnel
- Cubitus valgus
- Cuboid bone
- Cuboideonavicular joint
- Cuddling
- Culmen
- Cuneiform cartilages
- Cuneonavicular joint
- Cupid's bow
- Curry leaves
- Curschmann's spirals
- Curvatures of the stomach
- Curve of Spee
- Curve of Wilson
- Cutaneous innervation of the head
- Cuticle
- Cutter
- Cyclopamine
- Cyclopia
- Cyclospasm
- Cylinder manifold
- Cystic duct
- Cystic eyeball
- Cystic vein
- Cystocele
- Cystolith
- Cytisine
- Cytoarchitecture
- Cytobrush
- Cytochrome b
- Cytokeratin
- Cytology
- Cytopathology
- Cytopenia
- Cytoplasm
- Cytoskeleton
- Cytosol
- Cytostome
- Cytotrophoblast
- Cytotrophoblastic shell
- Dacarbazine
- Dacryocystocele
- Dacryon
- Dactylus
- Dactyly
- Danazol
- Dandruff
- Dandy's point
- Danger space
- Danger triangle of the face
- Darwin's tubercle
- Dead on Arrival
- Deaf animal
- Death erection
- Decidua menstrualis
- Decidual cells
- Deciduous hoof capsule
- Decoy cells
- Decurrent
- Decussation
- Deep anterior cervical lymph nodes
- Deep artery of arm
- Deep artery of the penis
- Deep artery of the thigh
- Deep auricular artery
- Deep branch of radial nerve
- Deep branch of the perineal nerve
- Deep branch of ulnar nerve
- Deep cerebral veins
- Deep cervical artery
- Deep cervical fascia
- Deep cervical vein
- Deep circumflex iliac artery
- Deep circumflex iliac vein
- Deep dorsal vein of clitoris
- Deep external pudendal artery
- Deep facial vein
- Deep fascia of leg
- Deep lateral cervical lymph nodes
- Deep lingual vein
- Deep palmar arch
- Deep palmar branch of ulnar artery
- Deep palmar venous arch
- Deep parotid lymph nodes
- Deep perineal pouch
- Deep peroneal nerve
- Deep petrosal nerve
- Deep plantar artery
- Deep temporal arteries
- Deep transverse fascia
- Deep transverse metacarpal ligament
- Deep vein of the thigh
- Defeminization
- Deficiency
- Delayed puberty
- Delta cell
- Deltoid ligament
- Deltopectoral groove
- Deltopectoral lymph nodes
- Dendrite
- Dendritic spine
- Dendrodendritic synapse
- Dense connective tissue
- Dense regular connective tissue
- Dental
- Dental anatomy
- Dental arch
- Dental canaliculi
- Dentatothalamic tract
- Dentistry
- Denudation
- Depressor anguli oris muscle
- Depressor labii inferioris muscle
- Depressor septi nasi muscle
- Depressor supercilii muscle
- Dermal bone
- Dermatocranium
- Dermatoglyphics
- Dermatomes
- Dermatopathology
- Descemet's membrane
- Descending aorta
- Descending genicular artery
- Descending limb of loop of Henle
- Descending palatine artery
- Descending perineum syndrome
- Descending thoracic aorta
- Desmosome
- Desquamative interstitial pneumonia
- Detrusor muscle
- Deutoplasm
- Development of the digestive system
- Development of the gonads
- Development of the nervous system
- Development of the urinary system
- Developmental toxicity
- Deviated gaze
- Device
- Dexamethasone
- Diagonal band of Broca
- Diaphragma sellae
- Diaphragmatic excursion
- Diaphysis
- Diastasis
- Diastema
- Dichloromethane
- Diencephalon
- Dieterle stain
- Diethylstilbestrol
- Diffeomorphometry
- Diffuse proliferative nephritis
- Digastric branch of facial nerve
- Digastric muscle
- Digestion
- Digit ratio
- Digyny
- Dihydrotestosterone
- Dilation and curettage
- Dilator naris muscle
- Dimorphic fungus
- Dimple
- Dimples of Venus
- Dinoflagellate
- Dioscorea
- Diphallia
- Diploic veins
- Diplopodia
- Diplosome
- Diprosopus
- Disarticulation
- Discoid meniscus
- Disorders of sex development
- Dissection
- Distal humeral fracture
- Distal radioulnar articulation
- Dolipore septum
- Dorello's canal
- Dorsal aorta
- Dorsal artery of the penis
- Dorsal body cavity
- Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve
- Dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament
- Dorsal carpal arch
- Dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments
- Dorsal column nuclei
- Dorsal digital arteries of foot
- Dorsal digital arteries of hand
- Dorsal digital nerves of foot
- Dorsal digital veins of the foot
- Dorsal interossei of the foot
- Dorsal interossei of the hand
- Dorsal lingual veins
- Dorsal lip
- Dorsal metacarpal arteries
- Dorsal metacarpal veins
- Dorsal metatarsal arteries
- Dorsal metatarsal veins
- Dorsal nasal artery
- Dorsal nerve cord
- Dorsal nerve of the penis
- Dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve
- Dorsal pancreatic artery
- Dorsal radioulnar ligament
- Dorsal root ganglion
- Dorsal root of spinal nerve
- Dorsal scapular nerve
- Dorsal scapular vein
- Dorsal talonavicular ligament
- Dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments
- Dorsal tegmental nucleus
- Dorsal trigeminal tract
- Dorsal veins of the penis
- Dorsal venous network of hand
- Dorsiventral
- Dorsum sellae
- Downie bodies
- Doxepin
- Doxorubicin
- Driftwood
- Dua's layer
- Ductal cells
- Ductoscopy
- Ductuli aberrantes
- Ductuli transversi
- Ductus arteriosus
- Ductus reuniens
- Ductus venosus
- Dunnage
- Duodenojejunal flexure
- Duplex retina
- Dutasteride
- Dysgammaglobulinemia
- Dysgenesis
- Dyskaryosis
- Dysmelia
- Dysplasia
- Dystrophic calcification
- Dystrophin
- Ear wiggling
- Eardrum
- Eating
- Ecdysis
- Echinocyte
- Ectasia
- Ectoderm
- Ectomycorrhiza
- Ectopic decidua
- Ectopic kidney
- Ectopic testis
- Ectopic ureter
- Ectoplasm
- Ectotympanic
- Edematous areola
- Edinburgh Handedness Inventory
- Effacement
- Egg tooth
- Eggshell
- Einthoven's triangle
- Eisosome
- Ejaculation
- Ejaculation disorders
- Ejaculatory duct
- Elastic cartilage
- Elater
- Electroantennography
- Electroejaculation
- Electron microscope
- Elliptocyte
- Elongated labia
- Embalming
- Emboliform nucleus
- Embrasure
- Embryo
- Embryo loss
- Embryokine
- Embryologist
- Embryology
- Embryonal carcinoma
- Embryonic development
- Embryonic differentiation waves
- Embryonic disc
- Embryonic stem cell
- Embryotroph
- Eminence
- Empty nose syndrome
- End stage pulmonary disease
- Endocardial cushions
- Endocardial tubes
- Endocochlear potential
- Endocranium
- Endocytosis
- Endoderm
- Endolymph
- Endolymphatic duct
- Endolymphatic sac
- Endomembrane system
- Endomysium
- Endoneurium
- Endoplasm
- Endoskeleton
- Endospore staining
- Endosteum
- Endostyle
- Endosulfan
- Endothelium
- Endothoracic fascia
- Enteric nervous system
- Enterocoely
- Enteroendocrine cell
- Enterogastrone
- Enthesitis
- Eosinopenia
- Eosinophilic
- Eosinophilic gastroenteritis
- Eparterial bronchus
- Epaxial and hypaxial muscles
- Epiblast
- Epiboly
- Epicanthic fold
- Epicondyle
- Epicranial aponeurosis
- Epicranium
- Epicuticular wax
- Epidermis
- Epididymal cyst
- Epidural venous plexus
- Epigastric vessels
- Epigastrium
- Epigenesis
- Epiglottic vallecula
- Epilepsy in animals
- Epimysium
- Epineurium
- Episcleral layer
- Epithelial dysplasia
- Epithelium
- Epitrochleoanconeus muscle
- Epitympanic recess
- Eponychium
- Equinovalgus
- Erectile tissue
- Erection
- Erector spinae muscles
- Erogenous zone
- Erotic lactation
- Esophageal arteries
- Esophageal gland
- Esophageal motility disorder
- Esophageal plexus
- Esophageal veins
- Esophagus
- Estetrol
- Estradiol
- Estrogen insensitivity syndrome
- Estrogenic fat
- Ethanol
- Ethidium bromide
- Ethmoid bone
- Ethmoid bulla
- Ethmoid sinus
- Ethmoidal infundibulum
- Ethmoidal labyrinth
- Ethmoidal nerves
- Ethmoidal notch
- Ethmoidal spine
- Ethmoidal veins
- Ethyl methanesulfonate
- Euphoria
- Eupnea
- European Journal of Morphology
- Evelyn tables
- Excavation
- Excerebration
- Excretory system
- Exfoliation
- Exophoria
- Exoskeleton
- Exosome
- Extensor digiti minimi muscle
- Extensor digitorum longus muscle
- Extensor digitorum muscle
- Extensor expansion
- Extensor hallucis longus muscle
- Extensor indicis muscle
- Extensor medii proprius muscle
- Extensor pollicis brevis muscle
- Extensor pollicis longus muscle
- Extensor retinaculum of the hand
- External anal sphincter
- External capsule
- External globus pallidus
- External iliac lymph nodes
- External iliac vein
- External intercostal membrane
- External intercostal muscles
- External jugular vein
- External lamina
- External limiting membrane
- External nasal nerve
- External obturator muscle
- External occipital crest
- External occipital protuberance
- External pudendal veins
- External spermatic fascia
- External vertebral venous plexuses
- Extracellular fluid
- Extracellular matrix
- Extracellular space
- Extraembryonic membrane
- Extrafusal muscle fiber
- Extramedullary hematopoiesis
- Extraocular muscles
- Extraperitoneal space
- Extreme capsule
- Exudate
- Eye color
- Eye development
- Eyebrow
- Eyelash
- Eyelid
- Eyelids
- Eyespot
- Eyestalk
- Eyewash
- Fabella
- Face transplant
- Facial
- Facial artery
- Facial canal
- Facial colliculus
- Facial expression
- Facial hair
- Facial lymph nodes
- Facial nerve
- Facial skeleton
- Facial symmetry
- Facial vein
- Fairy ring
- Falciform ligament
- Falcine sinus
- Fallopian tube
- Falsies
- Falx cerebelli
- Falx cerebri
- Familial thoracic aortic aneurysm
- Farabeuf's triangle
- Fascia
- Fascia adherens
- Fascia lata
- Fascia of Camper
- Fascia of Colles
- Fascia of Scarpa
- Fascial compartment
- Fascial compartments of forearm
- Fascial compartments of thigh
- Fascial spaces of the head and neck
- Fascicle
- Fasciculus Medicinae
- Fastigial nucleus
- Fatty liver disease
- Fauces
- Fecaluria
- Fellutamide
- Female
- Female ejaculation
- Female genital disease
- Female hysteria
- Femoral canal
- Femoral head
- Femoral neck
- Femoral nerve
- Femoral ring
- Femoral sheath
- Fenestra
- Ferruginous body
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- Fetal circulation
- Fetal fibronectin
- Fetal hemoglobin
- Fetal membranes
- Fetal pole
- Fetal position
- Fetus in fetu
- Feulgen stain
- Fibrin glue
- Fibrin ring granuloma
- Fibrinoid necrosis
- Fibrocartilage
- Fibrocartilage callus
- Fibrous cap
- Fibrous tunic of eyeball
- Fibula
- Fibular collateral ligament
- Fibular notch
- Fibular veins
- Field stain
- Fields of Forel
- Fifth metacarpal bone
- Fifth metatarsal bone
- Figure
- Filopodia
- Filtration fraction
- Filum terminale
- Fimbriated fold of tongue
- Finasteride
- Fingerprint
- First arch syndrome
- First dorsal metatarsal artery
- First metatarsal bone
- Fissure
- Fixation
- Flagellum
- Flail limb
- Flame cell
- Flank gland
- Flat bone
- Fleischer's syndrome
- Flexion teardrop fracture
- Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle
- Flexor digitorum brevis muscle
- Flexor digitorum longus muscle
- Flexor hallucis brevis muscle
- Flexor hallucis longus muscle
- Flexor pollicis brevis muscle
- Flexor pollicis longus muscle
- Flexor retinaculum of foot
- Flexor retinaculum of the hand
- Flexure
- Flipper
- Flocculonodular lobe
- Flow waveform
- Flower
- Fluid mosaic model
- Fluorescence in situ hybridization
- Focal adhesion
- Focal proliferative nephritis
- Fold of left vena cava
- Folium vermis
- Follicular antrum
- Follicular dendritic cells
- Follicular fluid
- Follicular lumen
- Fontanelle
- Forage
- Foramen
- Foramen cecum
- Foramen magnum
- Foramen ovale
- Foramen rotundum
- Foramen secundum
- Foramen singulare
- Foramen spinosum
- Foramen tympanicum
- Foramina of Scarpa
- Forefoot
- Foregut
- Forehead
- Forelimb
- Forensic facial reconstruction
- Forensic pathology
- Foreskin
- Formaldehyde
- Fornix
- Fossa for lacrimal gland
- Fossa for lacrimal sac
- Fossa of vestibule of vagina
- Foundational Model of Anatomy
- Fourth metacarpal bone
- Fourth metatarsal bone
- Fovea centralis
- Foveola
- Foveolar cell
- Fowler's position
- Fracture of biological materials
- Framingham Heart Study
- Framingham Risk Score
- Francis Galton
- Frazier's point
- Frenular delta
- Frenulum
- Frenulum of labia minora
- Frenulum of lower lip
- Friedrich Wilhelm Kopsch
- Frontal bone
- Frontal crest
- Frontal eminence
- Frontal gyri
- Frontal sinus
- Frontal suture
- Frontal vein
- Frontalis muscle
- Frontoethmoidal suture
- Frontonasal duct
- Frontonasal process
- Frontopontine fibers
- Frontotemporal lobar degeneration
- Frozen section procedure
- Frustule
- Fundiform ligament
- Fundus
- Funiculus
- Furstenberg's rosette
- G banding
- G cell
- Gabriele Falloppio
- Gallbladder
- Gallbladder flush
- Gametophyte
- Ganglion
- Ganglion cell layer
- Ganglion impar
- Ganoine
- Gap junction
- Gartner's duct
- Gastric acid
- Gastric chief cell
- Gastric folds
- Gastric glands
- Gastric lymph nodes
- Gastric mucosa
- Gastric pits
- Gastric plexuses
- Gastrocolic ligament
- Gastrocolic reflex
- Gastroduodenal artery
- Gastroileal reflex
- Gastrointestinal pathology
- Gastrolith
- Gastrophrenic ligament
- Gastroptosis
- Gastrovascular cavity
- Gastrulation
- Gemmule
- General somatic afferent fiber
- General somatic efferent fibers
- General visceral efferent fibers
- Genetics
- Genicular artery
- Geniculate fibers
- Geniculum
- Geniohyoid muscle
- Genital modification and mutilation
- Genital tubercle
- Genitoplasty
- Genitourinary amoebiasis
- Gensini score
- Gerdy's tubercle
- Germ layer
- Germ tube
- Germinal center
- Germinal disc
- Germinal epithelium
- Germinal matrix
- Gerontoplast
- Gestational sac
- Gesture
- Ghon focus
- Ghon's complex
- Giant retinal ganglion cells
- Gibbus deformity
- Giemsa stain
- Giuseppe Sterzi
- Gizzard
- Glabella
- Glandular branches of facial artery
- Glandular metaplasia
- Glasdegib
- Glasgow
- Gleason grading system
- Glenohumeral ligaments
- Glenoid cavity
- Glenoid labrum
- Glenoid tubercles
- Glenopolar angle
- Glioblast
- Globe rupture
- Globose nucleus
- Glomerulonephrosis
- Glomerulopathy
- Glomus body
- Glomus cell
- Glossary of leaf morphology
- Glossary of medicine
- Glossoepiglottic folds
- Glottis
- Glutaraldehyde
- Gluteal aponeurosis
- Gluteal sulcus
- Gluteal tuberosity
- Gluteus maximus
- Gluteus medius
- Gluteus minimus
- Glymphatic system
- Glyoxysome
- Golgi apparatus
- Golgi tendon organ
- Golgi's method
- Gonadal artery
- Gonadal dysgenesis
- Gonadal ridge
- Gonadal vein
- Gonadotropin
- Gonadotropin preparations
- Gonadotropin releasing hormone
- Gonidium
- Gonocyte
- Gouverneur's syndrome
- Gracilis muscle
- Gracility
- Gram negative bacteria
- Gram positive bacteria
- Gram stain
- Granulation tissue
- Granule
- Granuloma
- Granulomatous prostatitis
- Granulosa cell tumour
- Grape leaves
- Gravidity and parity
- Gray ramus communicans
- Gray's Anatomy
- Great auricular nerve
- Great cardiac vein
- Great scapular notch
- Great tarsal synovial membrane
- Great vessels
- Greater palatine artery
- Greater palatine canal
- Greater palatine foramen
- Greater palatine nerve
- Greater sciatic foramen
- Greater sciatic notch
- Greater trochanter
- Greater tubercle
- Greater wing of sphenoid bone
- Grey matter
- Grid cell
- Griffith's sign
- Grinker myelinopathy
- Groove for sigmoid sinus
- Groove for transverse sinus
- Gross anatomy
- Gross examination
- Gross pathology
- Ground substance
- Ground tissue
- Group A nerve fiber
- Group B nerve fiber
- Group C nerve fiber
- Growing teeth
- Growth cone
- Guard cell
- Gubernaculum
- Gubernaculum testis
- Gut associated lymphoid tissue
- Guttural pouch
- Gymnastics
- Gynaecologic cytology
- Gynaecology
- Gynecologic pathology
- Gynecomastia
- Gyrification
- HPS stain
- Haab's striae
- Habenular trigone
- Hackles
- Haemal nodes
- Haematopoiesis
- Haematopoietic system
- Haemoconia
- Haemolacria
- Hair plexus
- Hair removal
- Hair whorl
- Hairball
- Hamartia
- Hamartoma
- Hamate bone
- Hamburger
- Hand transplantation
- Handstand
- Hanging
- Hard tissue
- Harderian gland
- Hardwood
- Hassall's corpuscles
- Haversian canal
- Head and neck anatomy
- Head of radius
- Head transplant
- Heart development
- Heart failure
- Heart septal defect
- Heart transplantation
- Heart valve
- Heat escape lessening position
- Hegar dilators
- Heidenhain
- Heidenhain's AZAN trichrome stain
- Helicine arteries of penis
- Helicis major
- Helicis minor
- Helicotrema
- Helminth
- Hematology
- Hematoma
- Hematopoietic growth factor
- Hematoxylin body
- Hemiazygos vein
- Hemidesmosome
- Hemihypesthesia
- Hemodynamics
- Hemoglobinuria
- Hemolymph
- Hemolysis
- Hemopoietic growth factor
- Hemorheology
- Hemorrhagic infarct
- Henle's layer
- Hepatic diverticulum
- Hepatic lymph nodes
- Hepatic plexus
- Hepatocyte
- Hepatoduodenal ligament
- Hepatogastric ligament
- Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis
- Hermann Stieve
- Hermaphrodite
- Herring bodies
- Hertwig rule
- Heterodont
- Heuser's membrane
- Hexachlorophene
- Hiatus
- Hiatus for greater petrosal nerve
- Hiatus for lesser petrosal nerve
- Hickory
- Hieronymus Fabricius
- High Fowler's position
- High endothelial venules
- High grade serous carcinoma
- High pressure receptors
- Hilton's law
- Hindbrain
- Hindgut
- Hip bone
- Hippus
- Hirano body
- Hirsuties coronae glandis
- Histochemistry
- Histogenesis
- Histology
- Histopathology
- Historadiography
- History of anatomy
- History of anthropometry
- History of intersex surgery
- Holmes heart
- Holonephros
- Homeobox
- Homogenization
- Homology
- Honey bee
- Honey dipper
- Horizontal fissure of cerebellum
- Horizontal plate of palatine bone
- Hughes
- Human back
- Human body
- Human body weight
- Human brain
- Human brain development timeline
- Human digestive system
- Human embryonic development
- Human eye
- Human fat
- Human head
- Human height
- Human mouth
- Human nose
- Human penis
- Human penis size
- Human reproductive system
- Human skeleton
- Human skin
- Human tooth
- Human vaginal size
- Human vestigiality
- Humeroradial joint
- Humeroulnar joint
- Humerus
- Humoral factor
- Hutchinson's patch
- Hyaline
- Hyaline cartilage
- Hyalocyte
- Hyaloid artery
- Hyaloid canal
- Hyaloid fossa
- Hyaloserositis
- Hydathode
- Hydremia
- Hydrocele
- Hydrochloric acid
- Hydrodissection
- Hydrogenosome
- Hydropneumothorax
- Hydrostatic weighing
- Hygrophanous
- Hymenium
- Hyoepiglottic ligament
- Hyoglossal membrane
- Hyoglossus
- Hyoid bone
- Hyperdontia
- Hyperdynamic circulation
- Hyperestrogenism
- Hypergonadism
- Hyperinflation therapy
- Hyperostosis
- Hyperplasia
- Hyperplastic polyp
- Hyperprothrombinemia
- Hypersegmented neutrophil
- Hyperspermia
- Hyperthecosis
- Hypertrophy
- Hyperuricosuria
- Hypervascularity
- Hypobetalipoproteinemia
- Hypoblast
- Hypocotyl
- Hypogastrium
- Hypoglossal nucleus
- Hypoglossal trigone
- Hypogonadism
- Hypohidrosis
- Hypolipoproteinemia
- Hyponychium
- Hypophalangism
- Hypopharyngeal eminence
- Hypoplasia
- Hypoproteinemia
- Hypospadias
- Hypospermia
- Hypothalamic sulcus
- Hypothalamotegmental tract
- Hysterectomy
- Hysteria
- Ian Wilmut
- Ignipuncture
- Ileal arteries
- Ileal branch of ileocolic artery
- Ileal veins
- Ileocecal fold
- Ileocolic artery
- Ileocolic vein
- Iliac artery
- Iliac branch of iliolumbar artery
- Iliac colon
- Iliac crest
- Iliac fascia
- Iliac tubercle
- Iliac tuberosity
- Iliac vein
- Iliococcygeal raphe
- Iliocostalis
- Iliofemoral ligament
- Iliohypogastric nerve
- Ilioinguinal nerve
- Iliolumbar artery
- Iliolumbar ligament
- Iliolumbar vein
- Iliopectineal bursa
- Iliopectineal line
- Iliopubic eminence
- Iliopubic tract
- Iliotibial tract
- Immunocytochemistry
- Immunofluorescence
- Immunohistochemistry
- Immunomodulatory imide drug
- Immunosuppressive drug
- Imperforate hymen
- Implantation
- In utero - adv. in the uterus
- Inactive
- Inborn errors of steroid metabolism
- Incisive bone
- Incisive canals
- Incisive foramen
- Incisive papilla
- Inclusion bodies
- Incudomalleolar joint
- Incudostapedial joint
- Index of anatomy articles
- Indumentum
- Indusium griseum
- Infarction
- Inferior alveolar artery
- Inferior alveolar nerve
- Inferior anal nerves
- Inferior anastomotic vein
- Inferior cardiac nerve
- Inferior cerebellar peduncle
- Inferior cerebral veins
- Inferior costal facet
- Inferior deep cervical lymph nodes
- Inferior dental plexus
- Inferior epigastric artery
- Inferior epigastric vein
- Inferior epigastric vessels
- Inferior frontal junction
- Inferior frontal sulcus
- Inferior genicular arteries
- Inferior gluteal artery
- Inferior gluteal line
- Inferior gluteal nerve
- Inferior gluteal veins
- Inferior hypogastric plexus
- Inferior hypophysial artery
- Inferior labial artery
- Inferior laryngeal vein
- Inferior ligament of epididymis
- Inferior medullary velum
- Inferior mesenteric ganglion
- Inferior mesenteric lymph nodes
- Inferior mesenteric plexus
- Inferior nasal concha
- Inferior oblique muscle
- Inferior olivary nucleus
- Inferior ophthalmic vein
- Inferior orbital fissure
- Inferior palpebral nerve
- Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
- Inferior parietal lobule
- Inferior petrosal sinus
- Inferior petrosal sulcus
- Inferior phrenic arteries
- Inferior phrenic vein
- Inferior rectal artery
- Inferior rectal veins
- Inferior rectus muscle
- Inferior sagittal sinus
- Inferior suprarenal artery
- Inferior thyroid artery
- Inferior thyroid veins
- Inferior tibiofibular joint
- Inferior tympanic artery
- Inferior tympanic canaliculus
- Inferior ulnar collateral artery
- Inferior vesical artery
- Inferior vestibular nucleus
- Infibulation
- Infiltrative ophthalmopathy
- Inflorescence
- Infraclavicular fossa
- Infraglenoid tubercle
- Infraglottic cavity
- Infraorbital artery
- Infraorbital canal
- Infraorbital foramen
- Infraorbital groove
- Infraorbital margin
- Infraorbital plexus
- Infraorbital vein
- Infraspinatous fossa
- Infraspinatus muscle
- Infraspinous fascia
- Infrasternal angle
- Infratemporal crest
- Infratemporal fossa
- Infratemporal space
- Infratentorial region
- Infundibulum
- Ingestion
- Inner limiting membrane
- Inner nuclear layer
- Inner plexiform layer
- Inner tunnel
- Innermost intercostal muscle
- Integument
- Integumentary system
- Interarytenoid fold
- Interatrial septum
- Interatrial sulcus
- Intercapitular veins of the hand
- Intercarpal joints
- Intercavernous sinuses
- Interclavicular ligament
- Intercondylar area
- Intercondylar fossa of femur
- Intercostal arteries
- Intercostal lymph nodes
- Intercostal nerves
- Intercostal space
- Intercostal veins
- Intercostobrachial nerve
- Intercuneiform joints
- Interdental papilla
- Interdental plate
- Interfoveolar ligament
- Intergluteal cleft
- Interlobar arteries
- Interlobar veins
- Interlobular arteries
- Interlobular bile ducts
- Interlobular veins
- Intermammary cleft
- Intermaxillary segment
- Intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve
- Intermediate fibers
- Intermediate filament
- Intermediate mesoderm
- Intermediate trophoblast
- Intermediolateral nucleus
- Intermembrane space
- Intermesenteric plexus
- Intermetacarpal joints
- Intermetatarsal joints
- Intermuscular coordination
- Internal anal sphincter
- Internal auditory meatus
- Internal auditory veins
- Internal carotid artery
- Internal carotid plexus
- Internal cerebral veins
- Internal elastic lamina
- Internal iliac artery
- Internal iliac lymph nodes
- Internal iliac vein
- Internal intercostal muscles
- Internal jugular vein
- Internal obturator muscle
- Internal occipital crest
- Internal occipital protuberance
- Internal pudendal veins
- Internal spermatic fascia
- Internal thoracic vein
- Internal urethral orifice
- Internal urethral sphincter
- Internal vertebral venous plexuses
- Internodal segment
- Interoception
- Interorbital region
- Interosseous membrane of forearm
- Interosseous membrane of leg
- Interosseous muscles of the foot
- Interosseous muscles of the hand
- Interosseous recurrent artery
- Interosseous sacroiliac ligament
- Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
- Interpeduncular cistern
- Interpeduncular fossa
- Interphalangeal joints of the foot
- Interphalangeal joints of the hand
- Interposed nucleus
- Interspinales muscles
- Interspinous ligament
- Interstitial fluid
- Interstitium
- Intertarsal joints
- Interthalamic adhesion
- Intertragic notch
- Intertransversarii
- Intertransverse ligament
- Intertrochanteric crest
- Intertrochanteric line
- Intertubercular plane
- Intervenous tubercle
- Intervertebral disc
- Intervertebral foramen
- Intervertebral veins
- Intervillous space
- Intestinal arteries
- Intestinal epithelium
- Intestine transplantation
- Intimal cushion
- Intraembryonic coelom
- Intrafusal muscle fiber
- Intrahepatic bile ducts
- Intralaminar nuclei of thalamus
- Intramyocellular lipids
- Intraocular hemorrhage
- Intrapleural pressure
- Intrapulmonary nodes
- Intrascleral plexus
- Intrauterine growth restriction
- Intrinsic factor
- Intrinsicoid deflection
- Introitus
- Intussusceptive angiogenesis
- Inverted nipple
- Involucrum
- Iridodonesis
- Ironwood
- Irregular bone
- Irvine
- Ischial spine
- Ischial tuberosity
- Ischioanal fossa
- Ischiocavernosus muscle
- Ischiofemoral ligament
- Ischiopubic ramus
- Ischium
- Isolated
- Isolated brain
- Isolated organ perfusion technique
- Isomer
- Isopotential muscle
- Isthmus of cingulate gyrus
- Jayne Mansfield
- Jejunal arteries
- Jejunal veins
- Jenner's stain
- Jewelry
- Joint capsule
- Joint stability
- Joints of hand
- Jones' stain
- Journal
- Journal of Anatomy
- Jugal bone
- Jugular foramen
- Jugular fossa
- Jugular lymph trunk
- Jugular process
- Jugular tubercle
- Jugular vein ectasia
- Jugular venous arch
- Jugulodigastric lymph node
- Junctional epithelium
- Junior
- Juvenile hemochromatosis
- Juvenile polyp
- Juxtacapillary receptors
- Juxtaglomerular cell
- Kappa organism
- Karl Landsteiner
- Katharine Bishop
- Katrina Karkazis
- Keratic precipitate
- Keratin
- Keratoconjunctivitis
- Keratomalacia
- Keratomileusis
- Keratoscope
- Khodadoust line
- Kidney
- Kidney development
- Kidney failure
- Kidney transplantation
- Kiesselbach's plexus
- Kikuchi disease
- Killian's dehiscence
- Kinanthropometry
- Kinetochore
- Kingwood
- Kinyoun stain
- Klinefelter syndrome
- Knee dislocation
- Kneeling
- Koch's triangle
- Kocher's point
- Krause's glands
- Labia majora
- Labia minora
- Labial commissure of mouth
- Labial glands
- Labioscrotal swelling
- Labrum
- Labyrinthine artery
- Lacrimal apparatus
- Lacrimal artery
- Lacrimal canaliculi
- Lacrimal caruncle
- Lacrimal gland
- Lacrimal groove
- Lacrimal hamulus
- Lacrimal lake
- Lacrimal papilla
- Lacrimal punctum
- Lacrimal sac
- Lacrimal tubercle
- Lactation
- Lacteal
- Lacuna
- Lacuna magna
- Lacunae of Morgagni
- Lacunar ligament
- Ladd's bands
- Lagena
- Lambda
- Lambdoid suture
- Lamella
- Lamellar bodies
- Lamellar body count
- Lamina
- Lamina affixa
- Lamina cribrosa sclerae
- Lamina dura
- Lamina limitans
- Lamina propria
- Lamina terminalis
- Laminar organization
- Large intestine
- Largest body part
- Laryngeal cavity
- Laryngeal inlet
- Laryngeal ventricle
- Laryngeal vestibule
- Laryngocele
- Laryngotracheal groove
- Laryngotracheal stenosis
- Larynx
- Lateral aperture
- Lateral arcuate ligament
- Lateral cervical lymph nodes
- Lateral cervical nucleus
- Lateral circumflex femoral artery
- Lateral condyle of femur
- Lateral condyle of tibia
- Lateral cord
- Lateral corticospinal tract
- Lateral costotransverse ligament
- Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
- Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
- Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
- Lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve
- Lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus
- Lateral epicondyle of the femur
- Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
- Lateral funiculus
- Lateral grey column
- Lateral inferior genicular artery
- Lateral intraparietal cortex
- Lateral marginal vein
- Lateral meniscus
- Lateral nasal cartilage
- Lateral occipital sulcus
- Lateral olfactory stria
- Lateral palpebral arteries
- Lateral palpebral raphe
- Lateral parts of occipital bone
- Lateral pectoral nerve
- Lateral plantar artery
- Lateral plantar nerve
- Lateral plate mesoderm
- Lateral pulvinar nucleus
- Lateral raphespinal tract
- Lateral recess
- Lateral rectus muscle
- Lateral retinaculum
- Lateral root of median nerve
- Lateral sacral artery
- Lateral sacral veins
- Lateral superior genicular artery
- Lateral supracondylar ridge
- Lateral sural cutaneous nerve
- Lateral talocalcaneal ligament
- Lateral tarsal artery
- Lateral thoracic artery
- Lateral thoracic vein
- Lateral thyrohyoid ligament
- Lateral umbilical fold
- Lateral vestibular nucleus
- Lateral vestibulospinal tract
- Laterocaudal thalamic vein
- Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus
- Laterodorsal thalamic vein
- Lateroventral thalamic vein
- Latissimus dorsi muscle
- Laurer's canal
- Layer of rods and cones
- Leaf gap
- Leaf mold
- Leaf protein concentrate
- Leech embryogenesis
- Left anterior descending artery
- Left atrioventricular orifice
- Left border of heart
- Left colic artery
- Left colic vein
- Left gastric artery
- Left gastric vein
- Left gastroepiploic artery
- Left gastroepiploic vein
- Left marginal artery
- Left marginal vein
- Left triangular ligament
- Leiden anatomical theatre
- Leiomyoma
- Leishman stain
- Lemniscus
- Lens placode
- Lentiform nucleus
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Lesion
- Lesser Triangle
- Lesser occipital nerve
- Lesser omentum
- Lesser palatine arteries
- Lesser palatine canals
- Lesser palatine foramina
- Lesser palatine nerve
- Lesser petrosal nerve
- Lesser sciatic foramen
- Lesser sciatic notch
- Lesser trochanter
- Lesser tubercle
- Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
- Leucoplast
- Levator anguli oris
- Levator ani
- Levator ani nerve
- Levator labii superioris
- Levator muscle of thyroid gland
- Levator palpebrae superioris muscle
- Levator scapulae muscle
- Levator veli palatini
- Levatores costarum muscles
- Leydig cell
- Leydig cell hypoplasia
- Lichenology
- Lichens
- Ligament
- Ligament of head of femur
- Ligamenta flava
- Ligaments of malleus
- Lignum vitae
- Limb bud
- Limb infarction
- Limbal ring
- Limbus sign
- Limen insulae
- Limonene
- Linea aspera
- Linea semilunaris
- Lingual artery
- Lingual nerve
- Lingual septum
- Lingual tonsils
- Lingual veins
- Lingula of cerebellum
- Lingula of mandible
- Lipid II
- Lisch epithelial corneal dystrophy
- Lisinopril
- List of anatomical isthmi
- List of anatomical lines
- List of anatomical variations
- List of arteries of the human body
- List of bones of the human skeleton
- List of foramina of the human body
- List of glands of the human body
- List of human anatomical features
- List of human anatomical regions
- List of human positions
- List of interstitial cells
- List of movements of the human body
- List of nerves of the human body
- List of organs of the human body
- List of pollen sources
- List of regions in the human brain
- List of systems of the human body
- List of veins of the human body
- Lister's tubercle
- Lithotomy position
- Little finger
- Liver failure
- Liver injury
- Liver regeneration
- Liver support system
- Liver transplantation
- Livor mortis
- Lobation
- Lobes of liver
- Lobes of the brain
- Lobulation
- Lobules of testis
- Lochia
- Locule
- Lodicule
- Long ciliary nerves
- Long plantar ligament
- Long posterior ciliary arteries
- Longissimus
- Longitudinal callosal fascicle
- Longitudinal striae
- Longus capitis muscle
- Longus colli muscle
- Loose connective tissue
- Loricrin
- Lowa Khatsa
- Lower extremity of femur
- Lower subscapular nerve
- Ludwik Teichmann
- Lumbar arteries
- Lumbar branch of iliolumbar artery
- Lumbar enlargement
- Lumbar fascia
- Lumbar ganglia
- Lumbar lymph trunk
- Lumbar nerves
- Lumbar splanchnic nerves
- Lumbar veins
- Lumbar vertebrae
- Lumbocostal triangle
- Lumboinguinal nerve
- Lumbosacral joint
- Lumbosacral plexus
- Lumbosacral trunk
- Lumbricals of the foot
- Lunate bone
- Lund's node
- Lung bud
- Lung infarction
- Lung receptor
- Lung transplant
- Lung transplantation
- Luschka's crypts
- Luschka's joints
- Luteoma
- Luxol fast blue stain
- Lymph duct
- Lymph node
- Lymph node stromal cell
- Lymph sacs
- Lymph trunk
- Lymphangiogenesis
- Lymphangion
- Lymphatic disease
- Lymphatic system
- Lymphatic vessel
- Lymphocele
- Lymphocyte
- Lymphoepithelioma
- Lymphohemangioma
- Lymphoma
- Lymphopoiesis
- Lysosome
- Maceration
- Macrognathism
- Macronucleus
- Macroorchidism
- Macrophage
- Macrophagic myofasciitis
- Macula of retina
- Macula of saccule
- Macula of utricle
- Macular hypoplasia
- Madreporite
- Magnetosome
- Mahogany
- Major alar cartilage
- Major duodenal papilla
- Major sublingual duct
- Male accessory gland
- Male genital disease
- Male genital examination
- Male lactation
- Male pregnancy
- Male reproductive system
- Malleolus
- Mallory body
- Mammary alveolus
- Mammary gland
- Mammary intercourse
- Mammillotegmental fasciculus
- Mandible
- Mandibular canal
- Mandibular first premolar
- Mandibular fossa
- Mandibular lymph node
- Mandibular notch
- Mandibular prominence
- Mandibular symphysis
- Manliness
- Manzanilla olive
- Marcello Malpighi
- Marginal nucleus of spinal cord
- Marginal sulcus
- Marionette lines
- Martinotti cell
- Masseteric artery
- Masseteric fascia
- Masseteric nerve
- Mastoid canaliculus
- Mastoid cells
- Mastoid foramen
- Mastoid lymph nodes
- Mastoid part of the temporal bone
- Material
- Matrix
- Mature teratoma
- Maxilla
- Maxillary artery
- Maxillary first premolar
- Maxillary hiatus
- Maxillary nerve
- Maxillary process
- Maxillary prominence
- Maxillary tuberosity
- Maxillary veins
- Meatus
- Mebendazole
- Mechanical anisocoria
- Meckel's cartilage
- Medial arcuate ligament
- Medial bicipital groove
- Medial circumflex femoral artery
- Medial cluneal nerves
- Medial collateral artery
- Medial compartment of thigh
- Medial condyle of femur
- Medial condyle of tibia
- Medial cutaneous nerve of arm
- Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
- Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve
- Medial epicondyle of the femur
- Medial epicondyle of the humerus
- Medial forebrain bundle
- Medial frontal gyrus
- Medial inferior genicular artery
- Medial inguinal fossa
- Medial marginal vein
- Medial meniscus
- Medial olfactory stria
- Medial palpebral arteries
- Medial palpebral ligament
- Medial pectoral nerve
- Medial plantar artery
- Medial plantar nerve
- Medial pterygoid muscle
- Medial pterygoid nerve
- Medial pulvinar nucleus
- Medial rectus muscle
- Medial root of median nerve
- Medial septal nucleus
- Medial superior genicular artery
- Medial supraclavicular lymph node
- Medial supracondylar ridge
- Medial sural cutaneous nerve
- Medial talocalcaneal ligament
- Medial tarsal arteries
- Medial vestibular nucleus
- Median antebrachial vein
- Median arcuate ligament
- Median artery
- Median cubital vein
- Median nerve
- Median sacral artery
- Median sacral vein
- Median thyrohyoid ligament
- Median tongue bud
- Mediastinum
- Mediastinum testis
- Medical
- Medicine
- Medulla
- Medulla oblongata
- Medulla of ovary
- Medullary cavity
- Medullary interstitium
- Medullary laminae of thalamus
- Medullary pyramids
- Medullary ray
- Medullipin
- Megaureter
- Meibomian gland
- Melanosome
- Membrana granulosa
- Membranous labyrinth
- Membranous layer
- Membranous urethra
- Men's health
- Meningeal branches of spinal nerve
- Meningeal lymphatic vessels
- Meninges
- Meningohypophyseal artery
- Mental foramen
- Mental nerve
- Mental protuberance
- Mental tubercle
- Mentalis
- Mentum
- Mercapturic acid
- Meristem
- Merlin
- Mesenchyme
- Mesentery
- Mesoderm
- Mesometrium
- Mesonephric duct
- Mesonephric tubules
- Mesonephros
- Mesorchium
- Mesosalpinx
- Mesosome
- Mesothelium
- Mesovarium
- Metacarpal bones
- Metacarpophalangeal joint
- Metachromasia
- Metamorphopsia
- Metamorphosis
- Metanephrogenic blastema
- Metaplasia
- Metapodial
- Metarteriole
- Metastatic calcification
- Metatarsophalangeal joints
- Methanol
- Methylene blue
- Metrodora
- Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
- Microangiopathy
- Microbiology
- Microbody
- Microcirculation
- Microcoria
- Microcyte
- Microfilament
- Microfold cell
- Microgyrus
- Micronucleus
- Microorchidism
- Micropenis
- Micropyle
- Microspherophakia
- Microtome
- Microtubule
- Microtubule organizing center
- Microvasculature remodeling
- Microvillus
- Midbrain
- Midbrain reticular formation
- Midcarpal joint
- Middle cardiac vein
- Middle cerebellar peduncle
- Middle cerebral veins
- Middle clinoid process
- Middle colic artery
- Middle colic vein
- Middle cranial fossa
- Middle genicular artery
- Middle meningeal artery
- Middle meningeal nerve
- Middle nasal concha
- Middle rectal artery
- Middle rectal plexus
- Middle rectal veins
- Middle suprarenal arteries
- Middle temporal artery
- Middle thyroid vein
- Midgut
- Midsternal line
- Milky spots
- Miltefosine
- Mimicry
- Minor alar cartilage
- Misoprostol
- Mitochondrial matrix
- Mitosome
- Mixing study
- Moderator band
- Modiolus
- Molecular anatomy
- Molecular pathology
- Moll's gland
- Mollusc
- Mondino de Luzzi
- Monocular estimate method
- Monocytopenia
- Mons pubis
- Monster
- Moore's lightning streaks
- Morning sickness
- Morphallaxis
- Morphology
- Morphometrics
- Mortician
- Morton's neuroma
- Morula
- Motor planning
- Motor system
- Mouse brain
- Mouth assessment
- Mouth breathing
- Movat's stain
- Mucicarmine stain
- Mucigel
- Mucoadhesion
- Mucociliary clearance
- Mucocutaneous junction
- Mucometrocolpos
- Mucoperiosteum
- Mucous gland
- Mucous membrane
- Mucous membrane of the soft palate
- Mucous sheaths on back of wrist
- Mulder's sign
- Multifidus muscle
- Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
- Multipolar neuron
- Munson's sign
- Muscio
- Muscle
- Muscle atrophy
- Muscle fascicle
- Muscle hypertrophy
- Muscle tissue
- Muscular artery
- Muscular branches of ulnar nerve
- Muscular defense
- Muscular lacuna
- Muscular layer
- Muscular triangle
- Muscularis mucosae
- Musculocutaneous nerve
- Mushroom bodies
- Mycelium
- Mycology
- Myelin
- Myelin incisure
- Myeloid tissue
- Myelolipoma
- Myelopoiesis
- Mylohyoid line
- Mylohyoid muscle
- Mylohyoid nerve
- Myocyte
- Myoepithelial cell
- Myofibril
- Myofibroblast
- Myogenic tone
- Myology
- Myomatous erythrocytosis syndrome
- Myopic crescent
- Myosin
- Myospherulosis
- NC ratio
- Nasal bone
- Nasal bridge
- Nasal cartilages
- Nasal cavity
- Nasal foramina
- Nasal glands
- Nasal meatus
- Nasal mucosa
- Nasal placode
- Nasal septum
- Nasalis muscle
- Nasion
- Nasociliary nerve
- Nasofrontal duct
- Nasofrontal vein
- Nasolabial fold
- Nasolabial lymph node
- Nasolacrimal canal
- Nasolacrimal duct
- Nasopalatine nerve
- Natriuretic peptide
- Navicular fossa of male urethra
- Neanderthal anatomy
- Neck mass
- Neck pain
- Neck spasm
- Neck stiffness
- Necrospermia
- Nectar
- Negative stain
- Nelumbo lutea
- Neointima
- Neonatal cholestasis
- Neoplasm
- Nepalese cocoyam
- Nephrogenic cord
- Nephromegaly
- Nephrosis
- Nephrotome
- Nerve fascicle
- Nerve of Latarjet
- Nerve of pterygoid canal
- Nerve point of neck
- Nerve root
- Nerve supply of the human arm
- Nerve to quadratus femoris
- Nerve to tensor veli palatini
- Nerve to the stapedius
- Nerve tract
- Nerves
- Nervous
- Nervous tissue
- Neural crest
- Neural fold
- Neural groove
- Neural plate
- Neural tube
- Neuraxis
- Neurenteric canal
- Neurilemma
- Neurite
- NeuroLex
- NeuroNames
- Neuroanatomy
- Neuroblast
- Neurocranium
- Neurocristopathy
- Neuroectoderm
- Neuroectodermal neoplasm
- Neuroepigenetics
- Neurofilament
- Neurogenic placode
- Neuromere
- Neuropathology
- Neuropil
- Neuroscience
- Neurovascular bundle
- Neurula
- Neurulation
- Neutral body posture
- Neutral fat
- Neutropenia
- Nevus cell
- Nicotine
- Nipple
- Nipple adenoma
- Nipple bleb
- Nipple pigmentation
- Nipple prosthesis
- Nipple shield
- Nipple slip
- Nipple stimulation
- Nocturnal clitoral tumescence
- Nocturnal penile tumescence
- Nodal signaling pathway
- Node of Ranvier
- Nodular parenchyma
- Nodular sclerosis
- Nodule
- Nodule of vermis
- Nomina Anatomica
- Normochromic anemia
- Nostril
- Notch of cardiac apex
- Notochord
- Nuchal fascia
- Nuchal ligament
- Nuchal lines
- Nuchal organ
- Nuclear DNA
- Nuclear bag fiber
- Nuclear matrix
- Nuclear pore
- Nuclear protein
- Nucleoid
- Nucleolus
- Nucleolus organizer region
- Nucleoplasm
- Nucleus
- Nucleus basalis
- Nucleus prepositus
- Nucleus reuniens
- Nugent score
- Null cell
- Nutrient artery
- Nutrient canal
- Nutshell
- Obelion
- Oblique arytenoid
- Oblique dendrite
- Oblique muscle of auricle
- Oblique popliteal ligament
- Oblique ridges of scapula
- Oblique vein of the left atrium
- Obliquus capitis inferior muscle
- Obliquus capitis superior muscle
- Obstetric hospitalist
- Obstetrics and gynaecology
- Obturator artery
- Obturator canal
- Obturator crest
- Obturator externus groove
- Obturator fascia
- Obturator foramen
- Obturator internus nerve
- Obturator membrane
- Obturator nerve
- Obturator veins
- Occipital artery
- Occipital bone
- Occipital condyles
- Occipital emissary vein
- Occipital face area
- Occipital gyri
- Occipital lymph nodes
- Occipital sinus
- Occipital triangle
- Occipital vein
- Occipitalis muscle
- Occipitofrontal fasciculus
- Occipitomastoid suture
- Ocular dysmetria
- Ocular flutter
- Ocular melanosis
- Ocular rosacea
- Ocular tremor
- Oculomotor nerve
- Odontogenic tumor
- Odynorgasmia
- Offshoot
- Oidium
- Okabayashi space
- Olecranon
- Olecranon fossa
- Olfactory foramina
- Olfactory glands
- Olfactory sulcus
- Olfactory tract
- Olfactory trigone
- Olivary body
- Olive leaf
- Olivocerebellar tract
- Olivospinal tract
- Omental foramen
- Omohyoid muscle
- Operculum
- Ophryon
- Ophthalmic nerve
- Ophthalmic pathology
- Ophthalmic veins
- Opisthonephros
- Oppenheimer
- Opponens pollicis muscle
- Oprelvekin
- Opsoclonus
- Optic canal
- Optic cup
- Optic disc
- Optic disc pallor
- Optic papillitis
- Optic recess
- Optic stalk
- Optic vesicle
- Ora serrata
- Oral mucosa
- Orbicularis oculi muscle
- Orbicularis oris muscle
- Orbital fascia
- Orbital gyri
- Orbital lamina of ethmoid bone
- Orbital part of frontal bone
- Orbital process of palatine bone
- Orbital septum
- Orbital sulcus
- Orbitofrontal artery
- Orcein
- Orchidometer
- Organ culture
- Organ dysfunction
- Organ procurement
- Organ procurement organization
- Organ system
- Organ trade
- Organ transplantation
- Organelle
- Organogenesis
- Orgasmic platform
- Orientation selectivity
- Oroantral fistula
- Orthopedic pathology
- Orthophoria
- Osmostat
- Osseous spiral lamina
- Ossicle
- Ossification
- Ossification center
- Ossifying fibromyxoid tumour
- Osteoblastoma
- Osteoid
- Osteoid osteoma
- Osteometric points
- Osteopenia
- Osteopromotive
- Osteosclerosis
- Ostiole
- Ostium
- Otic ganglion
- Otic pit
- Otic placode
- Otic vesicle
- Outer ear
- Outer nuclear layer
- Outer plexiform layer
- Outline of the human brain
- Oval window
- Ovarian branch of uterine artery
- Ovarian cancer
- Ovarian cortex
- Ovarian fossa
- Ovarian plexus
- Ovarian remnant syndrome
- Ovarian reserve
- Ovarian vein
- Ovaries
- Overgrowth syndrome
- Overjet
- Oviparity
- Ovipositor
- Ovotestis
- Oxalis tuberosa
- Oxcarbazepine
- Oxygen equivalent
- Oxygen pulse
- Oxygen saturation
- Palaeoimmunology
- Palatine aponeurosis
- Palatine bone
- Palatine glands
- Palatine nerves
- Palatine raphe
- Palatoglossal arch
- Palatoglossus muscle
- Palatomaxillary suture
- Palatopharyngeal arch
- Palatopharyngeus muscle
- Palatovaginal canal
- Paleoencephalon
- Pallium
- Palmar aponeurosis
- Palmar branch of the median nerve
- Palmar branch of ulnar nerve
- Palmar carpal arch
- Palmar carpometacarpal ligaments
- Palmar crease
- Palmar digital veins
- Palmar metacarpal arteries
- Palmar metacarpal veins
- Palmar radiocarpal ligament
- Palmar radioulnar ligament
- Palmaris brevis muscle
- Palmaris longus muscle
- Palmaris profundus muscle
- Palpebral
- Palpebral fissure
- Pampiniform plexus
- Pancreas
- Pancreas transplantation
- Pancreatic bud
- Pancreatic notch
- Pancreatic veins
- Pancreaticobiliary maljunction
- Pancreaticoduodenal veins
- Panophthalmitis
- Papanicolaou stain
- Papilloma
- Paracentral sulcus
- Paradidymis
- Parafovea
- Paraganglion
- Paralimbic cortex
- Paramedian arteries
- Paramedian reticular nucleus
- Paramesonephric duct
- Parametrium
- Paranasal sinuses
- Pararectal fossa
- Pararectal lymph nodes
- Parasphenoid
- Parasternal line
- Parasternal lymph nodes
- Parasubiculum
- Paratenonitis
- Parathyroid artery
- Parathyroid gland
- Paratracheal lymph nodes
- Paraumbilical vein
- Paravertebral ganglia
- Paravesical fossa
- Paraxial mesoderm
- Parenchyma
- Parietal bone
- Parietal cell
- Parietal eminence
- Parietal foramen
- Parietal operculum
- Parietal reach region
- Paroophoron
- Parotid fascia
- Parotid lymph nodes
- Parotitis
- Pars ciliaris retinae
- Pars flaccida of tympanic membrane
- Pars interarticularis
- Pars intermedia
- Pars palpebralis
- Pars plana
- Pars plicata
- Partial veil
- Parvocellular red nucleus
- Passaro's triangle
- Passenger leukocyte
- Patched
- Patellar ligament
- Patellar network
- Patellar plexus
- Pathetic fallacy
- Pathologist
- Pathology
- Pecten
- Pectinate line
- Pectinate muscles
- Pectineal line
- Pectineus muscle
- Pectoral axillary lymph nodes
- Pectoral fascia
- Pectoral muscles
- Pectoralis major
- Pectoralis minor
- Pectoriloquy
- Pediatric gynaecology
- Pedicel
- Peduncle
- Peliosis hepatis
- Pelopsia
- Pelvic brim
- Pelvic cavity
- Pelvic digit
- Pelvic fascia
- Pelvic floor
- Pelvic kidney
- Pelvic massage
- Pelvic pain
- Pelvic tilt
- Pendular nystagmus
- Penile artery
- Penile implant
- Penile pain
- Penis
- Penis transplantation
- Pepsin
- Perforating arteries
- Perforating cutaneous nerve
- Performer
- Perianal hematoma
- Perianth
- Periapical cyst
- Periapical granuloma
- Periarteriolar lymphoid sheaths
- Pericallosal cistern
- Pericardiacophrenic artery
- Pericardiacophrenic veins
- Pericardial fluid
- Pericardial sinus
- Perichondrium
- Pericyte
- Peridium
- Perifovea
- Periglomerular cell
- Perihypoglossal nuclei
- Perilymph
- Perilymphatic duct
- Perimetrium
- Perimysium
- Perineal artery
- Perineal dilator
- Perineal membrane
- Perineal nerve
- Perineal raphe
- Perineal sponge
- Perineology
- Perinephritis
- Perineum
- Perineurium
- Periodic acid
- Periodic breathing
- Periodontium
- Periorbita
- Periotic bone
- Peripharyngeal space
- Periplasm
- Periportal space
- Periscleral lymph space
- Perisinusoidal space
- Peristome
- Peritenon
- Peritomy
- Peritoneal fluid
- Peritoneal recesses
- Perivascular space
- Perls Prussian blue
- Permanent teeth
- Peroneal retinacula
- Peroneus brevis
- Peroneus longus
- Peroneus tertius
- Peroxisomal disorder
- Peroxisome
- Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
- Persistent pupillary membrane
- Persistent tunica vasculosa lentis
- Perspiration
- Pes hippocampi
- Petrolingual ligament
- Petrosal process
- Petrosquamous sinus
- Petrosquamous suture
- Petrotympanic fissure
- Petrous part of the temporal bone
- Peyer's patch
- Phacodonesis
- Phagolysosome
- Phalloplasty
- Pharyngeal apparatus
- Pharyngeal arch
- Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
- Pharyngeal groove
- Pharyngeal muscles
- Pharyngeal nerve
- Pharyngeal plexus
- Pharyngeal pouch
- Pharyngeal raphe
- Pharyngeal recess
- Pharyngeal tubercle
- Pharyngeal veins
- Pharyngobasilar fascia
- Pharyngula
- Pharynx
- Phenytoin
- Philtrum
- Phlebolith
- Phlebothrombosis
- Phlegm
- Phloem
- Phosphate nephropathy
- Photopheresis
- Photopic vision
- Photoreceptor cell
- Phototherapeutic keratectomy
- Phrenic plexus
- Phrenicocolic ligament
- Phrenology
- Phyllary
- Phylloclade
- Phylotypic stage
- Physiology
- Piercing
- Pigment dispersion syndrome
- Pileus
- Pimenta's point
- Pineal gland
- Pinopod
- Pioneer axon
- Piriform aperture
- Piriformis fascia
- Piriformis muscle
- Piriformis nerve
- Pirogov triangle
- Pisohamate ligament
- Pisometacarpal ligament
- Piston
- Pituicyte
- Pituitary gland
- Pivot joint
- Placenta
- Placental cotyledon
- Placentation
- Plakophilin
- Plane joint
- Plant anatomy
- Plant stem
- Plantar arch
- Plantar calcaneocuboid ligament
- Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
- Plantar digital veins
- Plantar interossei muscles
- Plantar metatarsal arteries
- Plantar metatarsal veins
- Plantar nerve
- Plantar tarsometatarsal ligaments
- Plantar venous arch
- Plasmodesma
- Plastid
- Plastination
- Platelet adhesiveness
- Platysma muscle
- Pleomorphism
- Pleuroperitoneal
- Plexal point
- Plexus
- Plica semilunaris of conjunctiva
- Plica semilunaris of the fauces
- Plucking
- Pneumoscrotum
- Pneumosinus dilatans
- Pneumotherapy
- Podetium
- Polar filament
- Pollen
- Pollinium
- Polycephaly
- Polydactyly
- Polyembryony
- Polymegethism
- Polymelia
- Polymer
- Polyorchidism
- Polyphyodont
- Polypropylene breast implant
- Polysyndactyly
- Pomology
- Ponticulus
- Pontine cistern
- Pontine micturition center
- Pontine tegmentum
- Pontocerebellar fibers
- Popliteal lymph nodes
- Popliteus muscle
- Porcupine
- Porphyromonas gingivalis
- Porta hepatis
- Position
- Postcentral sulcus
- Postcoital bleeding
- Posterior atlantoaxial ligament
- Posterior atlantooccipital membrane
- Posterior auricular ligament
- Posterior auricular muscle
- Posterior auricular nerve
- Posterior auricular vein
- Posterior branch of coccygeal nerve
- Posterior branch of obturator nerve
- Posterior branches of sacral nerves
- Posterior cardinal vein
- Posterior cecal artery
- Posterior chain
- Posterior chamber of eyeball
- Posterior clinoid processes
- Posterior colliculus
- Posterior commissure
- Posterior compartment of thigh
- Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm
- Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
- Posterior ethmoidal artery
- Posterior ethmoidal foramen
- Posterior external jugular vein
- Posterior fontanelle
- Posterior gluteal line
- Posterior grey column
- Posterior humeral circumflex artery
- Posterior inferior iliac spine
- Posterior intercostal veins
- Posterior interosseous artery
- Posterior interosseous nerve
- Posterior interventricular artery
- Posterior interventricular sulcus
- Posterior labial arteries
- Posterior labial veins
- Posterior lacrimal crest
- Posterior lateral nasal arteries
- Posterior ligament of elbow
- Posterior ligament of incus
- Posterior lobe of cerebellum
- Posterior longitudinal ligament
- Posterior median line
- Posterior meningeal artery
- Posterior nasal spine
- Posterior nucleus of hypothalamus
- Posterior parahippocampal gyrus
- Posterior perforated substance
- Posterior pole
- Posterior sacrococcygeal ligament
- Posterior sacroiliac ligament
- Posterior scrotal arteries
- Posterior scrotal nerves
- Posterior scrotal veins
- Posterior segment of eyeball
- Posterior spinal artery
- Posterior spinal veins
- Posterior sternoclavicular ligament
- Posterior superior alveolar artery
- Posterior superior alveolar nerve
- Posterior superior iliac spine
- Posterior talocalcaneal ligament
- Posterior talofibular ligament
- Posterior tibial recurrent artery
- Posterior tibial vein
- Posterior tibiofibular ligament
- Posterior triangle of the neck
- Posterior ulnar recurrent artery
- Posterior vagal trunk
- Posterolateral tract
- Postmortem caloricity
- Postorbital bone
- Postorbital process
- Postsynaptic density
- Posture
- Potato
- Potential space
- Prati criteria
- Preaortic lymph nodes
- Precapillary resistance
- Precapillary sphincter
- Precerebral artery
- Precocious puberty
- Precordium
- Prehensility
- Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
- Prelaryngeal lymph nodes
- Premature ejaculation
- Premenstrual water retention
- Prenatal development
- Prenatal perception
- Preoccipital notch
- Preorbital gland
- Prepatellar bursa
- Preputial gland
- Preputial mucosa
- Prepyriform area
- Presacral space
- Pretracheal fascia
- Pretracheal lymph nodes
- Prevertebral fascia
- Prevertebral muscles
- Prevertebral plexus
- Prevertebral space
- Prevotella intermedia
- Primal Pictures
- Primary bone
- Primary enamel cuticle
- Primary fissure of cerebellum
- Primary interatrial foramen
- Primary interventricular foramen
- Primary olfactory cortex
- Primary palate
- Primary urethral groove
- Primate basal ganglia
- Primitive atrium
- Primitive groove
- Primitive pit
- Primitive ventricle
- Primordial phallus
- Primus
- Princeps pollicis artery
- Proboscis
- Procentriole
- Procerus muscle
- Process
- Proctodeum
- Producer
- Prognathism
- Progress zone
- Progressive outer retinal necrosis
- Projection fiber
- Prolapse
- Prolymphocyte
- Prolymphocytic leukemia
- Promontory of tympanic cavity
- Pronator teres muscle
- Prone position
- Pronephric duct
- Pronephros
- Proper fasciculi
- Proper plantar digital arteries
- Propriospinal tracts
- Prosection
- Prosector
- Prostate
- Prostate biopsy
- Prostate cancer
- Prostate specific antigen
- Prostatic ducts
- Prostatic plexus
- Prostatic sinus
- Prostatic urethra
- Prostatic venous plexus
- Prostatorrhea
- Prosthetic testicle
- Prostration
- Proteasome
- Protein
- Proximal radioulnar articulation
- Proximal tubule
- Prussak's space
- Psammoma body
- Pseudanthium
- Pseudoaneurysm
- Pseudocyst
- Pseudohermaphroditism
- Pseudopodia
- Pseudopolyps
- Pseudostrabismus
- Psoas major muscle
- Psychoneuroendocrinology
- Pterion
- Pterygoid bone
- Pterygoid canal
- Pterygoid fossa
- Pterygoid fovea
- Pterygoid hamulus
- Pterygoid notch
- Pterygoid plexus
- Pterygoid processes of the sphenoid
- Pterygomandibular raphe
- Pterygomandibular space
- Pterygomaxillary fissure
- Pterygopalatine ganglion
- Pterygopalatine nerves
- Pterygospinous ligament
- Pterygospinous process
- Ptosis
- Pubic arch
- Pubic crest
- Pubic hair
- Pubic tubercle
- Public house
- Pubofemoral ligament
- Pubovaginal muscle
- Pudendal arteries
- Pudendal canal
- Pudendal nerve
- Pudendal plexus
- Pudendal venous plexus
- Pulmonary branches of vagus nerve
- Pulmonary pathology
- Pulmonary plexus
- Pulmonary renal syndrome
- Pulmonary stretch receptors
- Pulmonary vein
- Pulvinus
- Punctate hemorrhage
- Pupillary distance
- Pupillary light reflex
- Pupillary reflex
- Pycnanthus angolensis
- Pyloroplasty
- Pylorus
- Pyomyoma
- Pyramidal eminence
- Pyramidal process of palatine bone
- Pyriform sinus
- Pyroligneous acid
- Quadrangular membrane
- Quadrangular space
- Quadrate line
- Quadrate tubercle
- Quadratus femoris muscle
- Quadratus lumborum muscle
- Quadratus plantae muscle
- Quadriceps tendon
- Quellung reaction
- Quilligan Scholars
- RAPADILINO syndrome
- RASopathy
- Raceme
- Radial artery
- Radial artery of index finger
- Radial collateral artery
- Radial fossa
- Radial notch
- Radial recurrent artery
- Radial scar
- Radial styloid process
- Radial sulcus
- Radial tuberosity
- Radial veins
- Radiate ligament of head of rib
- Radicle
- Radius
- Ramification
- Raptorial
- Rathke's pouch
- Rattan
- Reaction wood
- Realdo Colombo
- Receptacle
- Reciprocal innervation
- Recovery position
- Rectal venous plexus
- Rectococcygeal muscle
- Rectoprostatic fascia
- Rectovaginal fascia
- Rectus capitis anterior muscle
- Rectus capitis lateralis muscle
- Rectus femoris muscle
- Rectus sheath
- Recurrent artery of Heubner
- Red pulp
- Red raspberry leaf
- Reduced eye
- Reentry
- Reflected ligament
- Regius Professor of Anatomy
- Regurgitation
- Reinnervation
- Reissner's fiber
- Renal branches of vagus nerve
- Renal circulation
- Renal column
- Renal cortex
- Renal fascia
- Renal hilum
- Renal ischemia
- Renal lobe
- Renal medulla
- Renal osteodystrophy
- Renal pathology
- Renal plexus
- Renal sinus
- Reniculate kidney
- Repentance
- Reproductive medicine
- Resin canal
- Resistin
- Respiratory epithelium
- Respiratory failure
- Respiratory tract
- Resting position
- Rete mirabile
- Rete ovarii
- Rete testis
- Reticular connective tissue
- Reticular membrane
- Reticulocytopenia
- Reticulocytosis
- Retina
- Retina bipolar cell
- Retina horizontal cell
- Retinal ganglion cell
- Retinal implant
- Retinal nerve fiber layer
- Retinal pigment epithelium
- Retroaortic lymph nodes
- Retroinguinal space
- Retromammary space
- Retromandibular vein
- Retromolar space
- Retroperitonium
- Retropharyngeal abscess
- Retropharyngeal lymph nodes
- Retropharyngeal space
- Retrovisceral space
- Reward system
- Rh blood group system
- Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Rhabdosphincter
- Rheumatoid nodule
- Rhinal sulcus
- Rhinencephalon
- Rhizoid
- Rhizome
- Rhodamine B
- Rhomboid fossa
- Rhomboid minor muscle
- Rhombomere
- Rhombus of Michaelis
- Rhoptry
- Rib cage
- Ribosome
- Ribosome biogenesis
- Riddoch syndrome
- Ridged band
- Right atrioventricular orifice
- Right border of heart
- Right colic artery
- Right colic vein
- Right gastric artery
- Right gastric vein
- Right gastroepiploic artery
- Right gastroepiploic vein
- Right lymphatic duct
- Right marginal vein
- Right triangular ligament
- Rima glottidis
- Rima vestibuli
- Ripening
- Risorius
- Robustness
- Rod cell
- Romanowsky stain
- Roof of fourth ventricle
- Root canal
- Root cap
- Root hair
- Root of penis
- Root of the lung
- Rosette
- Rosewood
- Rostellum
- Rostral neuropore
- Rostrum
- Rotatores muscles
- Rotter's lymph nodes
- Round window
- Rubella
- Rumpless
- Russell bodies
- Ruth Bowden
- Saccular nerve
- Sacral dimple
- Sacral ganglia
- Sacral lymph nodes
- Sacral plexus
- Sacral splanchnic nerves
- Sacrococcygeal membrane
- Sacrococcygeal symphysis
- Sacrospinous ligament
- Sacrotuberous ligament
- Sacrovertebral angle
- Sacrum
- Saddle joint
- Sagittal plane
- Sagittal sulcus
- Sagittal suture
- Sagittaria
- Saliva
- Salivatory nuclei
- Salpingopharyngeus muscle
- Salpinx in anatomy
- Sampaolesi line
- Sandalwood
- Saphenofemoral junction
- Saphenous nerve
- Sarcoma
- Sarcomere
- Sarcoplasm
- Sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Saridegib
- Sartorius muscle
- Sattler's layer
- Scalene muscles
- Scalene tubercle
- Scaphoid fossa
- Scaption
- Scapula
- Scapular line
- Scapulocoracoid
- Scapulohumeral muscles
- Scent gland
- Schaumann body
- Schiller
- Schlemm's canal
- Schmorl's nodes
- Schneiderian membrane
- Schultz's rule
- Schwalbe's line
- Sciatic nerve
- Sclera
- Scleral spur
- Sclereid
- Sclerite
- Sclerosing lymphangitis
- Sclerotium
- Scrotal septum
- Scrotum
- Sea buckthorn oil
- Sebaceous gland
- Sebileau's muscle
- Second metacarpal bone
- Second metatarsal bone
- Secondary palate development
- Secondary sex characteristic
- Secretagogue
- Secretomotor
- Segmental medullary artery
- Segmental stabilizers
- Selinexor
- Semicircular canals
- Semilunar hiatus
- Semimembranosus muscle
- Seminal tract
- Semispinalis muscles
- Semitendinosus muscle
- Senile plaques
- Sensory cortex
- Sensory decussation
- Sensory nervous system
- Septa of testis
- Septal nasal cartilage
- Septate junction
- Septum
- Septum intermedium
- Septum of the penis
- Septum primum
- Septum secundum
- Septum spurium
- Septum transversum
- Septum verum
- Sequestrum
- Serkal syndrome
- Seroma
- Serositis
- Serous demilune
- Serous gland
- Serous membrane
- Serpiginous choroiditis
- Serratus posterior inferior muscle
- Serratus posterior superior muscle
- Seven Countries Study
- Sex assignment
- Sex cords
- Sex differences in humans
- Sex organ
- Sex reversal
- Sex steroid
- Sexual dimorphism
- Sexual health clinic
- Sexual motivation and hormones
- Shorea
- Short bone
- Short ciliary nerves
- Short gastric arteries
- Short gastric veins
- Short posterior ciliary arteries
- Sialuria
- Sick cell syndrome
- Sickle cell disease
- Sigmoid arteries
- Sigmoid colon
- Sigmoid sulcus
- Sigmoidocele
- Signet ring cell
- Silent sinus syndrome
- Silver staining
- Sims' position
- Sinovaginal bulb
- Sinus of Morgagni
- Sinus tubercle
- Sinus venosus
- Sitting
- Skeletal muscle
- Skeleton
- Skene's gland
- Skew deviation
- Skin appendage
- Skin bridge
- Skin fold
- Skin sloughing
- Sleep disorder specialist
- Sloughing
- Small cardiac vein
- Small cleaved cells
- Small intestine
- Smooth muscle
- Soemmering ring
- Soft tissue
- Software
- Softwood
- Soleal line
- Solitary lymphatic nodule
- Solvent detergent plasma
- Somatic embryogenesis
- Somatomammotrophic cell
- Somatopleuric mesenchyme
- Somite
- Somitogenesis
- Somitomere
- Sonidegib
- Special visceral afferent fiber
- Special visceral efferent fibers
- Specific granule
- Specific leaf area
- Spectrin
- Speculum
- Sperm motility
- Spermalege
- Spermatic plexus
- Spermatid
- Sphenoethmoidal recess
- Sphenoethmoidal suture
- Sphenofrontal suture
- Sphenoid bone
- Sphenoid sinus
- Sphenoidal conchae
- Sphenoidal emissary foramen
- Sphenoidal lingula
- Sphenoidal process of palatine bone
- Sphenomandibularis
- Sphenopalatine artery
- Sphenopalatine foramen
- Sphenoparietal sinus
- Sphenoparietal suture
- Sphenopetrosal fissure
- Sphenosquamosal suture
- Sphenozygomatic suture
- Sphincter of Oddi
- Spina helicis
- Spina vestibuli
- Spinal interneuron
- Spinal neuron
- Spinal root of accessory nerve
- Spinal trigeminal nucleus
- Spinal veins
- Spinalis
- Spindle pole body
- Spine of scapula
- Spine of sphenoid bone
- Spinnbarkeit
- Spinocervical pathway
- Spinoreticular tract
- Spinotectal tract
- Spinothalamic tract
- Spiral
- Spiral artery
- Spiral ganglion
- Spiral ligament
- Spiral limbus
- Spiral valves of Heister
- Splanchnic
- Splanchnocranium
- Splanchnology
- Splanchnopleuric mesenchyme
- Spleen
- Spleen transplantation
- Splenial
- Splenic lymph nodes
- Splenic plexus
- Splenius capitis muscle
- Splenius cervicis muscle
- Splenius muscles
- Spliceosome
- Sponges
- Spongiocyte
- Spongy urethra
- Spontaneous conception
- Spooning
- Sporangium
- Spore print
- Sporocarp
- Sporophyll
- Spreadeagle
- Squamosal bone
- Squamosal suture
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Squamous cell skin cancer
- Squamous metaplasia
- Squamous part of occipital bone
- Squamous part of temporal bone
- Squamous part of the frontal bone
- Squatting position
- Srb's anomaly
- Staining
- Stamen
- Staminode
- Standard anatomical position
- Standing
- Starburst amacrine cell
- Stathmin
- Statocyst
- Steatosis
- Stellate veins
- Stellwag's sign
- Stenosis
- Stephanion
- Stercoral perforation
- Stereocilia
- Stereognosis
- Sternal plane
- Sternalis muscle
- Sternberg cell
- Sternoclavicular joint
- Sternocleidomastoid muscle
- Sternocostal joints
- Sternocostal triangle
- Sternohyoid muscle
- Sternopericardial ligaments
- Sternothyroid muscle
- Stifle joint
- Stigma
- Stinger
- Stippled epiphyses
- Stomach
- Stomatognathic system
- Stomochord
- Stomodeum
- Straight gyrus
- Straight sinus
- Strand
- Stratified columnar epithelium
- Stratified cuboidal epithelium
- Stratified squamous epithelium
- Stress shielding
- Stria vascularis of cochlear duct
- Stroma
- Stroma of cornea
- Stroma of iris
- Stroma of ovary
- Struthers' ligament
- Studies of the Fetus in the Womb
- Stylet
- Styloglossus
- Stylohyoid branch of facial nerve
- Stylohyoid ligament
- Stylohyoid muscle
- Stylomandibular ligament
- Stylomastoid artery
- Stylomastoid foramen
- Stylopharyngeus muscle
- Subarcuate fossa
- Subcallosal area
- Subcallosal gyrus
- Subclavian artery
- Subclavian groove
- Subclavian loop
- Subclavian lymph trunk
- Subclavian triangle
- Subclavius muscle
- Subcostal arteries
- Subcostal nerve
- Subcostal plane
- Subcostal vein
- Subcostalis muscle
- Subcutaneous tissue of penis
- Subcutaneous tissue of perineum
- Subdural space
- Suberin
- Subglottis
- Subinvolution
- Sublingual fovea
- Sublingual nucleus
- Sublingual papilla
- Sublingual space
- Sublingual vein
- Submandibular duct
- Submandibular fovea
- Submandibular lymph nodes
- Submandibular space
- Submandibular triangle
- Submasseteric space
- Submental artery
- Submental lymph nodes
- Submental space
- Submental triangle
- Submucosal glands
- Submucosal plexus
- Suboccipital muscles
- Suboccipital triangle
- Suboccipital venous plexus
- Subpulmonic effusion
- Subradular organ
- Subscapular aponeurosis
- Subscapular artery
- Subscapular axillary lymph nodes
- Subscapularis muscle
- Subserosa
- Substantia gelatinosa of Rolando
- Substantia innominata
- Subtalar joint
- Subthalamic fasciculus
- Succedaneous tooth
- Sucker
- Sudomotor
- Sugiura procedure
- Sulcular epithelium
- Sulcus
- Sulcus limitans
- Sulcus of auditory tube
- Sulcus spiralis externus
- Sulcus spiralis internus
- Sulcus subtarsalis
- Superficial branch of radial nerve
- Superficial branch of ulnar nerve
- Superficial cerebral veins
- Superficial cervical fascia
- Superficial cervical lymph nodes
- Superficial circumflex iliac artery
- Superficial epigastric artery
- Superficial epigastric vein
- Superficial palmar arch
- Superficial palmar venous arch
- Superficial parotid lymph nodes
- Superficial perineal pouch
- Superficial temporal artery
- Superficial temporal vein
- Superficial veins of the brain
- Superior anastomotic vein
- Superior auricular muscle
- Superior cardiac nerve
- Superior cerebellar artery
- Superior cerebellar peduncle
- Superior cerebral veins
- Superior cervical ganglion
- Superior cistern
- Superior costal facet
- Superior deep cervical lymph nodes
- Superior dental plexus
- Superior diaphragmatic lymph nodes
- Superior epigastric vein
- Superior frontal sulcus
- Superior genicular arteries
- Superior gluteal artery
- Superior gluteal nerve
- Superior gluteal veins
- Superior hypogastric plexus
- Superior hypophysial artery
- Superior intercostal vein
- Superior labial artery
- Superior labial nerve
- Superior laryngeal nerve
- Superior laryngeal vein
- Superior ligament of epididymis
- Superior medullary velum
- Superior mesenteric ganglion
- Superior mesenteric lymph nodes
- Superior mesenteric plexus
- Superior nasal concha
- Superior oblique muscle
- Superior olivary complex
- Superior ophthalmic vein
- Superior parietal lobule
- Superior phrenic arteries
- Superior phrenic vein
- Superior rectal artery
- Superior rectal plexus
- Superior rectal vein
- Superior rectus muscle
- Superior sagittal sinus
- Superior suprarenal artery
- Superior thalamic vein
- Superior thalamostriate vein
- Superior thoracic artery
- Superior thyroid artery
- Superior thyroid vein
- Superior tibiofibular joint
- Superior tympanic artery
- Superior ulnar collateral artery
- Superior vesical artery
- Superior vestibular nucleus
- Superman
- Supernumerary body part
- Supernumerary kidney
- Supernumerary nipple
- Supernumerary phantom limb
- Supinator muscle
- Supine position
- Suppression
- Suppurative granuloma
- Suprachoroid lamina
- Supraclavicular fossa
- Supraclavicular lymph nodes
- Supraclavicular nerves
- Supracristal plane
- Supraduodenal artery
- Supraglenoid tubercle
- Suprainiac fossa
- Supramammillary nucleus
- Suprameatal spine
- Suprameatal triangle
- Supraorbital artery
- Supraorbital foramen
- Supraorbital gland
- Supraorbital vein
- Suprapineal recess
- Suprapleural membrane
- Suprarenal plexus
- Suprarenal veins
- Suprascapular artery
- Suprascapular nerve
- Suprascapular notch
- Suprascapular vein
- Supraspinatous fossa
- Supraspinous fascia
- Supratentorial region
- Supratrochlear lymph nodes
- Supratrochlear nerve
- Supravaginal portion of cervix
- Supravalvular aortic stenosis
- Supravesical fossa
- Supreme intercostal vein
- Supreme nasal concha
- Sural arteries
- Sural nerve
- Surface anatomy
- Surface ectoderm
- Surfactant
- Surgeon
- Surgery
- Surgical neck of the humerus
- Surgical pathology
- Susan Mackem
- Suspensor
- Suspensory ligament
- Suspensory ligament of eyeball
- Suspensory ligament of ovary
- Suspensory ligament of penis
- Sustentacular cell
- Suture
- Swan neck deformity
- Sweat gland
- Sweet potato
- Swim bladder
- Sympathetic trunk
- Symphysis
- Symplast
- Synarthrosis
- Synchysis scintillans
- Syncytiotrophoblast
- Syncytium
- Syndesmotic screw
- Synechia
- Syngeneic stem cell transplantation
- Synovial bursa
- Synovial fluid
- Synovial membrane
- Synovial sac
- Synovial sheath
- Syringobulbia
- Systemic venous system
- T helper cell
- T tubule
- Tabes dorsalis
- Table of epithelia of human organs
- Table of muscles of the human body
- TachoSil
- Tactile pad
- Taenia of fourth ventricle
- Taenia thalami
- Tail of Spence
- Tailor's bunion
- Talairach coordinates
- Talocalcaneonavicular joint
- Talus bone
- Tannerella forsythia
- Tapari
- Tapetum
- Tapetum lucidum
- Tarsometatarsal joints
- Tarsus
- Tattoo
- Tauopathy
- Taylor
- Telecanthus
- Teleopsia
- Teliospore
- Temozolomide
- Temple
- Temporal bone
- Temporal fascia
- Temporal fossa
- Temporal styloid process
- Temporomandibular joint
- Temporomandibular ligament
- Temporoparietal junction
- Temporopontine fibers
- Tendinous arch of pelvic fascia
- Tendinous intersection
- Tendon
- Tendon sheath
- Tenon capsule
- Tenonitis
- Tenotomy
- Tensor fasciae latae muscle
- Tensor tympani muscle
- Tensor veli palatini muscle
- Tentacle
- Tentorial notch
- Tentorium
- Teratology
- Teratoma
- Teres major muscle
- Teres minor muscle
- Terminal bar
- Terminal cisternae
- Terminal end bud
- Terminal sulcus
- Terminal web
- Terminologia Anatomica
- Terminologia Embryologica
- Terminologia Histologica
- Terrien's marginal degeneration
- Terry Collection
- Terson syndrome
- Testicle
- Testicular artery
- Testicular immunology
- Testicular trauma
- Testicular vein
- Tetrapod
- Thalamogeniculate artery
- Thalidomide
- Thalidomide scandal
- Thallus
- The Anatomical Record
- The Giant Heart
- Theca externa
- Theca interna
- Theca of follicle
- Thelarche
- Thin segment of loop of Henle
- Third metacarpal bone
- Third metacarpal styloid process
- Third metatarsal bone
- Thomas Bartholin
- Thomas Henry Huxley
- Thoracic aortic plexus
- Thoracic diaphragm
- Thoracic ganglia
- Thoracic inlet
- Thoracic lymph nodes
- Thoracic vertebrae
- Thoracoacromial artery
- Thoracodorsal artery
- Thoracodorsal nerve
- Thoracoepigastric vein
- Thoracolumbar fascia
- Thorax
- Throat
- Thrombocytopenic purpura
- Thrombogenicity
- Thrombosis prevention
- Thrombotic microangiopathy
- Thylakoid
- Thymic veins
- Thymus
- Thymus transplantation
- Thyroarytenoid muscle
- Thyrocervical trunk
- Thyroepiglottic ligament
- Thyroepiglottic muscle
- Thyroglossal duct
- Thyrohyoid membrane
- Thyrohyoid muscle
- Thyroid
- Thyroid cartilage
- Thyroid diverticulum
- Thyroid gland
- Thyroid lymph nodes
- Tibialis anterior muscle
- Tibiotarsal joint
- Tight hymenal ring
- Tight junction
- Tiptoe
- Tissue
- Tissue culture
- Tobacco
- Toker cell
- Toldt's fascia
- Toluidine blue stain
- Tomentum
- Tongue
- Tonofibril
- Tonsil
- Tonsillar fossa
- Topfreedom
- Topfreedom in Canada
- Tophus
- Topographic map
- Topographical code
- Torus tubarius
- Toxic amblyopia
- Toxic granulation
- Toxic vacuolation
- Trabecula
- Trabeculae carneae
- Trabeculae of spleen
- Trabecular arteries
- Trabecular cartilage
- Trabecular meshwork
- Trabecular veins
- Trabeculoplasty
- Trachea
- Trachealis muscle
- Tracheid
- Tracheitis
- Tracheobronchial lymph nodes
- Tracheoesophageal septum
- Tracheoesophageal stripe
- Traditional serrated adenoma
- Tragicus
- Tragus
- Transcellular fluid
- Transcendental anatomy
- Transplant benefit
- Transport maximum
- Transpyloric plane
- Transudate
- Transversalis fascia
- Transverse abdominal muscle
- Transverse acetabular ligament
- Transverse cervical artery
- Transverse cervical nerve
- Transverse cervical veins
- Transverse colon
- Transverse costal facet
- Transverse facial artery
- Transverse folds of rectum
- Transverse humeral ligament
- Transverse metatarsal ligament
- Transverse muscle of auricle
- Transverse muscle of the chin
- Transverse muscle of tongue
- Transverse nasal crease
- Transverse occipital sulcus
- Transverse perineal muscles
- Transverse plane
- Transverse sinuses
- Transverse tarsal joint
- Transversospinales
- Transversus thoracis muscle
- Trapezius
- Trapezoid body
- Trapezoid bone
- Trapezoid ligament
- Trapezoid line
- Trendelenburg position
- Triangle of auscultation
- Triangles of the neck
- Triangular face
- Triangular fibrocartilage
- Triangular interval
- Triangular space
- Trichiasis
- Trifocal lenses
- Trigeminal cave
- Trigeminal ganglion
- Trigeminal motor nucleus
- Trigeminocerebellar fibers
- Trigone of urinary bladder
- Trigonitis
- Trilaminar blastocyst
- Trochanter
- Trochanteric anastomosis
- Trochlea of superior oblique
- Trochlear fovea
- Trochlear notch
- Trochlear nucleus
- Trotula
- True hermaphroditism
- Truncus arteriosus
- Trunk neural crest
- Tubal branch of uterine artery
- Tubal branches of ovarian artery
- Tubarial salivary gland
- Tube worm
- Tuber cinereum
- Tuber of vermis
- Tubercle
- Tuberculous lymphadenitis
- Tuberculum sellae
- Tuberosity of the ulna
- Tubular fluid
- Tubular gland
- Tubular heart
- Tubule
- Tubuli seminiferi recti
- Tubulin
- Tubulopathy
- Tuft cell
- Tufted cell
- Tulipwood
- Tumescence
- Tumor of the stomach
- Tunica albuginea
- Tunica albuginea of testis
- Tunica externa
- Tunica intima
- Tunica media
- Tunica vaginalis
- Tunica vasculosa lentis
- Tunica vasculosa testis
- Turner syndrome
- Tylosis
- Tympanic cavity
- Tympanic duct
- Tympanic nerve
- Tympanic part of the temporal bone
- Tympanic plexus
- Tympanum
- Typography
- Uberon
- Ulipristal acetate
- Ulnar artery
- Ulnar carpal collateral ligament
- Ulnar notch of the radius
- Ulnar styloid process
- Ulnar veins
- Ultimopharyngeal body
- Ultrasound biomicroscopy
- Ultrastructure
- Umbilical artery
- Umbilical cord
- Umbilical fascia
- Umbilical folds
- Umbilical region
- Umbilical vein
- Uncinate process of ethmoid bone
- Uncinate process of pancreas
- Underwood's septa
- Undulipodium
- Ungual
- Unicornuate uterus
- Universal veil
- Upper limb
- Urachal cyst
- Urachal fistula
- Urachus
- Urediniospore
- Ureter
- Ureteral branches of renal artery
- Ureteral neoplasm
- Ureteric bud
- Ureteric plexus
- Ureteritis
- Ureterovaginal fistula
- Urethra
- Urethral artery
- Urethral caruncle
- Urethral crest
- Urethral diverticulum
- Urethral foreign body
- Urethral gland
- Urethral hypermobility
- Urethral sphincters
- Urethrovaginal fistula
- Urinary bladder
- Urinary meatus
- Urinary system
- Urinary tract obstruction
- Urination
- Urine sodium
- Urinothorax
- Urogenital diaphragm
- Urogenital hiatus
- Urogenital neoplasm
- Urogenital opening
- Urogenital peritoneum
- Urogenital sinus
- Urogynecology
- Urorectal septum
- Urothelial papilloma
- Uterine artery
- Uterine artery embolization
- Uterine cavity
- Uterine contraction
- Uterine gland
- Uterine horns
- Uterine isthmus
- Uterine microbiome
- Uterine septum
- Uterine veins
- Uterine venous plexus
- Uterosacral ligament
- Uterotonic
- Uterotubal junction
- Uterovaginal plexus
- Uterus
- Uterus didelphys
- Uterus transplantation
- Utricle
- Utriculosaccular duct
- Uvula of cerebellum
- VA conduction
- Vacuolation
- Vacuole
- Vacutainer
- Vagal tone
- Vagal trigone
- Vagina
- Vaginal anomalies
- Vaginal artery
- Vaginal branches of uterine artery
- Vaginal contraction
- Vaginal cuff
- Vaginal cytology
- Vaginal dilator
- Vaginal disease
- Vaginal epithelium
- Vaginal fornix
- Vaginal lubrication
- Vaginal process
- Vaginal rugae
- Vaginal septum
- Vaginal support structures
- Vaginal transplantation
- Vaginal vault
- Vaginal venous plexus
- Vaginitis emphysematosa
- Vaginogram
- Vaginoplasty
- Vagotonia
- Vagus ganglion
- Vallecula
- Vallecula of cerebellum
- Valproate
- Valve of coronary sinus
- Valve of inferior vena cava
- Vanillin
- Varicocele
- Variegation
- Vasa recta
- Vascular bundle
- Vascular lacuna
- Vascular nerves
- Vascular organ of lamina terminalis
- Vascular remodelling in the embryo
- Vascular tissue
- Vascular tumor
- Vascularity
- Vasculogenesis
- Vasitis nodosa
- Vasomotion
- Vasomotor center
- Vastus intermedius muscle
- Vastus lateralis muscle
- Vastus medialis
- Vegetable
- Vegetation
- Vein of bulb of penis
- Vena comitans
- Venospasm
- Venous
- Venous angle
- Venous blood
- Venous hum
- Venous plexus
- Venous plexus of hypoglossal canal
- Ventral body cavity
- Ventral cochlear nucleus
- Ventral ramus of spinal nerve
- Ventral root of spinal nerve
- Ventral supraoptic decussation
- Ventricose
- Ventricular outflow tract
- Ventricular system
- Ventriculomegaly
- Ventrolateral medulla
- Vermiform
- Vertebra
- Vertebral foramen
- Vertebral vein
- Vertex
- Vertical dimension of occlusion
- Vertical muscle of tongue
- Vesical arteries
- Vesical nervous plexus
- Vesical veins
- Vesical venous plexus
- Vesicle
- Vesicointestinal fistula
- Vesicular appendages of epoophoron
- Vestibular adenitis
- Vestibular aqueduct
- Vestibular cortex
- Vestibular duct
- Vestibular fold
- Vestibular nerve
- Vestibular nuclei
- Vestibule of the ear
- Vestibulectomy
- Vestibulocerebellar tract
- Vibroacoustic disease
- Victor Negus
- Victoria
- Vimentin
- Vincula tendina
- Virilization
- Virtual Physiological Human
- Viscerocranium
- Visceroptosis
- Visible Human Project
- Vismodegib
- Visual prosthesis
- Visual system
- Visual word form area
- Vitelline arteries
- Vitelline circulation
- Vitelline duct
- Vitelline membrane
- Vitelline veins
- Vitreology
- Vitreous base
- Vitreous body
- Vitreous bulge
- Vitreous chamber
- Vitreous membrane
- Vitreous touch syndrome
- Vocal cords
- Vocal process
- Vocal tract
- Voice prosthesis
- Volkmann's canals
- Volutin granules
- Vomeronasal cartilage
- Vomiting
- Von Ebner's gland
- Von Graefe's sign
- Von Kossa stain
- Vorticose veins
- Vossius ring
- Vulval vestibule
- Vulvar disease
- Walthard cell rest
- Wandering womb
- Warfarin
- Webbed penis
- Weber's glands
- Wharton's jelly
- Whiskers
- White adipose tissue
- White blood cell
- White matter
- White pulp
- White ramus communicans
- White roll
- Widow's peak
- Wiggers diagram
- Wilbrand's knee
- Wildflower
- Wilfrid Le Gros Clark
- William Harvey
- Wing of ilium
- Wingspan
- Wisdom tooth
- Women's medicine in antiquity
- Woodworking
- Wunderlich syndrome
- XX male syndrome
- XY gonadal dysgenesis
- Xanthopsia
- Xenotransplantation
- Xiphisternal joint
- Y chromosome
- Yakovlevian torque
- Yolk sac
- Zahn infarct
- Zebrawood
- Zellballen
- Zenker's degeneration
- Zodiac Man
- Zona hatching
- Zona orbicularis
- Zone of polarizing activity
- Zonule of Zinn
- Zoologist
- Zoology
- Zoospore
- Zuckerkandl's tubercle
- Zygoma
- Zygomatic arch
- Zygomatic bone
- Zygomatic process
- Zygomaticofacial foramen
- Zygomaticofacial nerve
- Zygomaticofrontal suture
- Zygomaticotemporal nerve
- Zygomaticotemporal suture
- Zygomaticus minor muscle
- Zygospore
- ZygoteBody
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD